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Fantasy The Awakening reupload (always open)

Lilly looked around,the wave after the currently attacking was full of ice monsters,Lilly knew she could take ice monsters,or anything with fur. She grabbed the mechanical frying pan slung around her waist,detached it,and ran down to the first floor of the building she was hiding in.
Cinder wamdered through the deserted place hiding from the occasional monster but most of them were gone due to an alarm she had heard in the distance. Her sniper rifle was slung over her back and her pistol was in her hand. Both of them had been suppressed with silencers but it didn't really make the noise all that quieter. She wandered near to where she'd heard the alarm go off and took her sniper off her back and looked through the scope to get a better look.
At the sound of something landing behind him, Wrath twisted and threw his right arm out in a spinning backfist but stopped his first just short of accidentally hitting Wraith. His muscles tensed and he slowly let out a long breath as he felt his enhancing spells begin to expire. The burning sensation was beginning to wear off.

"You really should be more careful" Wrath scolded Grief, though truth be told she likely did shout out some kind of warning. Wrath tended to get very...involved... in his battles. He glanced at his injured arm and shrugged, it stung and he saw the teeth had dug deeper into his arm during the fighting but it was at a level of pain he could endure.

The last traces of his Oculus spell made him feel uneasy, like someone was watching him. He swept his gaze around the outlying areas and saw a glint of the last rays of sunlight that could have been glass. It seemed too small of an area to be a window. It could possibly be a scope. Wrath had to wonder if the person on the other side was a friendly or not.
"Are you seriously talking to me about being more careful, what clumsy idiot was the one who set off my ship anyway? How's that for careful." Corliss teased and lunged forward, plunging her dagger into another monster's head and twisting violently. "If you had known to not touch a EA-Starport in the first place then things would have been much nicer, then again, this fight is pretty fun." She smiled and barely dodged the snapping bloody maw of another monster.

"That one's for you." She leaned back, pulling away from the monster and Wrath even further, almost falling and turning over at the last second, and using a monster to pull herself up. This one was quicker, and dodged her attacks, carefully blocking it's neck and face.
She looked through the scope identifying a pretty nice ship being surrounded by monsters. She decided that she might aswell help out instead of watching. She fired a bullet into a monsters head watching it drop to the floor she fired another and picked some of the lurkers off. She giggled, it had been awhile since she'd had fun like this. She picked her sniper rifle up and walked closer to the ship, not sure if it was safe or dangerous, but she didn't really care all that much. She took her pistol out and removed the safety of it and fired a few bullets into a humanoid monster along with the others near it. She neared the ship still observing it, she hid from monsters eyes but could still be seen as the monsters wet wore focused on the ship.
Lilly charged into the middle of the oncoming wave,and twisted and turned some thing on the handle that caused an explosion of heat,she followed up that with bashing some monster's skulls in,the initial strike and the heat accompanying it sealed the target's fate.
"Women!" Wrath growled as Grief sent a particularly nasty monster his direction. He worked his arms in circles around him, slapping the monster's head from side to side as it came at him to avoid being bitten in half. Several shots sounded from the distance and a few more monsters fell down around the group. It seems that sniper was indeed a friendly. Wrath pivoted on his left leg, bringing his right fist up in a short uppercut to score a hit on the beast's throat to crush it's windpipe. It wheezed and retreated from this savage human, other two-legs had never put up such a fight before.

Wrath reached into his pouch and grabbed another one of his pellets, pressing a small indent on the side caused a small red light to slowly begin blinking. As the monster roared at him again, Wrath chucked the pellet down it's gullet. Wrath drove his shoulder into the monster and pressed for all he was worth, shoving it far from the group. A rapid beeping noise could be heard from inside the monster's gut. With another loud curse Wrath saw a metal plate - possibly an old steel door laying on the ground and stomped his foot on the edge bringing the plate up into the air between him and the monster just as it exploded in a gory fireball.

The metal door collided with Wrath and sent him flying back several meters. Worse yet the door had been pressed against his already injured arm, causing the wounds to bleed again.

"Women" Wrath grumbled again and did not know if he had the energy to get back up.
Clint had been slashing through the waves of monsters, ignoring all the other humans. He takes out his annoyance on them, angered by the new ignorant people. Wrath is okay, albeit a bit noisy, but the two new girls that had shown up seem to know nothing about living out here. He ends up near Wrath, offering the scavenger a gloved hand. "We'll need to give the new arrivals a talking-to after this."
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The hover-craft immediately flew higher the moment the speakers were destroyed. It flew away to the north, attracting a string of monsters to its sound before disappearing into the clouds.

"Trigger happy mercenaries . . ." Fenris muttered, a red digital ' . . .' appearing on his mask.
Lilly was thrashing about,hitting monster after monster in a fury.She had been scratched and bitten,but she was busy attacking the enemies.
"You guys are all amateurs." Corliss shouted glee fully. "Hey, one with the red coat, stand still just for a second." She ran at Clint, and launched herself off the ground using Clint as a springboard. In mid air she aimed her hand gun at a particularly big and nasty monster, that looked something like the cross between a troll and an alligator.

She landed and kicked her leg out at Wrath's feet. "Get down." She hissed.
Lilly realized what damage she had sustained. She released another heat explosion to try to escape,hitting the enemies in her way to get to a building. She got to a building and used a doorway to concentrate the flow of monsters.
Clint flicks Corliss as he runs by her. "He's already down, idiot." He slashes some more monsters down, then uses his second hand to pull the trigger on his sword's handle. He takes his other hand away from the handle and the sword blade goes onto it's side and opens, revealing the already-loaded cannon. He aims at a group of smaller monsters resembling children, children with long limbs and bloodied mouths. Clint pulls the trigger, firing into the center of them. The explosion sends the few survivors on the outer rim of the pack flying, the ones in the middle getting torn apart by the explosion and shrapnel.
"Just reminds me why I work alone" Wrath said as he took Clint's offered hand and stood up. He had been scavenging this area for days and had not run into even a quarter of the trouble that had followed these people here. What the hell was the border patrol doing that so many monsters were roaming this area? He saw a wisp of a woman with something that looked like.... a frying pan?... run into a narrow doorway in an attempt to bottleneck the monsters.

Wrath retraced his leg as Grief attempted to sweep his legs out from under him. Was she seriously trying to get him killed? Did she hold a grudge against him for some reason? As far as he could tell he had never met her before... maybe he had killed a merc friend of hers in one of the many, many scuffles Wrath had been involved in.

"Just, watch my back while i try to patch up my arm. I can't fight like this" Wrath asked Clint, bumping his fist against the man's shoulder.
Clint nods. "There wouldn't be so many monsters normally, it's the two girls that attracted them. The blonde one's cooking, and the pink one's general noisiness." He guards Wrath closely, cutting down anything coming near and blowing up anything else he has the time to kill. "If the border payrol's doing something odd, it has the be North America's."
Monster bodies piled up in the doorway and windows,Lilly knew she was safe for now.She unscrewed the handle on her frying pan and check on the heat container,which was almost empty. She switched the heat off and screwed the handle back on.

Lilly went up the stairs to look and see if any monsters were trying to get to her,she saw so much monsters she couldn't count,how much longer would she have to hold out? I was hard enough dealing with monsters without combat specialized armor,but in the condition she was in,a gigantic creature would end her.
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"The pink one? Very nicely done, you sure are a smooth talker alright." She said sarcastically. This was tiring, working along side this group, no one fought as a team, just doing what they pleased using who ever they pleased. "Thanks for the help." She tipped her head at all of them. "I'm no monster hunter, and this is getting boring. I think I'll take a break." She fake yawned and strolled to her ship, knocking on the side. "Alright, let me in Hadrian, I know you're awake." The ship's door stayed shut for a minute until Corliss kicked at the side. It creakily open, like someone sighing reluctantly. "Ciao ciao, sweethearts." She ducked into the ship which closed behind her. Crawling up into the cockpit she watched the others fight.
"You bitch!" Clint yells. He contemplates shooting the ship, but doesn't. Not yet. "Hey, wrath, we should send the monsters over there, eh?"
Wrath shut out the two arguing like some newlywed couple and crouched down behind some cover. From his little handy pouch he drew out something that looked like a green paste that let out an intense glow. He gripped the bag with his teeth and took a pair of vicious-looking metal prongs. He took a deep breath and worked the tool into the wounds, tearing the monster fangs out of his arm and tossing them angrily to the side.

Once they were removed he rubbed the ointment into the wound...This was the terrible part... this particular concoction promoted cellular regrowth via thermal induction. In more simple terms that Wrath knew that it burned like the fieriest pits of hell. Black smoke rose from the wounds as the green slime turned opaque, then to a dull tan, then to a skin tone as if one had a very serious sunburn.

It would still take awhile to fully recover the same natural look of the rest of his skin, but it got the job done by stopping the bleeding. He saw 'the pink one' enter her ship to hide out and felt the frustration begin anew. No way in hell was he going to let her walk out like that. He stepped up to the ship as well. It did have an AI, just like he thought.

"Hadrian" Wrath said in his sweetest tones, repeating the name he had heard Grief call the ship. "Would you please open up and let me beat some sense into the thick skull of the little miss inside?"
"She can't respond. Her disk isn't installed, she wouldn't betray me either. As much as we sass each other we're loyal down to the core." Hadrian's fans whirled and clicked, as if agreeing, but at the same time the sound system crackled, in displeasure. "Don't you dare open the doors Hadrian, remember he was trying to scavenger and steal you." Corliss warned.

"What are you doing here anyway, Wrath? Shouldn't you join your poor buddy over there with the cute gun?"

As she chattered away the door opened creakily, letting Wrath in.
Lilly was looking at the chaos,she thought to herself "Why are there so many monsters? They're acting like cannonfodder,they know they'll easily get demolished,even after seeing their allies get killed they charge ahead like rabid dogs! They must be very stupid or..." Lilly's sudden realization felt like a slap from heaven. "They're weakening us for some sort of leader!" Lilly knew it was a long shot,but it was something to place hope in as she looked for a way to Clint and Wrath.
Wrath let a rare smile crease his face and gave the camera a short bow as a show of thanks to Hadrian. He was starting to like this ship, he was glad he did not resort to more violent means to try and open the hatch. Even if he did not get to take this ship for his own at least he had a 'friend' onboard. He mad his way through the ship silently, a few glow panels flickered as if he was being guided to the helm of the ship. Soon he stood behind Grief.

He cracked his knuckles audibly as he stood right behind her hair "You were saying 'dear'?"
Clint sighs. This day just keeps getting better and better. Some idiot with a big ship is doing nothing, the girl who'd help attract the monsters is having odd thoughts, and the only other smart person is injured.
Lilly found an opening in the buildings that she could use to slowly make her way towards the others.She began jumping from building to building,looking at her surroundings with each leap.
Clint keeps cutting, cutting, cutting away at the seemingly endless horde of monsters. He cuts and shoots, cuts and shoots, cuts and shoots. Finally, there are only about twenty of the beasts left.

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