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Fantasy The Atlantic's Jaw

Mae was livid! "Captain! Turn back! SEBASTIAN FELL IN THE WATER! I SAW IT!" Tears mixed in with the salty rain water. "Please! Damn it, we have to go back!" She tried to take control of the ship herself. "If you don't, you'll be down two crew mates!" She started to strip down to her bare minimum, preparing to jump in the treacherous water herself. "I swear to the seas that I'll do it!"
The ship had calmed somewhat. Though the storm was still rocking it, many of the crewmen had settled down and were tending to wounds. And then like a bullet to the head it hit him. "Sebastian was on the other ship." He mumbled to himself as Mae started screaming at him. He than silently walked up to the girl and pointed furiously at her, " Would Sebastian want you to dive into the waters? Would he want another crewman to die!" As he yelled this a large sperm whale, most likely angered by the storm, bashed up against the boat creating a large gap in the wood.

The ship was now sinking.
Anna heard the commotion, and immediately her eyes snapped open and she stood up, ignoring the roaring pain in her chest. "SEBASTIAN!!" She screamed, and tore up to the main deck. She saw mae getting ready to jump. She began to cry silently. "Wait for me." She clenched her teeth in determination, all pain forgotten. "I'll jump with you." She turned to Mae. "Sebastian was the closest thing i've had to a brother in years. If you're going, I'm going too." She felt the ship jolt and tilt as the whale rammed into the side. She leaned over the railing. *god i hope he's not hurt* she thought, feeling sorry for the whale. "I'm willing to swim to him, wound or not, sinking ship or otherwise. I'm not letting him drown and die. I can swim pretty well." She was already feeling dizzy from standing with her injury, but she pushed it down.
"You're cut open, Anna. It'll attract sharks. You're not coming." Mae growled with finality. "I won't be responsible for anyone else dying when I could stop it." Now in just the equivalent of a two piece swimsuit, Mae plugged her nose and jumped in.
The boat buckled from the uneven pressure and started flipping.

Nick shot out a hand as Mae jumped in. "Damn" he thought as the middle mast of the ship broke off and crushed a few crewmen and nearly Nick himself.

This sudden shock in the wood and the tipping of the ship made Nick slip on the wood and fall into the water. He then swam to the surface to see the ship crashing down on it's side to create a large wave that sent him floating off in a different direction.

The enemy ship's mass had fallen on the ship and split it in half, essentially the same fate as the Gold Greed.

(How would you guys think if all of our characters were to black out, or something of the sorts and be washed up on the island I put in the ooc?)

Raxton jerked his body backward as the ship creaked, and a loud crashing and cracking sounded all around the two. Suddenly, Raxton knew exactly what was happening. The ship was sinking. He wasted no time in picking up the woman and running from the galley. There was no time to think anything through, so Raxton just did what his instinct told him to do-- he jumped. Raxton held the the woman tightly I'm his arms bridal style, jumping in to the freezing water.

He tensed when he made contact with it, trying his best not to submerge the woman completely. The icy water slid across his bare upper body, and his teeth chattered against each other, reminding him of how cold it must be for the woman. Paddling over to a floating piece of debris, Raxton put the unknown person on top, letting himself float by holding on to it. The feeling in his fingertips was already on its way out, and the world started zeroing in, going black all around.

"Hang in there," Raxton whispered to the girl, accidentally closing his eyes. All of a sudden, the world got smaller, darker, and a little bit fuzzy. Then, it disappeared from him completely.​
((Raxton got her @CrimsonEclipse, he had a whole long post about it, too.))

Anna was just about to argue that she was fine, and no thrice-be-damned sharks were going to stop her, when the ship lurched violently to the side. She was thrown off balance and fell into the ocean. Flailing, she hiet the water, and immediately her wound started to burn like hell. She cried out in agony, the pain enveloping her until it was all she knew. Slowly, her body started to shut down, and keeping her head above water became exceedingly difficult. Unconciousness beckoned her to it, sneaking out a tar like tendril. She let the blissful, welcome silence wash over her........

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Mae felt and heard the splash above her. Anna! Damn it, I thought I made myself clear! She swam up to grab her wounded friend. I'm sorry, Sebastian. She had no clue where the sea artist was, or if she'd ever hold him again. She had no clue where anyone was, actually. None other than the one that needed her most. With Anna wrapped up in her left arm, Mae used her right to swim like hell to the surface, praying to God that there were no sharks nearby. With a gasp of breathe, Mae shot back up, but the ship was already sinking. "NO!" She wailed, until she was pushed up by the very same whale that doomed her friends. It seemed to carry her, to try to help her. Mae never figured it out for certain, for she too blacked out, only to wake up with land in her sights. "Anna! Anna, wake up! Land!"
Anna moaned, sluggishly opening her eyes. "What?" She barely registered the voice. It was saying land! Her eyes shot open, her wound still burning, but she ignored it. "Land! Mae!" She began to swim, releasing herself from the grasp of the girl who saved her, making it easier for her. The whale puffed a plume of mist and air, spraying the girls with salt water. Maybe a "You're welcome" of some sort. Anna saw the beach, and she was getting closer and closer. She stopped swimming and let the waves and tide carry her to the shore. There was a reef close to the beach, and the fish scattered when she got closer to the shore. She crawled up onto the beach, laying down spread- eagled and breathing heavily.
Nick Started swimming to swaying palm trees that he saw in the distance. As he swam he looked back at the slowly sicking wreckage he thought if any of his other fellow crewmen had survived. He then looked at the slowly sinking enemy ship and he thought if Sebastian had lived. He then looked back at the island that he was closing in on. A large sperm whale was swimming around blowing water into the air. His feet then met with a sharp coral reef. Starting to walk Nick soon made it to the sandy beach of the island noting that Anna made it to the island, and Mae was nearby. At this relief he lied on his back not caring that the sand would stick to his wet jacket.
Avril was aware that someone was with her, helping her, but all she could manage was a gurgle. Everything was dark from that moment on until she hit the water and was jolted wide awake. She gasped and clung to whatever was holding her up her stormy eyes froze on a boy who looked to be younger than her. He pushed her up onto a floating piece of debris, whispering reassurances. But the water was cold and soon he blacked out. Panicking, Avril used what strength she had to heave him up beside her. In the distance but not at all that far away, she could make out the fuzzy outline of an island. She slithered backwards into the water and began to weakly kick the "raft" towards land. She hoped that the cloth around her wound stayed still. She was in no position to be fighting sharks.

With a splash that rang with finality, she heard the wood grate against the shore. She let go of the splintered wood and allowed herself to drift up onto the beach. At least she had gotten the kid to shore and could finally rest. For real this time, not solely pain induced unconsciousness.
Mae crawled off of the beast and swam as fast as she could toward the island. Once there, she heaved a great sigh of relief. But, that was short lived. Though the captain and most of the crew was safe, there was one person that wasn't accounted for. "YOU IDIOT!" She hollered out into the salty air. "You crazy, stupid, selfish, big headed, overly flirtatious imbecile!" With each adjective, Mae chucked a rock into the ocean, finding a whole new strength within her. Mae was cold, tired and hungry, but she ignored her own needs in her anger. "I HATE YOU!" Of course Sebastian wasn't selfish as far as saving the others went, but about saving himself. Finally exhausted, she dropped to her hands and knees, dampening the sand with her tears.
Everything was dark and cold. Sebastian was drifting in the ocean, his body tossed around by the roaring waves like a driftwood. He knew he was gonna die, that this is the end. Actually, it was not half as bad. Underwater, everything is peaceful, everything was calm. He would definitely have given up, if it wasn't for one thing. Mae. She made him promise that he would return, and he never breaks a promise. With every ounce of strength left in his body, he managed to get above the waves, gasping for air. There was absolutely no way he could survive this, but at least he could say he tried.

He tried to keep himself afloat, to not succumb to the watery grave the ocean offered him. All was lost, but it seems that fate had different plans for him. Out of nowhere, a great beast, a whale, surfaced and seemed to carry him ashore. "That was unusual." He thought, but he was too weak to complain. He just wanted to sleep, but he heard someone shouting, and it was strangely familiar. Against his aching body's wishes, he got up. Every muscle in his body was screaming in agony, be he managed to take a step towards the voice. He heard it clearly, and he saw her shouting at the ocean, or maybe at him.

"Really? You hate me? Well, might as well go back to drowning." Sebastian called out to her, a weak smile on his face. "I'm here. I told you I'd be here." Sebastian said, oblivious to everything. He forgot about the storm, about the ship, even about his own aching body. For now, it was just him and her. "I would not die before I get to say this, I love you."
Anna heard Mae shouting, and sat up, strong now that the trauma was over. The salt in the ocean had cleaned her wound, so it still stung but she was ok. She was about to say something comforting to Mae, when a familiar voice drifted to her ears, the same easygoing tone, slightly wearier, but alive. She saw and heard what Sebastian had told Mae, and a pang of jealousy hit her, but mostly she was happy for Mae, that she got her guy, and happy that Sebastian was alive. She just sat there, smiling, letting the two have their moment.
Mae barely noticed Sebastian coming toward her, but, when he did, she shot up. "I'm gonna kill you! I'm glad the water didn't kill you before I could get the chance!" She was full of mixed emotions, so mixed up, in fact, that she didn't remember that her shirt and pants were probably at the bottom of the ocean now. "I'm going to enjoy this!" Her boots were gone, as was her knife. "Gods, why!?" She could still use her bare hands. "I'm gonna make your life a living hell from this point onward." Mae gathered up speed, starting the chase. "You sick son of a *****!"
He was surprised, not expecting this. Okay, maybe he was expecting this, but not like this. She seemed, confused. She ran towards him, wearing nothing but her underwear, wielding nothing but her fists. She keeps on screaming she's gonna kill him, calling him names and cursing. He knew that he was suppose to be afraid, maybe even run from her, but he was not. He laughed. Of all things to do, he chose to laugh. Maybe he became insane as well, but he only felt joy when he saw Mae, even if she wanted to kill him. He ran towards her, wrapping his arms around her before she had a chance to react. "I know, you want to kill me. Don't worry, you'll have a chance later." He said. Not letting go of her.
Anna stifled a laugh at Mae's reaction, making a mental note. Seeing Sebastian hold her in his arms like that made her more jealous, a feeling she wasn't used to. She tried to let it go, but hearing Sebastian's voice full of love for the girl wasn't making this any easier. She lay back down on the sand, crying slightly, unnoticably, and silently. More than anything, she wished her brother was here. He'd hold her in his arms comfortingly, stroking her hair, and he would tell her that it's ok, that he'd protect her, he had her. Now he was gone.
After hearing the reunion of Mae and Sebastian Nick felt oddly frustrated. He got up brushing off the sand on has back and stormed over to the couple. "Is this truly a time of 'celebration'?" He asks sarcastically, "You know many of those sailors had wives and family they were planning to see when they got back, now many of them won't." After releasing his anger he looked at Sebastian, "Glad you're alive, that's one less death." He mumbles this as he walks away brushing past Anna.

He then announces, "We might be here a while!" He pauses clearing his throat of a small amount of salt water, "I suggest we look around the shore of this small island and look for any remaining supplies or survivors." At this he starts walking along the beach. He soon finds his rifle in the sand a pickis it up, still surveying the beach.
"You've got to be bloody well kidding me!" Mae broke loose of her lover's grip and stormed toward the 'captain.' "See here! I've been jumping up at your every command since the damnable brothel you found me in! It was your fault we crashed, your fault we left Sebastian, your idea to do that raid!" She stuck her finger in his face. "You may have been captain of that ship, but, here, you are no captain! You accuse me of being happy that Sebastian was actually alive, I was, but it wasn't a happy reunion! This is your fault!" Her knife had also somehow washed up. She picked it up, but wouldn't use it, especially not in her current state. "Damn you!" She stormed off. "You aren't half the captain your father was!"
Sebastian sighed, seeing Mae and the captain quarrel. He saw Mae storm off, going who knows where. Sebastian decided not to follow her, thinking she needs some time alone. He went over to the captain. "Captain, I know you only cared for those we lost, but there is no need to berate us for what we did. It was me really who initiated it. Mae merely reacted to it. Give her some time, she's just new to this." He gently said, patting the captain on the back. He walked away, but he turned towards the captain to say something. "None of it was your fault. No one, not even me, could have foreseen such things. Please don't blame yourself." He said, finally walking away.

He went over to Anna, whom he knew was injured. "Hey, are you feeling better?" He ask as he knelt beside her, smiling at her. He was really thankful that she survived, seeing her as a sister. "Thank you for protecting the powder monkeys. An d I'm also sorry. Because of that, you nearly got yourself killed." He said to her, still not able to forgive himself for putting, not only her, but everyone in danger. He saw tears in her eyes, not tears of joy but one of sorrow and pain. "What is the matter? Is anything bothering you?" He asks, wiping her tears away.

(@Juli Zakstyre, here's your order of one attention from a certain near-dead boy.)
Nick turned to the Cabin Girl about to slap her, but he subsided when the sea artist said that he mustn't blame himself for the events that had happened. He watched him walk away as he started strolling back down the shore. He started collecting fairly long pieces of wood from the wreck. "I guess I best get to work..." He mumbled to himself as he went more further onto land and started setting the planks down in a pile. He repeated this many times until he got a fairly large pile. He then got the four largest and tallest pieces of wood and set them up in four corners, planning the construction of a 1-2 man hut.
(Hee hee. I was kidding, but thanks))

"I just.... I just miss my brother." She said in a shaky voice, smiling at sebastian. "I would have died for any of you. All of you. It wasn't that hard when my crew is like my family. There's no need to apologize."

Walking out of the bushes, wet and tangled with leaves, was a tall, red haired man, almost in his thirties, rubbing the back of his neck. "Bloody 'ell, that was a rough wreck." He said, staring at the bunch. "I thought I was-" he stopped short, staring wide-eyed at Sebastian and Anna. "A-anna? Could it be... little Anna?" He walked closer, stopping short when anna gasped. "Jackson?....... what.....?" He gasped and smiled wide. "Anna?"

"JACKSON!!!" Anna got up and scrambled to her long-lost brother. "OH MY GOD JACKSON ITS YOU!!!" She tackle-hugged him, ignoring the pain in her stomach, and held him tight. He held her right back, closing his eyes and resting his chin on the top of her head. "Oh my god... Anns
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