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Fantasy The Atlantic's Jaw

Mae stood there for a few seconds. What if Sebastian died doing this? Thinking this way was making her feel sudden indescribable urges, but she pushed them aside and obeyed the other with a nod. "Aye, Sebastian!" Pushing the slaves forward, she led them to the boarding plank, silently praying as she crossed it behind a group of captives. "Get below!" She barked at them while going after the next group of slaves being freed by her friend.

Raxton doubled over as Anna pushed him, his head hitting the floor. A quick black out, maybe of thirty seconds, came over Raxton. He gasped for breath, but couldn't speak as he watched the whole event happen. There was yelling and screaming, tugging and blood. Raxton was pulled by Hana to the plank, him showing no resistance or signs of emotions. Sebastion came running back, Anna in his arms. Once he placed the barely contious woman in the arms of the teenagers, Raxton finally got a grip on himself.

"Miss Dulluhan, we have to take care of her." He said, taking full responsibility for Anna's weight now. He rushed through all of the crew from both ships, struggling to get to their own ship.

When Raxton finally got to the plank, he walked over steadily, making sure he or Anna wouldn't fall. Once he got to the other side, Raxton hurried around, trying to find a good spot Anna would be safe in. Deciding on a little space under a sort of ledge, Raxton placed Anna underneath, noting it was safe from the down pouring. Watching the pale complexion of her face next to the dark wood of the ship, Raxton quickly got to work in taking the torso of his already ripped shirt and wringing the water from it. It was only slightly damp, so it would have to do. The rain relentlessly trickled next to the pair, but they stayed shielded under the ledge. Raxton unbuttoned the last couple of buttons on Anna's shirt, and rolled it just past the bottom of her rib cage. He took his ripped shirt and placed it under Anna's back, then wrapped it around her sides, making sure The majority of the linen was over the wound. Raxton tied the knot on the right side of Anna's torso, leaving her shirt rolled up so it wouldn't touch anymore blood.

Sighing, Raxton stood up and wiped his arm across his lip, a tiny bit of blood becoming visible on his arm.

"Miss Anna, if you can hear me, I want you to listen carefully. I'm going to find Miss Dulluhan, and when I return, you'll be here just how left you. I definitely don't care about any promises you've made about safety toward me or Hana, or any morals you may have either. What I want you to do now is wait for me to return, and not mess up your injury anymore than necessary. Okay?" Raxton said calmly as he surveyed the ship that was now getting crowded with crew. He wasn't even sure of Anna could hear him, but he just hoped she did. Without waiting for a response, Raxton darted in to the crowd without a word.

"Miss Dulluhan! Hana!" He shouted, hoping he would find his partner.​
Vaugely, deep in the welcome unconcious of her mind, Anna heard a muffled voice, and felt a gentle pressure on her ribcage. The voice told her to... wait for it.. while it went to get... Hana?! Anna pulled herself out of unconciousness, though it clung to her like tar. Hana. She was aware that the voice she heard was Raxton's. He was going to get Hana. Raxton was going to die if she didn't help him! As anna struggled to wake up, the pain of her wound came thundering back, like a rhino hit her in the lungs. She struggled to get up, but the pain was unbearable, and she flopped down onto the deck. Tears streamed down her face as she realized her promise was broken.
"Sebastian, in case you're too thick to understand this, I'm not leaving without you." The rain had plastered her hair to her face. "You have to get yourself safe!" She pulled her knife from her boot and was now cutting the ropes that held the slaves. "Do that, or, if you live, I'll probably kill you for scaring me like this!" Once the last captive was freed, she grasped Sebastian's hand and pulled him toward their own ship, dodging opponents that could still move. At last, she did something that she'd wanted to do for a long time.

She kissed him.
Hana had been lost in the crowds; her size made weaving between bodies easier, but following specific people without a physical link was considerably harder. With the wind picking up, the slavers' ship rocked terribly, and she had trouble keeping her balance. She was lucky she hadn't been trampled underfoot, honestly.

When she finally made it on the plank that bridged the ships, Hana had to hold her arms out horizontally to keep her balance. The board was wide enough that she shouldn't have had any trouble crossing, and that she needed help embarrassed her, but she would much rather look like a fool for a few moments than fall into the ocean during a storm.

She sat on the railing of The Gold Greed when she reached it and gingerly lowered herself down. Now that the adrenaline was waning, she'd begun to really feel her injuries. With a shaky breath, Hana clutched at a particularly deep cut on her upper arm to slow the bleeding and looked around for Anna and Raxton.

Had he found the medic? Was Anna okay? Would she live? What if she was already dead?

Questions raced through Hana's mind as she searched the deck for her comrades. They'd made it back- she knew that for sure.

"Raxton? Anna?!" she called, cupping both hands around her mouth and smearing her own blood on her cheek in the process. It was really starting to pour now, and she couldn't see or even really hear much through the rain and general, excited buzz of the crew.
(I hope no one dies. :cry: )

Sebastian was about to scold Mae, about to call her stubborn and hard headed. He might even had forced her back on the ship, but he never got a chance. Suddenly, Mae kissed him. Sebastian stiffened, surprised. It is not the first time he had kissed a woman before, but something felt different with her. He felt warm and fuzzy all over, all snug and comfortable. He kissed back, wanting this moment to last forever. But the storm would not allow it. The waves grew bigger, the winds blew harder. The ships rocked violently, threatening to throw off balance everyone caught unprepared. He reluctantly pulled away. "We'll talk about this later. For now, find Anna and the two powder monkeys. Make sure they get back safely, alright?" He said, kissing the tip of her nose. "Don't worry, I won't be long. You won't lose me." He said, running back under the deck. He had to make sure no slaves were left behind.
Anna heard a voice calling her name. Tears still streaming down her face, she looked around. "Hana!" She called out, or tried to. It came out sort of a hoarse yell. She coughed up some blood onto the deck and winced at the sight of it. Propping herself up on her elbow, She narrowed her eyes in determination, gathering all her strength to shout out this one word. "HANA!" This time, her voice was as clear as a bell. She spotted the girl clutching her arm, looking around frantically. Anna moaned in pain, and collapsed, breathing heavily. 
((me too.)
Ms. Mainsail stood there. "I will find the others, but I won't let this die. We will talk about this." Finding Anna, Raxton and Hana wasn't too much of a challenge. Mae had spotted them not very far away. Hurrying over, she grabbed Anna, holding her close. "Guys, come on! Sebastian told me to get all three of you out of here. We have to get below deck on our own ship." Mae took charge immediately, pushing them toward safety, but still looking over her shoulder for Sebastian. "Sebastian, hurry up! I'm not going anywhere without you!"
"Mae.. you cant" -wheeze- "leave him there!" Anna managed to cough out weakly. "He'll ... die!" It was very hard to keep concious, but she had a promise to keep. They had nicknamed her "Golden Heart" for a reason. Her loyalty and duty to what was right made her will as strong as iron, sharp as a knife, and as unwavering as the sun. She would look after the powder monkeys if it killed her.... which it just might.

Raxton stumbled as Mae pushed him and Hana forward, and whirled around to face Mae. "Listen to me wen I say this Miss... Mainsail, was it? Yes, Miss Mainsail. I speak for Sir Tempest when I say this. Anna is greatly wounded, and she's losing a lot of blood. What Sir Tempest decides to do is his decision, and we should all respect it. He's trained, he knows what he's doing, but Miss Anna will die if we don't stop the bleeding. I'm going to go find medical supplies, and if you agree with what I'm saying, I'll come find you in a safe place on the ship," Raxton said with a heavy breath. Without waiting for any sort of response, Raxton bolted, trying to find anything that might be useful. Opening a door, he let himself in to what he assumed was the galley.

"There might be something around here,"
Raxton said to himself as he shuffled around the room. He walked past the pots and pans and nearly fell on his behind as he saw a woman, drenched in blood, who was wet and crumpled on the floor. He rushed over to her, not sure if she was conscious or not. She was surrounded by a pool of blood, so there was no way she could afford to lose anymore.

"Okay, Miss, I'm here to help you," Raxton said, rolling up her shirt right to the top of her rib cage. He grimaced at the gaping wound, sure it had punctured her stomach. He lifted up her up to her side and saw that whatever had stabbed her, had actually impaled her instead. "Shit," Raxton said under his breath, carefully picking up the woman and moving her to a more sanitary place. Gently placing her down on a dry area of the floor, Raxton got up and rummaged around drawers and cabinets to find something that could help stop the bleeding. After finding a small trunk that contained some bandages and anti-septic in a little space on the floor, Raxton quickly got to work in dabbing both sides of the wound with a safe cleaning solution. He then began wrapping her whole torso with the bandages, making sure it was comfortably tight.

"We'll get you professional medical attention when we can, but right now this will have to be it," Raxton said, sighing. This all seemed like Déjà vu to what he had just done with Anna.​
Nick stepped back as the young powder monkey ran through the door that he was just about to enter. He then looked at the blood trail then to the door. "Could have just have been his blood..." He said to himself as he looked to the sky. It was pouring, thankfully his coat kept him dry from the on-pour. "Damn, it was going so smoothly."

He then snapped back into action and ran to where the anchor was. It seems as if the chains had been lifted by some unknown source. Now the only thing keeping there ship and the enemy's ship in stable connection was the enemy's anchor. Meaning we were now our own ship.

With most of the Gold Greed's crewmen on the ship the captain loosened the sails himself. The ship was now drifting towards an uknown destination as it was rocked by the waters. The enemy ship could be seen in the distance, lighting struck it's tallest mast catching it up in flames.
((Oh, It's okay! I was wondering like "Hmm is there something wrong with my character?" ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ))
Sebastian was under the deck, looking for the remaining slaves. Thankfully, all of them had been freed. He sighed in relief, thankful that he'd manage to save them. But Anna, and possibly Avril, were still in danger and he have to help them, not to mention Mae. He still has a promise to keep. He ran back to the deck, only to find their ship drifting away. To make matters worse, lightning struck the mainsail, setting the ship he is on on fire. Sebastian was about to jump over the guard rail, when he felt something slam against his skull, making him lose his grip on the rail and toppling over the edge. As he fell down, slowly losing consciousness, he had one last thought. "I'm sorry Mae." Then everything went black as he become unconscious. His body hit the sea, floating like a piece of driftwood, barely alive.

(Will he die or not?)

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