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Fantasy The Atlantic's Jaw

Hana bit her lip, a distressed hum bubbling from her throat. She was embarrassed and flustered and she really, really didn't think sending an inexperienced, injured teenager on a raid was the best idea, even if the cut wasn't the most serious in the world. She took Raxton's sleeve from him, glad to see something she wasn't completely helpless at, and tied it around his hand quickly.

"Is this- is it too tight? Or not tight enough?" she fretted.

Raxton sighed, utterly annoyed at himself. "You're seriously so hopeless you can barely take care of your own wound? You have a poor girl waiting on your useless ass as a raid is about to begin. Get your shit together, you bloody pansy!" Raxton mentally yelled at himself.

"Thank you, it's just right. But Miss Dulluhan, you need to take care of yourself. You can't wait hand and foot on me or else you'll get yourself killed. I can fight quite well, or I'm at least somewhat experienced. Just, take care of yourself and block out my useless bullshit," Raxton said, referring to some of the more flirtatious remarks he had made today. It was the first time Raxton had met a girl that could put up with him, so he wanted to befriend her the best he could.​
Hana smiled halfheartedly at Raxton as she tied her hair in a bun atop her head. She hadn't really thought he'd been serious- or, well, not too serious, but hearing him refer to it as bullshit still stung a bit. She tried not to take it personally.

"We should, um... we should get to the starboard deck," she said softly. Hana was still worried, and now that he'd convinced her he could take care of himself (though, he'd still never seen a raid, she was sure) she was able to focus on her own sense of impending doom. She tried to breathe deeply, in and out, as they met with the rest of the boarding party.

It'll be okay, she assured herself, they're not expecting it and we have some strong people on this crew...

Her hands found their way to her rifle strap again, and she gripped it tightly in both fists.

Raxton frowned a bit, sensing some uncertainty. He knew Hana was quiet, but she seemed a different kind of quiet. As they walked, Raxton felt some sort of frustration in his mind. "You big idiot, you made her quiet! You did something, that's for bloody sure, and it's not just the raid!" Raxton sighed and hit the heel of his hand against his forehead.

"Uh, thank you again Miss Dulluhan. I'm not quite sure what I'm expecting here, but based on what I've seen today I'm sure you'll be okay. And who knows, I can always help you out if your in a mess. I'm not that useless," Raxton chuckled as he scratched the back of his head. His body continued to bask in the sunlight, a pleasant feeling he found. Raxton's non-wounded hand snaked it's way to Hana's fist that was clamped around her rifle strap, and he grabbed her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Ignorance is bliss" Raxton whispered as he closed his eyes to the beating sun.​
Hana smiled shyly at her fellow powder monkey, but her thoughts were on all of the raids she'd been in before. She'd lost friends, and mentors, and people she'd been close enough to to call family. Granted, many of them had been younger than Raxton, but they'd been experienced. They'd known how to use a gun and where to stab and how to use their small sizes against larger opponents. Hana hadn't had any time to suss out Raxton's expertise. Her only comfort was that Captain Veal wouldn't have recruited anyone who didn't know how to fight.


She took a deep, steadying breath. "You should look after yourself. We're supposed to avoid bloodshed, but... if it comes to that, you need to not- to not think about it. It's you or them, and everyone on this ship would rather it be them that, um, goes down."
He sighed, knowing this is far from over. He knows that she didn't answer the question, but Sebastian didn't want to piss her off anymore. When he heard her make a joke, he forced a smile, hoping it was genuine enough. "Why am I such a moron?!" He thought to himself, wanting to slap his own face. "Okay, I'll see you around. Hope you forgive me." He said, giving her a sad smile and walks away.
Avril watched the entire exchange between Sebastian and Mae, who's name she'd only recently learned, and chuckled a bit as she stood, arms crossed and observing. They were like an old married couple. A violent and turbulent old married couple but one all the same. Or perhaps they were more like a pair of hormonal teenagers..... Her long blonde bangs fell into her eyes as she bent her head forward to tie her hair back. When she looked up again, she noticed they were rather close to the enemy ship and decided to retreat to the kitchens. She passed the sea artist on the way there and figured she'd take a jab at him because it was oh so easy. "If ye need somethin' to do while yer sortin' out yer screwup, ye flirtatious scallywag, ye could come down to me galley and help out." She snickered as she walked away but she was silently rooting for him. Young love was just too adorable, even if the couple was close to her own age.
He sighed, hearing the cook's jab at him. But of course, as always, she's right. It is his fault, being too flirty with any girl he met. But Mae is a different case. He actually wants to get to know her, to be her friend, and maybe something more than that. He smiled at the cook, knowing she's just lightening up the mood. "Sure, I'll help you in the galley. I don't think the captain would like to see me yet anyway." He said, rolling up his sleeves as he followed Mae. "And besides, I gotta do something, anything actually, to clear up my mind."

Raxton nodded his head, understanding the concept of what this could boil down to. Sometimes you needed to know where to draw the line between your safety, and whatever else may happen. He wasn't exactly inexperienced-- he had started town large fights for fun as a boy, and he had handled himself just fine. Raxton certainly knew how to throw a punch in his defense, and he wasn't too shabby. Even better with his sword, but the whole concept of 'non-bloodshed' was somewhere in the equation too.

"I will, I promise. I grew up fighting my dear, there's nothing in this raid that'll kill me. I refuse to die-- well at least not yet." Raxton said, giving Hana another squeeze, then letting his hand fall. He always faced the inevitability of death head on, and he certainly wasn't afraid. But dying so soon? Raxton refused. Especially after he had gotten this opportunity as a "pirate"-- well powder monkey.​
Mae watched them go, secretly hoping that he would slip. It truly was a sort of brother/sister or love/hate relationship...for now. A part of her was hoping that he'd never change and another was hoping that he'd actually get his chance at a raid some day. He was a fighter, Mae knew. "Good, I'm done with the lower deck." She was cautious around the captain, the man that helped her and ultimately chastised her for the transgression with Sebastian. "Excuse me, sir." She walked behind him to get to the upper deck, where she continued to mop. "I sure hope he knows what he's doing." She muttered to herself. Mainsail spotted the ship and a cold shiver trickled down her spine.
As the ship got closer, Anna got more anxious about the raid and howshe would keep the two powder monkeys safe. What if I let Them die? What if I die and then THEY die? Oooh. What If they get mortally wounded and then die with Sebastian watching? He'll never speak to me again! He'll kill me. And the Captain would send me home. I can't go home yet! She hid her anxieties with a smile as the ship approached. It certainly looked sturdy, like most merchant vessels. As little bloodshed as possible. Maybe kill the captors, free the slaves.
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"And, yes, I forgive you, Sebastian." Mae whispered to herself as she finished mopping, still nervous about the raid and whether the others would come back safely. "No, stop." Mainsail shook her head, causing her bun to droop even further. "Never again." She told herself. "That's why I came here. That's why I accepted the job." Still, her mind drifted to the sea artist. "He's just like the others. He's rude and conceited and just...rrr!" She gave up on her rant. "I'll avoid him."
He went below the deck, following the cook to the galley. It was awfully dark below the deck but, having spent most of his life on a ship, his eyes quickly got used to the poorly lighted place. "What do you need help with?" He ask as he went to a stack of dirty cauldrons, platters, and other utensils. Not even waiting for the cook to reply, he immediately started cleaning them, scrubbing the grime off them. While working, he began musing about the events that transpired awhile ago. What really bothered him the most is Mae, but for a different reason. Sebastian feels like he's starting to have feelings for her, not infatuation or lust, but something more than that, something more than the primal hunger for flesh. What is it about her? She's beautiful, but there are more who's even beautiful than her. He's never been this confused in his life. He decided to talk again with Mae later, hopefully she won't attack him on sight.
The target ship was coming closer and closer into view until you could see the other crewmen aboard the ship. Nick starts yelling out commands so that the anchor would drop, sails would be lifted, and boarding tools would be used.

The target ship almost shocked just watched in awe as the frigate had boarded against it's port bow.

Random crewmen had placed wooden boards and ropes in-between the ships as to allow easier access to the target ship. More random crewman had grabbed miscellaneous blunt weapons like ladles, wood boards, and so on, and were swinging and boarding the target ship in a great haste.

As all of this was going down Captain Veal smiled in the success of the beginning of the raid. He then grabbed his prototype rifle and positioned it on the railing of the ship so that it was facing the target ship. He then scanned the are throw the "iron sights" looking for the captain. As he does this he yells, "You powder Monkey's best join your highly enthusiastic crew members!"

At this time the target ship's crewmen had drawn there weapons and were in a locked battle in-between our crewmen. A few of the enemy's had been knocked out and so far no casualties except for the loss of an ear, but it didn't matter as of now.
"Aye, Captain," Hana replied much too loudly, saluting Captain Veal before vaulting over the side of the ship and landing on one of the boards that had been balanced between their ships. It wobbled underfoot, and she had to windmill her arms to keep her balance, but she made it across without further incident.

As the fighting raged around her, Hana did her best to keep focused. She retrieved her dagger from its scabbard on her thigh, and though she hoped she wouldn't have to use it, she wasn't very optimistic. She tried to sneak by the larger brawls, intent on making it to the lowest deck unnoticed. That would be where they kept the slaves, Hana was sure.

The few men she did come across underestimated her because of her small stature, and she was able to kick their legs out from under them and slam the butt of her rifle into the backs of their heads with practiced ease. No bloodshed, but they were still out of the way for now. She sustained a few minor cuts, but they could be looked after later, and she didn't feel them anyway with the amount of adrenaline pumping through her. She was truly in her element.
Anna Grinned and charged onto the target ship. She kept her eye on Hana and Raxton as she swung her fist (unarmed) left and right, nose, jaw, stomach, KICK TO THE GROIN! The man collapsed, whimpering. He cursed at her and she kicked him in the back of the head. "Same to you." She growled. Another enemy crew member approached Hana from behind. "Oh no you don't." She grabbed his shoulder and punched him in the arm. He looked at her incredulously and punched her in the nose. Lights danced in her eyes and she could feel blood trickling down her nose, but she took her dagger hand and punched him in the stomach. Blood spattered his shirt and he doubled over. it was a minor cut, barely in an inch, but the stomach was the best spot for that. She whirled him around and punched him in the back of the head, and he collapsed too. She followed Hana, knocking out the enemy members who tried to approach her. I have your back Hana. 
((Thank you tinymush!))
Avril almost laughed aloud as Sebastian started doing the dishes. Usually when she asked someone to help out, they either rejected her or stood stock still under she ordered them around. Contrary to her upbringing she preferred solitude when cooking but on occasion, she liked company. Also someone to tease. "So," she started and she sliced up a couple of limes, "this..Mae? Is she more special than all your other lady friends?" Keeping the taunting tone restrained was quite the task and she sliced her finger. "Salope! ça me fait chier!" She hissed in French and dropped the knife to nurse her finger.

Raxton sighed and made his way to the target ship slowly, deciding he would only work in self defense. A few crew members spotted him, and all charged his way, probably aiming to tackle him. "Knees, throat, and eyes," Raxton said aloud, crouching and tackling one of the men to the ground, then punching his cheek while he lay defenseless. Raxton got up and kicked one of the other men in the knees, causing him to buckle under the pressure and fall. Raxton ran after that, saving his energy for whatever may be next. He dodged attacks and ducked, until one burly man in particular decided to start something with Raxton. A punch to the stomach, and another to the face for Raxton until he was down on the ground, coughing and spitting out blood.

"Jesus Christ," Raxton said, slowly standing up and wiping the blood off his busted lip. The young boy stiffened as the burly man got closer, but only to charage in to him, grabbing his throat and kicking in his knees. The man was so big he could barely stand up, and Raxton took that as his cue to leave. Blood pooled in his mouth as he ran, only to spit it out on the ground every once in a while. He continued jogging until he saw two people who he knew.

"Miss Anna! Miss Ha-- erm... Miss Dulluhan!" Raxton called out, wiping his mouth on his sleeve.​
Sebastian smiled as he wash the dishes, happy to be doing something productive. Well, being a Sea Captain is still productive, but the captain calls all the shots, the Sea Artist is only there to guide him. Sebastian blush as he heard Avril's question. Truth be told, he himself is not sure what Mae is to him. He was about to answer when he heard Avril cursing in another language, probably french. "Easy now. We don't want our cook losing her fingers." He said, smiling at her.
(Whoa...not getting any notifications again. I'm guessing the raid happened already? Anyone have time to update me on this so I can jump in? >.<)
(Well, me and Mae had a fight, accidentally bumping the captain and rocking the ship. The raid already started, as far as I know, only Anna and the two powder monkeys are involved. Sebastian is in the galley with the cook.)
(I see...I guess I have to post something random again. xD Thanks for the update!)

Hotaru gazed at the sea, wondering what she could do. She felt somewhat useless at the moment, but she knew that her time would come after the raid. She sighed, leaning against the edge of the ship and looking as far as she could. She pulled down her hood and moved to sit, her legs a bit tired from standing. She closed her eyes and listened to the sounds around her.

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