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Fantasy The Atlantic's Jaw

"... And it's time for us to leave her!" The shanty then ended, many of the crew members went back to there simple deeds and such. "Tis' up to the quartermaster, the gunners will be boarding if they wish, I believe that I might join the party as well." He says a bit jokingly, but then realizes that it wouldn't be best for him to leave, "last one was a joke, just to let you know."

Nick grabs his spyglass from within his jacket and peers ahead. "I see her. We will we boarding soon, raiding party should prepare." He yells this command and goes back to steering the large vessel. "Hoist the British flag, as to disguise us temporarily!"
Anna heard the cry and inwardly pumped her fist. "Well, here we go!" she grinned and grabbed her dagger. She snuck it in between her first and middle finger. She had some punch in her, and her favorite move (yes, she had one) was the shark tooth punch. You stuck your dagger in between your fingers and made a fist, point of the dagger out. You then punched and boom, shark tooth punch. "Alright kiddies, playtime's over." She growled under her breath, a malicious gleam in her eye. She strode up to the deck and raised her fist, (non dagger). Her punch was secret, and she had come up with it herself, so she was pretty sure no one knew how to block/use it.
Mae sighs. "I guess I'm not going. Who else will keep this place clean?" Such is the life of a cabin girl. Obeying orders and taking names when she needs to. "Maybe I could sneak on board." She considered this out loud, a smile on her face. "Yeah, I'll sneak on. They'll need my help." She blew on the blade of her knife and laughed out loud.
Avril paced around below deck in the kitchen, growling under her breath. She had boarded the ship days before the younger swabby's (new recruits) and just when they had arrived, the captain ordered a raid. "Crazy fool. I swear to ye, if me pots and pans get damaged there'll be hell to pay." She hacked a snot loaded projectile into the corner of the room and finally planted her restless feet. She slammed her calloused hands onto the handles of a pair of ladles and swung around, stalking menacingly towards the ladder to the upper deck.

She stepped up into the light and lifted an arm to shelter her eyes, her frown deepening. Her stormy eyes scanned the decks for the Captain and also the newer crewmates. They all looked pretty young to her, well the ones she could at the least, she knew that she wasn't looking at all of them. Avril spotted the masked man and stomped over in front of the wheel, blocking the view of the enemy ship. "I just wanted to let ye know, that 'cause of yer crazy idear to raid with kiddies, that ye will be receiving only half of yer regular meal portion. Get me?" She pointed the ladle at him as she circled back around and stood back to watch. The raid seemed interesting, even if she didn't quite approve.
Nick backed up slightly when the cook pushed the ladle in front of him, "I get ye'." He pushed the ladle aside and clasped both of his hands back on the large wheel. "How about we all just sing another shanty to left eryone's spirits!" He clears his throat as he sings another one of his favored shanties. "Come all you young sailor men, listen to me! I sing ye' a song of the fish in the sea. Oh, It's windy weather, boy, stormy..." He continues the shanty hoping again that people would join along.
The Sea Artist shakes his head, amused at the captain. "Excellent choice of shanty. Let's just hope that the weather won't get insulted." He said, grinning at the captain. "I see that you're our cook. My name is Sebastian "Storm Seeker" Tempest. What is yours?" He ask the cook, extending his hand to shake hers.
Avril turned to look at this new speaker, potent weapon (ladle) now pointed at him. She arched an eyebrow, now visible due to the fact that her long blonde hair was swept back into a messy updo. When she realized that this Sebastian had asked her name and was expecting a hand shake, she put the ladles into her apron pocket and wiped her greasy hands on her dark brown trousers. She shook his hand with a vice-like grip, and a sneaky grin. "The name be Avril "Metal Hand" Rigger. Will ye be joinin' the raid? Or will ye be remainin' here with the more cowardly swabby's like meself?"
"Hard grip. But your not the only one with a strong grip." He said, mirroring her vice-like grip, smirking. "Nice to meet you, Avril. Yes, I'm not joining the raiding party, but for different reasons. The captain wants me to stay, fearful of losing his most important crew member." He said, smiling at the last part. " What a nice nick name. "Metal Hand" huh? How did you get that nick name?" He ask, as this is how he breaks the ice.
People of all genders had undressed in front of Hana before, and she knew this was practical when working with sea water; she wasn't bothered. When Anna joined them, she waved in greeting. The girl seemed nice, and she was enthusiastic about helping, and Hana welcomed the company of another person their age. She was about to introduce herself when the captain announced the sighting of their target, so Hana bit her lip and finished scrubbing the mouth of the cannon before dumping the dirty water over the side.

"Good luck," she said under her breath as she fiddled with her sleeves. As the ship got closer, her stomach did flips. She was incredibly nervous; but, then again, she always was before a raid. She just hoped it didn't show on her face.
(I wasn't getting notifications for this....can anyone fill me up on what happened?)
Her grin twisted into a crooked smile, her snaggle tooth nearly piercing her lower lip. "It's been a while since the las' person who could withstand me grip! The name Metal Hand comes from this and the fact that I be practiced in the art of beatin' others with pots, pans, and ladles. What be yer station if yer to important to raid?" Sebastian was amusing, to say the least. She was happy that the new recruits weren't simpering puppy dogs. As a matter of fact, they seemed more brutish and excitable than the crew that was already aboard.
He grinned at her, admiring her strength and her attitude. "Nice to be your acquaintance." He said, bowing a little. "I am the Sea Artist of this wonderful ship. I love being a Sea Artist, but it also has it's down times, such as not being allowed to join much of the raids." He said, smiling at the cook.

"Ah, the raid. It's starting then," Raxton said with a sigh, and dumped all of the water overboard. He took the two buckets along with the rag, and walked back to the lower deck. Walking down the creaky steps, he felt his way through the darkness. "You need to get over this fear," Raxton said aloud to himself as he put the buckets down in an empty space.

He squeezed his eyes shut reassuringly, and tried to find his way back to the stairs, feeling around crates and boxes. "Bloody hell, it's a damn maze down here," He said put his hands on something cool and metal. He moved his hand against it, and slice! It tore his hand open in one jagged movement.

"Shit!" He swore, groping his free hand against the wounded one. He could feel blood dripping through his fingers. "Well, that's exactly what I need," Raxton said, squeezing his hands together. Feeling his way around with his elbows, Raxton finally made his way to the main deck. He picked up his shirt and ripped off the sleeves, being sure to do so over the ship's edge so the blood wouldn't get all over the deck.​
Ms. Mainsail started to get the impression that the term 'sea artist' would come up a lot on this trip. Leaning against a wall, she listened to the sea and the gulls that flew overhead. "Hello, Metal Hand. Hello, Sebastian." She greeted them with a smile. "Are you going on the raid or not?" Her face twisted into a grin. "You probably aren't going. You'll be too busy flirting."
"This is already the second time you got jealous, Mae. Are you sure you don't want to take the offer I've proposed to you awhile ago?" He ask, heading over to his jealous friend. "Come on, just tell me if you don't want me to talk to any more girls because you might get jealous. I'm all yours." He said, grinning as he seductively gestured to his body. "And to answer your question, no, I am not going to the raid. The captain deems me too valuable to lose." He said, grinning proudly.
Mae's eyes broadened in anger and frustration at once. "The bloody hell are you on about! How dare you accuse me!" Her knife was out at once. Mae launched herself at him, pinning him against the wheel. "I am about this close to slicing you to ribbons!" She hissed at him. Of course, she couldn't kill him. It was a bluff, but, there was no reason for him to know that. "I don't care about being thrown to the sea!"
Hana's eyes widened as Raxton tended to his new wound. "What happened?" she asked, hands hovering over his uselessly.

"This is a really, really bad time for this to happen," she said worriedly. "Maybe we should ask the captain to keep you here. That might need stitches."

She grabbed his injured hand gingerly in both of hers. "The bleeding needs to stop. It needs, uh... pressure? Yes- that. Is it okay if I squeeze?"

Hana wondered where the medic was. She'd seen plenty of wounds, and she'd experienced enough to know how to stop the bleeding, but how was she supposed to tell if it needed to be sewed up? And she was sure he wouldn't be able to hold a rifle properly, and definitely not a cutlass. Maybe a pistol, but one small gun was certainly not enough of a defense. Thoughts rushed through her head as she looked between his hand and the crowd on deck.
Since Mae lunged at Sebastian which made him hit the wheel, the whole ship rocked furiously. Knocking over many crewmen and even Captain Veal.

As Nick fell he screamed, "What the hell?" He soon crashed into the wooden quarter deck in great thump. he then got back up brushing some dust off of him. He then points his finger angerly at Mae, "Do that once more and it's rat patrol for ya'!" He then offered to help Sebastian up by sending his hand in front of Sebastian's face. "You might also want to keep your witty comments to yer self."
"Hey, I was just kidding. Like I said awhile ago, I will not do anything to you." He said with a serious face. "It was but a jest. I am sorry if I have insulted you, I should not have done that." He said with a remorseful expression. He really did not mean to insult Mae. Not because she's a vicious killer, but because she's his friend. "I'm really sorry. I hope you can forgive me." 
"It's not her fault captain." He said, looking at the captain.
Mae got off of Sebastian at once. "Aye, Captain. Forgive me." Her head dropped like a whipped dog as she walked away, knowing that she more or less wasn't needed around right now. "I'll just be...not here." She shrugged and walked away, giving Sebastian an apologetic look while nervously tapping the blade against her leg. "I'll be mopping, or, as you say, swabbing the deck." Her temper was going to kill her one day. The way Nick looked at her reminded Mae so much of the look her own father gave her right before the whip came out.
He followed her, wanting to apologize. It was his fault, of course. He followed, but he remained at a respectful distance, not wanting to anger her further. "Hey, I did not mean to insult you. It was just a jest, an attempt at playful banter. I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me, but I don't blame you if you won't." He said, waiting for her reply, or maybe the lack of.
Nick sighed and grabbed the wheel. He then announces, "All people on the raiding party should meet on the starboard deck, or right side of the ship." He then turns the wheel readjusting his course so he would be heading side to side with the target ship. He had never gotten that angry at someone, which made him feel somewhat guilty, but he sucked it up and loosened his grip on the wheel. "Bout' five minutes ' til' boarding!"
"Just forget it. Do your job. I'm fine." She growled as she slammed the mop down, ignoring his gaze. "Excuse me, Sea Artist. I have to mop." She kept thinking of how stupid and dramatic she was acting. Damn it, Mae! You're a mercenary, not a little kid anymore! Her movement became more forced as she continued her work. "Sebastian, you're right. I'm being selfish and stupid. I'm sorry. Just go." Oh, how she wished he would just leave her alone. She hated crying if she could avoid it. It's been only a few hours and already I'm causing so much drama that it's not doing anyone any good. "You were right about one thing though. We did rock this boat." Finally, she was smiling again. "I'll see you later."

Raxton shook his head at Hana, smiling as he glanced from his wound to her worried eyes. "Miss Dulluhan, this is the last thing you need to be worrying about. If anything, stitches will only help with less scarring with this type of wound," Raxton said, slipping from her grip. He shyly smiled at her, squeezing his hands together.

"Although I must say, it's been the second time today I've had the pleasure of holding your hand," He said, wiggling his fingers.

"But all I need to to is tie this up. I'll be fine, just stay safe for the raid, okay?" Raxton said, drawing his hands back to the edge of the ship and tying his shirt sleeves together. A look of concentration plastered over Raxton's face as he was given the task of tying the cloth around his hand, and the boys tongue curled over his lip as his brow furrowed in frustration. "Bloody hell..." Raxton whispered in annoyance as his sleeve battled against his fingers.​

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