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Fantasy The Atlantic's Jaw

Hana turned at the sound of her name, noticing for the first time that Anna had been covering her, and realizing a second later that without her she might not still be standing. She offered the other girl a meager grin in thanks. She needed to be more vigilant, she told herself, if she expected to live to see her seventeenth birthday.

This lesson proved especially potent as a man grabbed her from behind and pressed a knife to her throat. She gulped against the blade and, trying her best not to freak out, stabbed the slaver in the thigh. He released her, clutching at his leg, and Hana knocked his knees out from under him while he was distracted. When she was sure she'd knocked him out, she pulled her dagger from his thigh.

The altercation had lasted a minute at most, but to her, it'd felt like forever. She brushed a few stray hairs out of her face. Her arms were covered in small cuts, and her elbows were scraped, but Hana was okay- she was alive. She stood still, breathing hard, as she waited for Raxton to catch up to them.
Nick was still looking through the "iron" sights of his prototype rifle. After searching and searching he soon found the captain of the target ship cowering behind a barrel, possibly filled with fruit. Nick then lightly pulls the trigger as the sights set on the captain's head.

The rifle buckled and delayed for a bit but then made a high pitched noise that echoed through the ships. The large prototype bullet came out of the rifle and whizzed past a few crewman's head's. The bullet soon found it's way to the captain's head as it exploded into a mist of red.

The recoil from the rifle had sent Captain veal back but he got back up and pulled the rifle's strap over his shoulder. "What's done is done..." He mutters to himself a bit loudly as he watches the nearly bloodless battle.
Mae smiled at the conversation that she overheard between the cook and sea artist. Upon hearing the guns, cannons and whatever else the others were using and then seeing the enemy captain's head blown to pieces, Mae felt a strange sense of joy. Her crew mates seemed to have the upper hand. "Must be exciting to do that." Mae decided, walking to the plank joining the two ships, considering her promise from earlier. "Did anyone consider that they could come over here?" She asked herself, looking over her shoulder to make sure that she isn't seen.
Raxton grinned at the two as he caught up to them, and offered nod of his head for both. "It looks like you guys are doing fine," Raxton said, heaving out a large breath. He was glad to see that both of them were okay, but he himself didn't feel too hot. Wiping theblood from his mouth once more, he noiced a bruise starting to form on his stomach, where he was punched. "I hope I didn't rupture anything," he thought to himself as he straightened out his shoulders and fixed his posture. "So, have you guys found any sort of leads or hints?" Raxton asked as he scratched the back of his head. He was stiff, but he would live.

Hana shrugged, wincing at Raxton's injuries. "I think they're keeping the slaves on the lowest deck. That's, um- it's where they've always kept them on the... other ships ive been on."

She bit her lip and glanced between her crew mates. Anna looked in tip-top shape, and Hana was sure she could handle plenty more, but Raxton was looking stiff. If they ran into anyone hiding below deck, she was doubtful he'd be in any position to fight back.

"It's... gonna be dark," she said. "I don't think there'll be anyone, but we'll have to be careful."
Many of the enemy crewman had surrendered when they saw there captains head missing. A few had taken the offense and were on The Golden Greed. One had lunged at Captain Veal but he block the cutlass with his rifle's study stock. He the side slapped the attacking crewman with the same stock of the rifle.

A storm had picked up and the winds were billowing through the sails of both ships. The water stirred up and started rocking both ships.

"Don't forget about thee cargo!" Nick yells as he dodges an enemy's attack.
He was still cleaning when felt something prickling behind his neck. It was a feeling he knew all too well. "A storm is coming." He said, rushing up to the deck. "Captain! We have to leave!" He shouted, the ship starting to rock from side to side. The crewman from the other ship started to board The Golden Greed, taking up the offensive. He finally reached Captain Veal and pulled him to the side. "We have to leave. This storm is a strong one, if we get caught, the ship will sink." He said, his voice serious and grim.
Avril huffed as Sebastian took off, dropping the pots into the dirty water. "I hafta rewash that, ye stinkin cockroach." She muttered as she turned from the boiling stew to the foamy tub of water. She was scrubbing angrily when she heard heavy footsteps coming down into the galley. She smirked devilishly believing it to be Sebastian. She'd show him that running out on a volatile cook was a dumbass choice. "I see yer back to help ye damned-" Her breath caught sharply as her body registered that the man before her was not Sebastian and that he had just run her through with the sullied blade he held in his left hand. He grinned triumphantly and ripped the blade out. Avril let out a howl and slumped to the ground, watching the arrogant man return to the deck, thinking she was dead. She didn't know how, but it appeared that he had managed to sneak by the others. With some effort she was able to stand and turn back to the sink where she began to wash dishes with a lot less vigor. Avril wasn't to sure she would be breathing by the time the others got back and the thought disappeared when her vision blurred and she collapsed to the floor, gasping.

(oops xD )
Anna nodded and said "let's go" in a steeled voice. Just as she began to turn towards the entrance to down below, she noticed a big man walking quietly behind Raxton and Hana. His right arm tensed as he pulled back his sword, and she could see what he was about to do. She remembered her promise to Sebastian, and steeled her nerves for what she knew she had to do. The man lunged, and anna shoved the two powder monkeysdown hard, slamming them to the ground as the big man stabbed.... right below Anna's ribcage. She gasped in pain, stabbing the man herself, right in his neck. He collapsed to the floor, dead. Anna sunk to her knees in pain, then to the ground, her vision fuzzing in and out of focus. She pulled the sword out of her body, gasping for air. Her lungs didn't want to cooperate, but she managed to breathe enough to say "Go. Hurry!" She hauled herself army-crawl style to the boards connecting the two ships, pulling herself across the beams to the deck of their ship. She stopped about four feet in from where the deck connedcted with the rail, and dropped, gasping like a fish out of water. 
((0mg avril noooo!))
[QUOTE="Juli Zakstyre]Anna nodded and said "let's go" in a steeled voice. Just as she began to turn towards the entrance to down below, she noticed a big man walking quietly behind Raxton and Hana. His right arm tensed as he pulled back his sword, and she could see what he was about to do. She remembered her promise to Sebastian, and steeled her nerves for what she knew she had to do. The man lunged, and anna shoved the two powder monkeysdown hard, slamming them to the ground as the big man stabbed.... right below Anna's ribcage. She gasped in pain, stabbing the man herself, right in his neck. He collapsed to the floor, dead. Anna sunk to her knees in pain, then to the ground, her vision fuzzing in and out of focus. She pulled the sword out of her body, gasping for air. Her lungs didn't want to cooperate, but she managed to breathe enough to say "Go. Hurry!" She hauled herself army-crawl style to the boards connecting the two ships, pulling herself across the beams to the deck of their ship. She stopped about four feet in from where the deck connedcted with the rail, and dropped, gasping like a fish out of water. 
((0mg avril noooo!))

(that's what I get, leaving her on the boat all alone xD )
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(Dammit! A lot of person are dying because of me! First Avril for leaving her, then Anna for making her promise, and then the whole ship and its crew because I fail to spot the storm!)

Sebastian was frantically trying to convince the captain, but something caught his eyes. He spotted the two powder monkeys, both of which are safe. He sighed in relief, until he noticed something else. Anna pushed the two powder monkeys away as a big and burly man stab at them, hitting Anna instead. "Anna!" He shouted, running towards them, until something else caught his eyes. He saw a someone, presumably from the other ship, emerge from the galley, his cutlass covered in blood. "Avril." He muttered, thinking the worst. "What am I gonna do?!" He thought to himslef, torn between saving Anna or the cook. Anna still has the two powder monkeys, but they're on the enemy ship while Avril might be seriously wounded, alone. He was about to make a decision, when the storm grew stronger. The waves were harder and the rain pour relentlessly. He decided that Avril needs to hold on. He needs to get Anna and the two powder monkeys, to bring them to back to the ship and get the hell out of here. He ran to the enemy ship, carrying Anna. "Go!" He shouted to the powder monkeys, running for their lives.

(@Kininarimasu, sorry for not getting Avril first!)
[it's fine :) ]

Avril was sure that the ceiling shouldn't be bending and twisting the way it was but as she thought harder and was able to think somewhat clearly, she took note that it was her vision doing that and the rocking boat. Speaking of which...Several minutes after collapsing the boat had hit an especially rocky period, making almost all of the water in the tub splash out onto her. So now she lay on the floor soaking wet and shivering, hidden behind a massive pot and piles of dishes as the ragged wound that carried straight through her abdomen and out her back, bled profusely. She was just grateful that the stew hadn't spilled on her, it would have been a complete waste of food.
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(oh eh, anna knew what she was getting herself into.) 

Kininarimasu said:
[it's fine :) ]
Avril was sure that the ceiling shouldn't be bending and twisting the way it was but as she thought harder and was able to think somewhat clearly, she took note that it was her vision doing that and the rocking boat. Speaking of which...Several minutes after collapsing the boat had hit an especially rocky period, making almost all of the water in the tub splash out onto her. So now she lay on the floor soaking wet and shivering, hidden behind a massive pot and piles of dishes as the ragged wound that carried straight through her abdomen and out her back, bled profusely. She was just grateful that the stew hadn't spilled on her, it would have been a complete waste of food.
((is all avril cares about is food?))
(I'm waiting for the captain to respond. All I know is that you and the powder monkeys are safe. I'm not sure whether Avril will make it, hope she does. But we need to get the ship away from the storm. @CharmingCthulhu
(Yes, all she cares about is food.)
(This is why they should put wi-fi in cars. I was in a car for 9 hours and I missed all this.)

Nick's hands twitched. The raid had gone so well, and now... "Everyone! Get Back to the ship!" Nick commanded his voice now horse. He turned to run down the stairs so he could go to the main deck. When a man with an already bloody cutlass stabs at him. The blade cuts the back of Nick's jacket and slightly cuts his back.

"Damn it!" Nick yells as he clasps his cut. He blindly grabs a dagger that was lying on the deck. He then again blindly stabbed at the man, and hits his collar bone shattering it.

With the man then falling to the ground. Nick stepped over him and followed the trail into the galley.
Mae sees all the blood coming from multiple people on her crew and felt sick just by looking at it. "We gotta get out of here!" Mae ran around, lifting the anchor, tightening the rigging and doing all that she could to help the others get out of this as safely as she could. The air started to stink with the stench of blood, causing Mae to gag as she worked. "I gotta help them."
Anna closed her eyes, vaugely aware that she was moving. She wasn't moving her body. Maybe... she was dead? No. No she couldnt be dead. She had the powder monkeys to look after. She had a promise to keep. She forced air into her lungs with a gasp, then again. She MUST stay alive. They needed her. She had to keep her promise. Her brother needed her. Wait..... no. The powder monkeys. Yes, thats right. The powder monkeys. She felt her brain getting fuzzier and fuzzier, slipping out of conciousness. She grasped the edge of her mind, trying to remain awake. Sebastian made her promise. Promise. She gave up, sliding out of the present, into unconciousnes. She let it wash over her, making the pain go away. The only sign she was still alive was the almost imperceptible rise and fall of her chest.
Hana's hands went to her mouth, muffling a scream as Anna fell. She was about to dash to her when the ship started rocking violently and the sea artist called out to them. She glanced at the stairs; they'd been so close to freeing so many people, and the cargo would've lined their pockets nicely, and now they'd be coming away with nothing. She couldn't help a pained whimper as she turned away.

"We'll be stuck on a ship with the enemy if we don't leave now," she said hurriedly as she noticed the slab of wood between the ships had begun to wobble. She grabbed Raxton's hand and pulled him with her to the boarding plank.
"Sebastian...." Anna gasped before she went under. "The....slaves.... other boat... die..." she struggled more to keep her eyes open, but they felt like lead. " cant.. leave them..." she had a very strong sense of loyalty towards her friends, which was exactly what was keeping her alive at this very moment.
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He was about to cross the plank when Anna mumbled something. The slaves! He had forgotten about them. He couldn't just leave them there to die! After a moment of hesitation, he made up his mind. "Hana! Raxton!" He called out to them, running over to them. "Take Anna back on the ship, I'll catch up with you." He said, placing Anna in their hands. Without waiting for them to reply, he ran to go under the deck, when something caught his eyes. "Mae! What are you doing here!" He said in disbelief, seeing Mae standing there.
Mae jumped immediately after hearing her friend call out to her. "Nothing, Sebastian! I wasn't doing anything!" She moved away from the boarding plank. "What are you doing here? We're all supposed to be manning this ship until the raid is done!" In all honesty, Mae was glad that Sebastian was safe. It took all of her strength not to jump on him again, to embrace him. "Get to the slaves! We have to help them, now!" She argued.
He held her hand, leading her blow the deck. "We have no time to waste! Free as many slaves as you can and get out!" He shouted, using his cutlass to cut the chains. There were quite number of slaves, more than he could possibly save. "No! I will save them all!" He thought to himself, unable to forgive himself if anyone died. It is his fault after all, endangering their whole crew just because he missed a storm. "Lead the freed ones back to the ship! I'll free the rest! Don't wait for me!" He said to Mae, urging her to go.

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