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Fantasy The Atlantic's Jaw

Mae was glad that she had completed her first task given to her, then, it annoyed her that they haven't even cast off and already the Sea Artist was flirting, and with the first mate no doubt! "Already kissing up, aren't we?" She scratched her chin, annoyed, as she spoke in her softest tone.
"Aye aye Captain!" He said, smiling as he saluted the captain. He studied the map, determining the distance between them and the ship. "Looks like the tides and winds are in our favor today!" He said, grinning at the captain. "We shall reach the ship in no time, assuming the winds don't change direction." He said. He looked at the girl who made the sarcastic comment. She doesn't look bad, she even looks quite beautiful. He approached her. "Jealous are we?" He said, grinning. "If you'd like, I'll visit you tonight and we will rock the ship." He whispered seductively.
Aoife left her spot at the sight of the map and saunters her way over to the captain. She glances over the map that was now in Sebastain's hands, catching his comment to the other girl but ignoring it. Though she wouldn't take kindly to being thought of that way and was curious as to what the girl's reaction would be to the comment. She turns her attention away from the map and to the captain. "A question Captain. About how many men would be on this ship we're intercepting. As a gunner I'd like to know so I can be prepared. I assume we're not going to simply only use the cannons or we'd be sure to end up sinking the other ship. Which would obviously be a waste of our time" She was all for intercepting a ship, rum and sugar tending to make a pretty penny. Hopefully this captain wasn't too stingy with his profits.
Nick turns his head to look at the gunner who had come up to the quarter deck, "That's a great question." He slightly clears his throat. "I am organizing a boarding party right now, I will announce this to the crew once they are all gathered." He walks back over to the small balcony that overlooks the main deck, "I will also announce payment and other things of that such."
There were many things Mae wanted to say to the man in return for his comment, most of them unladylike and most of them would probably send her to Davy Jones' locker before she could bat an eye. Go jump off the plank, or I could snap your neck and not have to listen to you anymore. She already disliked this man's attitude. Her immediate reaction was to stomp her foot, hoping that would send her knife upward and she could grab it. Instead, she shook her head. "Not interested. When I said I was loyal to captain and crew, I meant it. Kissing up to the first mate isn't going to get you anywhere. We both have a job to do. You do yours and I'll do mine. Do that, and we'll get along famously." Of course, being a cabin girl, she'd have to do whatever he asked without argument, but Mae wished to make sure that everyone knew that she would give them hell for it.
He nodded admiringly, amazed at the woman's response. "You, madame, know your priorities. A lesser woman would have retaliated, or might even have given in. But you are a class higher than them, and for that, you have earned my respect. Forgive me for being hasty and rude. I am Sebastian Tempest, Sea Artist of this lovely ship, and I would be honored to know the lady's name." He said with a slight bow. He was truly amazed by this woman, and he wishes to know her more.
Mae couldn't help but smile at his own response. "I am Mae "Devil's Grin" Mainsail, cabin girl, sir." She chuckled softly at the other. "I'm glad you see it my way, Sebastian." Her smile widened. "Forgive me, as well. I spoke out of turn." She was surprised that the artist had heard her in the first place. "Now, I'm glad that we reached an understanding." She too bowed. "I look forward to this voyage working by your side."
"As do I, Mae." He said, pleased about her reaction. "And don't apologize, you were right actually." He said, for he is not one who defends his mistakes but rather he accepts it. "Devil's Grin? What a curious nickname. Surely you have gotten it from someone. But why give you that? Those who have worked with me before called me Storm Seeker for my talent of spotting storms. So where did yours come from?" He ask, truly curious.
"Oh, that story!" Mae laughed, truly proud of it. Come to think of it, she probably looked like an idiot again from laughing so hard. Taking a deep breath and regaining her composure, she continued. "I got that name at the brothel. Now, it wasn't planned in the least, but, I had been working later than I truly desired and this one man really, really made me angry." She looked away, as if remembering. "He tried to handle me, but, I wouldn't take it." Her smirk widened even more, as if attempting to prove her point from earlier. She stomped her foot as hard as she could, then reached down and fished her knife from it. "I used this blade to slice through his gut, with the biggest grin on my face that people could have sworn that Lucifer himself blessed me with it."
His eyes wide, whether from fear, shock, admiration, or maybe a little bit of everything, only he knows. "I am so glad I didn't get on your bad side. Now that I think about it, I almost did those things." He said, a mock look of fear is on his face. "Please constantly remind me how you get your nickname. But, as long as I don't have a knife sticking out my stomach, I'm sure we'll get along swimmingly." He said, smiling at her. "Let's go see the captain. He might be briefing the others right now." He said.
"Of course, we've been talking for a quarter hour now." She agreed while replacing her knife and leading the way toward the rest of the crew. "What did I miss?" She asked with her devil's grin on her face, directed toward the ship's Casanova, then the others as she got serious again.
Raxton "Tall Tide" Kent, the tall boy bobbling through the crowd with a big grin on his face, the one silently picking pockets and getting dirty looks along the way, the one running full speed toward the ship that he would newly be working on-- the one who was sure to start anew on this new adventure. "'Scuze me! Pardon... Lemme just get through there... Apologies Mi' lady," Another coin pouch, gone. A big flashy grin, that's all this boy needed. He could get away with anything because of it. The ship was only a few yards away, so he made his leap through the rest of these ambling twits. Jumping on to the ramp, he did a running leap on to the deck. He spotted what he guessed was the rest of the crew, and jogged to the group, a huge grin still plastered on to his face. He breathed heavily and stood in a little gap between two people. Raxton bowed his head apologetically to the group. "Sorry I'm late Cap'n. Just some business. It needed to be taken care of before we leave." He did a half smile toward the group, hoping to sympathize with their agitated faces. "I'm Raxton. The boy's call me Tall Tide," He said to the group as he flicked his short ponytail behind his shoulder. He smiled at some people, giving them a nod. Truthfully, he was nervous about the acceptance rate of these people. He could only hope the weren't too pissed off at him.

"Not much." Nick exclaims clearing his throat, again. "I was just about to announce what we are doing on this voyage to the crew." He then riffles through his coat and takes out another smaller piece of paper. He then turns his attention to the large group of gathered crew.

"Welcome aboard everyone!" He yells hoping to silence and gain the attention of the crew. "As you can tell, this is a 'pirate' ship. On this ship we will gain tells of plunder, fame, and even grief." He pauses slightly thinking about what he had just said, and if it was actually helpful. "We already have plans to intercept a ship. We will be sending a boarding crew so we do not sink the ship with our cannons." He pauses quickly clearing his throat. "We will set out very soon, and then our voyage will begin! Now go and do your duties!"

He turns his heel and spins back to the officers. "Was that good?"
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Hana bit her lip thoughtfully. She would probably be amongst the raiding party; being a powder monkey, her life was expendable. She'd done this sort of thing countless times before, and she knew what to expect, but the thought of it still sent a shock of anxiety straight to the pit of her stomach.

She glanced at her new friend. The girl was small, and she certainly looked young. Was she a powder monkey as well? The thought made her wince visibly. She was sure Hotaru wouldn't survive a raid if she was sent with the boarding crew. Hana rubbed the back of her own neck anxiously as the crowd around her began to disperse.

"Um, I need to go now," she said haltingly. With an awkward wave, she turned and walked towards the upper deck. The captain would probably have summoned the gunners, since he was planning to intercept a merchant ship so soon, and they would probably still be there.

As she ascended the steps, she tried not to think about the way her new captain had looked when he struck her previous one down. It had been a chaotic battle, and Hana had grown up around that sort of thing. It wasn't anything new – and, besides, he'd seemed perfectly nice when he'd recruited her.

She stood with her back against the railing when she reached the upper deck and waited silently for the gunner (a woman, Hana realized with an internal sigh of relief) to finish her business with the captain. She needed her orders before she could attend to her duties, but she could wait. And she still needed to properly greet the captain, after all.

Jiang gave a low hum when the younger brunette had summoned them to the upperdeck, wondering if the voyage was about to start. He leaned back against the railing, his elbows propped up behind him. Jiang didn't bother moving from his spot, the distance was plenty enough to hear anything the Captain would had to say and had a perfect view of every crew member. His eyes watched as a few member had aboarded the ship, however the few of them neither gave him a lasting impression. He turned his head back at the sea, it shouldn't had been long until everyone gathered.

His eyes opened wider, but not as much as his ears when he overheard the plan to raid a ship. This sounds somewhat interesting, Jiang never had to steal before as everything was pretty much provided to him earlier on. He doubted he would try to take part in such activities, killing and wrecking was fine as long as he gained from it, but he had never thought about stealing for wealth. His actions would depend on whether the men they stole from were richer and more powerful than them, and Jiang himself had came from a wealthy, prosperous family. He sighed, pondering his course of action, concluding that because he had left his own fortune behind to his family to become a pirate, it would mean that he was starting as a poor man even though he could return for it anytime.

Satisfied with his answer, his eyes continued looking around at the people who had gathered. That was until, he noticed blonde bloke mention about the ship's sweaty grown men. Jiang raised his brow, offended. Was it so wrong for him to sweat in this heat, who can blame him? Everyone was sweating, blondie included. He convinced to not let such trivial matter get to him, having too much pride to speak out, it was probably a joke and he should keep an open mind. He continued watching as lips touched the first mate's hand, so this apparently was how white men woo their woman? What an odd culture, albeit a tad intriguing.

He kept watching, trying to learn more about different cultures. It may been easier to simply learn by doing, but Jiang was not in any rush to learn English sayings. He watched as the man was approached by the same young brunette. He listened as the man asked whether she was jealous, assuming that he meant how he treated the first mate, mate also means wife he believes? Maybe these people's culture were more similar to China than he had originally thought. It was not out of the ordinary for a man to marry young girls and have multiple concubines. He took note of this as this would make make it easier to converse.

Aside from not understanding what "rock the ship" implied, as it does sound stupid, there wasn't much else to see or hear. The captain had repeated his words to all and more new faces, everyone seem to have the jist of everything. Jiang got off from the rails as he made his way toward the Captain, simply asking,
"Who ship we steal from?" He wanted a better understanding of the situation, rather not trusting anyone else to have his back but himself.
Nick swivels his foot to face the carpenter. "We be stealing from an Englishman known as Mr. Bonnet." He quickly ran back to the balcony before the rest of the crew dispersed into there odd jobs. "Also, I ask that we try not to kill anyone! I don't wish for it to be a bloodbath!" He turns back to the carpenter and clears his throat. "I also trust that the ship has been repaired?" He asked simply to make sure that there wouldn't be any "bumps" in this trip.
Anna squeezed through the crowd, almost stumbling over her own two feet. *gravity works!* she thought, catching herself again. Her sealegs were much better than this. She got onboard the deck, sure footed on the wooden floor beneath her. "Ahoy captain!" She said after he was done speaking. She looked around at the crew, looked at the boat, looked at the crowd, taking it all in. She took a deep breath, smelling the salty air and smiling. Here, here she felt the most at home. Even though she had been on the deck less than two minutes.
Another crew mate, and another gorgeous woman. Sebastian approached her, this time being gentlemanly. "Greetings, I am Sebastian "Storm Seeker" Tempest, the Sea Artist of this ship." He said with a smile. Well, it is his nature to be flirty, so he really wants to meet the women, especially the curvaceous ones. "I would be honored to know the lady's name." He said, bowing slightly.
Annabelle smiled. "Annabell 'Golden Heart' Lee, scholar and seafarer." She smiled at Sebastian, noticing that he was kind of... cute.. in a way. "Boy, I'm really excited about this, how about you, 'storm seeker'? " she was happy to have been greeted so fast, seeing as how she was never really popular at the university. "Sure and steady with the wheel aren't ya, seeing as how you're the sea artist?"

"Break fixed, ship sail smoothly." Jiang answered his question, he had made sure to check every board and nail when the ship had docked. His eyes looks questionably at Nick, he did not want any bloodbath? They were pirates, avoiding bloodbath is simply out of the question. People want to kill them as much as they want to, playing nice people was just absurd, but if the captain is confident in his or their skills then so be it. Jiang had no intention to follow the orders seriously, how could he be expected to?

"Who is Mr.Bonnet?" Jiang asked,"Rich? Powerful?" A name doesn't tell him much, he wanted to make sure. Of course he couldn't be expected to know much about foreign lands and people, considering he came from one himself. He slowly tapped his foot as he awaits an answer, his eye glancing at more new people. This ship and crew number was honestly not at all imposing. This team was incredibly limited compared to others, they lacked intimidating characters and even numbers He began doubting his decision to join, a small crew with an amicable captain who is not firm with the nature of his character wasn't exactly what Jiang had intended to join.

Jiang sighed out from his nose, making sure to keep an open mind. There was no reason to get roused up from this. It may not be how he had thought pirates to be, but they also must understand if he has to kill one or two. After receiving his answer, he planned to step back down below deck back to his quarter. Working on the ship had tired him somewhat. While he was used to this work, he had a case of "ship-lagged", yawning slightly in gesture. A quick nap before they embarked would be a good idea, they were going to raid a ship for loot after all and Jiang wanted to rest himself before a potentially dangerous mission. Of course with the headache, lying down would have to do also.

Nick was relieved to hear that the hip was all patched up and ready to sail. Quickly responding to the carpenter's question he said, "Mr. Bonnet was an old colleague of my father. He had blackmailed my family, one could call this small mission revenge but I'm mostly in it for the goods." He shrugs his shoulders, "I wish for there not to be any bloodbath, because I have reason to believe there is also slaves being carried on that ship. Many times slaves are forced to fight on the ship which they are on. I will brief the raiding team of this."
Mae did as she was told and nodded to the captain. "Aye, sir." She responded and climbed the stairs to the lower deck, where the crew slept and stayed. "Well, it's been an hour and a half and I'm still alive with nothing to do." No one had made a mess yet, or asked her to do anything, so she was free to do what she wanted, which meant getting in a good workout in before casting off. She turned around and locked her door, thankful for that at the present time. Going back to her bed, she put her hands behind her head with her legs propped up on the side of the bed, doing some sit ups, completely out of boredom as she took in the saltiness of her skin and the sea. "One....two...three." this went on for a while. Mae had no intention of being seen as weak and helpless simply because she was a female aboard a pirate ship.
Raxton shrugged, and watched as the rest of the crew members scuttled off to do odd jobs. He glanced around, looking at the sleekness of the ship and it's new wood fitting perfectly in every space. Salt and sun hadn't started rotting it yet, making the ship look "younger" if you will. The boy grinned, and began walking along to the upper deck in hopes of speaking to the captain for a bit. On the way up, Raxton noticed a girl leaning against the railing. Perhaps she was waiting to talk to the captain too. Walking on to the same step as her but on the other side of the staircase, Raxton leaned back and smiled, trying to make a friendly gesture. "Guessing you needa see the captain too, then?" He asked, trying to converse with her timid looking nature. He tilted his head, trying to think of her position here. "I'm Raxton Kent. Tall Tide. Mind if I ask what position you work?" Raxton asked, genuinely curious.

Hana glanced at the boy, sizing him up, before straightening to her full height of 5'0. It didn't actually make much of a difference, but it made her feel better, all the same. 'Tall Tide' was definitely an apt monicker, and his size intimidated her until she realized he looked to be about her age. She was glad to have other teenagers aboard, though she wasn't so shortsighted that she couldn't recognize that this was potentially dangerous.

"Powder monkey," she said, tapping the strap of her rifle. "I'm Hana Dullahan. No, uh- no title to speak of."

She let herself relax against the railing once more and tucked her hair behind one ear self consciously. "What about you? Um, what position, I mean."
"Indeed I am. But, even if I am skilled in handling the wheel, it is our captain who is steering our ship. I am merely his guide, the angel on his shoulder." He said with a grin, becoming quite fond of her. Come to think of it, he is indeed fond of beautiful women. Now if he could get her to bed with him, that would be perfect. "Golden Heart huh? That is an uncommon title for a pirate. How did you get that title?" He ask, his curiosity peaked.

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