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Fantasy The Atlantic's Jaw

"Oh, im a university scholar. I actually stood up for a pirate at the gallows, risking my own neck for the pirate. It was a boy, about thirteen years old, and he was sentanced with stealing from the inn where i was staying. I couldn't just let him die under false pretenses, because the pirate that actually stole from the innwas... my... brother." She sighed "I made clear that i was a witness, then pulled my "university scholar" card, firming that my brother was sentanced to a hanging." She sighed again and looked at Sebastian. "I did what was right, and i never could forgive myself." She inhailed deeply. "But, the past is the past, and I'm hoping to learn much from this ship and its crew." She smiled apologetically at sebastian.
"So, your brother was the true thief, and you told the truth to protect a kid, who might or might not have done worse things." He said, feeling sympathy for her. Even pirates are subjected to laws of morality, whether to save a stranger or condemn family. It's a hard choice. "Don't worry, no one will know of this. I hope we enjoy each others company on this ship." He said, smiling at her.
Anna felt greatly relieved at Sebastian's comment, and she smiled. "I hope so too. How did you come by Your Nickname?" Storm Seeker was also unusual, and she had a guess as to where he got that name. She was really excited to get going, but she held in her squeal of joy when she saw a dolphin leap out of the water a few hundred feet off. Weird that it would be so close to shore , but she put it out of her mind for now." Im relieved that the captain wants almost no bloodbath. Im not very good at killing people without a reason."
Whether or not Brent had taken the cigar she offered, Vera's hand would soon be overtaken by a member of the crew she hasn't seen before. An eyebrow rose once he attempted to flirt with her but little did he know, she had heard all the flirts in the book so other than making her cheeks red; it made her annoyed. How was she possibly going to get away from that life if men like Sebastian kept trying to make moves on her like so? Nevertheless, she was slightly flattered but thankful when Nick interrupted in one-sidedness.

Putting her hand in back of her, the brunette took a step back once more of the members started to make themselves known for she still felt like not 'officially' apart of the crew, albeit she was first mate. Ha, first mate? Probably because she was only good in bed and the captain wanted to keep her close as a trophy. Eyes averted from one person to the next, finally settling on Nick as he greeted everyone and them to get work once he was done. Folding her arms now, Vera made her way to the back of the quarter deck and sat on a the edge of the ship, awaiting for orders if any was to be given to her. If not, she would remain there and transfixed at the ocean blue.
"Ah yes, Storm Seeker. I got that name from the ship my father used to sail with, Neptune's Bounty. My father was also a Sea Artist, a great one too. They called me that because there is no storm that could get pass me. Every time I get a prickly feeling behind my neck, I knew a storm is coming." He said with a proud smile. He was also thankful that the captain didn't want bloodshed. He doesn't mind shedding blood, but he didn't want to do it on their maiden voyage. He nodded, showing her that he agreed.

Raxton smiled, as he was glad they would be working together. "It's a pleasure Miss Dullahan," He said, but felt a pang of sympathy for Hana. Powder Monkeys are one of the jobs at the absolute bottom of the food chain, and some of the crew mates seemed pretty sleazy. He could only imagine what they would do to her, but even the thought made him angry.

"And It seems we'll be working as Powder Monkeys together too. Good,"

he said cheerfully, looking off to the side where the ocean waved and rippled.

"Say, have you ever worked on a ship before? I mean, you have a rifle, but I guess that could be for a totally different reason." Raxton said, the last part sort of to himself. She didn't quite look it, but maybe she had some sort of experience.​
Once the cabin girl had finished her workout, she lifted her shirt just enough for the hem to reach her face as she wiped it clean. "At last, we can finally take off soon. The crew needs me as does the captain for reasons of his own. I will not fail them." She heard talk of what happens to cabin children aboard a pirate ship at the hands of grown men, especially the captain. Strangely enough, it was the same thing that her stabbing victim tried to do. This made her laugh. "Ha! I can't fight them, but, I can try to get along with them." She scoffed as she unbuttoned a few of the buttons on her shirt just to cool off in the beautiful ocean air. That being said, and, still having no direct orders, Mae left her room to join the others outside while humming an old sea shanty. Finally, she was outside and away from the others, elbows propped up on the side of the ship, waiting.
Hana had never been called "miss" before. It surprised her, but it wasn't unpleasant, and she smiled warmly at Raxton. She was relieved to be working with someone that seemed so kind.

"I was a powder monkey on a different crew until last month," she replied softly, eyes dropping to her boots. "Captain Veal recruited me and, um, this crew seems much... nicer, I think, than my last."

She lifted her chin and stared Raxton in the eye as she said the last part. "Do you have any prior experience?"

Hana was hoping he did. Life as a powder monkey was hard, and it was especially risky, and she'd found that you tended to live longer when you knew how to navigate the many dangers associated with the job.

Raxton smiled as Hana explained her experience, as well as saying that the crew seemed nice. He could agree on that, but he could also agree that there were some prowling ladykillers, but hopefully they were nice enough to know she was young. He thought for a minute when Hana asked of his experience, but shook his head, still looking at her.

"Unfortunately, no. I know it's a tough job, but hopefully I can get accustomed soon enough. And, if you wouldn't mind, you could help me too Miss Dulluhan." Raxton gave a warm smile and leaned back on to the banister. He moved his head upward, flicking his ponytail behind him, and gazed thoughtfully in to Hana's eyes, his own relaxed and his mouth still in a smile.​
Hana clasped her hands in front of her chest and stood up on the balls of her feet. "I wouldn't mind at all!"

A moment later, she realized how silly she must look and dropped back onto her heels, rubbing her neck with one hand and clutching at the hem of her shirt with the other. "Oh, um... sorry..."

She was embarrassed, and a little mad at herself, if she was being honest. She was usually more composed than this. It must be the stress of a new crew, she told herself, I need to be more mature if I want them to take me seriously.

She sighed and smiled shyly at Raxton. "Anyway, um, I'd love to help you. On my old ship, all the powder monkeys stuck together, so..."
"Well, I'll see you later." He said to Anna, smiling at her. He wandered off, heading over to two persons near the rails. They were quite young, so he's guessing they're the powder monkeys. He wanted to greet them, to make them feel welcome. "Hi!" He said as he approached them. "I'm Sebastian "Storm Seeker" Tempest, the Sea Artist of our ship, and I'd be honored to know both of your names." He said with a gentle smile.

Raxton let out a laugh, but not one of mockery. He laughed at Hana's enthusiasm, something he was glad she had.

"Well then I guess I'm in good hands," he cooed softly, tilting his head to get a better look at her. A voice sounded next to the two, causing Raxton to swivel his body. It was a man who had two different coloured eyes, and light blonde hair. Raxton stepped closer to Hana and smiled at the man, who seemed to be smiling as well.

"It's a pleasure, Mr. Storm Keeper. I'm Raxton Kent, and this lovely lady is Miss Hana Dulluhan." He said, motioning his hand to Hana. Sure, she could've introduced herself, but he liked the way it sounded when it rolled off of his tongue. It was nice.​
Hana's smile slipped a bit as they were introduced. Adults made her uncomfortable, large men in particular, but she was grateful that Raxton had spoken for her, and being referred to as lovely made her warm in a different way from the glaring sun. She'd been complimented before, of course, and she knew she wasn't particularly bad looking, but no one had ever been so cordial about it.

She was glad when he moved to stand beside her, as well; she felt like, with that action, they were aligning themselves. Teaming up, maybe, and that was a reassuring notion. Powder monkeys were meant to look out for each other, after all.

She nodded politely at Sebastian, extending her hand and forcing herself to look him in the eye. Normally, she avoided eye contact with adults, especially those that outranked her, but she was determined to make a good impression and this seemed like the best way. Besides, he didn't look mean, and he had introduced himself nicely enough.

"It's nice to meet you," she said. Hana had never seen such odd, vibrant eyes before and she wanted to compliment him on them, but she was sure he must've gotten that a lot, so she pursed her lips.
Anna smiled at Sebastian as he left, then turned her attention to the captain. "Captain!" She made her way up to the captain and saluted. "Permission to speak sir?" She smiled at the seagull perched near her. "Hello." It squaked and she held out her arm. It landed on her outstretched limb, and rubbed his head against her head. She laughed and then cleared her throat. "Captain, i think everyone is on board, sir," the seagull squaked again and flapped his wings.
Nick hears the call of his rank and looks at the girl, "If it isn't the graduate." He says jokingly noticing the seagull, "Good to know, if you could please tell the Boatswains to release the sails and unloose the boat, it would be greatly appreciated." AS he says this he heads over to the wheel and grips it lightly with one hand. "Today is the beginning of a new life everyone!" He yells excitingly eagerly.
Taking a deep breath while watching a couple of events nearest to him which had been transpiring, eventually Brent's hand would find Vera's as to remove the cigar from her grasp. He placed the appropriate end in his mouth, biting the tip off so that he could actually use it to smoke out of. Hell, it was usually done with some sort of cutter anyway. That was simply the way that the smoking apparatuses of cigars came. Light hues fell on the captain as the man heard him speak. The man had sounded rather excited. A couple of pirates would probably argue that which such experience, and he probably shouldn't have been. Despite this, Brent was sure that he and Vera probably withheld enough experience on their own to avoid any major complications.

The hand which had been holding the bottle of whiskey had been swishing the liquid around in circles with the slight movement of his wrist. Teeth biting down softly on the cigar so that it could be held by his mouth, Brent used a free hand to remove the hood from atop his dome piece. Upon placing it down, he revealed a slightly scar-ridden face. The first noticeable one was diagonally across his right eye, another ran horizontal from the right side of his jaw to the middle of his cheek. The last scar was also horizontally placed, albeit across the bridge of his nose. He had no response for the captain when he spoke. Brent had been ready to set sail from the moment he put his clothing on. After finding flame to put at the end of his cigar so that he could finally start smoking it, the man took his appropriate place back at Vera's side as he waited for further instructions.
"It is a pleasure to meet both of you, Raxton and Hana." He said with a smile. Both of them were Powder Monkeys, a good job if you manage to stay alive. He noticed Hana was looking nervous, as if she wants to say something. "What is it Hana? Come on, tell me what's on your mind." He told the young girl. Though outranking them, Sebastian has a soft spot for Powder Monkeys, often looking out for them. Some of them holds so much potential.
Mae stopped humming her tune as she heard that they were about to set sail. "Boatswains? I haven't seen any boatswains." She whispered to herself. "Captain, I will help if you want me to. It's part of my job, anyway." Oh, how she felt like she was kissing up, then again, she did want to prove that she's here to stay. As she spoke to her captain, her voice grew softer, almost as if a part of her was scared of him. "It's up to you, sir." A thin smile came to her lips, seeing her fellows interact, especially Sebastian. This was going to be a looonnnggg trip.
"Oh! Um..." Hana blinked up at the sea artist. "It's nothing, really. I just thought you had really, ah, unique eyes."

She felt like she was digging her own grave, if she was being honest. It seemed as if every word out of her mouth was solidifying her image as a useless young child. she gripped her rifle's strap in one hand to remind herself that, no, she could hold her own if needed, and she would be able to prove this to everyone soon.

She put her other hand on the railing behind her to steady herself as the captain announced their departure. She still needed to properly thank him for recruiting her, and she needed to greet the gunners (she would be spending most of her time taking orders from them, after all) as well, but she was starting to enjoy the others' company.
He smiled at her, amused at her compliment. She really is young, afraid of speaking her mind for the fear of angering her superiors. He looked at Raxton who was standing beside him. The young man is obviously unexperienced, even Hana looked more experienced than him. But he has potential. He might even get promoted, as long as he survives. "She sure is a shy one. Look after her, alright?" He said to Raxton.
Nick turns on his heal facing the young cabin girl, "That would be greatly appreciated." He walks off down the stairs to the main deck, as so he could greet the rest of the crew. He sees the Sea Artist talking with some Powder Monkeys. He silently walks up to them and places his hand on the young girl's shoulder. "You and Raxton over there," He points to the other Powder Monkey, "Will be taking part in the raiding party, which will be lead by Brent, or as you know him, the quartermaster." He releases his light grip on the girl's shoulder and walks towards Sebastian. "As you know, we will be departing soon, I require you on the quarter deck whilst I steer the ship."
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"Always a pleasure, Captain Nick." Mae told him, dismissing herself to go below deck where all the rigging and such was. Truthfully, she just wanted to get this going. The thought of her first raiding was making her heart beat up to amazing paces. It was truly exciting. "Don't lose your head, Mae. Just get this thing going so the others can do their own jobs. Can't get moving until the anchor is...up!" As she uttered 'up' she pulled a lever like contraption and saw the chain winding up, which meant that the anchor would be coming up quickly. The thing was a good 100 pounds, so she was thankful that she had the chains to help her pull it aboard. "All part of my own trade. I have to learn the jobs of all others." She declared as she wiped even more sweat while coming up. "We're up and running!" She announced, wiping soot on her shirt.
"Aye aye!" He smiled, glad that they are sailing. "Good luck!" He said to the two, hoping they remain safe. He went over to the captain's side, wanting to ask him something. "Why include them in the raiding party? They're just children, they don't know how to fend for themselves. And even if they did, most of the people they're fighting are more experienced than they are." He said to the captain, genuinely concerned for the Powder Monkeys.
Nick politely listens to the Sea Artist's question and whispers back, much more serious than he was before."Though yes they are inexperienced small children, how else will the learn." He leaves after saying that and heads up to the wheel awaiting the sails to be freed and all of his officers to join him on the quarterdeck. "Everybody to your positions, all in the raiding party, or volunteers. Come up to the quarter deck to be briefed by your quartermaster!" He yells gripping the wheel softly.
He nodded, understanding the captain. It was the only way to prove their mettle. Perhaps he was just too over protective of them, but he knew that the captain knows best. "I understand captain, but will you allow me to join the raiding party? I want to watch over them." He politely said. He followed the captain up the quarter deck, waiting to be briefed.

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