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Fantasy The Atlantic's Jaw

((aaaaah im sorry, some irl stuff came up so ive been sort of mia. im just gonna pick up on the island ;; ))

Gulls circled, screeching, overhead; waves crashed against the shore; sun beat down forcefully on her skin; sand scraped her back, her thighs, her arms. Hana knew this mix of sensations all too well, and she didn't have to open her eyes to realize she'd washed up on an island. Which was probably for the best, actually, because her entire body felt somehow numb and incredibly sore at the same time. She didn't know if opening her eyes would even be possible at the moment.

How had she gotten here? She'd been on a ship, hadn't she? What was its name?

Trying to remember made her head hurt, and salt burned painfully in her throat, and she was still so tired. She gave up on moving for the moment and slept.

When she next awoke, the sun wasn't quite so strong, and though her body was still battered and sore, she sat up without much trouble. It took her a moment to remember where she was, but she stood hurriedly when she did.

"The Gold Greed!" Hana said aloud, wincing at how hoarse her own voice sounded. Where was the rest of the crew? Had anyone else survived? She breathed in a deep, controlled rhythm as she realized the chances were probably very slim.

She walked along the shore for a long time, trying her best not to think about how thirsty she was. She thought it was cruel- all this water lapping at her feet, but she couldn't drink it.

Eventually, she heard voices; someone shouting Anna's name. Her heart pounded so hard she felt it in her ears as she took off down the beach at a full-out sprint. When the surviving crew came into view, she shouted, this time not caring about how scratchy her throat was.
Thinking it best that she get away from this situation before she got hurt or hurt someone else, Mae traveled through the forest, away from her 'family' and away from the chaos. "Try and hit me. Be a man, you pathetic creep." She grumbled to herself. She didn't mean a word of it. She was grateful for everything Nick has done, but she was angry. She decided to start chopping up wood for a fire. It was going to get dark, it was cold. She would die without this fire and the protection of the crew. Her work wasn't neat or tidy. It was rather rough and badly done, but it was all she could do at the time. She struck wood on a stone to get a spark and then lit her little pile on fire. She wasn't going to go back to the beach after the confrontation. Mae wouldn't act a fool or put Sebastian in a tough spot all because she had a temper.
"Oh my god, Jackson..." Anna whispered into his shoulder. "I thought I would never see you again.... I thought you were dead..." She began to cry, tears of joy and sorrow and relief.

"Let me have a look at you." He said, Holding her out at arms length. "Oh my god, you look just like Mom." He brought her close again. "I'm here now. It's ok." He looked around the beach. "Where's Eddie?"

Anna bit her lip. She didn't want to spoil the moment. "Alavant Lane."

Jackson looked surprised. "Alavant lane? Isn't that..."

"Where the Cemetery is, yes." Anna broke away and looked at her boots. "He's dead, Jackson. I'm so sorry..."

"It couldn't have been your fault..." He said, looking at her in disbelief. "You were always the gentlest..."

"I gave him to trial because he killed someone.... I'm... sorry..." Anna began to cry again. "Oh god jackson I'm sorry."

Her older brother stared at her for a minute, shocked. Then his expression softened. "Honest to the end, huh? It's ok, Annie. You did what was right..." He pulled her close again, stroking her back and shushing her, comforting her.
Nick had just finished a makeshift wall using some stones and driftwood and was now "insulating" the wall with mud when he heard a hoarse yell. He then dropped a handful of mud and started running to the yell thinking it was a scream or an injured person. As he ran down the beach he passed by Anna and an unknown man who looked faintly like her. he then kept on running down the beach to where the shout came from, he then passed by the cook and one of the powder monkeys laying next to a large piece of driftwood. He soon saw the other powder monkey and loosened up. "Nice to see yer' alive!" He yelled ushering her to him. He turned around and started dragging the cook and the other powder monkey that were on the large drift wood towards the others.

Raxton pulled his eyes open in a panic, still in shock as to what had happened. Some memories came flooding back to him, and his stomach dropped in remembrance of the ship breaking in half. He suddenly felt like he was being dragged, and lazily moved his head around, eyeing his surroundings.

"Where the hell am I?" Raxton sputtered out, not meaning to say it at all. He looked up and saw the captain, heaving the debris Raxton lay on. "Stop! Stop," Raxton gasped, rolling off the piece of wood. "There was a woman, a woman... She was injured! Where is she? Did she wash up with me?" Raxton steadied himself to his hands and knees, looking around the beach. He saw a body, probably that of the woman. Without a word, he fumbled across to the beach, kneeling down beside her. She seemed to be uncontious, but Raxton put his ear to her chest anyways. It was small and weak, but there was still a heartbeat. Carefully, he picked her up and ran back to the captain and the piece of wood. Laying her down, Raxton grabbed the other side of the debris and looked up at the captain. "Can you lift her up on three?" Raxton asked with a huff of a breath.​
Sebastian was shocked to see that. It was really her brother, whom she have not seen for a long time. He felt happy for her, even happier when he heard him forgive Anna for what happened to their little brother. Sebastian left, leaving the two to have their reunion. He decided to look for Mae. Sebastian headed to the direction she went off to. Once he saw the light from a fire, he knew she's there. He went to her, sitting beside her and taking her hand. "I'm really sorry." He said, putting his head on her shoulder. "Do you still want to kill me, because this is your chance." He said, looking at her.
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Nick had dropped the wood when Raxton had sprung from his half unconscious slumber. He watched the powder monkey pick up the cook and bring her back over to the large piece of driftwood and set her down on it. "Aye." He said with close to no emotion as he picked up one side of the driftwood and slowly started making his way towards the others, ignoring Raxton's plan to lift on 3.
"I just want to be out of your way right now. Because of me, Nick is angry and I'm stuck out here." She moved away, just long enough to warm herself next to the fire. She came back to Sebastian after that. "You should get back to the rest. I'm gonna camp out here and come back come mornin'." She informed him with a sigh. "They could use a break from my drama." Mae kissed Sebastian's cheek. "Get goin'. It's late and they'll be after you."
Sebastian wrapped his arms around Mae, not letting her go. "No, I want to stay here." He said, kissing her cheek. He looked in her eyes, wanting her to feel the gravity of his conviction. "A lot of things happened today, and some of them were not pleasant. But I know one thing, and it's that I will never leave you again, especially after almost losing you, or rather you losing me." He said, smiling at her.
For once, Mae was nearly at a loss for words. Nearly. "I love you so much, Sebastian." The cabin girl moved closer to the sea artist. "What do you say we rock the island tonight, since we didn't get the chance to rock the boat?" Miss Mainsail, once so prim and proper, was asking to do unspeakable things with Sebastian. Her lips trailed along his jawline.

Everything happened in a rush, and he was not expecting any of it. "I didn't know you were naughty." He whispered, kissing her cheek. He sat up, his body is sore although it's the good sore. He got up and stretched. "We should head back to the others." He said, smiling at Mae. "We don't want them to think that those grunts and moans were from us fighting, right?" He ask, holding his hand out to her.
(( O.o ))

Anna let go of her brother and doubled over. She held her stomach in pain,and realized with a jolt that her arms were warm with blood. Her wound had re-opened, and it was bleeding anew. Jackson looked alarmed at the sight of the blood. "Annie! What happened to you? " He asked, very concerned.

"There was-" she coughed up a little blood. "There was a raid, a fight.... I made a promise."

"What, a promise to kill yourself?" Jackson swallowed down the vomit he could feel rising in his throat as Anna stood up, staring at her ribcage, which was now slick with blood, assessing the damage.

"No... A promise to guard two crewmembers with my life." She swallowed the metallic taste and looked. Away, wound burning. "I killed a man to protect two powder monkeys. Both are so young, and Sebastian....." she looked around, eyes glazed with pain. "Where is Sebastian, anyway?"

"That doesn't matter. What matters is getting that wound bound and healed. You need to LIE DOWN while I'm gone, ok?" When anna nodded, he took her chin in his hand and lifted her head up to look him in the eye. "Annabell Alexis Lee, you WILL NOT DIE ON ME TONIGHT." He said, quietly but fiercely. He released her chin and kissed her on the forehead. "Lie down on the sand near the waves. The sand won't stick to you too much there." With that he left to find something to bind his sisters wound, worried that he might lose her again, and she would never see him until he died. He HAD to hurry.
Mae felt the need to playfully shove the man, which she did. "If you haven't figured it out yet," she indicated her sparsity of clothing, "I don't give a damn what others think. Though we don't have a ship anymore, I'm still a pirate, or, mercenary and not that silly city girl I was prior to the journey." Seeing Sebastian's offered hand, she grinned as she took it and pulled herself up. "I never knew you were into girls that want to kill you every other time you speak."
He smiled, pulling her up and hugging her. "I know, and that's what I like about you. The way that you never let anyone boss you around, not the captain and not me. You are the captain of your own life, but as a captain, you would still need a crew, and I'd like to be your first mate, if you know what I mean." He said, smiling as he kissed her. He never felt this happy before, not when he sailed the seas, not even when he joined the crew. This is the first time he felt complete, the first time he ever felt whole. "You know, maybe you wanting to kill me makes me like you. I'm a pirate, I live for excitement, and it excites me to hear your death threats. It's like talking dirty for me." He said, smiling brightly at her.
Hana trailed wearily behind Raxton and the captain. She was glad to see they were alive, but the woman on the driftwood between them didn't look like she had much time, and Hana didn't know if anyone with any decent medical training had made it here. She followed them quietly while they carried the unconscious cook back to what Hana assumed was their camp.

"Um, Captain," she started softly, "are you okay? You seem, uh... upset."
The rocking she felt now was different then before. Her left opened a crack and she could make out the figures of the nameless boy and the Captain. Also if she strained, she could see a woman's silhouette following behind them. Chapped lips opened and Avril's voice croaked out, "What happened to the ship?" At the moment it was all she could muster but she had both eyes open now and was breathing somewhat more evenly. She took these as good signs even though her condition wasn't exactly pristine.
Mae couldn't believe that he was still going at it after all their time together. "Strangely enough, I never meant for you to take your focus away from the other girls and even more so, your work. I'm kinda selfish, aren't I?" The brunette shrugged as she hacked away at brush with her knife, until they reached the beach. "Well, we all made it safely. That's good, right?"
Nick slowly set down the large driftwood, once he got to where most of the group gathered. He first responded to the cook's question, " As low and dead as the sea." He said pointing out to the now calm ocean. He then asked, "Could I see that driftwood?" He asked softly taking out the driftwood from under her without waiting for a response. He then turned to the girl powder monkey, "Just some stuff popped up, nothing much." He smiled at then young las and lifted the driftwood over his head and started over to his under construction hut to use it as a door.

Raxton sighed and put down the peice of wood, watching as the captain got to work with the cabin. He peered over at hana. "Miss Dulluhan, I'm

glad to see that you're doing well. I didn't see you when the ship sunk, so I was hoping nothing had happened," Raxton said, head tilted down, but looking at Hana through his lashes. His lip throbbed and he went to touch it, causing the busted area to split open and bleed. The boy ran his tongue along his bottom lip, grazing it with his teeth. His lips were flaky and chapped from the salty air and dehydration, and just the though of water made his thraot toghten. He looked over at the mystery woman and crouched to mach her sitting position.

"I'm sure you're just about as exhausted aswe are, and if not, more. I'm not one of stating the obvious, but you have a serious wound. Eventually we're going to have to do something about it, but until that time you should just slow down a bit," Raxton looked over his shoulder to Hana. "I'm Raxton Kent, and my partner here is Miss Hana Dulluhan," Raxton said, leaving out his pirate alias. He guessed it didn't really apply to their current jobs as 'survivors'. "I'm going to go on a hunt for some food, and maybe a body of water, or something of the sort. Hang tight while I do that. Miss Dulluhan, you're welcome to join me." Raxton said, already standing and walking to the jungle area. He had no idea what could possibly be out there, but better explored than left a mystery.

(I've never met people who have actually had to fade to black! The RP usually dies by then!)​
Hana realized a moment too late that Captain Veal was probably upset about having lost his ship. Of course, she berated herself mentally. She watched the captain fortify his shelter until Raxton addressed her.

"Oh, no, um. I'm okay... I'm glad you're okay too," she stammered, wincing at his busted lip. That had to be painful. Hana put one hand over the gash on her other arm at this reminder. She was sure it would need stitches, but at least it didn't feel infected.

She nodded in greeting to the injured woman, studying her injury and her pale face. She looked like she'd lost a lot of blood. Hana's hands went for her rifle strap habitually, and she realized for the first time that she must've lost it.

"I'll come with you," she responded softly before glancing again at the blonde. "I'll keep an eye out for fresh water and... meat is probably a good idea right now, so just- uh. Just hold tight, okay?"
Jackson sprinted down the beach, down past the Captain, Raxton, Wounded Avril, and Hana. Sprinting into the forest, top speed, he almost flew past Sebastian and Mae. Ducking under trees, jumping over logs, skirting bushes, muttering to himself: "Cottonweed, cottonweed.... I saw some somewhere, but where? Hang on Anna, Just give me some time.."

Anna laid on the beach, clutching her stomach trying to stop the bloodflow, eyes closed tight in pain. She was losing more and more blood, giving the sand on the beach a dark red color. As she got Paler and paler, her breaths began to get shallower, and her vision started to fuzz. *cant die now.. i have to stay alive.. for the powdermonkeys... for Sebastian...For...for Jackson.*she thought. She concentrated on breathing, in, out. In, out.
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"Come on now, stop blaming yourself. It was not your fault, it was mine. You were simply present, but it is me who chose to love you, and I'm glad you loved me back." He said with a smile. He saw Mae's nearly naked body. He removed his coat and put it on her. "Here, wear this. I might get jealous if they stare at your body." He said, playfully pouting at her. Just then, he saw Jackson, running off towards the forest. Sebastian sensed something wrong. "Let's go. Anna might be in danger." He said to Mae, taking her hand and running towards the beach.
Mae barely had time to put the coat on before her arm was nearly ripped from her socket as they ran after Jackson. "Wh-What's wrong with Anna?" Mae questioned breathlessly. "I thought she was recovering nicely." She was witness to the others caring for Anna and was under the impression that her friend was going to be fine. She was worried. "Anna! Jackson!" She called to them. "Anna!"
Anna heard Mae calling her, and she began to breathe more evenly. Forcefully, but evenly. She opened her eyes and they swelled up with tears. She forced the tears back as she saw Mae and sebastian running towards her. She swallowed in determination, doing her best to not succumb to the pain or the dark unconciousness.

Jackson finally stumbled across a freshwater lagoon. Cottonweed was like cattail rushes, but they were more fluffy and absorbant. He hacked away some sprigs of the fluffy plant, getting enough tops to bind Anna's wound. He grabbed a leaf , sort of bowl-shaped, and dipped it in the lagoon water. Carefully speed walking back to the beach, as he went he entangled some of the vines from the nearby trees in his arms and yanked them free. He finally made it to the beach, noticing Mae calling out to Anna. "HANG ON ANNIE!" he once again flew past sebastian and his girlfriend, finally making it to where Anna was. He began to dress her wound, pullingher shirt up enough so he could get to it easily. He poured the water on his sister's stabbed stomach, clearing away as much of the blood as he could. He gently lifted up her chest, sliding the vines under the arch of her back, braiding in the cottonweed tufts on the top. Tying it securely, he pulled the final knot tightly, but not too much so. Anna's brother did all of this in the span of about three minutes, his deft handwork and gentle, brotherly love mixed with his despiration and urgency, gave him steady hands and a clear mind. He sat down near her head, putting it in his lap, gently stroking her short red hair. "I have you Annie. You're going to be fine." He said this more for himself than for her. Anna smiled. "Thank you Jack." She kept concentrating on breathing. Already the cottonweed was turning red, but slower than it was. She looked at her brother's face, his gentle smile, his soft eyes, and that was what she concentrated on. His eyes were her anchor, and she decided to just let herself stay locked on his eyes. She was feeling less pain than she was before, and she was glad that the pressure of the bind was tight enough to prevent much bloodflow.
He sighed as he saw Jack treat Anne's wounds. He knelt beside her and took her hand. "I really really want to say thank you." He said, kissing her forehead before he stood up. He went away, Mae still in hand. "That was just a friendly kiss." He told her, giving her a smile.

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