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Fantasy The Atlantic's Jaw

"Do I even look like I'm concerned, Sebastian?" Mae giggled. "I know Anna is a nice and decent girl, but I'm not...well, considering your past, I guess I should be concerned, but I'm not." She just shrugged off the explanation. "I'm just worried about never getting off this island. Maybe we can take a ship as it comes by." She suggested. "Or we could spend the rest of our lives here and grow old."
Nick had finished three of the walls and was now working on the fourth, along with the entrance of the hut. He could hear conversations being held on the nearby shoreline but he ignored them. He had finally finished all four walls and was now laying down a leaf floor. Once he was done with that he wiped his hands and went over to the beach, where he saw Anna, the one who looked like a relative of Anna, and the "couple". There was a small pool of blood that was slowly being washed away by the ocean and evaporated by the sun. "Is everything all right over here?"

Raxton pushed through the opening of the jungle, holding it open for Hana. He unlatched the knife he had kept on his belt, happy that it hadn't gotten lost in the ocean. With the flick of his wrist, a few obstacles of vines fell to the jungle floor, and Raxton cautiously stepped over them. "I think you're smart enough to know to watch for snakes and other critters, but I want you to help me look for Saltbush," Raxton said, continually walking and cutting some other vines and plants. "It's a kind of shrub with thin branches, Diamond shaped leaves... It's sort of scaly and thin. It also looks pretty dead. You wouldn't miss it if you saw it," Raxton said, touching a plant with frail petals. He scanned the bottom of the jungle, and crouched upon seeing a familiar plant.

"Spinifex... This guy's an interesting find." Raxton said, plucking a pointy leaf. He twisted it in between his fingers. "He's not used for much, but he's rare in these parts." The tall boy stood up and continued walking until he stumbled across a tree. A smile widened on his face. "The desert oak. The largest, most tragic of them all," Raxton said, rubbing his calloused fingers on the bark. "Folks say this guy has the spirit of the dingo," He said, picking a crisp leaf and crushing it in his fingers. "Legend says when the wind is right, he uproots and moves across the landscape. To be honest, that would explain why he's here," Raxton laughed. His smile dissipated as he put his ear to the trunk, almost as if he were looking for a heart beat. "But he has to die to reproduce. You see, his seedpods won't open until fire rips them apart. After the fire, the seeds inside scatter on tiny wings and the tree's range extends," Raxton patted the trunk with a weak smile. He continued on, naming a few common plants. His eyes glinted at the sight of the cattails. Raxton rushed over to them making sure to slice the cottony plants off as well as their leaves.

"These bad boys can be used for everything. If you get the roots and peel back the leaves, they taste great. The pollen is a great substitute for flour, and the gel in the leaves and poultice in the roots have medical benefits. They'll help out Anna and that woman," Raxton said, pulling some of the useful plant by its roots. "And," he continued, "When there's cattails, there's water." After successfully plucking a good amount of cattails, He walked around some more, crouching every once and a while to pull up some plants. "God, it's like a supermarket in here! There couldn't of been a better island to get stranded on. We have Yarrow-- that'll help with bleeding. And in tea, not only does it taste great, but it help with colds, flu, headaches, and stomach ulcers. Mullein-- She'll make good toilet paper. And she's also great in tea, which will treat bronchial infections, coughs, and the oil can help with ear aches. We also have rose hips, which is commonly found in tea. She helps with things like arthritis, vitamins, anti-inflammatory, and can be made in to a really nice facial cleanser. She smells amazing," Raxton raved, excited about all of these new finds. These things were his specialty, and it was probably lucky of the rest of the crew to end up with him. "Believe it or not, these nettles are great when they're boiled. They're good for congestion, stomach aches, and the decoction can be used to treat infections. And last but not least, Horsetail. It can be used for toothbrushes, bleeding and healing, kidney problem, and most importantly, they grow right on the water like those cattails," Raxton said while standing up. Moving a few feet up, he heard the rushing water of a stream. "And I think we hit the jackpot."​
He smiled at Mae, holding her hand. He was glad that Mae is not very jealous, that would have been very annoying and quite the turn off. They walked towards the beach and sat down, the wave brushing their feet. "You know, it might actually be nice to stay here, as long as you're here with me." He said, kissing Mae. "What about you, would you like to stay here, away from civilization? Just you, me, and a bunch of kooky pirates?" He ask her with a grin.
"Even if I had the means to leave, I wouldn't do that." Mae answered with the same grin. "I'll just have to find another way to get clothes. I'll probably go hunting later." She hugged Sebastian's jacket close to her body. "You ask if I'm jealous when, not even an hour ago, you gave me your jacket, Sebastian." She teased her partner.
Hana followed carefully behind her fellow powder monkey, listening attentively as he spoke. It was a little overwhelming, if she admitted it, but still she gathered plants where she could. Raxton's knowledge was impressive, and his enthusiasm was kind of cute, she thought. When he found the stream for them, she unhooked the canteen from her belt and lowered it into the fresh water.

"Where did you learn so much about- about plants?" she asked softly, content to kneel next to the flowing water and listen to it bubble. "Did you go to school?"

Hana couldn't help a twinge of jealousy at the thought; she'd wanted to go to school before she'd been kidnapped, and she felt so uninformed about the world, despite all of her experiences aboard ships. What good did that do her when they were stranded on land, after all?

Raxton let out a laugh, but looked over at Hana as she filled up her canteen. "No, actually, I'm awful with anything school related. But the boys I grew up with lived far away from everything, and we learned through, well, trail and error. We were lucky we didn't end up killing ourselves," Raxton laughed, remembering that one of the boys had eaten a plant that acted as a laxative, and I'm sure you could image what happened after that.

"Only later when they were gone did I actually learn the names of the plants. But that's enough about me," Raxton said with a smile, looking at Hana through his lashes. Running a hand through the cool water, Raxton began unbuttoning his pants, and folded them up by the stream. He waded in the cool water until he was waist deep. His undergarments stuck to his legs, and Raxton ducked under the water, re-emerging later with his long and brown hair dripping. He ran his fingers back, tucking away all of his wet flyaway's. After walking back to the shore, Raxton wrung out his hair and picked up his knife, chopping it off at his nape. Making sure none if the hair fell in to the water, Raxton brought it to a tree, and dug a hole.

"Don't think I'm weird or anything. A common belief is that burying your hair has fertile qualities for the tree and plants, and makes them lucky. And it's also an Islamic belief apparently." Raxton said, packing soil on top of the buried hair. "Plus I'm not just gonna let it go in the stream," Raxton said, giggling at his own joke. He ran his hand through his newly shortened hair for a bit, and crouched down by to the stream, next to Hana. Cupping his hands, he brought water to his lips and drank, feeling it dribble down his chin and on to his neck. It was most certainly warm, so Raxton felt better, now being drenched in water and half naked. His lip throbbed, but he kept drinking despite the burn.

Avril laid back and watched the sky. It was nice and she was far enough away from everyone that the sounds they were making were muted. It felt kind of weird to be left all alone while others rejoiced about the safety of their companions but she knew she wasn't actually alone. Avril laid her open hand over the wound and breathed in sharply as her hand was quickly saturated in red. So it hadn't healed one bit and it was painful.

Very very painful. That bastard had ripped a hole straight through her, you could almost see the sand she laid on if you looked closely enough. She shivered another reminder that she wasn't going be here much longer, she may have lasted if she hadn't been soaking wet. Ah hell, who she was kidding. She thought back to her family, how they had urged her not to go, to stay where the only danger to her life was a kitchen fire. But they had raised her too well and the prospect of an adventure and a challenge was to much to resist. Avril smiled a sad sort of smile and turned her head to look at her crewmates. There was the other injured girl who she never properly met. And there was Sebastian and his sweetheart Mae. She hoped they stayed together for a while, they would need each other.

Of course there was Raxton and Hana who had been so kind as to watch over her and that panicked looking boy who she was pretty sure wasn't apart of the crew but was important just the same. And finally the captain. Nick had given her an opportunity to try something new and she was very grateful for that, he hadn't even been bothered when she forced her way onto his ship. He made her apart of the crew just like that. She stopped reminiscing and tried to turn her head to look at the sky again. But Avril found the she should could no longer move or breathe. Oh, so this is what Death feels like. It's a bit more painful than I hoped but peaceful for the most part. Hmm might as well just...sleep...I am...tired. The sad little smile held its place as Avril Rigger's eyes closed for the last time.
(They were shut for the last time because the next time she'd open them they'd be stitched open, problem solved.)
Nick looked over to where the other woman was. He had thought that the young powder monkeys had gone to get stuff that could aid her. But now, she looked lifeless. He quickly rushed over to her, noticing that her chest wasn't rising and lowering anymore. He started to shake her shoulders, he knew this wouldn't help her, she was most likely already passed. He tried his best to bandage up her wound, taking off his own over coat to stop the bleeding. Her wound was alredy sterilized by the ocean water so he had no need to worry about infection right now, if she didn't die.
((how am i supposed to pretend everythings okay when someone just dIED AVRIL NOOO I WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO KNOWING U))

Hana averted her gaze, focusing on capping her canteen securely instead of Raxton's unclothed state. However, she could only stare at the container for so long, and she glanced up just in time to watch him to cut and bury his hair. She breathed in sharply when he crouched next to her, nearly-naked as he was, and kept her eyes respectfully on his face.

"Any reason in part- in particular that you, um, chose that tree? To bury your hair under, I mean?"

She winced at his busted lip. It would be nasty if it got infected. This line of thought brought her mind back to the woman on the beach, and she stood up abruptly, almost falling into the stream in her haste.

"We should bring her some water," she said, biting her lip as she realized she had yet to take a drink.

Raxton stood up and nodded gathering the plants he had foraged and his pants. "Yeah, we better get going. I'd feel bad if she was waiting on us," Raxton said as he tucked everything beneath his arm. Retracing their steps, Raxton patted the desert oak and half smiled, thinking about the boys. As they re-emerged from the jungle, Raxton jogged down to Avril and the captain, a slightly worried expression on his face.

"Ahoy, captain Veal! We were just harvesting some things for this woman and Anna-" Raxton felt a jolt through his whole body, and his stomach dropped. He looked at the captain's face, and it seemed he didn't look very hopeful himself. Dropping all of his items to his side, Raxton quickly kneeled down next to Avril. He forced his ear to her chest, and after waiting thirty seconds his head rose up, and the boy was slightly shaking with anger.

"She's gone..." The boy said, unevenly and laced with anger. "She's fucking dead! You just let her die?!" Raxton was fuming now, his body tensed and still crouched next to Avril.

"You idiots! There was a woman on the verge of death right here and you let her die?!" Raxton stormed closer to the shore, where Sebastian and Mae were. "All you bloody people are selfish! You say all you want to do is protect me and Hana, but the truth is, we're more capable than you are! You just use it as a fucking excuse!" Raxton huffed out an angered breath, glaring at the two. "You two act like this is some holiday escape, where all you do is fuck and not care about anybody else! But you're so blind, you couldn't see the impaled and lifeless woman on the beach!" Raxton's face made a disgusted expression and stormed back to Avril, tears pinching his eyes.

"And I didn't even know her fucking name!" The angered boy turned around, and angrily walked back to the jungle, flipping off the couple while he walked. Raxton took safety by the desert oak, sitting on it's big overgrown roots. "Didn't even know her name," he sighed, and rested his head back against the tree.

((Crap! Raxton got maaaaaaaaaaad))

Jackson sighed. "I'll go talk to him." He got up from Anna's head and followed raxton to the desert Oak. He sat down beside him. "Look. Raxton, isn't it? Nobody better than me knows how that feels, being angry because someone's life slipped away. We want to blame everyone, but the truth is, even when you hold on to that life as hard as we can, sometimes that person dies. I blamed my father for my mother's death for years because he was sitting in that chair in the corner of the room, just watching. I cursed at him, flipped him off, I even punched him in the nosr, and he didn't do anything. After a few years I realized that even with all of the help she got and could've got, my mother would've died anyway. It's easy to blame other people and yourself, but the truth is, death happens, and sometimes we have to accept the fact that there was nothing we could do, no matter how hard we try." Jackson sighed again and put his head in his hands. "Sometimes, alk you can do is hope."

Raxton muffled a sob as the man walked in. He spoke, but all Raxton did was blame himself more. "I could've done something. It was my job to get those things for her, and they would've helped too. But I got so caught up in the water, and all if the plants, and I guess I forgot. I forgot how much a human life means, especially when it's on the verge not being human anymore. Just another spirit. That woman, she was surrounded by acquaintances when she passed. People who were so caught up in their own world, they couldn't even spare some time to help another person's world. And that's human nature. We're selfish," Raxton said, secretly catching a tear by his hand.

"But I'm sorry about your mother," he said, blankly looking off in to the distance. Raxton had more of an empty feeling now, but he was still fuming on the inside.​
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Hana stayed on the beach, staring silently at Avril's body for a while. She hadn't known her, and though Hana was upset, she wasn't devastated. She'd had to pick herself up after friends she'd known for years had died; a stranger was practically nothing. Still, she couldn't help grimacing at the woman's wound. It was a wonder she'd lived so long in the first place.

"I'm gonna bury her," she said eventually, clearing her throat. She didn't want to look at anyone, didn't want to see their reactions to Raxton's outburst. They would grieve in their own ways, if they grieved at all.

Hana walked farther inland and knelt where the sand became dirt, digging with her dagger. This woman deserved a proper burial, and though she doubted the others would have left her body there, in the open, they hadn't seemed like they were in the best head spaces to be doing this.
Nick followed the the powder monkey further inland. He saw her digging the soon to be grave. He then knelt down beside her, " We shouldn't bury a pirate's body, she deserves a viking's burial." His mom and dad had called it a viking's funeral all his life so he stuck to what he thought it was called. "We'd send her body out to sea on a small raft, whilst it is out there it would burn. Fire atop water, it would be a beautiful sight." He then stood back up, "We can bury her if you'd like though."
Sebastian was about to say something to Mae when Raxton started yelling at them ."S-She's dead." Sebastian said, unable to believe it. He thought that she was fine, being in the care of the captain, which is why he was just relaxing now. He felt horrible, like his insides were being tossed around. "It's my fault." He said, his voice monotone and it lacks emotion. He went over to her body, wanting to see if this is true. Her skin was grey and her chest was no longer rising up and down. "P-Please, I will bury her." He said to Hana, looking at her with eyes filled with tears. "I-It's my fault she died, it is a burden I must carry." He said to Hana. "Please, let me bury her."
Hana sighed and stood up, dusting off her knees. "She doesn't look like she was at home on the sea," she said as she glanced again at the body, "I don't think her final resting place should be somewhere she wasn't used to."

She turned then and, after letting her hand hang in the air around Sebastion's neck, squeezed his shoulder in what she hoped was a comforting gesture. "She knew the risks," she said haltingly. "and she wasn't... There wasn't really any hope of her surviving a wound that big- especially without proper medicine. There isn't anything any of us could have done for her."

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