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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

He looks at her with caring eyes. "I plan to go to the city soon. Why dont you... um... come with me" he says looking away

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Mao stared at him in amazement. What on earth did he transform into? "Uh…ok." She said, and climbed into the back of the cart. "Yeah, I'll guide you to the middle of the town." She said, taking a seat on her tail.


(Remade this to make it better.)

Megumi's heart started racing as Zenario kissed her quickly, and pulled her into a hug. This is almost a dream that came true. She thought smiling up at him. Her tail which was previously sqaying in excitement slowed down until it came to a stop. "Yes, I'd love to spend the day with you." She said softly, her head nodding and arms limp at her sides.

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"The city.. with you.. but why?" Vinny asks not knowing why this stranger would offer to take her. 'That guard yesterday offered too.. strange.' She thought as she smiled up at the boy.

"If you don't want to take me that's fine." Vinera says as the boy starts to fidget. "My names Vinera by the way." She says with a smile, realizing they hadn't introduced themselves.

Zareh said:
Arona happily takes the bite from Fero's fork and chews adorably like a little baby. She continues to eat the whole cake with her new mate, as they finished the cake Arona does her usual routine "BUUUURRRRRPPPPPP" she burped very loud and starts laughing "Exxxccuuussseee meeee, that cake you made was very lovely...thank you wolfie darling" she said while blushing a little bit but she smiled at him brightl. "So...now that we have completely demolished the cake, do you have any other plans?" she asks in a satisfied mood.
@The Mythic Dragon


Horatio was quite surprised by how hyperactive Inutsuki is, it reminded him of Arona in a way. He followed her around as she got the items that she wanted; pickles, cheese, anchovies and eggs apparently. He did not understand why she would crave these items but it must be an organic thing apparently. However as they went around the shops, a lot of weird stares were headed their way...Inutsuki didn't seem to notice but Horatio has a much better sense of his surroundings. He brought the items together with Inutsuki, one of the merchants stared at them wide eyed and shocked especially at Horatio. "I would like to buy these please." he said as he laid down the following items. "Um...Uh....y-yes sir...that will be 16 gold coins please" he said anxiously as he looked at the items, he could be possibly be scared from the way that Horatio is looking at him. He takes some coins from his satchel and places them on the counter. "T-Thank you sir...h-have a good day..s-sir" he managed to finish his sentence. Horatio puts the items inside his satchel and follows Inutsuki out one of the shops. As he went outside, he felt a chill of wind go up his metallic spine, he scanned the area for any sign of anomalies but none so far, it just seemed like a very cheerful atmosphere with people and couples enjoying themselves on mate day. He decides to ignore it, probably some random wind blow that happened to go by here. Horatio looks at Inutsuki who seems to be in a happy mood as they walked "We have gotten the items, is there anywhere else that you need to go to?" he asked her as they continued walking.

Inutsuki happily skipped along after him, completely ignorant of her surroundings, she looked up at Horatio innocently 'hmmm.... not really. but-... I guess I wouldn't mind walking around a bit, I've forgotten most of it... and I probably will tomorrow... but it would be nice to see all the trees again! did I ever tell you how much I love trees? trees are awesome... but they're always the thing that I always forget...' she held it up laughing awkwardly.

"I'm Clint. And its not that. I want you to go with me because um... I think you are very beautiful and caring and want to be your mate for Mate day...." he hurries it all out in one breath then takes a deep breath
Aine is walking around the town and see several people is paired up and having mates in Mate Day. She signs as she need something to get that mate thing out of her mind as she look at the a some flowers and sweets stuff that have sailing it at the store. She look at the window and see a heart-shapes cake and she can't help but to star with a sad eyes.



Yin is sale some flowers for the couples as she look at everyone. "Its must be nice to see everyone happy......Mate Day must be romance!!" She sign happy and she hope that someday she'll have a mate too.

Arona looked around Fero's place as she walked around it, she thought it was a cozy kind of home. "Wow, I didn't realize that you lived so far away from the Guild! How do you even walk all the way from here?" she asked as she flops onto the bed "Wheeeeeee!" she said as she went *thump* and starts rolling on the bed left and right like a hyperactive baby. "Come join meeeeeeee Feeeeerrrrroooooo dddaarrrrrllliiinnngggg iiiittttttssss ssssoooo mmmmuuuuccchhhhh fuuuuunnnnn!!!!!" she said as she continues rolling on the bed.

@The Mythic Dragon

Somewhere else over the rainbow.....

Horatio looks to Inutsuki as he continues walking
"I do remember you saying something about trees when we first met...I believe..." as he continues walking, he scans the area for any anomalies because of his suspicions of something or someone watching them. "Is there a certain tree that you have an attraction to?" he asks Inutsuki as they make their way downtown. He hears music playing from some band with violins and couples cheeerfully dancing to it. He analyzed the movements, it felt familiar in a way but he did not know for sure.

< @Zareh >

Fero watches Arona roll around on his bed and smiles. He walks over to the bed and lays Down on his side, just enjoying Arona's company and watching her be so happy brought a smile to his face.
Zareh said:
Arona looked around Fero's place as she walked around it, she thought it was a cozy kind of home. "Wow, I didn't realize that you lived so far away from the Guild! How do you even walk all the way from here?" she asked as she flops onto the bed "Wheeeeeee!" she said as she went *thump* and starts rolling on the bed left and right like a hyperactive baby. "Come join meeeeeeee Feeeeerrrrroooooo dddaarrrrrllliiinnngggg iiiittttttssss ssssoooo mmmmuuuuccchhhhh fuuuuunnnnn!!!!!" she said as she continues rolling on the bed.
@The Mythic Dragon

Somewhere else over the rainbow.....

Horatio looks to Inutsuki as he continues walking
"I do remember you saying something about trees when we first met...I believe..." as he continues walking, he scans the area for any anomalies because of his suspicions of something or someone watching them. "Is there a certain tree that you have an attraction to?" he asks Inutsuki as they make their way downtown. He hears music playing from some band with violins and couples cheeerfully dancing to it. He analyzed the movements, it felt familiar in a way but he did not know for sure.


Inutsuki shook her head, a soft smile falling onto her face 'Not really... they just feel-... 'special'... to me. I have no idea why...' she sighed, holding it up slowly before hearing the music a grin then spread across her face again as she suddenly grabbed Horatio's hands and started dancing with him at the sidelines, even though she wasn't writing it down it was pretty clear what she wanted to say... She was having Fun.

The figure watched from the shadows, a small smirk appearing on her face
"Have fun... for now you deserve it." it sounded soft and calming though, not cold and they then simply turned before walking into the crowd, remaining a safe distance away.

Horatio was surprised by Inutsuki's sudden grab as she gets him to dance, however despite having little to no experience with dancing. He mentally smiled when he sees Inutsuki having fun, it is all he wanted to see. Still despite all of this, he still enjoyed himself to the dancing and the music...is this what it meant to have feelings? Is it a defection of some kind or maybe is it something much more? As he continued dancing, he couldn't help but feel enjoyment in such an activity as this.

"Is this what it means to....be human?....to be like...one of them?..." he thought to himself as he continued dancing with her "No...that does not matter, what matters is that she is safe and happy" Horatio thought.

Zareh said:
Horatio was surprised by Inutsuki's sudden grab as she gets him to dance, however despite having little to no experience with dancing. He mentally smiled when he sees Inutsuki having fun, it is all he wanted to see. Still despite all of this, he still enjoyed himself to the dancing and the music...is this what it meant to have feelings? Is it a defection of some kind or maybe is it something much more? As he continued dancing, he couldn't help but feel enjoyment in such an activity as this.
"Is this what it means to....be human?....to be like...one of them?..." he thought to himself as he continued dancing with her "No...that does not matter, what matters is that she is safe and happy" Horatio thought.

Inutsuki continued to dance for a while before getting distracted by something else... she really was like a little kid, after a moment though she turned pale and ran off, emptying her stomach and coming back, smiling though 'Haha! your not going to ruin my day, kid.' she wrote confidently, showing it to Horatio and smiling reassuringly at him as she poked her stomach and sat down, kicking her legs back and forth on the bench as she caught her breath, she appeared to be panting slightly.

Horatio sits down with Inutsuki on the bench and pats her on the back as they watched the other couples dance with joy. A Slience feels the air between Horatio and Inutsuki, he did not know what to say since he had little to talk about however as he scanned the area, he notices a Cherry Blossom tree in the distance which appeared to have some pink flowers growing on it "Inutsuki? Do you like flowers?" he asks with curiosity in mind. "I know that you take a liking to Trees but what about flowers? They are both forms of flora, is there any type of flower you would like?" he asks while scanning Inutsuki for a response.

(So hey guys! What we're gonna do is say we're in the next day, and just retcon any events of the previous day! So...yeah! Rawr! <3 )

Larentia Shikari

Larentia rolled out of bed just like any other day, got cleaned up, dressed, ate her fill and walked on down the stairs, her satchel and staff in hand. She greeted the innkeeper as usual, to which he replied,

"Happy Mate Day Darlin'!" in quite a happy tone of voice.

Her eyes widened a little at the mention of the holiday, and all she could do was grin and nod as she walked outof the inn. She'd completely blanked on the date and was taken completely aback by the sudden turn of events. Looking around, Larentia noticed alot of the usual businesses were closed for the day.

Maybe a day off was due? She could travel to The Spiritual Tree, make peace with the surrounding nature. She knew what could happen when one with such an aura didn't respect their power, and where it comes from...it became warped, changed the user..

With a small shake of her head and a grin to push away those dark thoughts, she started walking out of the city towards The Spiritual Tree.
Zareh said:
Horatio sits down with Inutsuki on the bench and pats her on the back as they watched the other couples dance with joy. A Slience feels the air between Horatio and Inutsuki, he did not know what to say since he had little to talk about however as he scanned the area, he notices a Cherry Blossom tree in the distance which appeared to have some pink flowers growing on it "Inutsuki? Do you like flowers?" he asks with curiosity in mind. "I know that you take a liking to Trees but what about flowers? They are both forms of flora, is there any type of flower you would like?" he asks while scanning Inutsuki for a response.

Inutsuki stared at him blankly for a moment 'Fl-ow...ersda?.. flowers?.. I think I may have forgotten those... umm, do you mean... the pretty coloured ovals? they're on trees and there's lots of them!' she wrote, smiling at him 'you know... I really like singing.' she wrote, holding it up slowly as it was a quite 'out of the blue' comment.

'I mean... it hurts like hell and I have to be super careful of what the song's about but-... whenever I do it I feel so relieved... like somethings been lifted off my chest...' she held it up before hesitating, looking around a moment before writing the next part 'I have.. these two songs, and, I don't know why but!-... I have the words stuck in my head, no matter what I can't forget it... I have no idea what the names are... so I made two up. I won't say them though... it's to embarrassing.... pity I can't sing for you... it would hurt the kid too much...' she laughed weakly, blushing as she showed it to him 'one of them-... is really beautiful... and if I sing it the words can heal people... but the other? is sad, cold... people-... they get hurt by just a single note.' she sighed.

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Leon looked at Mary with a raised brow and a surprised look. "A private meeting? Why doesn't he just request an audience with you instead of sneaking around? It makes much more sense." With a sigh, he then dismissed the situation and focused on the plan for the day. Upon hearing Mary speak, he turned to her again and smiled. "Of course, let's make a move. Hopefully nowhere is too busy" he paused before continuing, "But let's be honest, everywhere will be busy today." He spoke with a warm smile and a chuckle, as he looked beyond the palace gates and into the streets. "So, take your pick. Today you can choose where we go. And if you want anything just ask, I'll buy it for you." He smiled again, and waited for Mary to lead the way.

Mate Day meant a bustling town square filled with couples peacefully strolling the streets, too engaged in themselves to worry about others, but Casper knew that justice never sleeps. Still, the day was slow, and as nothing had happened during his daily rounds, he sat down on a park bench and continued his crochet project. He set some of the loose yarn strands on his horns as he tried to untangle the thing, but ended up unwinding a good chunk of what he’d already done and ended up getting it more tangled than it was in the first place. Eventually, he even managed to tie one of his hands to the opposite horn. “This is the prowess of the Guardians, then,” he thought to himself.
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"Because he doesn't want an audience, and it's pretty understandable, since some people don't like to have an audience." said Mary.

She heard Leon saying that she get to pick where she gets to go on this date, and Mary started to be excited about this, since she has the perfect dating schedule in her bag.

Mary took the dating schedule out, since it has everything that she wanted to do today.

"Ok. Our first stop is going to the cafe, since I want to eat some delicious apple pie, then we go to the circus, since I heard that the monkey girl does amazing tricks there, and then after the circus, we go to the spiritual tree, so we can talk to that lonely bunny girl for a bit, and last but not least, we go to beach town." said Mary.

'You are so sweet, Leon.' thought Mary, since she always liked how kind he was to her, because he always treated her like a normal person.

She then noticed a pig girl, who was giving away free roses to anyone, who have a mate, so she decided to get some roses for both of them, since she wanted to putted a pink and a red rose in both of their hair.

"There, now we can go." said Mary cheerfully.

'Making the date more romantic is working.' thought Mary, since she was extremely happy on the inside.

@LeSoraAmari @JessBeth
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"M..Mate Day.. I've n.never celebrated M..Mate Day before.." Vinera stumbles over her words, shocked that this boy was confessing to her of all people. "I'll come with you." She tells him quietly, as a blush creeps over her cheeks. "The kids should be more careful now.. and the adults don't usually get injured on Mae Day.." Vinny reasons under her breath, trying to convince herself that the town will be okay if she's gone for a day.


Rumdarjun Feynhardt

Sitting up in his slow and deliberate manner, Rune’s bleary eyes stared at nothing in particular as his hands clenched around his ragged bedsheets. Another morning, another strange dream he could barely recall. As if trying to physically grasp the essence of it, the kemonomimi reached a hand out to part the floating particles visible in the light poking through the little holes in his curtain. With a sigh he thought how nice it would be to be able to use his Aura to latch onto these wisps of dreams, physically drag them back into reality.

That would actually be pretty cool, turning dreams into reality...

That was kind of what Casper could do, though his dreams held no weight to them, and were ultimately meaningless.

That's right---! Today's Mate Day!

Rune flushed at the thought of the auspicious day, his favorite in the whole Fauna calendar. A day of Romance and excitement, people finding one another and tying together their hearts...

I wonder what Casper is doing today. Maybe he's knitting a sweater for someone.

It had been so long since he'd seen his brother that he had no idea what kind of romantic relationship be might be in. Maybe he was sitting alongside a mate at that very moment.

Rune sighed, wishing that he could find such a one. Someone he could dedicate the rest of his life to, who would stand alongside him in the appreciation and study of human culture. Someone who would understand why he just couldn't turn himself away from the forbidden beings and their strange allure, their forgotten history and perceived fantasy.

But, today, all that would change.

Since he was alone, Rune allowed himself a mischievous smile as he slowly crept from his bed and began his morning ritual. While the day before had been socially exhausting, the prospect of meeting Alexander had Rune's heart racing. Finally he all his hard work had paid off; he could make a substantial contribution to his brother and pay them back for their kinship after all this time. And more than that...he had finally found a connection to the human race. And it was a long walk to the Brotherhood...a walk where he could try and finally get Alexander to open up about all his forbidden secrets...

It had taken nearly all of Rune's energy to try and both calm down the Bee and separate the Fox from Alexander. After the Bee had begun a tirade against the evil machines (making Rune wonder what on Earth the other machine had done, and where it might be located), Rune had found a moment to make a secret signal to Alexander.

"Meet me outside the Guild Gates tomorrow morning, and I will take you somewhere where you can learn all about us Kemonomimi and our relationship with your humans."

Now, having left his house, Rune was rushing even faster to get back to the Guild. It was a little bit of back-tracking for him, since his house was closer to the Ruins than the Guild was, but he doubted that Alexander would be able to navigate his way adeptly around the maze-like city, and so the Guild was the easiest meeting point. The ram wanted to make sure that he was there as early as possible in case the damned Fox girl decided to interfere with her claims of "friendship." Talk about oppressive...though Rune couldn't deny that he wanted to be the same way with Alexander himself. To even just be able to call him "friend..."

Outside the Guild house Rune was relieved to find Alexander already waiting, and, making sure that no one was around to follow them, he urged the machine to walk with him towards the Forbidden Ruins and the secret home of the Sapient Brotherhood.

Along the way Rune could scarcely keep his excitement, and peppered Alexander with all sorts of questions. "Where did you come from? How were you made? What controls your personality? Do you like to read? Play games? Can we be considered friends?" He surprised himself at how social he was ending up being. Even when the machine made no reply, Rune didn't get disheartened. He also began to tell Alexander about the Kemonomimi, how they followed the words of the Fauna Royalty protected by the Guardians...how the Guild was made to help research human culture, but he was taking him to see someone much more qualified to speak about all things relating to humans than even the Guildmaster himself.

Of course, Rune was giving only the briefest of summaries, and somehow missed the most important point of all: The humans' many year extinction. But he was saving the specifics for when Zenario could give his input.

I wonder if he'll be happy with me...


-Inside Sapient Brotherhood-

@MrLlama didn't mean to God Mode just wanted to get things moving
Arona keeps rolling on the bed until she stopped to catch her breathe "So...now that do you want to do? Rolling on this big bed was fun! You should realllyyy try this sometimes!" she said with a satisfied smile. She sits up next to Fero and begins to snuggle him. "We are really an odd couple aren't we? I don't actually feel awkward around you...since you already know most of the things that I do" she said with an adorable childish smile.

@The Mythic Dragon


"I do remember experiencing one of your echo moments....for some reason when you spoke, it affected my Heads up display and most of my circuitry which glitched out and made me malfunction. So I was quite surprised by it because I've never heard anything like it before." he said in response. "Fero did tell me about your singing able to heal people which I think can be very useful in certain situations." he said.

"That reminds me" Horatio says as he reaches into his satchel and brings out an old book which appeared to have a metal symbol of a music note on the top. "I found this book which contains melodies of different songs. The most unique thing about this book is that this is of human origin, here I know you enjoy music so maybe you would like to hear a sample." he hands her the book and sounds of harmonious music begin to emit from his head, playing one of the songs in the book.


*Horatio plays the song of Roaring tides*

"I believe the song is called Roaring tides, what do you think of this Human song?"
he asked Inutsuki.

< @Zareh >

Fero brushes Arona's cheek, and looks at her smile. "You're so cute, Arona..." He says, leaning in and kissing her. He wraps his arms about her, before pulling out of the kiss and nuzzling into her neck. "I love you... and I am so glad you love me..." In truth, Fero had no plans past confessing, because he was so scared that he wouldn't be accepted.
Zareh said:
Arona keeps rolling on the bed until she stopped to catch her breathe "So...now that do you want to do? Rolling on this big bed was fun! You should realllyyy try this sometimes!" she said with a satisfied smile. She sits up next to Fero and begins to snuggle him. "We are really an odd couple aren't we? I don't actually feel awkward around you...since you already know most of the things that I do" she said with an adorable childish smile.
@The Mythic Dragon


"I do remember experiencing one of your echo moments....for some reason when you spoke, it affected my Heads up display and most of my circuitry which glitched out and made me malfunction. So I was quite surprised by it because I've never heard anything like it before." he said in response. "Fero did tell me about your singing able to heal people which I think can be very useful in certain situations." he said.

"That reminds me" Horatio says as he reaches into his satchel and brings out an old book which appeared to have a metal symbol of a music note on the top. "I found this book which contains melodies of different songs. The most unique thing about this book is that this is of human origin, here I know you enjoy music so maybe you would like to hear a sample." he hands her the book and sounds of harmonious music begin to emit from his head, playing one of the songs in the book.


*Horatio plays the song of Roaring tides*

"I believe the song is called Roaring tides, what do you think of this Human song?"
he asked Inutsuki.


Inutsuki nodded eagerly taking the book from him and smiling, she listened to the song intently and was looking away from him at the end, pulling her white hair over her face in an attempt to hide her eyes, she didn't know why she was crying 'I-it's great! I love it!' She wrote cheerfully, holding the book up to block his view of her as she tried to wipe her eyes again.

'S-stupid... Mood swings, gosh... I'm gonna look like an idiot in front of him and I don't even know.. Why I'm crying?..' She thought, a weak smile making it's way onto her quivering lips.

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