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Realistic or Modern "Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me" (Teenager rp, accepting now!)

Raven turned back to Cedric and shook his hand. "Um. Raven." She said awkwardly. Growing up around rude people made simple polite gestures seem like going the extra mile. So she decided that she liked him. Trusted him? Hell no. Raven trusted no one. But she didn't hate him so she decided they could be friends. She spotted her coat on the bench on the next table and sighed in relief. Not only was that coat over a hundred dollars, her friend James gave it to her before he died. It was precious to her. She tugged it on and buttoned it, finally relaxing because it felt like James was still with her, even if it was through a coat. @Julie

Her coat: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/360464aa3f8aca0e99da93a4592e9600.jpg.e526a4d88b365d77d586396c2b4d470f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113367" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/360464aa3f8aca0e99da93a4592e9600.jpg.e526a4d88b365d77d586396c2b4d470f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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" I know I'm random's funnierer that way you never get bored " she looked at Esmay for a moment smiling thinking about how cute he was. Despite the fact that she was a big flirt she was still a virgin and very secure with that. The way she dressed and the way she acted was different from her personality only her friends knew that she wasn't a slut but people still like to run their mouth and start wives. She hated rumors and gossip, especially girls.

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Scarlett was looking at her hands, fiddling her thumbs until her name was mentioned. She looked up suddenly and saw a very attractive boy walk over.

He probably had no idea who she was, judging by his question, but she knew exactly who he was. Jason McCaffrey. She saw him in the hallways quite often. He played the drums as well. "The name's Scarlett." She smiled. "Jason, right?" She pretended to not remember his name. She couldn't seem that desperate, and creepy. Scarlett was almost sure that little flashy smile was a flirtatious one. Immediately feeling guilty, the weed came back to mind and she shot Cassie a look, trying to get the message across. "Hey, Cass," She slipped her the weed under the table. "The last thing my family needs is me doing weed. I've done it before, and it was a mistake." She whispered to Cassie softly. "But..." She questioned herself and took the weed back, examining it. "I'll just keep it safe with me. So we don't get caught."

Scarlett felt herself sounding stupider and stupider by the second. She couldn't imagine how red her face had become.

Scarlett quite honestly didn't give a shit about what people thought of her, but she didn't want people thinking she did drugs on a regular basis, even if it was only weed. Scarlett looked into Cassie's eyes and grew sad, seeing the drugs that were taking place in her body. "Excuse us for one moment, boys." She said to the others and she gently took Cassie's hand and walked into the hallway with her. "Can we step outside for a sec? We need to talk."

@QueenOfDisaster @TuffBbg @Phobos

{ @Julie }



She was thankful that Adrian had given her food, but she had other interests. The two females finished there fight, and the one with this makeup and dark clothes walked up to her brother, kissed him, and walked away like it was nothing. Carter gave a confused look to the female walking away and back to Adrian, "What in hell-"

"I have no idea" he responded rubbing his cheek awkwardly. He shook his head, laughing. His friends laughed as well,

"What did she say to you?" Carter asked.

"She called me Hot Stuff."

Carter's eyebrows raised in shock, "Who was she??" her curiosity was to the max, she even forgot how hungry she was. Her attention was back on the trio watching their actions with a female, a man from the three kissed her hand.
What is it with kissing random people? The brunette shrugged and sighed, "Well, at least you have an admirer?" she said nudging Adrian's elbow with a grin. She took a bite of the food in front of her before realizing the hunger had set in again. This was turning out to be a very interesting day.



Adrian froze, feeling the warm touch and a fingernail feel along his jawline. Lips pressed to his cheek and he was in shock. Wha- Her voice was low and soft but it had a spark of amusement to it. He looked back as Carter did, watching the girl leave. Dark hair, clothes, and two beings following close in her tracks.

"I think that was the girl who got into the fight" he replied to his sister's many questions. The unknown female sparked his curiosity like a lighter that would soon burn into a longing candle. He wanted to know who she was. Before he could go after her, his friends sucked him into a conversation about last night's pro baseball game. He laughed and started debating about their fantasy leagues. He glanced at Carter and she rolled her eyes, continuing to eat from his tray. Adrian grinned and kept talking with his friends all the way up until the bell rang, finishing lunch.

{{ Sorry for the long wait, I was watching TWD... The feels hit me hard.

xD }}
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Evan chuckled. "So what time shold i come over then?¿?¿" He contemplated asking sophia for her number. but he she was obviously hih so he would wait till she was sober befor asking just in case she thought he was a dick or something. @katiebaby420 @IXI
-Andys POV-

He watched the crowed dissipate and kinda felt a bit disappointing. He spotted the Destiny talking to Raven and perked up. He was gonna go talk to her, he knew it. He made his way over to Destiny and tapped her on the back. She was pretty, really really pretty. The purple hair fell around her shoulders and framed her face perfectly. "Nice skills. Stick it to the man."


Cassie stiffened up when Scarlett began mentioning the drugs and she nodded quickly, "Alright... But possibly..." Before Cassie mention the thing where Scarlett literally had all the weed she was taken by the hand and dragged out of the cafeteria.

Cassie took a deep breath and quickly shook free from Scarlett's grip. Cassie rubbed her wrist gently and smiled, trying to calm herself down, "Right, so, what ya need?" Cassie asked as she leaned against the wall. @BrooklynBaby


"First off," Scarlett began, "You gave me all of your weed." Scarlett held on to the bag, making sure Cassie couldn't get it. "Second of all, there's a problem here and I'm not making it any better." She sighed as she leaned against the wall next to Cassie. "Listen, I'm not trying to be a hypocrite or anything, but the drugs are a bad idea, okay? They rot the brain, make you think weird things." She exclaimed. "I was in a dark place when everything went down." Scarlett knew Cassie would know she was talking about her mother's death. "I turned to you who had turned to drugs, and therefore I turned to drugs. The stress of things can really make someone crazy, and drugs can only make them crazier." Scarlett realized she had started to sound crazy herself. "Look, all I'm trying to say is that I'm going to try to stop with the weed, and the other substances. But, if I do that, then you have to stop with me. Not only stopping the weed. You have to stop everything drug related." She took Cassie's hand and smiled. "I know it seems hard right now. The thoughts, the cravings, the scary things in life seem that much scarier, but it's much easier to quit when you're doing it with someone else. Drugs may seem to take the thoughts away for the time being, but in reality, it's like makeup. It doesn't take them away, it covers them up until they eventually stop and you need more." Scarlett felt herself grow emotional but laughed it off, not wanting to draw attention. "Please? It kills me that your like this, and it kills me more that I'm making it worse."



Cassie backed up a few steps, surprised at what Scarlett just said... But then she laughed, "Wait..." This is all a joke right?" Cassie continued to laugh and then stopped, realizing she wasn't getting anywhere with that..."Shit... Its not a joke."

She looked down onto the floor, the cold emotionless floor she would love to be at the moment.

Drugs were Cassie's coping mechanism, it wasn't necessarily the best coping, but it helped with all her shit in her life. Not saying Scarlett didn't have her own shit either. They both had shit, but just coped in different ways.

"Oh... Wow... You're not kidding..." Cassie bit her lip and shook her head quickly, "Listen, I'm happy for you that you want to stop. I respect that... But for myself I can't... I'll go insane. Completely utterly insane..." Cassie wasn't saying she was already insane though... Cassie herself thinks she's insane though.

Cassie blinked, "You're not making it worse... I am... I'm the one who got you into this at the first place being in the state that I was in and still am..." Cassie felt her cheeks redden in sadness and anger both at the same time. But Cassie never really got angry. Her angry wasn't yelling or screaming... It was crying and whaling, contemplating about things... Dark things.

Cassie looked at the weed in Scarlett's hand, "Please just give it back." Cassie whined and tried to reach for the drugs like she was a kid in the candy store who wanted a lolly pop but mother said no. @BrooklynBaby


Scarlett got more anxious and upset as each moment passed. "Please, try." She was begging now, she didn't know what else to do. Scarlett leaned against the wall and closed her eyes, trying to think about what else she could say to get Cassie to do this.

"Cass, I lost one of the most important people in my life, and I'm not going to lose you too." She got off of the wall and stood there, holding the weed. "I can't give you this, Cassie." Scarlett sighed. She hated upsetting her friends, but it was what she had to do. "I'm sorry. I can't." She put the weed in her back pocket and planned on putting it back in her book bag. She was going to get rid of it, but most importantly keep it away from Cassie. "Cass giving up drugs won't make you insane. You feel that way because, well.." Scarlett rubbed her arm awkwardly. "You're addicted. You feel like there's nothing you could do that will help you the way drugs help you but you're wrong. There are so many alternatives. Please don't do this. You have to listen and believe me. I'm not doing this to upset you, I'm doing this to help you."



Jason wondered what the deal was as Cass and Scarlett left for the hallway. He had hoped for a chance to talk with the cute girl that he'd just been introduced to, but it seemed that fate had other plans. Jason wasn't really the type to chat up every attractive he saw, and in fact he'd only had one serious girlfriend during his sophomore year before she moved away. Still, he felt that he couldn't be blamed for wanting to get to know Scarlett, she was gorgeous, not to mention probably pretty cool if she hung out with Cassie.

He shrugged and looked over to Brenton before making an exaggerated show of sniffing his pits. "Thought maybe I forgot deodorant today or something," he joked as he started eating his fries again.



Brenton watched as Cassie and Scarlett left the cafeteria, leaving Jason and himself to chat, or at least try to until he smelt his pits. He tightened his lips and looked out the window for a quick second, before trying to let the pit sniff move from his mind. "Hey there. So, excited for the big game next week? Coach is gonna definitely bust our asses over it." Soccer was a pretty big thing to Brenton, hopefully it was to Jason so they could win this thing. If they did win, it'd hopefully show the school that soccer was important too other than football.




Cassie most definitely knew she was addicted, no questioning it. But Cassie didn't actually want to agree she was, it would make all of it too real. Cass sat down on the cold tiled floor and looked up at the ceiling, "I'm fucked up..." Cassie nodded to herself in agreement. She then looked up at Scarlett, "I get loosing someone special... But no worries. You won't have to loose me... I'm already far gone..." Cassie bit her lip angrily, almost hard enough to cut her lip, "Fuck, I should just be in a god damn institution..."

Cassie stood up, "I'm not addicted... And I'll prove it to you!" She extended her hand and put a fake smile on, "By this handshake I here by vow never to do drugs again..." @BrooklynBaby


Scarlett took Cassie's hand, but didn't shake it, knowing she was just dismissing the conversation.

"I know it's not that easy, you don't have to pretend it is." She tried to reason with her. "I just want you to try." She finally ended the conversation, lightly hugging Cassie and walking back into the cafeteria. The intervention didn't really go as planned, which left Scarlett thinking too much again. She shook it off for the day and put a half-ass smile on, walking over to the table. "Sorry about that." She cleared her throat as she sat down. She didn't bother eating, she barely ate. The last thing she wanted to do was eat after that whole exchange. Scarlett tucked her hair behind her ears and let out a quiet sigh, before sneaking the weed into a secret compartment in her bag.

@TuffBbg @Phobos @QueenOfDisaster
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-215.jpg.e7004ae4202d42df6fef6d6cd42e2c25.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113389" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-215.jpg.e7004ae4202d42df6fef6d6cd42e2c25.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"It's nice to meet you Raven." He said shaking her hand with a good firm handshake. He watched and waited for her to put on her coat. It was an interesting jacket not really his style but it suited Raven very well. "That's a rather intricate jacket." Cedric commented with a small smile. "I am not nearly bold enough to be that adventurous with my wardrobe." He grinned and shrugged. "So other than you being daring, new, and making some friends today; is there anything else I should know about you as I accompany you to your class?" Cedric asked hoping to be able to at the very least make a good impression and possibly a new friend. One could never have to many friends, and it didn't hurt to have a variety of them either. It seemed as though things were finally settling down and things were going to back to normal in the cafeteria. Cedric was looking forward to the rest of the day it was almost over then tennis practice, after that he'd do homework, eat dinner then get ready for bed as usual. He liked his schedule and while there was a party going on those weren't really his thing.




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Cassie quickly followed behind Scarlett. She so desperately wanted to run out of the school though... She started feeling enclosed as if everything was starting to be smushed around her. The smell... Oh the horrid smells coming from the cafeteria invaded her nose so quickly. She wanted to barf, but kept herself composed. Obviously the confrontation didn't work very well for Cassie... She hoped Scarlett didn't feel depressed after the conversation though.

Cassie did want to try to stop and she will. Scarlett's her friend and she cares about her very much. So she wouldn't do anything to tear her only really close bond besides her brother.

Cassie sat down on top of the table, sitting crisscrossed and hugging herself. Scarlett hated confrontation about things she wasn't comfortable talking about and it put her off. It really ruined her mood. And Cassie couldn't do drugs so there was no way in fixing it...

Cassie just sat on the table, her hair falling to her face. @BrooklynBaby @TuffBbg @Phobos

Looking at her in interest, Gorge blinked and shifted on her seat. "George. . . ." She said and finally finished her sandwich. Most people would be weirded out by the sound of her name. Since of course it was unusual to name a girl with a boy's name. Blame her uncle for that when he thought she was a guy when she was still a baby.

George nodded as she talked about a friend similar to hers. Guess she wasn't the only one with a boy's name. Looking around, she saw some people already leaving to their next class and looked back again to take out an apple. She then takes a bite of it while noticing the girl who now kept quiet. She must have thought she made her uncomfortable.

Giving a faint smile, she continued eating in peaceful silence. Unless she was able to imagine a third person crashing in if that ever happened. "Is it last period?. . . . What's your next class?" She asked and prepared her books.

@J I N X
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Raven smiled down at her jacket. "Yea, a friend gave it to me." She said, looking back up and chuckling. "Goth isnt for everyone, if it was, it wouldn't be special." She said, fussing over the bottom until it was how she liked it. When she heard him ask what else did he need to know before they walked out to class she stopped. "I uh..." She stumbled over her words. How could she explain her personality without setting off red flags? Oh yea...lie. "Well, I like to skateboard, im sarcastic, and the reason I got kicked out of my last school was because I ruined the principles life?" She offered. Damn, shouldn't have added that last part, oh well. Bastard deserved it. @Oldfashioned
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"I bet," Jason replied to Brenton. He had friends on the soccer team and they told him time and time again about how much of a taskmaster the coach was. But the team usually did well, so Jason figured he must be doing something right. "Do you think you guys are going to win?"

As he asked the question Scarlett returned to the table, taking Jason's attention away from Brenton and his answer. "No problem." He would have asked what that was all about, but based on the way Scarlett and Cass looked as they made their return, he thought that it might be better to change the subject entirely. He pushed his tray a little bit towards the center of the table, silently offering the curly fries to the others as he ate one himself. "So...Brenton was just talking about the big rivalry game coming up. Either of you two gonna go? Should be a good one."

@BrooklynBaby @QueenOfDisaster


"Yeah, definitely." Scarlett nodded at the idea of a soccer game. She needed to get out more anyway.

She looked over at Cassie and looked back over at Jason and Brenton, trying to get her mind off of everything.

"When is it?" She took a napkin and began ripping little pieces off one by one, a way to distract herself. She always did it at restaurants when she grew bored, but in this situation she needed to do something with her hands or she would go crazy. It helped her relax. She looked up at Jason and smiled. "It would be a lot of fun."

@TuffBbg @Phobos @QueenOfDisaster


Brenton smiled and moved the loose strand of hair that fell over his forehead. Stupid cheap gel.. "Next week on a Thursday. We're going again one of the hardest," he made little quotation marks with his hand, rolling his eyes. "schools in the state, Liftsmore High." There wasn't much to say about the school, but that their soccer team was decent. The only real problem his school had with them was the growing rivalry. "Afterwards, either if we win or lose, my Aunt Patricia is letting us throw a little after party at their house for the team, so that'd be great fun too hopefully." Brenton smiled at the little group, hoping Cassie would agree to go as well.



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