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Realistic or Modern "Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me" (Teenager rp, accepting now!)


Eddie thought about what she said, ''Yeah, I guess it is a good way to live'' He said. Maybe he should listen to her more often, if he did , he'd probably be going to college next year to do something he enjoyed instead of this same old football stuff. He couldn't help but find it cute how she asked his name. ''A name?'' He pretended to question, ''See that's the thing.. ''He began, ''I was actually born without a name'' He said, trying to keep a straight face. Eddie picked up that Cassie was rather innocent, she'd be the type his friends would take advantage of. Eddie knew they'll be questions if his Jock friends sees them talking. ''I'm kidding'' He laughed softly, shaking his head. @QueenOfDisater



"No, really, born with out a name... My god, such a poor little thing. I should start calling you thing 1 now..." Cassie joked, but she couldn't help but laugh throughout the sentence.

Cassie nodded and smiled, "Its very obvious you were joking." Cassie poked his arm with the smile still on her face, "But really, whats your name, thing 1?" She asked while removing a loose strain of hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. @irl000


Liam checked his back pocket to make sure his cigarettes were there before looking up at Paige. He had dozed off for a bit when Phillip left, but he couldn't care less because the dude was bitchy anyway. He mentally rolled his eyes and stood up. "Yeah, actually. " He cleared his throat and waited for the rest of the cafeteria to file out, not wanting to get stomped on. He had some decency for himself. "Either you don't know where the class is or you want to follow along. Which one is it?"


Eddie smiled softly at her, ''Really? that obvious?''He questioned. ''Well thing 1 happens to be called Eddie, but if I'm in trouble then my name is Edward Macaulay '' He told her, grinning widely. Eddie wouldn't really have much time for Hippy people, nothing against them or their clique but he never really was in to the whole ''Stay Positive'' kind of stuff.



Cassie gave a cheeky grin to Eddie and crossed her arms while standing on her tippy toes, "Ooo, wonder if you must get called that a lot..." She said sarcastically then laughed at herself, "Kidding, kidding." She tried to reach for the top of his head but wasn't able to so she pat his shoulder lightly, "I'm sure you're a swell man." Cassie giggled then stood back at her normal height, "Well if you're interested my name is Cassie Archer, brother of Ashton Archer, you know, 'the royalty' of the school. I'm literally nothing like him though. He's a nice fellow though. I'm just the 'odd ball'." Cassie shrugged and looked up at the ceiling, "Anyway! Eddie, where you headed now during the last fine period of the day?" @irl000
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-Sebastians POV-

He smiled at her name, Destiny. He liked it a lot. Very angel-esque. The Angel of Destiny. He remembered reading that somewhere in a book. He looked back up at the ceiling wondering what to say next. He wasn't usually this awkward, well he is but we don't tell him that.

"I...uh.." He swallowed, his words seemingly getting stuck in his throat.

"Are you going to the party tonight?" @Julie



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Jennifer was at her Last Class of the day. Which was Science, She walked inside the classroom and sat down in a seat and opened up her textbook , Following the teacher's directions. Today wasn't all of a bad day for her first day, Jennifer made friends and enemies today, But she isn't focused on that right now.
Gabriel and Violet make their way to class side by side, both of them biting back giggles. They'd skipped out on most of the day to get high and film some home video, and Violet's mind was rushing with ideas for her next story while Gabriel's was searching for his next shot. They'd managed to make it back to school for last period, and quietly search for their english class. The two no longer smell like weed after taking their separate showers, although Gabriel's eyes are still red, and Violet is dying for some chicken nuggets.

"School... it sucks!" Violet groans, crossing her arms over her chest as Gabriel opens the door for her.

The pair enter their english room before Gabriel nods his head.

"Yeah... at least there's a party and we can you know." he says, raising his eyebrows and putting two fingers to his lips.

"Again?" Violet asks, shaking her head in a mock of disapproval.

Normally they aren't the type to get high so much, but lately the pair has found themselves far too stressed to cope, so they've let themselves enjoy a bit of a break, besides, it's Friday after all. The two sit down side by side at the back of the class, Gabriel taking the seat next to the window. Their backpacks hold an odd smell, but Violet had sprayed a fair amount of vanilla air fresheners on their bags so she hopes no one will notice. Violet quietly pulls out her notepad out of her backpack and then grabs a pen. Gabriel is just staring ahead of him so she gives him a quiet nudge, making him blink a couple times before grabbing his school supplies as well. He gives her a nod and then cracks his knuckles. Last period is going to be hell, but at least for them it'll feel like first.
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Names: Daniel, Destiny, and Clarity

Location: Heading to Class

Interacting with: @TheRebelAngel

Destiny smiles again realizing were he was going with this question. " Yeah im going to the party." she got close to him and put a hand

on his shoulder. She kissed him lightly on the cheek and then pulled away looking at him. "....and yes i will go with you."she winked at him and then looked at Clarity. " We should head to class before were late...again."she let out a low chuckle and then walked to her last period. Daniel and Clarity followed side by side with her sister and they talked together as they walked off. But Daniel quickly ran back to Raven and looked at her. " Hope to see you at the party..." he winked at her and then walked off again, leaving a hint of his cologne scent in the air. They walked as fast as they could and then finally the went into their class. They all sat in the back and they put there feet up on the desk in a relaxing position.​



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-Sebastians POV-

He watched as they walked away in surprised. He was certain she would say no. He turned to Raven and smiled, looking down.

"Smooth moves, as smooth as a gravel road." She joked, receiving a punch on the shoulder from the teen.

Raven snickered and shook her head. "In the...What. Six years? Ive known you. I have never seen you that awkward around a girl. You've always been awkward around guys but thats becau-" She was cut off by another punch to the shoulder. Raven chuckled and held her arm.

"I know words hurt, but so do fists." She said, receiving another swift blow to the arm. After she stopped laughing she held up her hands in surrender. "Okay okay im done." She said.

"Thank you. Now lets go to class and NO you are NOT going to skip." He said, dragging her off to class.

They walked through the doors and sat down in their seats. Raven nearly fell off her seat and Sebastian laughed.

"You can go suck a dick." She said, sticking out her tongue at him as he turned back around. "I already have asshole!" He said laughing. He turned to try and throw his backpack at her when the bottom of it swung harder than he expected it to and hit a girl in the back. @QueenOfDisaster



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* Sophia had already left school mid morning. After she smoked with esma and the cute boy she made her way home taking a small nap after a joint and a good movie. She decided not to throw a party but she did hear about one not sure what time she decided to text as May for the details. "Do you know what time the party starts and what are you wearing?" Sophia liked to be prepared and always look good. Her personality was very down to earth but her style was not. she spent a lot of money on her clothes and her decorations in her room.

She woke up around the time school would be over not even looking at the clock she turned around let up another joint and restarted the same movie again the nightmare before Christmas. Waiting on her friends text message she enjoyed the movie thinking about what she would wear and where the party would be at. Secretly she hoped it wouldn't be in a trailer park, Sophia never wanted to seem caddy or rude. She was just raised differently not used to trailer parks or different people, that was one reason why she liked parties she got to see the people she never got the opportunity to meet.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Cd6zHJbW0AATkko.jpg.3e94e836b9769b039f77bcc7e6610b28.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113614" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Cd6zHJbW0AATkko.jpg.3e94e836b9769b039f77bcc7e6610b28.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Winnie was in a good mood. She had just bought tickets to see "Queen + Adam Lambert" live in a few months, and was excited to see Brian May and Roger Taylor again, as Roger is her godfather and it had been awhile since she'd seen them. Winnie plugged in her bluetooth earpiece and started to listen to "Ramble On," which was one of her favorite Led Zeppelin songs. "I'm so happy I could just die!"



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Uggggghhh. . . .

George could literally fall asleep right now as the english teacher went on with the boring lecture. Groaning internally, she decided to reread the book all over again, even though she finished it like twice already. George also remembered that someone messaged her anonymously about a party. She doubted that she would even get in. And even if she would be able to get in there was bound to be alcohol and drugs everywhere. But since her family wasn't at home today, maybe she can just join in and blend in the crowd while waiting. Or even take some shots here and there. After all she did have an experience with drinking after her uncle challenged her ((Even though it didn't went well after that. .)). Sighing, she pushed the thought to the side and continued reading again until the bell rang.

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Phillip put his hand over his mouth when she told him not to yell. She was right he didn't want anymore attention especially right now. He tilted his head slightlyto the side in confusion when she winked at him, "Philip." He replied as he lowered his hand. Why did she want his name? Probably to spread the rumor of him being a creep, well it was to late now she had it. It just didn't make much sense. He snapped out of his thoughts when the bell rang again and hurried off to Math. Though he really just wanted to crawl into a hole and die, this had to be his worst day to date. But that could all change come tomorrow, though he was praying that if there was God he'd take mercy on him. Phillip knew that there were lots of other people who had, had worse days than he had and shouldn't complain, he just really wanted to fade back into the background.




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The Henderson Twins


Saraya and Jamie had taken the day like any other - slow and chill. Saraya leaned on her locker as she watched her brother close his. "Last period, then I can finally go home." Saraya sighed. "Really, I was honestly hoping we could go into town and do something. You really need to get out more." Jamie responded cheerfully as he playfully poked her arm. "Yea I know, but it's effort. I actually have to socialise - who wants to do that?" Jamie pouted at her, "Well me obviously. Seriously Raya, that pale complexion of yours isn't going to be getting you a girlfriend anytime soon now is it?" He smirked. "Hey don't judge my pale complexion. This helps when it comes to making a Halloween costume." Saraya laughed as she stood up straight. "Mum always made that comment every year." That comment of Jamies caused some of the other students to give them a few glances. After all, they were English and didn't use the same words as the other kids did. Being English made Saraya feel slightly left out in the school, she didn't know anyone else that was English besides her brother.

Jamie brushed off the stares he got from his comment. He noticed that Saraya seemed a bit deep in thought, "Hey come on, screw these other kids. It doesn't matter if we say things differently; Americans originally came from Europe in the first place." Jamie chuckled, trying to brighten the mood. This was one of his specialties - brightening the mood. He couldn't stand being in a dull situation, everything and everyone around him had to be happy otherwise he felt like something was off. Saraya looked up at her brother and smiled. "Yea I suppose so, people need to learn their history." She smirked.

She honestly didn't know what she would do without Jamie, he was such a joy to be around even though they were kind of the opposite with him being more extroverted and here being introverted. Still, he was always such a fun guy to talk to and she really only spoke to him in school. Taking a look up at Jamie she spoke up again, "Anyway, what lesson you got next?" She asked. "Um, I believe it's English." Jamie answered, as he scratched his chin. "I think I have it as well, I suppose we should head there." Saraya proclaimed before setting off down the corridor.



Swinging her backpack over her shoulder, the girl pressed her lips into a thin line.
This guy really likes getting to the point now, doesn't he? Paige arched her brow as she looked to the entrance. "Geez, all I asked for was your lesson..." Fiddling with her wristband, she shrugged her shoulders before looking at the boy once more. "But I guess I will "follow along"." Paige held her fingers up and curled them over as a quote unquote gesture. She stood from her seat before dragging her fingers through her hair, so she could avoid any loose strands. "Y'know, you're quite the persuasive person."

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Carter sighed as he took a drink from his coffee, he was not in the mood today and anyone who saw him could see he was in a pissed off mood.

Running a hand through his hair he threw himself down next to Winnie and groaned. He could tell by a mile she was in a good mood which meant she either got her concert tickets or she had gone on a shopping spree again. As two of the "rich kids" they had gravitated towards each other and Carter felt he could almost be himself around her. Shaking his head he looked to her.

Got the tickets?

Checking out her grin and giving a smirk of his own, he took a drink of his coffee and sighed. He had confessed to her that he was attracted to someone in school but remained tight lipped about who it was. Carter was not stupid, even if he told her in confidence there were ears all around the school just waiting for a bit of juicy gossip and as Carter well knew, gossip could destroy you in school.



''Well depends who you ask'' He said, referring to him being called by his whole name. Edward ran his fingers through his brown hair, smiling softly down at her. She was a bit of an odd ball when he thought about it, but it wasn't a bad thing. When she mentioned her brother, Eddie knew straight away. Edward knew who he was, he spoke to him a couple of times though but not enough to know him well enough. ''You could say royalty all right..''He admitted. ''I wouldn't even have thought you both were related.'' He said. ''Nothing to do with the whole popularity thing, it's just both of you are quite opposites. '' He knew deep down it was because of the whole popularity thing too. Usually a lot of people in this school would feed off their siblings popularity but she didn't seem too. He was surprised she wasn't as popular, she was actually quite chatty. He actually kinda enjoyed speaking to her. He did want to spend more time with her. ''Hey, do you like pizza?'' He quickly asked, rushing his words. His cheeks turned a pink from the embarrassment. ''I mean, would you like to get pizza with me after school? But only if you like pizza, of course..''He said, mumbling the end of his sentence. @QueenOfDisaster


Riley hurried onto class whenever she spotted Brian. She chewed on the side of her cheek, staring at him blankly. She wasn't going to lie, she hated his guts but she never was able to stay away from him. The pair did hook up a lot. But it was a sort of 'no feelings' kind of thing, but Riley still couldn't help but get jealous when she heard rumors of him sleeping with another girl go about. ''Hey dickface'' She spat, folding her arms as she looked up at the tall figure. @Mariam


Lil was sitting in class, impatiently as she small crowd began to gather in. Where was the teacher? She could be outside on the field, doing soccer training right now. As she looked around the half empty classroom, she sighed softly. She didn't have any friends in this English class either. Most of her friends had Math right now. She grabbed her bag from the ground, pulling her chair out as she stood up. ''Fuck this'' She muttered. She began making her way to the door, whenever she nearly banged into two people. Those are the two English kids, aren't they? She was positive she was right. ''Um, sorry' She apologized, stepping to the side to let them through but ending up being in their way. ''Sorry'' She repeated. She stepped back letting them through, glancing up at them with embarrassment as she forced a smile as she began to look at them more clearly. The girl was really pretty. She was positive her name was Sabrina or something, she began with an S anyway. She looked at the boy more clearly, she could say the same for him too. @Illusive

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Julie wandered around the halls, looking for some kind of sign. Her schedule forum lacked room numbers. She had tried asking for some directions, but the majority of the people she asked seemed stoned, or had no idea. She finally saw a guy she thought may know, but observed him first. No signs of drugs? Check. Looks intelligent? Check. She walked over, shyly looking at the floor.

"Um, I was wondering if you could point me towards AP Lit?" She asked, glancing up at him, cracking a nervous smile. He was actually really cute, even up close, and was her hair okay? Did she look stupid? Gah! Focus!




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Cassie laughed at his question if she likes pizza and she quickly nodded, "Pizzas pretty good if ya ask me." Cassie was actually pretty excited about the whole idea of hanging out with him. He seemed real, she liked that. She liked real people. It was hard to find but she could always find a few real people in this school. Cassie usually always tried to become close with those people. Not too close, she didn't want to be hurt if they ever left her.

"I'd love to go out and get pizza with you, Eddie." @irl000

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Ashton was leaning against his locker. He was waiting for his girlfriend, Kayla because Ashton heard she got into an argument with one of the fellow goths.

He quickly texted her, "Where you at?" Is what he sent to Kayla.

As he waited for her Ashton heard a timid girl voice. He looked down and smiled, "I would tell you but you're hairs a mess. Kidding kidding." He said and pat her head, "Of course I can show you where that is. Follow your lucky tour guide. Mr. Archer." He winked at the girl and took her by the hand, "So, you new. Damn there's a lot of new people today. But that's okay." He smiled and made his way through the crowd of students, still holding onto the girls hand @Rui



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Lilith Hyde


A pair of blue irises were gazing over the school's hallways as she slowly strode down the hall. She seemed to be dressed in the Pastel Goth getup today, and donned her favorite ripped black skinny jeans, with her high-heeled combat boots and pastel pink shirt that read 'Senpai Isn't Noticing You' across her shirt in cursive letters. Her next class was the Administration Office's aid, so she didn't have to hurry there. Her presence was mostly used to assist other students with issues, and basically be the office secretary. Lucky her, the office was pretty chill about tardiness compared to teachers; Must've been because of their higher status in the school hierarchy.

Her pastel pink hair was done up in a high ponytail, which was rare for her, especially to be tied up with a ribbon. It added kind of a preppy vibe to it, but Lilith already vowed to never become one of them. Classmate after classmate she passed, she drew in a deep breath and sighed softly. The classes seemed slower today, and she already wanted to graduate.

Damn, everyone seems bouncy today though... She thought, her brows furrowed in confusion. It was odd for Lilith, but that was probably due to her almost never paying attention to anyone. She wasn't close with many people in school, but she didn't mind it too much.

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Adel stepped into her last class. The class was full of kids but Adel didnt know anyone of them. She looked around the class while scratching the back of her neck. Finally Adel found a seat at quite middle of the class. She walked there and sat down. Adel was watching all these people suspiciously. Some of them were talking with eatchother. Being alone distrupted Adel, she was always been surrounded by people who knew her.
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She smiled, relaxing a bit. "Glad I'm not the only one." She sighed, "This is different from St. James, that's for sure." She paused for a moment, "Oh gosh, I forgot my manners. What's your name?" She asked, looking up at him. Gah, screw her tininess! She had to look up to even make eye contact!




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Scarlett waved goodbye to her friends and walked to her locker. It was all the way at the other end of the school. As she walked, she saw people talking, smoking, laughing, crying, screaming, etc.

Scarlett checked the time on her phone and began walking faster. If she was late to her photography class, her teacher would kill her.

She was very inspired by photography, and luckily this school's curriculum allowed for an extra elective of seniors' choosing.

Scarlett finally reached her locker and grabbed her camera. Her camera was like her child. She protected it from anything harmful, and would do just about anything for it. Arriving to her classroom right on time, Scarlett took a seat and laid her things down. She was very excited for this class, she always is. Something about taking pictures of random things calms her.



Ashton smiled down at the short girl as they arrived to the classroom, "Okay, well heres your stop." Ashton grinned and opened the door for her, "My name is Ashton Archer." He patted her head one more time, "See ya later shortie. If ya need anything just ask around and anyone will know where I am." With that Ashton waved goodbye and walked off to class. His next class which was photography. He was a bit into photography, but also during the beginning of the school year he just wanted to have that class for more time to hang out with his childhood friend till the very end, Scarlett. They were like brother and sister, nothing could tear them apart. Cassie was good friends with Scarlett too because of Ashton. But Ashton and Scarlett were always a bit more closer.

Walking to the class he gave up on seeing Kayla, obviously she wasn't bother to chat with him. Ashton opened the door and took a seat next to Scarlett, "Hey, Scarlett." He grinned and gave her fist bump, "Hows your child and you doing." He said while motioning to the camera. @BrooklynBaby


Cassie noticed the bell ring and smiled up at Eddie, "Well, Mr. Edward," She grinned cheekily and took out a pen with one hand and grabbed his hand with another. She clicked the pen and quickly wrote her number down, adding a little heart at the end, "The local pizzeria place? Just call me and let me know... Okay," Cassie blushed a bit, "Swell! See you then!" Cassie waved goodbye and skipped off to her science class.

Great. Science. Cassie was know back in her bla mood, but what did keep her smiling was Eddie.

Cassie sat at the back of the class, she opened her book and tried to focus. But suddenly she was hit by a book bag, "Excuse me..." Cassie said and turned around while tilting her head, "Why'd ya got to do that, Mr?" Cassie said politely with her usual sweet innocent voice. @TheRebelAngel @irl000

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