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Realistic or Modern "Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me" (Teenager rp, accepting now!)


Cassie looked over at Jason when he mentioned that there was a game coming up, "Oh... Wow..." Cassie shrugged and looked over to Brenton, giving a little smile, "Lovely, you do soccer." Cassie nodded in agreement to herself and played with a few strands of her blonde hair, thinking if she should go or not. But Cassie just decided to fuck it and say, "Know what, yes, I'll go. I shall clap for you at the game Brenton! I'll come to the house party as well... If we were also invited to that." Cassie raised an eyebrow to Brenton and tilted her head, "You live with your aunt?" She grinned softly, "Must be some nice aunt to let you throw a party. My aunt and uncle are out a lot. Thats the only reason we get to have parties... But if they were home 24/7 there would be no infamous Archer parties..." Cassie took a sip of water and placed it down on the table.

Cassie then looked up when she heard the bell ring, "What classes do you guys have now, the last period of today?" @BrooklynBaby @TuffBbg @Phobos

*Bell Rings For the last period of the day :) *
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-215.jpg.9c587d0638ad0cb69b73d7b5de093951.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113395" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-215.jpg.9c587d0638ad0cb69b73d7b5de093951.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He nodded that was very true, goth certainly wasn't for everyone. Cedric listened about how she liked the bottom of her coat, he was a fan of all the detail it had. He wasn't trying to be invasive with his question but it seemed to have put Raven on edge a bit. He was about to tell her she didn't have to answer, he was just hoping to get a conversation going. Then she stared to speak and he nodded filing away the information so he would have some things to chat with her about should they meet again. Cedric did pause and raise his eyebrow at the mention of her getting kicked out of her last school. It was a bit of a suprise, "You ruined the principal's life and that got you kicked out? That certainly sounds like an interesting story, not that you have to tell me if you don't want." He replied running his hand through the back of his hair. "I've been going here all four years, and I tend to stay out of trouble, as its just my mom and I. My dad put her through alot so I try to not add any more to her plate than she has already. So I'm a goody two-shoes mama's boy, I guess. Oh and I'll be a lawyer in the future so if you ever need any legal representation then just give me a call." He said casually, "I think with your personality and mine will get along great." Cedric added giving her a smile and a playful wink.




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Raven laughed at that, she could understand that not everyone could be a bad boy or girl and do whatever the hell they wanted. In this case he was taking care of his mother which, by telling her that, earned her respect.

"Well, he made me mad, he suspended me from school because I came dressed like I do every day, he said it was a distraction to others. I wasn't having that because I knew he had a bug about me. Argued and then he suspended me for "verbally abusing a teacher"." She said with quotation marks.

"So, I did what any sane person would do...I hacked into his personal email and found that he had been sexting a Freshman. So naturally I leaked it to the whole school, gave an anon hint to the newspapers and watched as it all crashed down around me." She said, victoriously, she originally meant to just Photoshop pictures of him with other women and send it to his wife, but that just fell into her lap and she had to use it.

"He knows I did it, kicked me out while he still reigned control. I didn't care though, he deserved it. Did I go a bit far? Yes. But what he was doing was illegal and kinda terrible moral wise so I feel no remorse." She said, crossing her arms and smiling at the memory.

Now is about the time he realized that I am a borderline sociopath and that he wont want to be around people like me.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c89a14a02_images(2).jpg.23f63985b27da24fc24f94f5c69b9482.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113406" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c89a14a02_images(2).jpg.23f63985b27da24fc24f94f5c69b9482.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.35b0a9accaa0187d4b3b178cc4409e98.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113407" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.35b0a9accaa0187d4b3b178cc4409e98.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c89a1a686_images(1).jpg.09639d7bb384ff0f723c8c63f48a63ab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113408" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c89a1a686_images(1).jpg.09639d7bb384ff0f723c8c63f48a63ab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Names: Daniel, Destiny, and Clarity

Location: Lunch

Interacting With: @J I N X @Oldfashioned

Destiny smiled a bit and she was about to speak but she felt a tap on her shoulder. When she turned, seen a cute boy looking at her. She smiled again and bit her lip. " Thank you. And whats your name?" she asked. She made it sound as polite as she could, since she was used to being mean. Plus she still had that fiery talk to her voice from the fight. She looked over his shoulder at the guy that she kissed on the cheek and then she turned her attention back to him. She realized that she only had a bit of time left to talk since the lunch period was almost over. Clarity and Daniel got back to their sisters side, and they drank the soda at the exact same time. Daniel winked at the girl whose hand her kissed and smiled at her. " So whats your name, love?" he asked. Clarity looked around at the students. She still had her eye on the guy who was eating skittles. She wanted to get to know him. Destiny wanted to wait for the guys response but her siblings were pulling her. " C'mon we have to go to the last class period." they said. Destiny sighed and smiled at the boy. " We can talk later." she said and then the goth siblings left to their last class.



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Brenton smiled towards Cassie and threw away his Cracker Jack bag. Was great to know he sorta finally found new friends. He didn't know if they were gonna stay much longer or just use him for his money. His last relationships weren't very good. All his past friends, Julie, Henry, Kendall, Joe, and Greg, used him for drugs. They bribed him into buying meth and it was so simple because he was so gullible, but hopefully it wouldn't be like that this time.

Brenton gathered his things, looking at his watch as it was three minutes for him to get to his class. "I have chemistry, but I gotta get going or else Ms. Jane will tell coach I was late." With that, he scurried off down the hall form the cafeteria to his last class of the day.

@BrooklynBaby @QueenOfDisaster

{heading to bed.}
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_nngyth2ovI1rzjur7o1_500.gif.702f63aaaac4ed09a06f76bbbead0bde.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113410" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_nngyth2ovI1rzjur7o1_500.gif.702f63aaaac4ed09a06f76bbbead0bde.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-Sebastians POV- ((I actually forgot his name is Sebastian not Andy.))

"Sebastian Barnes." He replied, looking up from the ground and smiling at her.

"Yours?" He asked, with a smile still on his face. He wanted to know her, he would love to know a girl that could stand up to Queen Bees of the school. Even in the short amount of time, he admired her. Not just anyone could kick ass and then still look gorgeous afterwards.

-Ravens P.O.V-

"Its Raven." She said, looking up at the guy who had flirted with her earlier. "And you?" She asked. She noticed a tall guy next to her talking to Destiny. "Oh hey Seb. Long time no see." She said, shocked that he was here. They were skating friends since middle school, he left in Junior High because of unforeseen circumstances. He looked at her and smiled. "I should have known it was you fighting. You're still as crazy as I remember." He said smiling and holding back a hug. He learned the hard way that she didn't like to be touched.

"Well, carry on with your conversation, I dont want to inturrupt Romeo in action." She joked, turning back to the two guys infront of her.

@Julie @Oldfashioned



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Edward Macaulay quickly rushed to his locker for his last class. He opened up his locker, removing his History books from his locker before locking it again. He was late for school today. He had a dentist appointment for first few classes and only arrived last class. After closing his locker, Eddie reached to above his locker and pulled down his gym bag. He was going to practice some football after school.


Riley Rose stared at herself in the girl bathroom mirror. She wiped under her eyes, removing the smudgy eyeliner from underneath her eyes. She sighed softly at herself. She glanced over at the girl next to her, noticing her as she applied some lip gloss. She was beautiful. Riley heard the bell ring for her next class. She reached down and picked her bag off the floor and turned on her heel. ''Move''She demanded at the crowd of girls infont of her. She pushed past them, walking out the door when she felt herself bang into someone outside the bathrooms.


Conan Joseph O'Lee walked out of his class, making his way to his new one. Surprisingly, he has been quite good today. He went to all his classes. He was late for his first one but that was due to his car being stuck in traffic. Conan sighed with boredom, walking to his next class. He wished for this day to be over already so he could have a smoke.

Lil chewed loudly on her gum, sitting at the back of her next class. She was quite early. A little too early... But, she promised her coach she'd try in school so she could stay on her soccer team. She is a smart girl, but she spends more time on soccer than she does her study.

[@ anyone ]

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-215.jpg.45525177b7be9fb969f21d7686b114a1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113432" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-215.jpg.45525177b7be9fb969f21d7686b114a1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cedric smiled a bit it seemed as though Raven was quite popular already at least with the males in the shcool. Hopefully that wouldn't cause to many problems, guys were typically more inclined to get into fights over pretty girls. He honestly didn't know if he could handle another fight today, not that he'd ever get involved in a fist fight. Then again he might if only to break it up. He was needless to say horrified at hearing the details about her last principal, could she have handle it better yes, but the principal needed to stopped as well. "Remind me to stay on your good side Raven." He replied and took a breath, "That sounds really rough, but I can see why you did what you did. Horrifying really, I'm glad some did put a stop to the situation with the freshman. I mean it could have been handled better but who am I to cast judgment?" Cedric replied. He was happy to hear the bell for the last class of the day it meant he'd be able to get out of this place for a while. "I hope too see you around, again." He said to Raven as he left for his last class of the day.

He made it to the chemistry lab and took his seat. He was a bit early but that was how he liked it, being a fee minutes early gave him a chance to get ready for what was about to come. Cedric pulled out his book, notebook, and pencil. He then waited for the class to fill and the teacher to arrive.

@TheRebelAngel @Anyone

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-87.jpg.46c2dd5f2fee5d149d9bf38b10e9ffde.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113433" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-87.jpg.46c2dd5f2fee5d149d9bf38b10e9ffde.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Phillip despite the first set had actually had a decent lunch with the two other students. He was contemplating actually talking with some of his classmates more at lunch tomorrow, instead of immediately shoving a book into front of his face as soon as he sat down. Hearing the bell ring he stood up and smiled at Paige and Liam, "Thanks for the conversations. I hope you two have a good rest of your day." He said softly and cleared his tray from the table and hurried to his locker.

Phillip grabbed his book, and placed that in his backpack, then quickly checked for his notebook which he had then headed down the hallway. For the second time today he hit someone, well this time someone ran into him he. "Sorry, are you okay?" He the girl feeling as though they really needed signs or something to help with all the congestion in hallways. Perhaps a revolution wasn't a bad idea after all though he wouldn't hold his breath, this was he last year here and if any changes were made it would be done long after he and most of the other students had graduated.

@TuffBbg @AmRosey @irl000



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Riley Rose felt herself run into someone. As she looked up, she spotted the familiar face. She didn't know who he was though. ''Yes, I'm okay!'' She snapped, brushing her hair out of her face with annoyance. She looked around her, hoping no one seen her bang into him. The embarrassment would of killed her. ''Honestly, watch where you are going. ''She snapped again. She looked back at him. Riley had a habit of being quite snappy with people. ''What are you doing creeping outside the girls bathroom anyway? ''She said, hoping the embarrassment of her banging into someone would soon be on him. @Oldfashioned
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-87.jpg.a7ec007c9378d55757f49c00a64be38d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113437" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-87.jpg.a7ec007c9378d55757f49c00a64be38d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Phillip took a breath, she was just acting this way cause she's embarrassed. He'd don't the same thing earlier that day, so he could relate. "I'm glad you are okay, and I'm sorry again." He replied even though she had run into him. But he was used to apologizing even when it wasn't his fault, his nieces had made him apologize to a teddy bear he didn't sleep with like they had wanted him to so this wasn't nearly as embarrassing. Well that was what he thought until she mentioned creeping by the girl's bathroom. Phillip looked around and sure enough they were practically right outside the door. He felt his cheeks turn red, "N-No I want creeping, I-I was on my way to class!" He stammered. "I would never- trust me this is all just some sort of mistake. I swear!" He said hastily tying to keep his voice down but it was a bit difficult as the embarrassment and slight anger were over powering his rational mind. He hoped that no else noticed this scene, the last thing he needed was to be labeled a pervert, bookworm was fine so was nerd. But pervert would cause lots of problems and he really didn't need his parents getting a phone call saying he was doing anything near a girl's bathroom.

@irl000 (I'll be back on in a couple of hours, time for me to get to work.)



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@CandidFox / @ anyone }



She finished her pizza and thought for a second, what was my last hour? Lost in thought, she finally remembered, "Oh! I have Creative Writing with Mr. Cook. It's my favorite class." She smiled and looked back at the students leaving, "Oh shoot. I guess I have to take this to-go!" She grinned and stood up with her tray and waited for George to come with her. She dumped her tray and filed out with her English note book and folder before heading up to the second floor to the Social Studies and English pods. She stopped at her locker to get a pair of headphones, knowing that they would be in a computer lab. She was almost finished with her rough draft of her non-fictional short story. Andi always loved to write, especially short stories... It was always interesting in what she would come up with.

she held her books closed to her chest and and opened her locker. Andi
reached for the top shelf on her tip toes. Standing at an intimidating height of 5'2", life was sometimes a struggle. One of those struggles was reaching the top shelf of her damn locker.

Andi stepped onto the ledge of the foot of the blue locker and hopped on one foot, gaining her balance and reaching above the shelf, grabbing her text book and headphones. "EEk!" she squealed before toppling onto the floor. Good thing she wasn't in sports... Andi huffed out an embarrassed breath before getting to her feet, face red and flutters in her stomach. "That was embarrassing... "
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{ @ anyone }



Carter stood from her seat and turned to put away her tray. She came back with her brother gone and all of his boy band that followed. Carter huffed out a frustrated breath and headed to her locker. The halls were crowded but she managed to snake passed them and got to her locker pod. She opened it, grabbed her English stuff and headed up the stairs. It was nice to have a class with a friend- Andi was nice, she was very... Innocent. She was never one to get into a fight. Carter grinned at the thought and pushed passed the crowed again, finding her brother and taking his hat. She heard him curse after her and all she did was smile and put the hat on her head, not really matching her apparel but it was whatever.




He laughed, got up with the rest of his friends, and exited the lunch room, mind obviously forgetting about his twin. Adrian rummaged through his trashed locker to find his Calculus things and turned around and chatted with a few friends who stuck around, they all had the same class which was awesome. Though the happiness ended when he felt a certain important thing be lifted from his head. He tried desperately to grab it, but it was already on Carter's head who was rushing down the hallway,

"Hey! Wait! Damn it Carter!!" Adrian called out but all his response was was laughing. He sighed, gave a shaggy hand though his spiked hair and clenched his jaw. He hated when people took his hat, it wasn't very funny to him. Carter knew that. She was probably pissed because he had forgotten her in the lunchroom. Adrian sighed and continued on to his Math class.
Sophia decided to text everyone in her phone " Big party at my house look good there will be pictures taken. Tell everyone you know ". " click " she spoke in a giggling manner as she closed her smart flip phone. The new technology was amazing but she enjoyed vintage a lot more. Her style was simple inside but her style was extravagant and amazing. Sophia knew she was rich and didn't hate it but she didn't like everything handed to her just credit cards . She looked at her new friends for a moment then walking back to the school to go to her next class as the bell rang. She waved goodbye as she said " I'll see you at The main school doors. I forgot your name and I'm sorry but I hope to see you too ". Sophia barely raised her voice even in extreme conflict. Her father on the other hand like to scream and make a fuss that was why she put a lock on the wing of the house that he built for her. His drunken rages terrified her at times.
Big party at my house look good there will be pictures taken. Tell everyone you know


Carter's phone buzzed, she crinkled her eyebrows before opening the message and grinned before putting the phone back in her pocket, "About time!" It wasn't a surprise that Carter had gotten the text message, she knew a lot of people in the school, even though they weren't really friends... But that was how you make them... Right? She pushed her way into the classroom, sitting down and started to text everyone she knew in her contacts.

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((I can))

Raven grinned as he walked away. He no doubt thought she was crazy, which, to tell the truth, she was. And Raven had no problem with people thinking that. The freakier she was the easier it was for her to avoid relationships. That was a tested and proven time and time again. She turned back to the guy, Daniel. "Hey, what do you have for last period?" @Julie
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Raven heard the sound of her Final Fantasy alert and pulled out her phone.

Hey you think I should ask Destiny to the party?
Were you even invited?
Is that even a question? Of course not.
Im not surprised
Just answer the question
She'll probably say yes, so yea ask.
Which party though? There are two if im correct.
Which one do I get to put less effort in my attire?
Could you at least try?
No.Not really

Raven rolled her eyes and looked over to Andy, who was literally right next to her, waiting patiently as Destiny talked to her brother.
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'The same class as mine. . . .' She thought and went along with her. Looking down, she reviewed her homework once more and followed Andi to their English class. Sure Mr. Cook was a nice guy kinda like a father but sometimes he can get pretty strict with homework. Upon entering the classroom, George took a seat in front of her and waited for the teacher to come. For the mean time, she took out a classic novel and started reading from where she left off. Her surroundings blurring a little bit as she became engrossed with the story.

@J I N X

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(I wont be on till tuesday prob so my guy will just be an npc. stick him in the dj booth if you get that far before tuesday. thx ( ;) ))



Paige's eyes widened in disbelief as she heard the number of his relatives. She was actually beginning to wonder when her aunts would start working in the baby department. But, alas, they were lonely singles, and as the result, she didn't have the joyous occasion of seeing any hope of a new cousin. Nor a nephew/niece in fact. "Talk about a massive family tree... I only have one brother and two annoying cousins--" Cutting her sentence short, the brunette heard the distinctive ring of the bell.


Scrunching her packet up and throwing it into a nearby bin, she turned her attention to Philip's sudden exit. "Bye then." Paige watched as he left, her gaze then after drawing over to Liam. She reached for her bag strap while the edges of her lips curled up. "Unfortunately, I've got english," Looking back up to the boy, the brown-eyed girl continued, "How about you?" She asked Liam.

@TuffBbg don't know if you've seen our posts on page 4 :3)


"Oh, yeah, it should be a lot of fun," Jason said to Scarlett over the sound of the last period bell. And even if the game was somehow boring, he thought, at least he could use the time to get to know Scarlett. "We should definitely hang out at the game." He said, addressing both Scarlett and Cassie as he stood up from the table and grabbed his tray. "Guess I'll see you guys at the party tonight? I'm looking forward to it Cass. Anyway, I've got to get to my Government and Politics class, so you to have a great rest of your day." Jason left the table with a smile on his face, looking forward to the party even more than he had in previous years with the knowledge that Scarlett was going to be there.

@BrooklynBaby @QueenOfDisaster


Riley Rose wasn't going to lie, she usually felt some sort of power when things like this happened. She watched as she caused the boy embarrassment and anger. She found it quite cute how red he got. ''Don't yell.''She told him. Of course, Riley was the type to be quick to spread a rumor like that but she only made this up on the spot due to embarrassment. ''Wouldn't want anymore attention on yourself'' She teased, winking playfully. Riley's flirting side always showed. She noticed people were soon heading to class after the bell rang. ''I'll see you around...''She trailed on, looking at him waiting for him to say his name.


Cassie smiled at the group of her buds and watched as Brenton walk off, "You should be excited for it! Just try not to get as bad as a hangover as last time!" Cassie grinned and then looked over at Scarlett, "Well, I got science now... Tootles." She hugged Scarlett gently, hoping she knew that Cassie wasn't mad at her.

Cassie got up and walked out of the cafeteria. She skipped through the halls but had to go to her locker first. Going to her locker she noticed a guy taking out his sports bag for whatever sport he does.

"Oh, lovely..." Cassie smiled and opened her locker, "What sport you do... You know I've always admired people who can actually do more than just go to school and not be tired out..." Cassie rambled on as she got her science textbook from her locker. @BrooklynBaby
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c89acb0a0_images(2).jpg.d6ea810e36b91cd387b97d5a1e9bb670.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113434" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c89acb0a0_images(2).jpg.d6ea810e36b91cd387b97d5a1e9bb670.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.a1c7fb62a2f9ef6f527022e30f12182d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113435" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.a1c7fb62a2f9ef6f527022e30f12182d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c89ad328b_images(1).jpg.0bd747dacc4604c0ed8a921cb65a0de0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113436" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c89ad328b_images(1).jpg.0bd747dacc4604c0ed8a921cb65a0de0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Names: Daniel, Destiny, and Clarity

Location: Last period

Interacting with: @TheRebelAngel

Daniel smiled when she replied to him. " My name is Daniel. My last class is is P.E. but im skipping. Exercise it not my thing but i still have a good body."he replied and he waited for her reaction. Destiny looked at Sebastian and smiled at him. She had to admit that he was hot as hell. " My name is Destiny Taylor." she smiled again. She stood tall and straight with confidence in her body and ran a hand through her dark purple hair. This is like love at first s- STOP IT DESTINY. You know better than to fall in love this quickly. Destiny knew that this guy instantly liked her but she never did anything. Wow i must me damn sexy to have boys chasing me this early. She looked at him in interest and fascination and stayed quiet with a small smile on her face. She bit her lip ring and messed with a loose chain on her handcuffs.

( The handcuffs is apart of her outfit. Thats what it looks like but with less jewelry and more revealing in the chest and waist area. And a little less messy at the legs)




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Eddie thoughts were interrupted whenever he heard the voice of the petite, blonde haired girl next to him. He couldn't help but chuckle at her introduction. ''Do I play?''He questioned, finishing her sentence for her. ''I play football, love'' He said. She seemed quite sweet. He has seen her about before. She tends to just float about on her own from what he sees though. Eddie wasn't the type to judge but he assumed she was some what of a Hippy. ''I guess if you enjoy something, you'd take up as much free time as you got to do it'' Eddie said, slightly unsure himself. He didn't really enjoy sports. He was good at it, yes. But he didn't enjoy it.


Cassie smiled up at the boy, it was actually a genuine smiled. Cassie really couldn't help but smiling at what he said about doing something you enjoy, "Oh, wow. Cute. Thats a really good way to live actually." Cassie continued to grin as she closed her locker and turned back around to face the rather athletic built boy next to her, "So, you got a name?" She asked him but then realized of course he had a name and she shook her head at her stupidity, "Well, of course you have a name, but you know, what is it?" Cassie asked. He seemed like a sweet boy for a... Not to be stereotypical... But a 'jock'... Usually all the football players hung around each other while catcalling and hanging around the preps. It was interesting that he was just acting like someone real. But Cassie liked that. She liked that a lot. @irl000

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