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Realistic or Modern "Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me" (Teenager rp, accepting now!)

" Ok I'm game or i can throw a party hire some people and just sit back and enjoy " sophia smiled as she spotted the picnic table by the feild. Sophia couldnt help but notice a cute guy looked at them she was in such a hurry that she couldn't engage his attempt. " Ok lets roll up over there " putting her arm out to point out the picnic tables under an arch that they used for refreshments at games.
Evan perked up when they mentioned starting a party. maybe they would call him?¿?¿ he had a nice new mix put together. He shrugged and headed for dreaded social.

"Yes! It's gonna be lit!" Esme exclaimed, pulling out the pill bottle and the papers. She carefully rolled up two blunts for each of them. She handed one to Sophia and placed the other in her mouth. She proceeded to pull out a lighter from her pocket and lit hers right before lighting Sophia's.

She glanced over and could see that same boy who had winked at them earlier. She smiled and waved for him to come over.

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"I did try, And I didn't succeed so those boys are going to try for me Babe" Kayla smiled holding Ashton's hand. The truth was Kayla was lazy she doesn't do work herself, She prefers others doing her work for her. That's just the type of person she really is. Kayla glared at Jennifer as she sat alone, She didn't like this new girl not one bit. She find her as a threat for some reason, And she had to eliminate this threat.

"Babe, How about you go sit with the new girl, She looks lonely" She implied.

If Kayla was gonna do this, She was gonna have to do it right. Meaning she has to be friendly then hit it where it hurts.

Kayla smirked at Jennifer.


Jennifer watched as Ashton and Kayla greeted each other, She had to admit she was a tad bit jealous of their relationship. But who was she to get jealous right? Her and Ashton don't have any relationship in fact she's new here. Jennifer sighed and rested her chin on her knuckles as her elbows were on top of the lunch table.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-87.jpg.e06a3850944d1b333626a1e13128bd37.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113097" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-87.jpg.e06a3850944d1b333626a1e13128bd37.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Phillip thought he was safe sure he cleared his throat but a quick glance up showed the other had gone back to his phone. So he pulled out his book and had just gotten the first few sentences read, when the other did actually speak. Phillip looked up and blushed slightly, "Sorry, you're right that was rude. I'm Phillip the son of an accountant not a killer. And you are?" He asked taking a small breath, no more embarrassing yourself today, Philip reminded himself. Then he set the book down it was rude to read at the table, well it was at home anyway.

He glanced over at the girl who joined them and smiled, "Sorry I'm not really interested in starting a revolution, but thanks for asking and not forcing me into it." Phillip replied with a small shrug, he honestly didn't mind the attention it was just he usually was busy reading and eating not chatting during lunch. So he'd have to switch gears and pretend he was home eating dinner, at least these two probably wouldn't try and start a food fight like his nieces.

@TuffBbg @AmRosey



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Evan was passing the 2 girls on his way to social, when one of them waved at him. Hmmm miss social and hang out with 2 hot girls or go to the hell that is social?¿?¿ not a hard decision. He headed over to them and took a seat. "You waved for me your highness?¿?¿" He asked with a joking grin. @IXI @katiebaby420
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Shrugging her shoulders while dipping her slim fingers into the pretzel packet, Paige looked at the boy, she said, "Meh, rebellions aren't for everyone. And from what I can see, you look like you're enjoying the current system." The girl dropped her backpack onto the empty space next to her. She liked breaking the clique boundaries. It was interesting and exciting to receive such a different flavour of humour. Drawing her gaze from Phillip to Liam, Paige decided to quiet down.

@TuffBbg @Oldfashioned

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8928c58e_images(2).jpg.7ca43d212a700534ef4d91463f2342b4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113110" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8928c58e_images(2).jpg.7ca43d212a700534ef4d91463f2342b4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.15cbac4d14196ab4a7a376688428d23d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113111" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.15cbac4d14196ab4a7a376688428d23d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c89292eaf_images(1).jpg.4b7db3e12b19f70cd7739401d70bd1af.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113112" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c89292eaf_images(1).jpg.4b7db3e12b19f70cd7739401d70bd1af.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Names: Daniel, Destiny, and Clarity Taylor

Stereotype: Goths

Location: Lunch

Mentioned Briefly: @Mariam @TuffBbg

Destiny ran a hand through her purple hair and smiled wickedly. She seen this girl sitting down and she thought her hair could use some work. Daniel and Clarity looked at the girl to and smiled in a friendly way. Destiny was kinda tired of sitting with only goths so she decided to mix it up a little bit. She sat at the table were the popular kids were and she smiled seeing there expressions. Destiny had a bad girl type of vibe so she was ready to talk smack if this preppy princess had anything to say about them sitting here. Just to show that she was a risk taker she winked at some random non-goth boy and smiled. Clarity sat down so she could see the guy at the other table. He looked hot to her and she wanted to get to know him. She smiled a bit at him and then looked away. Daniel felt uncomfortable sitting with these preps and jocks and he wanted to leave. But it would be the only goth sitting alone without the other goths around him.​



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Kayla watched as the purple hair girl sat down, Kayla furrowed her eyebrows Was this girl crazy? Kayla got up from her seat and walked to the girl "Have you lost your mind bitch? Why are you at this table you don't fit here, don't you belong with your gothic friends, Know your place honey cause you don't belong here are you that retarded?" Kayla explained. Kayla crossed her arms across her chest and tapped her foot on the floor annoyed. Have these outcasts lost their minds next thing you know they'll be going to social events like them and dress like them, They need to stay in their place.

"I'm gonna tell you one more time, To get up or you'll regret it purple piece of crap." @Julie


Brenton cleared his throat uncomfortably, or somewhat close to uncomfortable. The only reason he didn't have any actual friends like he hoped he would have was because everyone here was so stuck-up and snobby. Rich kids who thought they were better than everyone else and thought they should be worshiped. Although Brenton was rich through his aunt and uncle, didn't mean he was stuck-up and snobby himself. He watched as Cassie pulled her phone out with a big grin on her face. He always thought she was special or something like that. Not like, mental, but special in some way. He thought it was unique, but also weird. He never saw anyone like her.



Liam scoffed and ran a hand through his dark brown hair, looking past the boy's rude reply. He had a bitchy comment burning in the back of his throat, but swallowed it down. Only to have it croak up. "On the sassy side, aren't we? I'm Liam and you honestly don't wanna fuck with me or get fucked by me." He smiled and popped a few skittles into his mouth, the flavor bursting onto his tongue. Green apple, strawberry, and lemon, his absolute favorites.

Liam turned his attention to the girl who had also taken a seat at the table. He took a glance, looked back down at his bag of candy, then back up to the girl to take in her features as he did with the rude one. "Not bad." He muttered to himself, giving a wink and readjusting his seat.
Stupid seats. Seriously need to consider fixing this shit., school. "Well, hi there, Paige. Nice conversation starter, but Mr. Tight-Arsehole here isn't in the mood."

@AmRosey @Oldfashioned
Raven wandered into the cafeteria, she had slept-walked through most of her periods and now her main concern was finding whoever was clad in the most black so she could sit down without worrying about being snickered at or mocked (well, directly at least). She chewed on her lip anxiously and scanned the room, as she saw rows and rows of pink and yellow and every color of the rainbow, she could not find anyone who wouldn't laugh at her as soon as she sat at their table. This was around the time Raven realized she was standing in the doorway like an idiot. She gave up, sighing and turning around until her favorite color caught her eye. A sense of relief washed over her. A small table far back held some goths, not a lot but she was never a person of population. She made a bee-line over there and sat down next to someone. They might make fun of her, but hell, at least she wasn't about to double over in stomach pains because she was so anxious anymore. If there were anyone she was supremely comfertable around, it was the goths. @Anyone

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c893536ca_images(2).jpg.3c97336f1758ec0e7d0eadd7eeaeaf56.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113145" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c893536ca_images(2).jpg.3c97336f1758ec0e7d0eadd7eeaeaf56.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.29aa64810e154212da09a845ad0ed484.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113146" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.29aa64810e154212da09a845ad0ed484.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c89358448_images(1).jpg.6b3929e80e69a1da4728187685fdcc33.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113147" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c89358448_images(1).jpg.6b3929e80e69a1da4728187685fdcc33.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Names: Daniel, Destiny, and Clarity Taylor

Location: Lunch

Interacting With: @Mariam @TheRebelAngel

Daniel and Clarity were both wide eyed when this girl called her all those names. They knew that

it was a very big mistake to call her all those. They watched as their sister's expression changed from calm to challenging and anger. They both spoke their thoughts at the exact same time. " Oh shit, this prissy prep is screwed." they both said. Destiny stood up and jumped off of the table. She got rather close to this girl to the point were they were almost touching. She looked this prep up and down with her eyes and shook her head in disappointment. She scoffed and harshly shoved the girl a little bit. " What are you going to do if i don't move. Call your daddy? Pay someone to get rid of me? Bore me to death with fashion talk? Or kill me just by looking at your face." she challenged this girl in front of her. Daniel and Clarity both pulled back their sister a bit. They both could tell that their sister was just aching to destroy this girl. Daniel kept holding his sister back and looked at their table. A girl was sitting their and he smirked a little bit. He thought she was cute. But then his expression changed from happy to sad. Awww Destiny, why did you have to pick a fight. I could have been talking to that very pretty girl over there, he thought to himself. Destiny waited for this girl to say something. To add a little more sass to this she spoke again. " Say something else, bitch. I dare you."

(sorry if this is a bit too much. My character is mean at this level)​



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Andrea began laughing softly and took her phone out, recording the soon to be fight. This goth girl had a lot of guts to take on Kayla like that. Andrea was popular, but not as popular as Kayla, and still probably wouldn't want to have beef with her. She stood up and walked a little closer, before sitting back down to record the whole thing.
Raven silently observed what was going down, she could lie and say that she was embarrassed for the goth girl but she wasn't. She was oddly...Proud. And she'd never even met her. Fuck the preps, more power to ya girl. She thought to herself, seeing the scene go down. Her sight panned over to see another prep videotaping the fight. Then she was torn. What she would have done at her old school was snatch the phone and smash it with her New Rockers, because there, no matter what the goths always stuck up for each other. She remembered one guy getting beat up by a jock, he was a new kid, around the first period of school but hell, that jock was covered in black in a matter of seconds. But she didnt know the rules here, so against her better judgement she didn't intervene.
Kayla chuckled "I'm sorry, is your back talk suppose to offend me in some way, well you failed I'm not intimidated by some lower class punk, and I take care of business myself" She explained. "Oh, And I don't do those little things I like taking action like this" She smirked before she slapped the purple hair girl. Kayla moved back before the girl could react to the slap, The jocks at the same table covered Kayla and she was smirking as she was being portected. @Julie
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-87.jpg.b8fcacbc6fd1d0c5fddda590f78a2644.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113153" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-87.jpg.b8fcacbc6fd1d0c5fddda590f78a2644.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Phillip bit his lower lip a slightly and couldn't help raise his eyebrow had he been sassy? "I'm sorry Liam I didn't mean to come off that way." He said sincerely, he'd just chalk that up to being woken up early by his nieces. "I don't plan on fucking with you or vice versa." Phillip added with a slight blush, he wasnt used to swearing especially around others. He couldn't help but wonder if sitting her was a mistake after all.

He groaned slightly, "I sorry I'm, just uh not one for trouble, and honestly I'm used to talking with a four and three year old you would rather play tea party." He admitted sheepishly and took a breath, "But if you both would like to discuss a rebellion then sure let's make "Animal Farm" happen. " He said though he felt like he was just walking into a mine feild and should tree lightly. Phillip was contemplating on what he should say or do next. Lately everything he'd been told what to do by said four year old, and just pulled around by the three year old not that he minded much it was just easier with them and not people his own age, as weird as that was.

@TuffBbg @AmRosey



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"Well, anyway... Before I go just wanted to say the party is on for tonight, the annual semester party..." Ashton looked over to Jennifer who was sitting all alone, poor newbie.

"I guess I can sit with her... Just let me text Cassie real quick to let her know the party is up, make sure to tell everyone too babe." Ashton winked to Kayla then quickly texted Cass. Once he did so Ashton got up and walked over to Jennifer, "Well you seem lonely..." Ashton gave a small smile and sat down across from Jennifer, "What you got for lunch?" @BrooklynBaby

Oh H e l l no. Its one thing to talk smack but this? Raven said in her head, standing up and walking up to Julies flank, bending over as if she was checking if she was okay. "I know you don't know me, but you're gonna have to trust me." She murmured to Julie quietly, low enough for no one else to hear.

"Im pretty sure im small enough to get under the meat heads legs and drag that bitch out, its long enough for you to give her a shiner she'll remember." She said quickly, waiting for Julie to respond. She knew, even if she wasn't small enough to fit, she could take at least the Jocks down alone. She hadn't lived in the ghetto for most of her life not to learn nothing. She knew just the pressure point that could take even the biggest guys down in seconds.

Jennifer looked Ashton as he sat across from her. "What are you doing here?" She asked she wasn't expecting him to sit next to her. After all he was the 'The King' why would he sit next to the new girl when he could be with the his people. "But, Since you asked I'm eating Mac and cheese with the side of mash potatoes" She explained. Jennifer brushed a piece of her hair behind her ear and looked down at her food she wanted to eat, But Jennifer had this thing were she didn't really like to eat I'm front of people especially boys. It was just awkward for her she didn't want them watching her eat, They'd probably think she eat weird or something. @QueenOfDisaster

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Esme smiled as the boy walked over. "You're cute. I'm Esme, people call me Mezzy, and this cutie over here is Sophia," she smiled pointing towards her friend and proceeded to whisper "she's single." She lightly laughed and took another hit of her blunt. "So, what's your name?" She asked him, moving a strand of hair behind her ear.

@Talon @katiebaby420



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Names: Daniel, Destiny, and Clarity Taylor

Location: Lunch

Interacting With: @Mariam @TheRebelAngel

Destiny's face snapped to the side and she touch her cheek. When she turned to face the girl again she was no longer just angry.

She was on her killer mode. " You son of a bitch! You are dead! C'mon and fight me like the supposed queen you are. Don't be a slutty innocent princess and back down now. Fight me!" Destiny screamed more curse words and got on the table. She tried to get to her from the side but Daniel and Clarity were pulling her down. They both had a good hold on Destiny and they were about to leave when a girl comes towards her and whispers. Destiny instantly smiled and nodded. She wanted nothing more that to beat this girl. She was gonna need a hospital and some plastic surgery after this. Daniel and Clarity let her go and backed away to give her room. There was no way that they could convince Destiny to calm down now. Their sister was out for blood now.​



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Raven observed the way the jocks were positioned, their guard was down, way down. That was the one moment she was grateful for being born female, everyone always underestimated her. She walked up to one of the jocks near the front that had been eyeing her down and pulling his face toward hers. Luckily, her judgement was right, he was a fuckboy. He accepted almost immediately, leaning down toward her. Raven took the opportunity to take the hand that was on his neck to go a bit lower, almost to his collarbone and pinch as hard as she could.

He went down and he went down hard. Leaving an opening for Clarity to get in and clock the bitch.

"GO GO GO!" She yelled, at Clarity. Taking a punch from one of the jocks next to them and then turning around and hitting his ear as hard as she could with the palm of her hand.
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"Are You Mad?" She asked smirking. Kayla knew was she was doing and she was doing a good job at it. She was trying to get this girl pissed and it was working, Even Though she was getting threatened she did not fear the girl. "I'm Not Afraid Of You, So stop acting all big bad and tuff cause we both know I'm the bad one here and I don't fight that's unlady like nor classy so I'm going to have to pass on your offer, How about you fight someone who is just as messy as you are Babe" She explained.



Jason looked up from his food for the first time when he heard Cassie mention the party. He still had fond memories of the last Archer semester party. "If this party is anything like last year's I think that apple should count its blessings," he said with a laugh as he scooted over a few seats to join in the conversation. "The next day was the worst hangover I've ever had." Jason grinned as he started tapping his fingers on the table. It was characteristic of Jason that some part of his body was almost always tapping on something, which is probably what made him such a good drummer.

Cassie he knew through Ashton and from parties and the occasional smoke, and he'd had some classes with Brenton over the years, in addition to repeatedly falling on his ass thanks to him during his brief attempt at joining the soccer team in middle school on a bet. He didn't know the cute girl with the light brown hair that sat at the table though, or at least, he didn't remember her if they had met before, and that seemed hard to believe. "'Sup man, how's it going?" He asked Brenton as he ate some more curly fries. "Hey, who's your friend?" He questioned Cassie, nodding to the other girl and flashing her a smile.

@BrooklynBaby @QueenOfDisaster @TuffBbg
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8940af11_images(2).jpg.9892f252274e66336e235b673a04ba26.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113173" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8940af11_images(2).jpg.9892f252274e66336e235b673a04ba26.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.2a7c0e936c87147bdfb0f55d1af3bd82.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113174" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.2a7c0e936c87147bdfb0f55d1af3bd82.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8940fd48_images(1).jpg.333b73db1ad2b672f88e351c4a3ba6f0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113175" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8940fd48_images(1).jpg.333b73db1ad2b672f88e351c4a3ba6f0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Daniel, Destiny, and Clarity

Location: Lunch

Interacting with: @Mariam @TheRebelAngel @anyone

Destiny ran up to her and got in her face. She was pushing the girl very harsh and violently with her body. " If your so fucking bad, fight me like the supposed tough slut you really are." she said. Destiny laid a punch on the side of the girls face. She knew it was hard because her own knuckles were bleeding. She chuckled and looked back at the girl. " Now we all know that your fake. Is that plastic surgery working for ya?" she said in a mocking tone. She tried grabbing at the girl again but someone was pulling her back. She realized it was one of the jocks. Somehow she found the strength to get out of his hold and she already had the girls hair. She yanked it back in forth but she had to admit that this girl was a tough fighter. Destiny was bleeding on her collarbone and she was sure to have a black eye. She kept one hand at her shirt because the prep was pulling her shirt down, almost entirely showing her breasts. She felt like mocking this girl again. "...and by the way, these are real unlike yours..." she said with laughter.​



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