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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex felt Nate's arms around him and he tucked himself into Nate. He never knew what started this feud, and he knew his group wasn't exactly angels either, but no one deserved this. Especially not Juliet. Sweet, bubbly and she had suitor after suitor asking for her. She was doing well in their group. She belonged there, while he didn't. Alex was so tired of crying, but the tears came anyway. New tears for new pain. The rub on his back, stroking his hair, being held close was all Alex needed. He listened to Nate's words and knew that he spoke the truth. "For Grant. Juliet. The others." Alex agreed as he pulled away a little to look at Nate. "Thank you." He leaned up and kissed Nate like they weren't in the middle of a room, in a building of his people that didn't deserve to be there, in the middle of a city that hated him and his group.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

For Grant, Juliet, and everyone else. Nate did not know them, but he didn’t have to. He was done judging people by the group they were in. He was done assuming he knew everything about someone just by their past. He did not know these people who captured Alex’s people, but he knew that the ones who did clearly did not value life. Nate valued life over everything else. Sometimes he lost sight of who he was, but he had to remember. He could remember for everyone they lost and everyone they could still save. Their kiss was deep and beautiful in the way that only sorrow could make it. He wished that he could stay there for the rest of time, but he knew that was not possible. They had to get these chains off of him, and they had to save whoever was down there that they could save. “I will do whatever it takes to save these people,” he breathed, forehead and noses still together. “So let’s get you out of these horrible things.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex didn't want to break from the kiss, wanted to stay there with Nate for a little longer. But, they had to move. Get these chains off and save his people. He heard Nate and smiled, forehead to forehead, nose to nose and he gave him one last kiss before he pulled away. "You have to stand up first love, I can't get up on my own." Alex reminded him with a small chuckle. The tears dried on his face as he sat there before he thought for a moment. "I know it's a lot to hold, but could we take her pack too? Just in case we can't get back here for it?"
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate laughed. This wasn’t funny. None of this situation was at all amusing, but the fact that he was so bad at working around these chains was honestly as entertaining as the fact that he could not keep a direction straight. He nodded and stood up but then paused and grabbed her pack as well. “I will carry the world for you.” Then he reached for Alex to help him up as well. “We’re going to hope that I can remember how to get back to Isaac.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex couldn't help but laugh as well. It was contagious and he couldn't help it. He watched Nate stand up and grabbed Juliet's pack. Those words made his heart swell and flutter. How he got so lucky to have Nate, he'll never know. He took Nate's hand and appreciated the help up. "I don't know as much about this city, so I'll do my best to help." Alex said, turning to make his way slowly to the door and then to the elevator.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate moved slowly with him, hoping they with so much encumbrance he would still be able to protect them. If they could keep this as a stealth mission, maybe it would be okay. If they waited until they noticed everyone leave, they may even have an easier time. When they got in the elevator, he pressed the button for the lowest floor. “Beautiful, I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to need to get these off other than key. So, this could be interesting.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex shrugged himself, he wasn't sure what was needed either as they got into the elevator. "It will certainly be interesting. Won't it?" He asked, looking over at him. "You said they were planning something big. Did you happen to hear what it was?" Alex asked as he anticipated the moving elevator this time and stayed on his feet when it moved to go down.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate shook his head as he grabbed onto the bars on the side of the elevator. “I didn’t hear and the notes didn’t tell me what they were doing. Maybe we’ll be able to hear more as we travel?” As the elevator doors slid open, Nate stayed close where they moved out. Passing the people in the cages was going to be extremely hard again.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex nodded, though he had hoped they would know a little more. He had a fear in his gut that it had to do with his island. Isaac had been looking forever to try and attack it. Once the doors slid open, Alex had to look down at the ground, the dried blood wasn't better to look at but, he couldn't see the broken faces of his people. Not again. He headed to the door and looked back at Nate. "Maybe." He said, not wanting to open the door until they were close together, just in case.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

He moved through the cages with the intention of not looking but instead looked at every one of them. He made eye contact with those who looked back at him. One woman held up her hand and reached forward. “H-help m-m-me.” Her voice was quiet and soft. With Alex already at the door, Nate veered slightly from the path. He moved to the cage and took her hand. He bent down on the floor with her. “I will come back for you. I will get what I need and come back for you. All of you.” Then he pried himself away from her weak body and joined Alex. “Okay, let’s go.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex noticed that Nate wasn't beside him, and he glanced back to see him talking to one of the women he'd seen there. He wanted to save them, to make this whole mess worth something. Alex looked at Nate when he joined him and nodded, gesturing to the door. "I'm a little uh tied up so I'll get the door, and you be ready for whatever is outside of it." Alex told him, as he reached for the door and counted out loud to three before he pulled it open so they could get going.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate counted in his head with him and then moved quickly through the door. There was only one woman a good few yards away, and Nate closed that gap while she was facing away. Without a thought, he just slit her throat. No making her go unconscious. No talking first. Slice and drop. And then he moved again. “Clear for now. I can hear more of them somewhere but not here. It’s a lot of movement. I’m sure once we get to the Stadium and find those keys we will figure out what’s happening.”
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Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex followed Nate out the door a moment later, looking around and seeing the woman. He was a little shocked and surprised at Nate just slitting her throat. It was weird to Alex, and he looked around, he could hear the movement too. While Alex did have a weapon, he missed his bow and arrow. He couldn’t wait for these stupid chains to be off his wrists. “Okay. I’m right with you.” Alex told him. He looked around but wasn’t entirely sure where they were. He knew how to get back to where they were separated but that was it. He’d never been this deep in the city before.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate moved only as fast as Alex could go, though the further they moved, the more rigid his steps became. It was not quite mechanical as he still stepped with purpose and emotion. It was with power. A power he never walked with. Because inside, he was so tired and so upset. He again did not speak as they walked, though that easily could have been because he was trying not to be seen by the moving people. The closer they got to the stadium, the more people there were. All of them were moving quickly. They had somewhere to be.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Something was up with Nate. He seemed rigid, like he was walking completely differently than he’d ever done while they were together. He noticed that Nate was silent, though they should be anyway. Especially with all the WLF members being around. Alex kept close to his partner. Looking around as they drew closer and closer to the stadium.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

As they drew nearer, Nate slowed. It was massive. How did they live like that? It was almost sad that they were going to turn away from something that worked so well. Did that only work because they were all murders? He didn’t want to think about all the lives they absolutely destroyed. “We went in that way,” he finally spoke as he pointed, leaning in so close they could have been one again. “I’m not sure how to get in because there are guards at every entrance and it’s pretty barred. I wasn’t really looking for easy ways to infiltrate. I was too worried about you.” He glanced at Alex and every hard part of him dropped away. “Do you have any ideas?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex paused as they came to the stadium. He’d heard rumors about it, how massive it was. How many soldiers it fit inside and that it was a really crazy idea to infiltrate it. Alex looked at Nate, then at the chains. “Can you act? Maybe we can use this..” He lifted his hands and the chain clinked. “Say you need to get in to see Isaac. Use him and say I’m your prisoner. You’ll have to sell it and be mean, like them. Call me Scar only. That might just get us in.”
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Act? He sort of tried that earlier and it might have worked, though he mostly allowed himself to be upset since he was. He was not sure if he could be one of them. Though. If they were the kinds of people to shoot first and ask questions later as they appeared to be, maybe he could just be angry? He was already angry? He lost too many people for them to be the answer. Nate bit into his cheek and wrapped his arms around Alex into a hug. “It already hurt pretending like you weren’t my everything. How am I supposed to do that to you again?”
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Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex looked at Nate, and sighed. It wasn’t easy, it wouldn’t be easy. But it was necessary. He felt the hug and laid his head on Nate, it was all he could do really. “I know it’s hard, it’s tough. But baby, it’ll be okay. I’ll be fine. Just think of me not having these chains on, think of our farmhouse and know that this anger.. this acting.. is only for a little bit. You can do it.” Alex told him. He knew it would be hard but he also knew that it was the easiest way in. The best way in.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

He was believable enough before. He was believable enough when he used his actual Firefly background to assist him. When he used his medical background. So he would be mostly truthful. He was a firefly. He is angry with the- the Scars. They hurt his beautiful Alex. He was genuinely angry with them for treating him like they did. But how could he pretend to be angry with Alex? Even when he pretended before, he wasn’t really doing that. He skirted around that. Maybe he could be angry at something else. There were certain things he would always be angry at. The way his mama used to scold him for not wanting to kill every living thing. The way his brothers made fun of him for being too soft. Mercy. He swallowed a deep breath and kissed Alex so fervently that one might have thought they were separating forever. “Don’t listen. Like I didn’t want you to watch. It’s not real. I’m so sorry.” He closed his eyes. “But we’re saving people. You, all of those poor people trapped. Everyone.” He bit into his cheek again hard enough for it to bleed, and then he told that softness to go. It wasn’t wanted. That was what got people killed. Max and Ben. Kaleb and Carlos. Almost Alex. He didn’t want it anymore. He turned and he pushed Alex gently in front of him. “I love you,” he whispered before gritting his teeth, setting his jaw, and marching them towards this stadium.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex kissed Nate back, just as fervently. He let his emotions come to the surface. He heard Nate’s words and he nodded. “I know it’s not. It’s okay. I love you too. Let’s save them.” Alex said, as he felt Nate march them towards the stadium. As they got closer the guard stepped out and stopped them. “Halt! Who are you and why do you have this scar with you?” His voice was stern and harsh.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate could do this. He thought about Ben who was by far their best soldier. He sounded like them. He looked like them. He acted like them. Plus, Nate did grow up with them. He just didn’t like them. “Because I caught this one running with all of our supplies,” Nate hissed back. He needed to channel the anger. Sound like one of them. “And boy does he have a lot of things. I think Isaac needs to take a look so if you could please move, that would be great.” Okay, so please and great we’re not exactly the kinds of things that they said, but maybe it would still sound cranky enough. “Pretty sure he’s got some relevant information about tonight as well.” That was a gamble but desperate times required desperate measures.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

The guard looked at Nate, a hard stare. His eyes widened the mention of Isaac, and they narrowed about tonight. “This scar knows about our raid of their island? We cannot let him leave. Go ahead and tell Jake that Peter sent you. He’ll take you the rest of the way.” Peter said, gesturing with his gun. Alex fought to keep his composure. They were finally going to try and raid the island. The storm he felt earlier was picking up as rain drizzled from the sky. Peter watched them go, considering the language and figured that this man was newer to their group. He’d learn soon enough.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

The gamble worked. That seemed to set fire under his britches, because here they were getting in without any sort of identification. Nate considered prior telling him something about being new and therefore not in a list, but this was better. He shoved Alex inside and took in a deep breath as the gate closed behind him. The bustle of people was significant. They had places to be and things to do. A raid on the island. A raid on Alex’s island. Nate wished that he could stop and ask if Alex was okay. He was sure that he wasn’t. He wanted to hug him. He wanted to save the island, but that he was certain they could not do.

“Where are you going with that thing?” A gruff man barked as Nate tried to push past. This guy was armed like he was wearing these guns.

“Isaac,” Nate answered trying to sound as gruff. It wasn’t working. He needed to stick to snippy. “So unless you plan on getting me there yourself, I’m going to need you to move. I would hate for him to think you were impeding such precious information about tonight.” He shoved Alex forward a little harder than he meant and tried not to react to that. “This one knows things. So get out of my way.” He narrowed his eyes, and looked around. “And where’s Jake?”

The man grumbled something and pointed a ways off. Nate immediately stared moving. “Appreciate it.” He could be a polite killer.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex was not okay, and his emotions were real and raw. Selling his act that he was upset at being caught, upset about his island. It was all true of course. That thing he heard, and the words stung him. Alex stumbled a little at the shove from Nate, not only was he not expecting it, but he had to play his part well.

Jake was standing near the elevator. Another one they’d gotten working. He saw the two and immediately went on guard. “Halt! Who are you and why do you have that with you?!” His voice was harsh, rough and his eyes narrowed, hand touching his gun.

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