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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex felt Nate take his and the squeeze to his hand was comforting. “I.. am.” Alex told him, turning them to a small path near the tree line. Little did Alex know, there was no way he was going to be ready for this. Alex was afraid that the group they were looking for was the same one he’d been fighting. But he was going to walk into the city, looking like a Scar out of their normal attire, and help Nate get to the people who took his in. “Let’s go.” He said, starting to walk to the path.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate wished that he could say he felt that pang of uncertainty. He wished that he had that same foreboding as when they left the cabin. He wished that he was thinking about turning around and living there. But Alex showed him that moment of hope, and that hope told him that they were so close. So he didn’t think that this could go badly. Everything already went badly. How could it possibly be worse? Hand in Alex’s he pushed forward towards Seattle. It would not be a long walk, and he was more determined in this moment than he had been for several days. This all had to be for something. This was the something. He was determined. He was resolved.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex led the way down the path and into the forest. He was determined to help Nate. To make the losses worth it. Alex glanced over at Nate and smiled. “I wonder how long we’ll be in the city before we find them.” Alex said as they walked. It was not a long walk, and he felt nervous, anxious and determined. “I don’t think it’ll take long at all honestly.”
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate had not thought of that. “I’m not sure. I hope not long. I want to be done with this, you know?” He didn’t want to travel anymore and risk the life of the one person he had left. He wanted to finally be free of things like that. “How big is the city? Do you know much about it? If it’s not too big, I’m sure we can find them quickly. Someone is bound to know them right? I mean, we met people far east that heard about this. So closer they know right?” This was where the confidence began to waver.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex nodded his head at that. “I know what you mean.” He said, as he too was ready to be done with this. With traveling. Ready to settle down. Ready for peace. “The city is big but there’s only two groups I know of inside it. Mine and the WLF. Surely someone will know where your people have been taken in. And they patrol around the city edge sometimes.” Alex said, as the trees started thinning as they grew closer. His nervousness increased as he walked closer and closer to the city he left.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

His? His group? Nate narrowed his brows as he looked at Alex. Walking. His group? “You were here?” He asked. Confused. Had Alex told him that before? Had he forgotten? No, he felt like he would remember Alex telling him that he was going the exact same place he was coming from. Like actually the same place.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Great job Alex. Really. Next time don’t be so straightforward. “Well. Kind of. Our island is on the other side of the city. But I didn’t know we were heading to Seattle until we got here.” Alex admitted, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. “And so I never considered mentioning it because I didn’t think it was relevant at the time.”
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Other side of the city. They were this close to Alex’s people and whoever this awful group was that only ever liked to murder people for fun? Nate didn’t know that. He didn’t know that this was the same place. He slowed as they moved, entirely unsure now. He was not thinking the same way as Alex. He was not thinking that he was looking for this horrible group Alex hated so much. He just assumed that they were sharing the same city. Even that was enough to make him question things. “Oh. Um? But that’s so close. Do you…?” Want to stop? Want to turn around? Want to go somewhere else? It was against everything he was working for. This was the only thing he had left. Could he really leave it? “Is that okay?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex looked over at Nate, squeezing his hand as he noticed him slowing a little. "It might be close, but it's okay. It is a big city so I am sure we won't run into them or the other group." The WLF. He was still holding onto the small bit of hope that the group they were looking for was one he'd never encountered, and it wasn't the WLF. Alex looked ahead as the trees ended and the city was sprawled out up ahead and in front of them. "Welcome to Seattle."
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

That wasn’t good enough for him. It needed to be, and it would be, but in the end, it wasn’t. It wasn’t enough to make him feel better about not just bringing Alex back to the area he was leaving but back to the place too. Big city or not, that was just so close. But it had to be enough. They had to find them. And then maybe, when they did, they could go somewhere else like his mama did with the Fireflies. They didn’t have to stay here. Maybe they had other place. Maybe they could be further out or really on the opposite end. “Okay. If you’re sure.” They had to be sure. “Hello, Seattle. We’ve been looking for you.” He stepped away from the trees and towards the large city. That was certainly something else. It was as big as the rest of those sprawling cities.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex held his head up, as he looked ahead of them. "I'm sure." Alex told him, walking beside Nate and towards the city. He swallowed back his nervousness, squeezed Nate's hand once again. The buildings grew larger as they drew closer, and up ahead were distant figures in the streets and he slowed his steps for a moment. This was it. "Nate.. I think we've got a patrol up ahead. You ready to meet them?"
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

When Alex squeezed his hand, Nate stepped a little closer. They were better together. They were better close, so he would make sure they stayed close. He eyed the patrol up ahead and felt the tumultuous mix of emotions that he was trying to ignore crash into him. Was he ready? No. Yes. Absolutely. Maybe. What if they weren’t who he was looking for? What if they were exactly who he needed? He had to try. He had to try for everyone who wanted this. He looked at Alex and smiled. “Yeah, I’m ready.” This was it. As they stepped closer, he raised a hand with a sporting smile. “Hello!” He called as cheerfully as he could muster, which was surprisingly a lot considering what just happened to them. He moved openly with his body completely facing them. He wanted to make sure they felt his friendly intentions. “We mean no aggression. No harm at all. I’m hoping you are the people I’m looking for.” He could not hide the hint of excitement. Even if these weren’t the people, maybe they knew where to go.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

He noticed Nate step a little closer, and he smiled. When Nate said he was ready, Alex nodded and walked with him, hand in hand, and then the patrol spotted them. Instantly two of them pulled knives out, and the moment they were close enough, one of them stepped forward, and a hand closed over Alex's arm, ripping him from Nate's side. "Let go of me!" Alex wriggled in their grasp as another shoved him to his knees. "Shut it you scar" She spat as the other one grabbed his other arm and wrenched it behind his back. A fourth person stepped up to Nate and smiled. "Welcome. I can only wager you were a Firefly? I don't know why you were traveling with one of them, but you are among friendly people now. Oscar, Freya. Take this scar to where they belong. Justin, Olive. Let's bring this man to Isaac. He looks useful." The man said as Freya lifted Alex to his feet to drag him away. "Nate! No! Let go of me." He yelled as he struggled against her hold. Oscar took his pack and his bow and arrow off his back and slung them over his own.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

So much happened all at once. Knives out. Alex suddenly gone from his grip. Scar. Meaning his face? Scar? No. He whipped around to the people who stole away his Alex. “Alex! What are you doing? Let him go!” But they weren’t going to budge. He could tell. These people hated Alex instantly. Which meant. Yes. They were. They were exactly the people Alex hated. Nate brought him back to the people who killed Alex’s people. All the way on this side of the city. Nate turned to the man who clearly was in charge. “What are you doing to him? He has done nothing to you. He’s with me. Firefly, right?” Nate reached under the collar of his shirt and pulled out the chains of tags. There was one for him, his mama, and both of this brothers. “Okay, now, could you let him go? We’re not here for trouble.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex could feel the fear rushing through him as he was being dragged away. The man in charge, Wyatt, regarded Nate for a moment before he laughed. "I don't know what this Scar has told you but he's clearly manipulated you. He's headed to join his people somewhere, uh safe while we go talk to our leader." Wyatt said, and nodded to the two who had Alex. "Go." Was all he said as one of his hands closed on Nate's arm. A firm grip. "Let's go see Isaac now, shall we?" He said, Justin and Olive were suddenly behind Nate on either side, a warning. Alex on the other hand was being dragged off, struggling in their grip as he was led away. "No! Nate!" He yelled, as he tried to break free from her iron grip on him.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

The panic from this morning when he woke up alone and couldn’t find Alex was starting to set back in. He wanted to pull away from these people and run to Alex. These were the worst kinds of people. Maybe they were or maybe they weren’t but they hurt Alex’s people and they hurt him, and that was enough to tell Nate that he didn’t want to be with them. He could not take on all of these people. There was plenty that he could do if he weren’t the main attention of all of them. So he needed a plan. “I don’t think this treatment is necessary when someone has done nothing but work to help me find you.” His eyes flicked to Alex, and though it made his entire body want to scream or shut down, he could not show that. If he could not change their mind, he would have to do something else. He would have to find wherever they took him, because they were certainly not taking him to some safe place. That was not how people held people they wanted safe. “Let’s start again,” he said with not a smile but still a softer demeanor. “Nathaniel Matthews. Born and raised Firefly.” He was acutely aware of the people surrounding him. “We’re going to see Isaac. Great. May I know to whom I have the pleasure of making my acquaintance?” He would not sweat in front of them. “While we’re walking then?” He gesture towards the way it seemed that wanted to go. He hoped Alex knew that he would find him.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex looked at Nate, and then he heard him. His head dropped to his chest and he stopped struggling. "Traitor" He whispered, even if he didn't mean it. He had to sell this, knowing inside that Nate would find him, he just knew it. Alex was led the opposite direction, while Wyatt smiled. "Wyatt Hutchins. Nice to meet you Nathaniel. Oh you're going to love Isaac. He's a little gruff but a great leader." He said, leading Nate away from Alex and deeper into the city. Alex was led into the city, and to what he could only guess, is the apartments. Alex, once they reached the apartment buildings, was chained by his wrists in a cell by himself. Other cells held other seraphites, all bearing cuts on their bodies from Isaac and his group. Fear flooded his body as he sat there, uncomfortable and terrified. All he wanted was Nate, and now they were apart. Way more than five feet. Wyatt would lead Nate towards the stadium. The large complex turned WLF base.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

It was like something was stolen from inside him when they took Alex away. He was left with a gaping hole. He had everything, and then he lost one, then he lost everything, and then he grew a whole new family just to have them all ripped away from him. He was surrounded by people he did not understand. These were not Fireflies. These were not any people they he knew. If there were Fireflies here, they were not the ones he wanted. He didn’t even want them if he couldn’t have Alex. As they moved, he continued the conversation. “Wyatt. Justin and Olive, right? I apologize for our difficult beginnings. I did not mean to create such a scene. The man I was traveling with. I did not know that he was part of a group that would be so manipulative. He was so kind to me. Guided me here.” He thought he might as well attempt to gather some information while he had them. They were traveling somewhere he did not know, but as they got closer, he realized it must have been the massive complex. What could they possibly be doing there? If they weren’t taking Alex there, where were they taking him? How was he going to figure that out? Perhaps he could make friends with someone.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

As they neared the stadium, Wyatt laughed. “It’s quite alright. I bet he was sent to find more people for his people. We’ve been getting rid of them left and right lately.” Wyatt said with a grin, proud of the fact that they were winning. As they got to the stadium, another WLF member stopped near them. “Isaac’s coming back from the apartments. He’ll be a few minutes.” She told them as she led them through the large front door. She dropped back to walk side by side with Nate. “So I heard you were found with a Scar. That’s so scary.”
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate didn’t know much about Alex’s people. He knew that they had scars on their faces that they did themselves. He knew that they had a skewed vision of how they should treat their own people, but they seemed to overall work well as an organization. They just didn’t like when someone was a little different. Like Alex. Alex was not the same as everyone else. Did they kill these WLF people on sight too?

“That’s a shame,” he commented. “I am disappointed to hear that.” He really was but he also wanted to know more. “Apartments?” He asked, both curious and attempting to keep conversation going. “Have you commandeered some of the apartments for living quarters?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Kim, the WLF member walking beside Nate, looked at him. "Oh no silly. We all live here at the stadium. The apartments are where we bring the Scars we find. Including your manipulator." She told him, as they came to the top level. Kim led Nate to an open space that overlooked the giant stadium turned base. Crops and animals were in the center and different spots of the stadium was for different people and even families. "You don't have to worry about him anymore." She added as she waited to hear Isaac call them in.

Alex was dragged back into the cell, fresh wounds were on his arms and body as he was chained back up. He shook and felt a tear slip out, all he wanted was Nate and no he didn't even have him.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Yes, silly. Of course that was silly. How would they not be silly when there was this. This frankly amazing way of living in this place. He had never seen anything like it. If he weren’t so utterly upset about Alex being taken to these apartments where they out all the Scars, he might have been impressed. He might have told Alex that they really did find the place they were looking for. But if this was them, he didn’t want them. “I would very much like to see these apartments,” he said almost casually. He thought of Ben and Max and his mama and tried to channel some of the soldier. He wasn’t very good at it but he couldn’t try. “I don’t appreciate being… manipulated as such.” He lnarrowed his eyes slightly. Enough to show a bit of what could be anger. Could be offense. And he desperately needed to find Alex. Alex was all that mattered. He had to find him before they did something awful to him.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

She looked at him for a moment before she hummed. “I think Isaac wanted to see you first and then I’m sure he’ll understand that you want revenge for being manipulated.” She said, as a rough voice called out for them to enter. Kim pushed open the door and allowed Nate to enter first. Isaac stood at the window, looking over the stadium. “Well. It’s been a while since our last Fireflies joined us. And which base did you come from?” Isaac turned around to look at them.

Alex was weak, they would use their knives on him and beat him. Asking questions that he didn’t have the right answers for apparently.
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Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

So Isaac wanted to talk Fireflies while his Alex was being held prisoner somewhere. Nate tried not to dislike this guy purely because he and his men stole away the one person he loved, because that would not have been fair, but that was exactly what was happening. Nate was not handling this very well. He ground his teeth and forced a smile but was far too on edge for a real conversation. It probably worked out in his favor though. This was exactly how someone who has been traveling too long and was itching to right a wrong would do.

Nate crafted a tale for Isaac that was some modicum of the truth. He pulled out the tags and dropped them in Isaac’s hands so that he could see them. He was a lot of places, but he was primarily from Boston. He told him about his mama, told him secrets only a Firefly who had been doing this as long as he had would know, and then told him that he was searching for hope. Modicum turned out to mostly be true. He was not a good liar. He was willing to answer any question. He was willing to have a conversation. “But sir, I do hope you don’t mind. I’m having a very hard time controlling my emotions today. Because I was led here by a man who prayed on my ineptitude. My naivety it would seem.” He almost scowled in the ame, something he was not good at but once saw Ben do. He could replicate for a moment. “And I learned that he was some sort of Scar,” he bit back the pain that this kind of ire was in his voice, “and I would very much like to see him again before you do whatever it is that he so rightfully deserves.” He let the bite of loss from the days and months sting. He let the sadness sound like betrayal. He let the fear creep in because those only made him more believable. “And then I would absolutely be more than willing to talk about what I can do in your and your fine group’s service.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Isaac listened, he nodded his head every so often until he heard Boston. His teeth clenched before he relaxed. And then he heard the request and chuckled. “If you wish to do that, then who am I to stop you. Scars are manipulative people and I hate that you were a victim. Kim. Lead him to the apartments, I’ll be along shortly.” Isaac dismissed them, he had a lot on his mind, including the raid on the island tonight. In fact his most important people were missing. Abby and Owen had disappeared and he didn’t know where they were. Kim looked at Nate with a smile before she took his hand and led him out. The skies were grey, rain was threatening to fall as Kim began the walk to the apartments.

Alex had been set in the cell once more, his clothes covered in blood from their interrogation’ of why he had been off the island and with another man. And why he’d been so far from his home. Alex refused to answer which is why he had multiple cuts and bruises as he was chained back by his wrists in his cell.
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