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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

This went from fine to difficult very quickly. It turns out that killing infected without a melee weapon becomes a difficult endeavor when clickers are involved.it was more than one, and they were both very much awake. He hid faster than he was used to. So often, he could run straight in the middle of everything and not worry about it, because he had enough. And he should have had enough. Why didn’t he have enough? He snuck up on the first without issue. The second heard him coming and whirled around before he could complete his sneaky attack. It clicked at him viciously before he was able to shove that knife into it. As that one went down, he took in a deep breath, because he just barely made it out without a bite. That one was close. But nothing would ever come between him and Kaleb. He knew it. He moved back out into the main hall. Something drew his attention onward. Nothing was there. It was probably his imagination after such a close call.

Nate found Alex after deciding that the searches were a bit futile. He would rather be with Alex and take a bit longer than split up and find their place faster but also risk imminent danger. He was not worried about Carlos or Kaleb, because they so often were off on their own and always made it back to them. No problems. As he made his way to Alex’s side, he heard the angry yells of a clicker who was in combat. Carlos? Nate moved quickly forward, looking into each room and only finding the corpses of the infected Carlos left behind.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaleb, admittedly, was taking his time. He had a lot on his mind up to and including the weird feeling in his dreams the last two nights. He didn't hear the clickers, didn't think much about Carlos up ahead. He knew that they'd survive and be together, nothing would come between them. So Kaleb was working through things, trusting the three ahead of him would either call for him if they needed help or take care of whatever popped up.

Alex looked beside him at Nate and then heard the clicker up ahead. Worry flooded his veins as he moved forward quickly, seeing the infected that had been left behind. "Nate.." Alex whispered, his uncertainty and worry in his words as he looked for Carlos. "We need to find him.." Alex added as he walked.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

“I’m sure he’s fine,” Nate whispered back, because Carlos always was. He and Kaleb were always fine. They got shot with various weapons in various spots and somehow were always fine. They could take down infected and hunters alike with ease. Nate had never met anyone as efficient or capable as these two. But even then, as much as nothing seemed to happen to them, as much as they seemed incredibly capable, he could not help but think about everyone he lost and how much he thought they were everything amazing in this world to. From his mom to his brothers. Even his dad he never got to meet. They were all supposed to make it, and they didn’t. So what about Carlos? Was he worrying for no reason?

Nate heard the sound of the scrambling combat before they actually caught sight of it. It started with a yell of surprise from something very human. That was what made his entire body run cold. He ran down the hall as he heard something crash into something else. Something heavy moved, scraping against the floor. He heard the bloodcurtling screams of an infected. Not just an infected. A stalker. He ran around the corner and into a room to see Carlos just barely holding in back, fear clouding his eyes as one strong arm kept it away from him and the other hung to his side as he stared at it.

Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex flicked his gaze over to Nate and bit his lip. "I hope so." He admitted softly as they moved. They'd come so far, all of them and survived so much. It seemed almost impossible for anything to go wrong. It really did. But Alex had a worry in the back of his mind, one that told him something would happen. The four of them would not be together in the farmhouse. No. He shook his head, until he heard combat, a yell from a human, and then he ran with Nate. As they turned the corner and into a room, Alex had his bow drawn and he fired, nailing the stalker in the back, the thing turned before another arrow to the neck, dropped it to the ground. "Carlos..?" Alex stepped forward, gaze flicking to Nate as he drew closer to their friend, their family.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

As the stalker fell, Carlos didn’t look up. He didn’t even look like he was breathing. He stared at nothing for a moment while he stared at everything he was meant to avoid. After two years of this, it had never been a problem. He was so good at not finding himself in this situation. He kept jackets on just in case, but it slipped. The hooks for the stalker grabbed at it and yanked it down just enough. He kept everything at arms length, but this one got too close. It tore into the shirt that cling to him. He could feel the difference between the scratches and cuts and bruises he was used to and this. This bite. ‘Don’t get cocky.’ That’s what Nate said earlier when he was telling Alex no more than five feet. Don’t get cocky. Carlos got cocky. He lifted his gaze to them, tears already brimming the bottoms of his eyes. “I didn’t see it,” he barely whispered. “I didn’t hear it coming.” His lips never closed. His jaw stayed open as he blinked and more tears came out. His eyes caught Nate’s as he stepped forward to look. “It’s-“ but he didn’t have anything else to say to that. The look on Nate’s face made Carlos want to throw up. Because he was right. That’s what it was. Carlos’ face hardened with a sudden insistence. “Don’t you dare tell him. Don’t- he can’t-“ but the words couldn’t come out from the panic that was rising in his chest.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex froze the moment he saw it. No. Not them. His worries and fears crashed through him as he saw Carlos crying, he never cried. Not unless Kaleb was hurt. Alex swallowed back the fear, the worry, the emotions that he was going to lose someone he'd allowed so close. Someone who showed him how real love was. "Nate.." Alex whispered, snagging his hand like it was a lifeline he needed to ground in. His attention turned to Carlos as he shook his head. "We won't tell him.. Right?" He said, looking at Nate before looking back at Carlos again. Alex didn't know if he wanted to keep this a secret from Kaleb, but seeing that look on his face, he knew that it would be the smart move right now. But Alex knew one thing for certain.. Carlos was not making it to the farmhouse. No beautiful mural on the wall, no big family portrait to see. Alex felt tears slide down his own face as he swallowed hard. This was not how this was supposed to go, it wasn't fair not after everything Carlos and Kaleb had gone through that they'd shared with Alex and Nate.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate moved to Carlos’ side, touching around the bite that was on the back of Carlos’ arm. He had never seen one so fresh. So new. It looked so mundane. Nothing had spread yet. And Carlos was going to hide it the way that Alex had Nate promise never to do. Could he let him hide it? Could he deal with that? What were they going to do with Carlos? Because this was only going to get worse. They had hours. He didn’t know how many. Hours. Hours left before it got so bad that someone was going to have to do something about it. Someone-

“No.” Carlos pulled Nate’s attention back to his face. “You’re not going to do it.” His eyes flicked to Alex. “Or you. Not-“ he swallowed. “He can’t know.” He raised his other hand to rest his head on as his neck felt like it was breaking. “I promised him. I promised I wouldn’t leave him and-“ god, he was going to break that promise. This was exactly what Kaleb was worried about years ago. He was worried about letting someone in just to lose them. How could Carlos do this to him? “I- I-“ He sucked in a deep breath. A hard, deep breath. “You have to- to keep him safe. We have to get him out of this- this city. And then you have to keep him.” The tears were coming freely down his face as he struggled to keep his voice in check. He didn’t know where Kaleb was. “Don’t tell him. Please- I don’t know- what- I’ll do.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex watched the scene in front of them, his eyes wide as the fact of what happened crashed over him. Alex stepped closer, a hand placed on the shoulder of the non bitten arm. “You know he’s going to be angry? But..” Alex took a deep sigh, a breath and swallowed. “We’ll keep him safe.” Alex agreed, even if he did not like it. He agreed and he’d do whatever he could to keep Kaleb safe.

Kaleb, meanwhile, had found a room with a hole in the ceiling that led to the fourth floor. He stepped out of the room and ventured on. “Carlos? Alex? Nate?” His voice was soft but as he drew closer they could hear him and his steps. He wasn’t that quiet right now.
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Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

The sound of Kaleb’s voice brought a wave of nausea, fear, and a devastation not for himself but for what he was about to do to his love. He sucked in a deep breath, falling against Alex for just a moment. He could barely breathe. He wrapped desperate arms around him, searching for anything to keep him safe from the terrifying that was the coming hours. If he didn’t have Kaleb to get out, he would have done it there. He would have ended this before it was a danger for them all. “Thank you,” he breathed before tearing away, shoved his arm over his face to wipe away the tears, and pulled the jacket around him like nothing was there. He ran out of the room, not even skipping or anything sweet. “I’m here, my love!” He called like nothing was wrong. He followed the sounds and once he saw him, his bright big smile plastered across his face, because nothing made him happier than seeing Kaleb. And he would stay right with him until he couldn’t anymore. He didn’t have long. He threw his arms around him, painfully aware of where the bite was, and held onto Kaleb like he was his lifeline. Because he was. “Find anything fun while I was taking care of all the infected for you?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex felt those arms around him as Carlos fell against him. He gave him a hug and swallowed back his own tears. Alex had grown to care for Carlos and Kaleb like brothers. Family. And now, that family was being ripped in half, torn by one single bite. “You’re welcome.” Alex whispered back. He watched Carlos tear away, wipe his tears off, slip the jacket on and go to Kaleb. Once Carlos was gone, Alex turned to Nate and in the sternest voice he’d ever had, he spoke. “If you ever do that to me.. I would never forgive you. I can’t believe we’re doing it for them”

Kaleb smiled wide as he saw Carlos coming up, a big smile on his face. Kaleb laughed softly at the hug, holding onto Carlos happily. “I found us a way to the fourth floor. We just need the other two. Did you have fun taking care of the infected?” Kaleb asked, pulling back a little to look at him. This was all he needed. Carlos beside him and in their farmhouse with their family. A peaceful dream, and a wonderful hope that he planned to make a reality.
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Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

“Oh of course!” Carlos brought Kaleb close to him for another hug. This was not entirely unusual, as he was a huggy guy. A very emotional, touching kind of guy. This was not the first time he was particularly needy. It came at him at different times, and he always acted on it. “Mm, you found a way up? Of course you did. You always find things like this.” He pulled away only enough to press an intense kiss to his lips. “Why are you so amazing?” He threw his head back and called, “You two done being cute? My beautiful has already found us a way up to the fourth floor.”

Nate watched him leave and stared at the emptiness of the doorway. They were going to have to kill him. They were going to have to end this before it got too bad. They were going to have to let him go. And then they were going to have to console Kaleb. How were they supposed to do this? He turned to Alex, breath held as he tried not to cry. Or scream. They were going to have to do this again. Just to find Washington. Well they found it. And they were going to lose it. For what? What was this even for? Alex’s words brought him back to reality. He stared into the eyes of the person who he loved more than anything in the world. Would he keep this from him? No. Not now. “I promise I wouldn’t do that. It’s better that you know. But he-“ Nate took Alex’s hand and squeezed it. “I don’t know what he’s going to do.” He turned his head at the words Carlos yelled. Words they all knew was wrong. Words to fill the world with entertainment again. With joy. “Come on.” And all he could think was what they were going to have to do.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex felt the hand take his and squeeze. He processed Nate’s words slowly at first, and then, even after hearing Carlos and Nate saying to go, he wrapped his arms around Nate. Taking a moment for himself, a tight hug, a grounding hug. He knew what had to happen, knew how devastated Kaleb was going to be, and how much this was going to hurt everyone. After a moment, Alex broke away, kissed Nate rather intensely and then took his hand and led them out. His free hand wiping his face free of any tears. He led them over to the other two with a smile. “See, at least one of us finds useful things, like a way up.”

Kaleb knew how needy Carlos can get. He’d been in a sappy mood last night and this morning, so the second hug and intense kiss wasn’t unexpected nor abnormal. “Someone had to do, you guys were busy with our friends.” He said, taking Carlos’ hand and leading them to the room with the hole in the ceiling.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

“They weren’t my friends,” Nate added as he moved into the room with the rest of them. “I believe that’s just Carlos.” Friends who did unfriendly things like bite people and ensure their untimely deaths and also the break of a new but true family. This was what happened when he got close to people. But Carlos looked fine. He was so smiley and happy. He looked just fine and he clung to Kaleb, laughing at all of them. But Nate could see what perhaps not everyone could see. It was important to pay attention to the little movements. And Carlos’ arm was already moving a little strangely. He let it hang more than he normally would.

“That’s because they were definitely mine,” Carlos joked as he moved to the hole in the ceiling. “Always fun to take them out as you know, my love.” He put his hand on his hip and stared up. “Okay, this isn’t so bad. I can hoist people up and you guys can hold onto the edge of the hole there to pull yourself up the rest of the way?” Because that would have been fine normally.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex looked around the room, there was no way Carlos would be able to hoist them up so Alex was going to find another way. “Kaleb.” Alex called over and Kaleb, while curious, walked over. “Help me move this dresser.” Alex told him and the pair moved a tall dresser over and under the hole. “No need to expend energy we shouldn’t have to, when we have a perfect staircase we can make.” Alex said with a smile. Alex ignored Carlos’ arm and perhaps stayed a little closer to Kaleb but he played it off as sticking close to his family because he hated cities. Alex crawled onto the dresser first, and then Kaleb followed, both men making it into the room above them easily, and looking around. “Clear.” Alex called down, looking at Nate and then at Carlos.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Carlos sighed, realizing too late why Alex would circumvent like that. Of course. He couldn’t be trusted to do that. He swallowed back the emotional pain that came with that. Ignored the strange feeling in the back of his arm. “Handsome, you have such a smart brain. That’s why we keep you around.” Carlos smiled and gesture for Nate. “Okay Medicine Man, you first.” Nate hesitated, and Carlos shook his head. “Go on up, cute one. I’m right behind you.” He smiled. Bit his bottom lip at the face Nate made at him. “I’m coming.” He needed him to know, because Nate was worried. Horribly worried. Terrified. Nate finally nodded and climbed up first before gesturing for Carlos who had moved out of their immediate eye line but climbed up quickly and without issue. Without? No. Nate saw it. The slight wobble that Carlos played off as playing. He rolled as he made it to the top, posing like a goof. “Alright, let’s go. I would like to be out of here now. Find us a farmhouse!”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex bit his lip as he forced a smile on his face. One that looked natural. If you didn’t know what had happened and what was going to happen. “That’s me. Brains.” He said with a small laugh. Alex held his breath at the slight wobble, unlike his arm, that he caught. Kaleb didn’t, he was too busy scouting the hall for them and to his right, the fire escape door. He knew the others were right behind him, and so he moved. Kaleb pushed open the door and stepped onto the stairs, looked back at the three of them when he heard it. Creak.. creak.. But before he could jump back into the building, the stairs buckled, and the next thing he knew, he was falling, being tossed against the metal stairs as the whole thing began to collapse. “Kaleb!!”
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Neither of them knew what was happening as they heard the sound. Carlos was testing his arm when he realized that Kaleb wasn’t around. It felt almost like a pinched nerve. He couldn’t quite move it the way he wanted to. Hours. He only had hours. Because already it was spreading. He knew it was. And it was a good moment before Alex and Nate found him as he held back the infected. The bite was at the beginning of that fight. How long did it take to spread? Nate was watching Carlos, because he needed to. He needed to watch the change. This was not something scientific. This was not a study. This was desperation. He needed to know when the end was coming. When were they going to have to call it? How were they going to explain it to Kaleb? The creaks were enough to pique their interests. They were enough to look up. It wasn’t until the crashing that they really moved.


When Alex screamed Kaleb’s name, Carlos, fumbling forward as his nerves twitched down his entire arm and partly through his back, raced forward to follow where Kaleb went. “Kaleb!” A small, faint cry before it spread to another louder plea as he tore through the door to see everything settling as it fell. “KALEB!” Because everything fell. Everything. Including his Kaleb. His beautiful Kaleb. No no nononono “KALEB!” One hand held onto the door frame as he stared below looking for his love. His everything. He everything fell down with the rusted metal. He wasn’t thinking about the sound of the crash or the sound of his screams. He wasn’t thinking about sound at all and what that could mean. He was only thinking about Kaleb. He forgot about his bite because that meant nothing. Absolutely nothing. He always came after Kaleb. He always had.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Pain. That was what registered first for Kaleb as he laid there trapped under a metal stair. He could barely move, and he didn’t want to. As he came to his senses, he couldn’t feel much. He pushed at the stair with his arm, shoving it off himself. Then he could see what he hadn’t before. A piece of metal in his side, higher up than the arrow wound. And deeper. Much deeper. Blood was surrounding it, soaking into his clothes. “Ah.. no. No.” Kaleb tried to sit up, and move his legs. One was broken, he could see that the closer he looked. His entire body was sore and in pain, cuts were everywhere, and his head throbbed. A hand went to the back of his head, pulling it away to find blood. Kaleb wasn’t going to make it, that metal piece had perforated his lungs, and he was finding it harder and harder to breathe. His lungs filling with blood, and he coughed, blood trickling down his chin and filling his mouth with a metallic taste. Tears from the pain started filling his eyes and slipping down his face. “Carlos..” A whispered plea for his love.

Alex searched the rubble and then looked at the other two. “Let’s go. We need to get down there. That was loud, any infected around could’ve heard that. If we want to save him, we need to move.” Alex said.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Carlos was not listening to anyone. He was searching for Kaleb. There was so much dust. So much rubble everywhere. It was bad. It was very bad. And the fact that he couldn’t hear Kaleb’s answer was worse. So he would go down there. He would find Kaleb. He could run back into the hall and down those stairs and then never find him again or be too late and he refused to take the extra time. He could go down here. He could jump across to the other side of the rickety buildings. Yeah. He could do that. So he did. What was the worst that could happen? He would die? He was already going to do that. “Carlos, no-“ Because Nate could see what he was going to do. Carlos didn’t care about himself. He would find Kaleb. So he jumped to the other side, barely grabbing on to the edge with his good arm, looked down and let go so that he could land about a story down on the next ledge. Only one more story? That was fine. So he jumped. He crashed down in the middle of the fallen rubble, feeling where the bruises and cuts and all was forming. He didn’t care. He ran through trying to find him. Screaming his name over and over. “KALEB! Kaleb answer me!” Several of his limbs were screaming. The bite hurt a lot.

Carlos was not listening to him, but Nate should not have been shocked by this. That was his love. Would Nate do differently for Alex? He watched the dust everywhere and saw the movement from several blocks away. “Alex. Alex they’re already coming.” He pointed towards the runner. Two that he saw coming. “We need to move quickly.” He grabbed Alex’s hand and ran.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaleb coughed again, blood staining his chin, neck and shirt. He heard Carlos but he couldn’t talk well, he was so focused on breathing. Breathing even as his lungs filled with blood. His eyes searched for something, anything to get his attention. He grabbed some rebar he could reach and flung up and to the side. Hoping that would work. Please work. He needed to see Carlos again before...

Alex saw Carlos then the runners. Without saying a word, Alex turned and ran with Nate. He made it to the hole, dropping down to the third floor and to the stairs. Running to save Kaleb, to help him like they promised Carlos. Get him out of the city. Safe.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

He was frantic. He needed to find Kaleb. He desperately needed him. Nothing else mattered. Alex and Nate could handle themselves. They were doing very well without the two of them. They were better as four, but they would be okay. Carlos needed to find Kaleb. He ran through, jumping over pieces that threatened to stab him. Some hooked into his skin, and he didn’t care. Let it rip into the jacket and the flesh. None of that mattered. He had to find Kaleb. He had to save him. Something moved. That was enough for him. Carlos pushed his legs to move that way. There he was, trapped. His body ran cold as he saw the rebar penetrating him in a pretty terrible spot. All that blood. So much blood. “Kaleb, Kaleb, can you hear me, baby.” He grabbed onto the stairs that blocked him and tried to move it, but his arms weren’t working right. Neither of them. He pushed with his back instead, but he wasn’t strong enough to move everything. He lost so much already. Tears streamed down his cheeks, blurring everything. “Hey, hey Kaleb. My beautiful Kaleb with your beautiful blue eyes. You talk to me.” His attention was briefly pulled away by the screams of infected. They were close. Too close.

Nate fell down the hole, ran to the stairs, pushing his way as fast as he could down the stairwell. He had a horrible feeling that they were not going to be able to do what they promised.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaleb saw him, coming towards him. But something wasn’t right. His Strong Arms couldn’t move the metal? “C- Carlos.” Kaleb managed to get out before he coughed up more blood. A rasping breath followed a moment later as his mouth opened and closed like he wanted to speak but instead he coughed instead. Tears flooding down his face. His good arm extended out, reaching for Carlos, not knowing why he couldn’t move the metal. He just needed him, hold him then he heard the infected. A horde. Coming right for them. And Kaleb was stuck, trapped, and dying.

Alex burst out of the building, looking at the massive horde headed their way. “Nate..” Alex was quiet as he looked at the mess of stairs to the right. He blinked, turned and ran. They had to get Kaleb. He skidded to a stop at the edge of the rubble, his breath catching in his throat as he caught sight of Kaleb. Oh no.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

The strained named coming form Kaleb’s lips broke Carlos’ heart. It broke his spirit. It broke everything. All that blood. Every place he saw that was trapped somewhere, and he knew. He knew that Kaleb was not going to make it out of this. Could Carlos save him if he could move all this metal? Could he get him to Nate? That Medicine Man was made of magic, but how could he get there. The horde was loud. There were so many of them coming.

He knelt down, hands quivering as he grasped at Kaleb to show that he was there. “Hi, gorgeous. I’m right here. I am right here with you. I told you I wasn’t going to leave you right? Never ever. I would never leave you.” He pressed a kiss to his messy forehead. But the horde was coming, and he couldn’t get him out. He couldn’t. Couldn’t. So he wouldn’t. He bit his lower lip so hard it bled. He looked around, searching for anything that could save them. There was nothing. He leaned back in close, foreheads touching. “I’ll be right back. I won’t be far. I promise. I just need to do something real quick. Don’t leave without me. Not yet.” He pulled away and threw his pack on the floor, pulling out trap mine after trap mine. The horde wanted to come, and he wanted them to come too.

“CARLOS!” Nate yelled, because he knew. He could see what was in his hands as they stood at the edge of this building. “CARLOS, NO!” He couldn’t do that. No no no they could do this. They could still save him. That was a lot of metal all over Kaleb, but if Carlos could move it out of the way, then they could get him somewhere that Nate could patch him up. Nate could do that for his family. That was the one thing he was good at. But he wasn’t moving it. Oh the bite. It was already spreading too much for him not to be able to do what he needed to do. “I can help him move Kaleb,” Nate insisted started to move that way. He could help. They didn’t have to do this.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaleb felt Carlos’ hands quivering, his eyes full of pain and wet from tears. He sniffled, coughed and smiled small at the kiss on his forehead. “W- Wait! C- Carlos. Don’t do this. Go with them, have a life. Live where I can’t.” Kaleb’s words were strained, but he forced them out as he saw Carlos grabbing trap mines. He heard Nate scream, telling Carlos not to. Kaleb didn’t understand what was really wrong but he didn’t want Carlos to sacrifice himself because Kaleb wasn’t going to make it.

Alex grabbed Nate around the chest the moment he saw what was happening, to hold him back. They couldn’t save Kaleb, and Carlos was going to have to be.. killed anyway. “We can’t save them!” Alex said, his voice pained and desperate. He wanted to, wanted to save them but he couldn’t, there was nothing they could do. And he couldn’t let Nate go in there. With all that rubble, they’d get stuck in the middle of the horde too. There was no easy way in or out of that metal mess.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

“Shh, don’t strain yourself, gorgeous. Let me finish, and then we’re going to do something beautiful.” Carlos placed the trap mines around them in a circle. A pretty wide circle. He didn’t bother being quiet. He wanted the horde to find them. He thought a moment and then added more so that the circle was bigger. It could blow up the buildings around them too. “We’re making art, Blue Eyes. Our last art.” As he placed the last one, he thought of the screams from the outside, because Nate was still yelling his name. He was sobbing, and so was Carlos. Well, he could have been. He was for sure crying. He stood closer and smiled. He grabbed the hat from his head and like a frisbee, tossed it towards them. “Handsome, you take care of that sweet Medicine Man of yours. He’s going to need you a whole lot more than he’s going to tell you. Go. Find our farmhouse. Paint me something beautiful.” Oh. He pawed through his bag and grabbed the journal and threw it as hard as his good arm could manage. He fell to Kaleb’s side. This rebar was all in his way. He took in a deep breath and willed all of his strength to his good side. He pushed and pushed until it moved just a little. Kaleb was still trapped, but Carlos could be closer. He could be so close. “No. I will not live a life without you. There is no life without you. I have told you that for all of time. Where you go, I go, remember? You and me forever. I would never leave you. So, let’s be together forever. Marry me, Kaleb Price. Right now. Right here.”

Nate did not like this answer. He didn’t care about this hat or this journal that fell in front of them. He didn’t want it. He wanted Kaleb to have them. He didn’t like how hard it was for Carlos to move that metal, and he was certain that they could all do more. “Let go of me!” He demanded of Alex as he squirmed in his arms. “Let me help them!” His eyes were blurred with the wet that ruined his vision. His cheeks were red with the heat of the moment. But he couldn’t get free. He needed to get free.

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