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Realistic or Modern Support group rp

"So... Um... I'm Moa?" she shrugged. Making friends was harder than it looked.

"My mom says I should make friends so... Hi." Moa gave a half wave.
"Ugh,moms" she replied.It's hard for Astrid to relate to anyone but strangely she already finds herself relating to Moa.

"Astrid" she held out her hand awkwardly to shake hands.
"Moms. They're weird." Moa shrugged, "Um, hi. Welcome to support group, it's hell packaged to look pretty." Moa reached over and shook Astrid's hand, "Um... I... Why are you here? Or what's your favourite colour? Or I don't know... I'm bad at talking to people."
Nick walked into the support group...again and sat down, searching for his phone and texting along with playing games in his free time while none responded to the texts.
"Pretty? Me? Nah" Astrid just shrugged.

"I'm pretty bad too,this is probably the most human interaction I have had in a while" she half joked,part of her wasn't really joking.
"Human interaction is stupid and pointless. I really want to go home." Moa fiddled with her hair, swinging her legs back and forth, "So, um, I'm going to shut up now." She looked down.
Astrid just half-nodded at her,"Okay then" she just murmured and looked at the floor again.
Brooke walked into the support group and found his seat. He sat himself down and waited for the group to start.
Astrid saw a boy walk in the room casually.When he found his seat,she just awkwardly half-smiled at him.She was too anti-social to not know what to do when someone walks in a room.
Brooke surveyed the room, he spotted a young lady looking at him awkwardly. He smiled back and put his hand out for a handshake "Hi, uh, my name is Brooke, and you are?"
Astrid had a mini heart-attack when she realized the guy noticed her.

She cautiously shook his hand slowly, "Um...Astrid" she introduced herself.
Shaun's cellphone rang in his pocket, startling him somewhat. He smiled at Holow and picked it up, it was Chase.

"Yo man, not sure where you went to this morning, hope your doin' okay. Just callin' to remind you where you gotta be right now." He spoke in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Yeah, I'm going." Shaun almost hissed, "Don't have to f*****g check up on me dude, I'm not a god damn kid."

He brought the phone down, hearing Chase still speaking but not listening, and hung up. He looked over at Holow witha less than stellar look on his face.

"I'm gonna go for a walk. Cya there." He spoke blankly, and turned around, pulling his hood up and walking away.
He smiled, this was the first good thing he had ever gotten out of the group since he joined. "Nice to meet you Astrid." He said with a welcoming smile.
"Good job,Astrid,you made social contact again" she sarcastically notified herself

"Erm...you too?" Astrid replied,well,more like "asked".She mentally face palmed herself.
Brooke chuckled. He felt like he had finally accomplished something. He smiled at her, "Nice, um, weather isn't it?" He had ran out of things to say and almost cringed at how bad he was a keeping up conversations.
Moa was looking back and forth between Brooke and Astrid, as if she were watching a tennis match. It was fascinating to watch the awkward conversation bounce back and forth between the pair. She chewed on her lip, as she looked between them.
Astrid's awkward half-smile grew wider to see how strange he was handling this too."Rain's not my favorite but I guess it's alright" she smiled.
Brooke grinned. "Astrid, Would you like to go see a movie sometime?" He smiled awkwardly hoping she'd say yes. He felt uneasy being that this was his first actual conversation with someone other then his mom.
"Alright" she grinned sheepishly at him.

This was not part of the plan,I was just to walk in,sit down,talk to no one and leave!
Shaun pushed open the doors to the building where the meeting was being held, he was soaking wet from the rain that was pouring down. He walked down the stairs and into the meeting with a grimace as he looked around.

They hadn't started yet, so he ignored the chairs and walked up to a wall, sliding his back down, landing in a sitting position on the floor, his face covered by his hoodie as he looked down at the floor, a few stray dribbles of water dripping from his hood and sleeves.
Shaun looked up just enough that he could see who was talking to him.

What the hell does this guy want? He thought to himself, Wait..he's the moron from school.. Shaun remembered what happened back at the front of the school, and sneered at Nick.

"Bite me." He said in a slightly rough voice, with an overly harsh tone.
"The fuck? It was a question." Nick rolled his eyes, "God. You don't have to act like that. At least you two are smoochy smoochy." Nick's friend who had joined the group smirked and laughed silently.
Shaun stared at Nick's friend, then sneered, chuckling almost silently to himself and rising up off the floor.

"Wanna say that again, buddy?" He hissed, one of his hands clenched into a fist.

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