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Realistic or Modern Support group rp

Shaun crouched down, stepping sideways a few steps, half laughing half moaning out loud dramatically, that one hurt..

"Oh f**k my life man.." He chuckled, eyeing Kevin.

Shaun looked over at the door as the counsellor came in, and looked back over to the floor. He crouched for a few seconds before managing to make his way to an empty chair away from most people, and landing hard. He stared over at Kevin, his smile fast fading as him and Nick walked out.
Haley sat down silently and pulled up her hood. She just wanted to be alone right now. Sit in a dark empty quiet room and stay there for awhile, maybe even forever
Shaun sat, crouched over, his hair covering his face as he stared at the ground, holding his stomach with his un-burnt arm.
Clarity sighed as the counselor started the meeting. She just wanted to leave and go to the music store to see Mikayla.
Haley zoned out most of the things the counselor was saying, she imagined she was alone in a small shady and cool forest. She imagined that it was quiet and peaceful here, somewhere she wouldn't have to worry about things
A little ways in, Shaun stood up and winced a little, and walked over to the food table, trying to amuse himself and get his mind off everything.
Holow had to walk back outside, the sight of fighting and blood to much for her brain. She sat outside the room with her hands gripping her hair tightly, her breaths shallow.
Shaun stood at the table, amusing himself with some of the toothpicks stuck in little cubes of cheese, his mind starting to come back to him. He started remembering what happened, the memory of each blow causing pain over and over again.

"I'm leaving. This isn't going to work for me." His voice cracked as he walked out, tears starting to form in his eyes.

He pulled his hood up as he pushed one of the doors open, wincing as the pain in his wrist flared up, causing him to drop the door onto his shoulder. Shaun started swearing to himself and holding his wrist tightly as he walked into the rain.
Holow heard footsteps beside her and a sting of curse words. She looked up, seeing Shaun. A sudden urge to follow him, to make sure he was ok came over her, and she shook her head. None the less, she followed this instinct, getting up to follow him. She stood out into the rain, the drops soaking over her face, causing her hair to stick more to her face. 'A-a-re you ok?" She asked hesitantly, looking at him.
Shaun spun around, his eyes so very soft, tears mixing with the rain. He tried so hard to hide the fact he was crying, but when he saw Holow, fell to his knee's and just broke down right there. He crouched over holding his wrist and swearing to himself some more, unable to string together a proper sentence.
Holow slowly walked up to him, reaching a hand out to touch his shoulder lightly. She tried her best to comfort him from there, but she was so lost on what to do. So she did something he probably would have done if she was crying. She pulled him into a gentle hug, her arms wrapping around his crying form.
Shaun felt a stabbing pain deep in his chest, he couldn't bare it, all he could do was cry. Suddenly the rain stopped falling on his head, and he felt a warmth around him. He peered over his shoulder and saw Holow crouched down beside him, her arms outstretched around him.

His tears slowed to a few drops, and he caught his breath once more.

"H-holow.." He whispered, his chest still aching slightly, a lump caught in his throat, "I'm..s-sorry.."
Holow let a small and comforting smile show on her face, looking at him. "It's ok." She whispered, patting his wet hair down gently. She wanted to be there for him, to repay him for what he had done to her.
Shaun grabbed hold of her arm gently with his other hand, holding onto her sleeve, and half smiled back, still catching a bit of his breath.

"F**k.." He chuckled, "I'm pathetic..I'm so sorry you had to see that.." A few fresh tears fell down his cheek.
Holow smiled, lifting her sleeve to gently dry his tears. "Don't be. You where there for me." She said softly, making sure to catch every last tear that had fallen on his face with a warm smile.
Shaun moved his face closer to her hand, not even thinking about it, and smiled again. When his mind caught up with his actions, he blushed immensely and pushed himself back a bit, staring at the ground.
Holow blushed a similar shade of red, taking a sudden interest in the rain soaked ground that was underneath her feet, showing her clearly soaked sweater. She was glad that her shirt underneath wasn't wet, until she saw that it was, revealing her undergarments. She flushed even darker, rolling her knees up to press against her chest in a useless attempt to hide it.
Shaun blushed even more, quickly jumping up and taking off his jacket and hoodie, wrapping them around her without even thinking.

"Come on, we have to get you inside somewhere." He said quickly, his courage temporarily restored as he wrapped his arms around her.
Holow nodded, her tongue unable to complete coherent sentences at the moment. She couldn't even protest as he wrapped his hoddie and jacket around her, which smelled just like him. That thought made her flush even more, mentally whacking herself for even thinking about that.
Shaun helped her to her feet and ran her into the first set of doors he could see, which as he took a gander, happened to be a supermarket. rows and rows of colder food items were at one side, other items in the middle, and a pair of escalators on the right. The floor around the escalators was a cheap kind of wood, and above it, in large white letters on a green background, Starbucks.
Holow looked around the supermarket, still quite cold and starting to shiver. She had been chilled down to the bone for around half and hour, and it was really starting to get to her nerves, though Shaun's warm arms around her helped a bit.
Shaun led her forwards, pointing out the Starbucks with a small grin, and up the escalator. He sat her in one of the soft, cushy, pillowed chairs, and jogged over to the counter. He spoke to a man who was by the counter and ran back over, sitting on the arm of the chair rubbing up and down her arms, trying to warm her up.

A few minutes later, the man from the counter walked over with a steaming hot chocolate and a slightly shabby looking blanket he picked up from the back of the shop.

"Thanks!" Shaun exclaimed, and slid the wet jacket and hodie off Holow, instantly replacing them with the blanket as to not expose her.
Holow walked up to the escalator with him, his arms securely placed around hers. She was starting to wonder if friends held other friends this close. She had never really studied friends, but from what she could tell, most girl/guy friends did not come this close in contact. Still, she didn't deny it. It felt good. His hands running up and down her arms, warming her to the touch. Soon enough, a blanket was brought for her and it quickly replaced the jackets. She blushed, looking up at Shaun with a blushed face. She pressed her fingers together, her lips quivering a bit before she asked him. "Shaun, why did you go to all this trouble for someone as plain as me?" She asked, her voice steadily growing higher and her blush growing deeper with each second.
He looked down at her, a confused expression came across his face. He sat there for a few seconds thinking, looking slightly troubled.

"I-I'm sorry.." He finally spoke, a confused tone to match his expression, "Plain? I can't have heard you correctly." He chuckled to himself, staring from her left eye to her right, over and over, deeply, with an almost stern expression.

His expression turned to one of trouble, and then to a frown, as he knelt down in front of her, and stared into her eyes, "Do you honestly believe that?" He asked, his expression was quite intense.

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