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Realistic or Modern Support group rp

As soon as Holow caught wind of his voice, she flipped around, letting out another scream from the sudden movement. She buried that scream in his chest, pressing her face against it and securing her arms around him as the horrible memories racked her brain, causing her to whimper and gasp.
Shaun wrapped his arms around her and squeezed tightly, kissing her forehead, "Shh shh shhh.....It's all going to be okay..don't you worry hun.." He could only try and reassure her until the ambulance finally came, the paramedics came running into the house and started doing their paramedicy things.
Soon enough, Holow and Shaun where separated from their hug and put on to stretchers and taken out of the house and into the ambulance. It was a long ride to the hospital for Holow, having fallen into a horrible nightmare, and occasionally screaming out. The paramedics inside where working feverishly trying to calm her down and slow the bleeding in both wounds.
Shaun was taken in a separate ambulance, spending the whole ride there with his hands resting over his eyes, trying to answer their questions as best he could. He got a good look at the guy before he put on the mask, but didn't recognize it was one of Nick's friend's until he thought back to the last comment he made.

"Don't mess with Kevin."

"F**KING PIECE OF SHI-" He was cut off by one of the paramedics bombarding him with questions about his outburst before he'd even finished!
Once they reached the hospital, the paramedics had given up on how to stop her from wailing. But she couldn't. She was reliving a constant loop of watching her parents be shot, blood oozing from their chests and there lifeless eyes staring at her, all while watching her second father smiled like it was some task that had to be done.
Shaun had to lay on a bed through god knows how long of some surgeon spewing out crap about how "the bullet had gone straight through", and "We need to get his leg seen to".

"Where the hell is Holow?!" He yelled, getting no answer.

The surgeon finally got around to stitching up his leg and one of the Doctor's came to see him, "Where is she?!" He hissed before the doctor had a chance to utter a word.
Holow was in another room, both of her legs being stitched up while a few nurses where holding out the crying and screaming girl. She had already asked several times where Shaun was, and was getting no answer. And now, her memories where still repeating, but slowing down the most gruesome parts as she flailed and screamed.
"Calm down!" The doctor shouted to Shaun, "You're friend is fine, she must be treated like you." The doctor ordered some nurses to attach sedatives. The doctor walked to the other room where Holow laid and ordered the nurses to do the same in there while he logged the data down.
Shaun knocked the sedatives away, making it VERY clear he was not willing to take them into his body.

"I am a sane, lucid human being, and I know my rights, I can leave whenever the hell I want! Now tell me where she is!" He yelled out loud, getting no response.

At that Shaun hopped out of bed, supporting himself primarily on his left leg, and hopped over to the doctor.

"Tell me. Where she is. RIGHT. NOW." He stared into the doctor's eyes until he told Shaun what room she was in, warning him not to go in just yet.

Of course he didn't listen.

Shaun hopped through the hospital looking for that room, a few nurses asking him to go back to his room, and being subsequently ignored. Shaun finally found the room she was in, one of the smaller surgery rooms, and burst in.
The nurses grasped Shaun and pushed him to the room, along with the help of other nurses. "Shut up and lie down!" One yelled at him.
Holow was trying to be wrangled, her face stained with tears, and her hair messed beyond oblivion. They where trying to sedate her, which wasn't working with the fact that she was moving around to much.
"Holow!" Shaun yelled out to her, being pinned down by a few of the nurses, "Get off me! I need to see her!" He couldn't break free.
Holow couldn't hear his voice over her screams and wails, pleading for it to stop. The nurses where trying to hold her still to inject her, but she jerked her arm away.
Shaun, in a last ditch attempt to get away, bit the hand of one of the nurses. The first nurse fell away cussing, which gave Shaun an opportunity to push away the second. He tried to run through the doors of her room but a pain shot through his leg, he'd forgotten about that until it caused him to, in fact, fall straight through them instead.

"Holow!" He yelped, hating to hear her scream like this, "Holow, I'm here!"
The security was called and forced Shaun into the bed with straps that locked him into it. "No one cares. Now shut up." One said, sitting.
Holow's eyes shot up to look at him. "Shaun!" she screamed, trying to reach out to him. This gave the nurses enough time to sedate her arm, causing her to scream again, soon the sedatives settle in and causing her to pass out.
Shaun struggled in the straps, cussing and hissing at the security guard, the yelling growing louder from the pain in his leg and wrist.

He looked over at Holow once more before she fell unconscious. At least she wasn't screaming anymore..that's all he wanted. As she fell limp, the nurses and surgeon working on her legs, Shaun fell silent, just looking at her.
It took Holow several painstaking hours before she woke up. She looked around, looking for anyone. "Shaun, where is Shaun!" She asked one of the nurses as urgently as she could being half sedated.
Shaun lay in his bed, unable to move, a rather butch looking security guard watching him like a hawk.

"Hey there, hot stuff," He cooed, getting the guards attention, "Don't suppose you can be a doll and go get me something to drink? Huh?" He winked, the guard huffing and walking off, obviously disgusted with the teenage boy.

Shaun wriggled and wriggled, trying to free his hands, he managed to half slip one hand out of the strap before it got stuck.

"Sh*t" He hissed to himself, pulling harder and harder, starting to hurt himself.
Holow was furious, her eyes streaming with new tears. "Where is he! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!" she demanded, looking at them. The nurses tried to calm her but she wouldn't listen.
Shaun managed to yank one hand out of the strap, and just laid there for a second, staring at the ceiling.

"God f*cking damnit.." He whispered, undoing the other strap on his other hand, then the two around his feet. He hopped out of the bed and left the room, keeping an eye out for the security guard that'd gone in the opposite direction. He was out.

He walked past the same room as before, but Holow was gone. Starting to get frustrated he walked over to some of the curtained areas, peaking in some of the cubicles that were open, not risking looking in the closed ones.
Holow could be heard screaming for him a mile away, still in hysterics from before. She had managed to escape, limping around the halls on one leg as nurses tried to keep her back. She just kept searching.
As Shaun traversed the hospital, he heard a faint, but familiar scream, one that he somehow managed to make out above a few others. He started running towards it, his leg starting to bleed through the bandage on his leg.

"Holow!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, getting the attention of a few nurses as he ran past.

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