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Realistic or Modern Support group rp

Holow was out cold, and was clearly not enjoying it. In her sleep state, she was having weird dreams, which was usually the prerequisite for horribly vivid nightmares that racked her dreams and made her never want to close her eyes again. She twitched in her sleep, showing no signs of coming too soon.
"Okay, umm..we're going to have to take her to my place for now, try and get in contact with the school on the way home, let's hope someone's still there that can help." Chase spoke in an almost fatherly tone.

Chase picked Holow up in his arms and carried her out to the car, Shaun stayed back picking up his and her things, remembering she slid her picture underneath the chair.

"Hop in the back with her and make sure she's okay."

Shaun got in the back of the car, and laid Holow's head on his jacket which was on his lap, and tried to call the school. No one had picked up by the time they got to the apartment.

"She can take my bed." Chase said as he carried her up the stairs, Shaun just behind with all the bags.
Holow could hear shifting and moving outside of her dream, which meant she was being moved. She just hoped she was being taken away from most people, because she wouldn't stay peaceful for long. She could feel something beneath her head, a warm hand pressed on the back of her head for just a moment as it was lowered. That fleeting warmth seemed to sooth things for just a second before they arose again, causing her hands to clench into tights fists. Soon, she was moved again, and was obviously being taken up a set of stairs. She could hear things moving as she was taken somewhere else, soon being slid between a pair of sheets. As soon as she was placed on the soft surface, her fingers clasped around the sheets tightly, her knuckles turning white.
Chase walked out of the room for a brief second, and Shaun knelt down next to Holow, noticing she was in discomfort.

"It's okay, your safe now, no one can hurt you here." He whispered into her ear.

"Come on you, out. Now." Chase spoke in a slightly deeper tone than usual, "I don't want you bothering her while she's asleep, got it?"

"Yeah man, no worries," Shaun looked at Holow and smiled, brushing a few strands of hair from her face so they wouldn't bother her, and walked out of the room.

Chase closed the door quietly behind Shaun and looked at him with a smile, "I'm glad you went mate, thank you." He put an arm around Shaun's neck and brought him in for a quick hug.

"Alright, alright. Enough of the sappy stuff." Shaun snorted, smiling a little, and went to store Holow's things by the front door.
Holow relaxed for a second, but a second was not long enough. Soon, he had left the room and her dream had turned from bad, to absolutely horrid. She was twisting and turning underneath her covers. She could be heard murmuring several repeated phrases, her fists clenching and unclenching. She turned over and over restlessly under the sheets, her face scrunching up as an earsplitting cry emerged from her throat, which was not uncommon with her nightly episodes.
Chase burst into the room to see what was wrong, it'd been a few hours since they all arrived at the apartment. Chase knelt down beside Holow and put his hand against her forehead.

"Holow, it's okay Holow." He spoke softly, trying to comfort her.

"What's happening??" Shaun had burst in just after Chase, "Is she okay??"

"She's okay, I think she's just having a nightmare." He replied, "Holow, darling, it's okay, shh.."

Shaun came in and knelt on the opposite side of the bed, resting his hand on hers.
Holow was in near hysterics, her nightmares flooding along with her tears. Not so shortly after, she bolted upright in her bed, her breaths heavy and her face coated with tears. She blinked for a few moments, looking around and noticing Shaun sitting next to her. "Sorry." She mumbled, rubbing her wet eyes with her sleeve.
"Hey hey, don't you be sorry!" He was startled to begin with, but started speaking softly, not aware he was still holding her hand.

Chase stood up, "I'll go get you a glass of water, be riight back." And walked out of the room.
Hollow nodded. "Yes I do, I made you all worry about me." She said nervously. She didn't even notice their hands, she was to busy staring at her toes. She really hated her condition sometimes.
Shaun's smile faded a little and he looked down, seeing his hand holding hers.

"Well..maybe I can be your friend?" He squeezed her hand gently.
Holow blushed, realizing that he was grasping her hand. She squeezed back, smiling a bit. "I-I would like that." She stuttered, looking at him warmly.
Shaun couldn't help but let out a big grin and looked down, blushing a little. Chase came back in and placed a tall glass of water on the drawers next to the bed.

"Here you go." He smiled at her, then saw Shaun blushing, "I'll..leave you two alone." He chuckled and walked back out.
Holow blushed even darker, letting go of his hand. She clasped her hands around the glass of water, taking a few sips now and then. She really hoped he wouldn't press the whole nightmare thing.
"I think it'd probably be for the best that you try and get some more sleep, I'll be just outside that door if you need ANYthing." He smiled at her, standing up.
Moa took the day off school sick. It took a lot to convince her mom that she was actually sick and it definitely wasn't nerves. She lay down all day. Around lunch, she felt miraculously better. She missed support group too, which she was very happy about it. The only bad thing was that she definitely had to go to school tomorrow. Her attendance record was appalling and there was no way her mom would let her have another day off. Moa sighed and curled up in bed. School tomorrow. She was not looking forward to that. She dropped off into sleep with that in mind.
Clarity quickly walked to the music store after the meeting. Mikayla was waiting for her and smiling. "Hey girl, ready to jam?" "Oh yeah and boy have I got a story for you" As they sat down together Clarity told her about what happened at the meeting.
Hesitantly, Holow nodded. She didn't want to burden him with her condition, even though she was supposed to trust him. That's what friends do right? She set the glass of water on the end table next to her, lying down in the bed and staring at the wall. She knew she was not going to go back to sleep, as it would have the same result as earlier. She could feel the exhaustion tugging at her, but what as new. She had never been able to sleep soundly, not since her parents died.
Brooke hesitated to leave the house. His mom had been lecturing him on how he needs to make more friends and self esteem crap. The reason he didn't want to have friends is because he didn't want to have other people deal with the same stuff he has to deal with. He walked down the town streets scouting out people to talk to. How do you even start a conversation? And with whom?
Shaun went back out into the living area and sat on the couch, he and Chase spent the rest of the evening watching TV before heading off to bed. Shaun let Chase take his bed and slept on the couch, hoping he wouldn't wake up in tears.
Clarity and Mikayla played together and having fun the rest of the evening. Clarity was sad when it was time to leave, she loved her job, especially since it meant she could play the guitar. She went home to find her dad waiting for her, she knew what was coming. "You skipped school again?! What were you thinking!? You need an education miss!" She sighed listening as her dad droned on and on before letting her go to sleep.
Holow tired to sleep at some point during the night, ultimately waking up halfway though. She sighed, sitting up and looking out the window, humming a soft tune to herself, trying to keep from boredom, and falling back asleep.
Nick roamed the streets with his friends, laughing at random subjects. "Why were we even friends with Kevin? He punched my nose!" Everyone bursted out laughing.

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