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Realistic or Modern Support group rp

"Man that must suck...having so many people pester you all the time, I almost feel for him." Shaun whispered, almost tempted to go over and see what was up over there.
Holow nodded, keeping her gaze down. People just pestered her to make fun of her, to poke and prod at her. Truly, she had no friends since the death of her parents.
Holow was a bit shocked, her cheeks turning pink. "Not at all." She said softly, her messy bun bouncing slightly as she moved her head.
Shaun smiled and turned to her and put one knee up on the chair, as a makeshift desk, and laid his sketchbook on his knee.

He was pretty good when he payed attention.
Shaun's expression went extremely serious as he started drawing, almost frowning as he bit his pencil, and twirled it between his fingers.

A little bit after he started drawing, he was rubbing the page, smudging some shading in, and he moved his sketchbook to the side, holding it in his view so he could tell if he liked it or not.

(He drew in this kind of style - http://theresamorena.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/sad-girl-2-by-majed-ahmad-on-deviantart.jpg

Of course, he didn't draw her half naked, and the details of the drawing are significantly different, and he drew her smile, but it was something like that.)
Holow slowly felt something touch her knee and she looked down. A bigger smile grew across her face as she looked at it. "It's beautiful." She whispered, her fingers tracing the lines carefully.
"So are you." Shaun chuckled, he carefully took the page out of the sketchbook and handed it to her, "Here, I want you to have it." He smiled warmly.
Holow blushed so dark she thought that she was going though the Sahara desert. "Thanks." She whispered in a light tone. She would have played something on the piano if they had one here.
Shaun blushed a little himself and turned back to the front, trying desperately to hold back a smile, and held his hands between his knees.
Holow slid the picture under her chair carefully, leaning back and tugging on her sleeves. She had many things she had yet to tell the world, like her love for books, reading music, piano, and the worse ones, like her constant nightmares, the fact that she was afraid to sleep at night, and the fact that her legs where killing her right now and the red welts from being kicked where now large bruises forming all over her ankles. She also felt exhausted, but that was one of the pluses about wearing makeup and contacts to hide who you are.
Shaun leaned back a little, starting to really regret what he did to his wrist earlier. He stretched his legs forward a big and yawned.

"I guess this wasn't as bad as I first thought it'd be." He stared at the ceiling before looking to Holow and smiling warmly.
Holow smiled. "It seems a bit livelier today." She commented quietly. She hummed softly, soon stopping as a wave of dizziness came over her, causing her to lean forwards.
Holow nodded, standing up. She didn't make it very far, because hallway on her way to the door she collapsed in the middle of the room.
Shaun leapt up out of the chair and ran over to her.

"Whooa whoa, are you okay??" He asked, alot more worried now, "What happened?"
Holow was barely responsive, her muscles to tired to keep moving. She hadn't slept in a week, and her body couldn't keep going.
Shaun lifted her up and laid her down over a row of the seats.

"Hey..hey are you okay?" He spoke softly, brushing the hair out of her face, "Do I need to call an ambulance?"
"Okay..well we can't just leave you here now..uhh..." Shaun wasn't sure what to do in a situation like this, "What can I do?"
Holow tried desperately to speak, but her lips wouldn't move when she wanted them to. Her inside consciousness was banging against anything it could find, trying to make her lips move, but she could barely keep her eyes open. Soon enough, she had passed out from lack of sleep.
"Damnit." He hissed, checking her breathing and pulse. He remembered the basics from a first aid course he was forced to take in school.

He pulled out his phone and called Chase, telling him what happened and to get there soon. As soon it was, within five minutes he came running down the stairs, scanning the room for Shaun and running to meet him.

"She just collapsed, I don't know what hap-" Shaun started.

"It's going to be okay, who is she?" Chase asked.

"Her names Holow, she's a friend from school.." Shaun spoke in a worried tone as Chase looked over her, "Is she going to be okay?"

"I think so, from what I can tell she seems to be...sleeping?" He replied, "She's very pale too..I don't think she's been getting enough sleep."

"W-well..can't we help her?" Shaun asked.

"Where does she live?"

"I..I don't know.." Shaun whispered.

"Oh great.." Chase hissed, still trying to get her attention.

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