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Realistic or Modern Support group rp

Throughout the night, Shaun was tossing and turning, he was chasing someone in his dream, but he couldn't quite tell who it was, just that he needed to catch them. That's when he woke up, face against the floor, legs still on the couch, arm outstretched in front of him.

"Son of a bi-" He was cut off as he fell off the couch completely.

He sat on the floor for a second before bursting out laughing, brushing his hair back and trying to stand up, it was still extremely late, but he knew he wasn't getting back to sleep, so he started to get dressed with some clothes he prepared the night before.
Holow's face snapped towards the noise. Gently pulling the silk covers off her body, she placed a foot on the ground. She immediately winced, rolling up her pant let to reveal several large black and blue bruises covering them. She sighed and let them drop, taking painful steps towards the door. She hesitantly opened it, looking out.
On their loudest moments, Nick and his 'crew' passed by Shaun's house, them shushing eachother noticing that they awoke someone probably.
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Shaun hopped up and down, pulling his trousers up in the process. He looked around for his shirt but couldn't find it, so started hunting around the back, that's when he noticed a sleepy looking girl peering through the doorway at him. He slid his arm behind his back and gave a brief smile.

"Hey there, sorry..did I wake you?"
Holow squinted, looking at his arm. He kept hiding it, and it was starting to make her wonder. But for now, she brushed it off, shaking her head. "No, I was kind of already awake." She mumbled, looking at him.
He knelt down and grabbed a dark blue and black T-shirt that'd fallen off the back of the couch, and wrapped it around his other hand subtly.

"Want something to eat?" he asked a little shakily.
Nick sat down on the sidewalk by his friends. "God. Is that a red moon!" Nick grabbed his cellphone and snapped a picture of the beautiful moon really quick.
Holow shook her head, denying the fact that her stomach was giving her tons of hunger pains. She was about to say something else when her stomach gave a loud groan, causing her to flush darkly.
Brooke looked up to see a large group of people. He sped up hoping nobody would spark a conversation with him.
Shaun bit his lip to try and stifle a laugh coming out, he quickly turned around and walked over to a closet by the front door, sliding his T-shirt on and then his tight, dark green hoodie, and walked back over.

"You sure about that?" He asked once again, a large grin plastered over his face.
Holow shifted uncomfortably in her spot. "No....." She said even quieter, her face turning the same shade as the moonlight seeping though her window from the red moon.

"Oh hi Brooke." Nick smiled, waving his hand quickly. Nick saw Brooke as a little popular along with his friends. "You wanna join us?"
"Well!" He winked at her, "Would you like to go out for somethin'? Or would you prefer I cook you up a lil' something here?"
Holow blushed various shades of red, laughing at his strange lingo. "Whichever you want." She said, smiling sweetly.
Brooke paused but refused to look up. "S, sure." He felt suspicious but he didn't want to go home without seeing anybody. He scuffled toward the group but still didn't look up.
Nick's friends joked around with him and Brooke, sometimes pointing up at the red moon and making remarks. Nick grinned and had an idea. "You guys wanna do some grocery cart racing? It's the weekend!" Nick nodded his head nervously while he waited for an answer. Everyone grinned and shouted, "Yeah!"
Shaun stood still, in an over exaggerated thinking pose, for a few seconds and then walked over to the fridge.

"Well, it's not like we have school or anything to get ready for, and I'm afraid we don't have much in the way of food right now!" He shut the fridge door and smiled, "Would you like to accompany me on a small voyage?" He asked, putting on a slight British voice and raising his hand to her.
Holow giggled, taking his hand lightly. "I would love to." she said, her fingers curling into his hand gradually. It felt, kind of warm, but she was to busy living in the moment with her friend to notice.
Brooke grinned at the thought of grocery cart racing. He finally looked up and laughed at that thought of one of the carts falling over with them in them.
Shaun grinned and bowed down, "Fantastic!"

He walked over to the front door and opened it, grabbing his leather jacket as he passed. He lead her down the stairs of the apartment complex and to the front doors.

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