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Stuck togeather

Ari looked at him. "Sure." She said with ease. She whipped out her phone and gave him her number. By the time they had finished she had arrived at school. She waved goodbye to him and walked to her first class. There task today was to write a song. As usual, the diva made tons of noise about having a professional band in hers and having the best lyrics. Ari rolled her eyes and continued to write her song. She tried doing something fun but started writing down love song lyrics. So she abandon the idea of a fun song and changed her idea to a up beat love song. She started writing furiously, trying to get her ideas out in time.
"Thanks makes it easier for you the both of us," Leon said and smiled. He waved back to Ari as he walked to his own classroom, meeting up with Matthew. Matthew was clearly impressed with his painting and so was the teacher as he did not mention that his inspiration was Ari. Leon was sent to get painting equipment and saw Ari working very hard from the window. He simply smiled to her before he walked by her.
Ari looked up as she heard footsteps. She smiled at Leon and looked back down, totally engrossed. She strummed a few chords before writing the notes down. This entire thing is like trial and error, which is freaking hard. It's like creating something and then breaking it and having to start all over again. She sighed as she scraped the piece and started over again.
Leon was too busy watching Ari working hard on her music and walked into Lyla. "I- I'm so sorry!" He apologized as the paint had not splattered all over them. He began picking up the bottles with the help of Lyla, his cheek slightly red.
Ari looked up. "I would get away from the diva before she blows a gasket." Ari said. She smiled at him and glared at Lyla.
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"It's okay. I wasn't really watching where I was going. Your name?" She asked Leon, ignoring Ari's comment completely. "Leon," he answered shortly before apologizing one more time and ran back to his classroom as he was already a bit late.
Ari glared at the diva. "Great. I think the Venus fly trap has found it's next victim." She commented. She looked back down and muttered, "Didn't know they sold stupid on the street." before returning to her music.
Lyla held her head up, walking away ignoring Ari's presence, but muttered loud enough for her to hear. "I would rather be a venus fly trap and actually get something, than be a nobody and get nothing," happy with her comeback she walked off back to see if the band she hired were finished.

"What took so long Leon?"Matthew complained as he had been waiting for Leon to return. "I just think I met this school's princess," Leon said as Matthew helped Leon with the box. "Good luck then. She's like a cage once you're trapped, so just avoid it," Matthew advised as they both went back to painting each other.
Ari sighed as the final bell rang. It would take a few more days but her song was halfway done. She needed to do something to get her inspiration. She grabbed her bag from inside and walked home. She swung her feet to an invisible beat as she walked home. She smiled, in her own world that was filled with music.
Leon got his cellphone and texted Ari that he would come home a bit later, as he was planning on visiting his mother, but told Ari it was to remove the stitches, which was half of the truth. He went straight over to the hospital to get his stitches removed and then hopefully getting some time with his mother. He was getting close to enough for her operation, but that was along with his scholarship money. He only needed to work a bit more before he had enough.
Ari opened her door. She immediately sat down and stared at a wall. Deciding this wasn't helping she turned on some anime. She watched an episode and stared at the blank screen. "THIS IS'NT HELPING!" She screamed. She tried pacing, hanging upside-down but she just couldn't think of anything. She sighed in frustration.
After his visit with his mother and getting his stitched removed Leon went straight home, only to find va frustrated Ari walking about. "Ari, what are you doing?" He asked as he took off his jacket and shoes, placing his bag inside his room.
"Song ideas... I'm out" Ari mumbled in disappointment. She had a time limit and not having good ideas was a bad thing. She couldn't just put down half hearted ideas, it made the song seem out of focus and off topic. Like some of those stupid racial and dirty songs.
"Song ideas..." Leon muttered as an idea struck him and he walked into his room, grabbing his violin case. "I got one! Let's go on top of the roof and play something random together! Two heads are better than one after all!" Leon said and walked over to his room, already climbing towards the roof. (I'll be going off to bed now! 5 am and got to wake up in 4 hours to film :P )
Ari smiled and flung open the window. She jumped gracefully on to the tree, flying in the air for a few feet. She landed on the branch with a thud before standing up and reaching for the nearest branch. She climbed up and up until she reached on to the roof and hauled herself up.
Leon smiled to her as she joined him on the roof and began thinking of a song... Perhaps melody was more important first? He had never made a song in his entire life, but it had to be like a painting or drawing, that you needed some inspiration, right? "Let's see... how about something in this direction..." Leon asked as he began playing a very sweet melody on the violin in a somewhat slow pace.
Ari thought. "I want it to be a bit upbeat, but not to fast or two slow." Ari said. She tapped her finger on the roof. "I can play piano too, so that might help." She though out loud.
"You play piano too? That's awesome! Seems like we have a lot in common!" Leon said and smiled as he tried to make the melody he was playing a bit more upbeat and quickened it a bit as his pace may have been a bit too slow. "However, I don't think we can fit a piano up here on the roof," he joked as he looked over the streets, it was surprisingly empty and gave them plenty of time to think. The open sky above them was calming, maybe this was where he would draw his next picture.
Ari smiled and started playing a tune similar to the one on his violin. She was strumming pretty fast and was surprised he could keep up. She started humming a third line, the line of the singer.
"Amazing what we can do with some teamwork huh?" Leon said and smiled, as a small sound entered his head when he turned to smile to Ari. It didn't take him long to realize that the sound came from his chest, but why would he feel like this now? They were only spending some time together... I think I've spent too much time with Ari... Maybe I've grown a bit fond of her? Leon thought as Ari's humming entered his head, it was a sweet and calming voice as he could not help himself, but to feel far more relaxed.
Ari started singing. "La da da da da, la da da da da da." She sang. She stared swaying to the beat.

(Going to camp! Be back in 6 hours)
Leon used his foot to make a sort of drum like noise to the beat they were singing, to add some rhythm in the melody and song they were playing. It was nice to see that the sounds they made harmonized so well together. It was a bit exciting to see the making of a song, as Leon had never made a song before, but played the ones his mother had presented him with.

(Have fun~!)
Ari smiled and kept on singing. She felt the beat and started tapping her foot too. She smiled and sung more, getting more and more into the song as she went. "La didadi da da da da~ La didadida da da dah~" She sang. She smiled and looked into the sky. She continued to sing until she stopped on the down beat. "Sounds good." She said.
"Everything's easier with more people. I always thought that," Leon said as he smiled. Ari was a great singer and listening to her gave off a calm and soothing feeling. "Have you thought of the lyrics yet?" Leon asked as he realized he didn't even know to genre of the song they were making. He wanted to ask, but the lyrics would reveal it to him eventually.
Ari nodded and flushed a bit. "I can't reveal the words until it's done." She said. She huffed a bit and crossed her arms, a smile on her face. She looked at him. "It's for me to know and you to find out." Ari said. She strummed a few chords and looked at the setting Sun She sighed and looked at him again.

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