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Stuck togeather

Ari smiled. "Thank you. Although I think you look better than most of the guys at school." Ari said. She immediately regretted it and slapped her hand over her mouth. She had a tenancy to open up to him, which was weird. She never opened up to anyone before, not even her parents. Then again, they only wanted money.
Leon laughed, seemed as she was the one who was to make a cheesy line this time. "I heard that cheesy line..." Leon commented and smiled. He looked down on Ari's hand, and without one word he made his way down to it. Gently holding it in his hand, as he pointed up to the sky with his other hand, changing the subject. "Do you know the different constellations? I only learned a few when I was a child.That one is the belt of Orion, and the stars around him makes Orion himself," Leon explained as he pointed out where the constellation was on the sky.
Ari's cheeks heated up when he grasped her hand gently. She lifted her hand from her mouth and adjusted her grip on his hand, intertwining there fingers together. She smiled. "And there is the big and little dipper." Ari said, pointing to the big bucket shaped constellations. She had always watched the stars for comfort, ever since she was a child.
Leon looked over at her, as her fingers twinged with his. His cheek lit up as he could see the redness in her cheeks as well. He smiled, the beating in his heart were unbearable loud, but with Ari right here, that didn't matter. It just felt right to have her there, to hold her warm hand just like this. "There's Ursa Major and Ursa Minor," Leon said and pointed to two constellations fairly close to each other that formed two bears, one big and one small.
Ari smiled. "Yeah. There are lots of things to see in the sky." Ari said. 'But there brighter here with you.' She thought. She felt the warmth of his hand radiating though her body. She loved being up here under the stars. She felt like she was here, but at the same time she wasn't. Like she was floating but she really wasn't.
"You know, the stars seems almost brighter with you here," Leon said and smiled as he kept looking up at the stars, he was already up there with them. His heart was beating faster than the light of the stars, he was so happy. With Ari by his side, everything was possible. It was as if he could tell Ari anything, but he didn't. He couldn't drag her down into his mess of a life, especially not now that he felt like this around her.
"Yeah, they do" Ari said. She inched closer to him by just a few inches. Her heart was beating super fast now. She felt nice under the stars. 'I just wanted to spare myself from another cheesy line." Ari said. She loved being here. She smiled and looked at him. He was almost invisible in the darkness of the night, but it was enough for her.
Leon chuckled, seemed as he had to be the one with a cheesy line. "I suppose I just couldn't help myself," Leon added as he laughed a bit, looking over at her, blushing. "Hey Ari..." Leon started as he leaned on his side looking at Ari's face in the darkness, it was barely visible, but he knew she was right there. Right there beside him. "... Could you... Close your eyes...?" Leon asked her, looking a bit away from her.
Ari blinked a few times before saying. "Ok, sure." She closed her eyes, the stars disappearing from view. She still felt like she was floating in the air instead of lying on the roof. She smiled, knowing he was in front of her. He would never leave her, and she knew that. She trusted him, and he trusted her.
"Okay, here goes nothing Leon!" Leon thought to himself as he leaned in on Ari's face, her eyes were closed. He could still see her as if it was bright as day, her smile, her eyes her beauty in general. His lips met hers gently, as he pulled away from her. Laying back down beside her, still holding her hand. His face had to be warmer than the heat of the sun, and his cheeks had to be more red than the tomato itself. However, he did it. He managed to pull it through, and with that, Leon smiled to himself.
Ari opened her eyes, blinking a few times. Her face soon became as red as her hair, not that you could tell in the dark. She laid back down next to him. She tried staying still, but her mind kept wandering to there kiss. Her mind was a jumble. She was trying to figure this out. Her only thought was to get closer, so she did.
Leon felt Ari's arm brush against his, a bit surprised he turned his head the other way. Embarrassed at what he had accomplished, but proud nonetheless. He smiled to himself, letting out a small chuckle at how she got closer to him. He opened his mouth to say something, but the words didn't wish to come out. Maybe for the first time in his life, he found himself completely speechless.
Ari looked at him. She looked at his face. "I-I-I-I-I-I Uh...." Ari said, her face getting more and more red by the moment. She tried hiding her face by pushing it into his arm. Her nose was touching his arm and she could feel her breath on his skin. She felt his cool skin making her face a little less red at the moment.
Leon tensed up, looking down at Ari's short crimson hair and blushing. She was speechless too, good to know it wasn't just him. He cleared his throat, collected his thoughts and opened his mouth once more. Hoping sound would come out this time. "I think.... I think... I think... I've fallen.... for you..." Leon whispered to her, very quietly as he looked back at the sky.
Ari looked up. "I think I have too." Ari said, breathing on his arm. She looked up at him. She scooted up and put her face on his neck. She sighed, breathing on his neck. It felt warm and she settled down there. 'The stars defiantly look brighter." She whispered, only loud enough for him to hear. She loved it here.
Leon felt Ari's constants breaths on his neck, and her whispers. It was so reassuring knowing that he wasn't the only one who had fallen in love. That would have been embarrassing. He leaned his head on hers, and smiled as his breathing went down her neck as well. "They do, don't they?" Leon chuckled, feeling calm as he closed his eyes. He could definitely fall asleep here, and stay like this for a good while.
Ari's face heated up. She smiled as his breathing went down her neck. It sent chills up her spine. She pressed her lips to the nape of his neck, feeling the warmth vibrate though her body. She couldn't kiss his lips, she didn't have enough courage, but this was close enough. She pulled away a bit, his breath still trailing down her neck.
Leon felt the kiss on his neck, he lit up like a red candle. He looked down at her, that she moved a bit away from him. He chuckled at her shyness, but smiled nonetheless. It was good that she was a bit shy too. His thoughts wandered a bit off, thinking of how the rest of the school year would be from now on, but they quickly disappeared as he fell asleep, right beside Ari.
Ari smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. She soon fell asleep to the sound of his breathing.


Ari woke up to the sun rising. She checked her watch, seeing it was almost time to wake up. She kissed his cheek. "Leon. It's time to get up." She said, grabbing her guitar and slipping off the roof.
Leon opened his eyes, feeling Ari's kiss on his cheek. He blushed as he looked at his watch, she was right. It was morning, it seemed as he ended up falling asleep on the roof. He grabbed his violin and began climbing down into his window after Ari, leaving his violin in its case in his room. He stretched, the roof wasn't exactly great to sleep on, but better than nothing. "It seemed we fell asleep on the roof... I wonder if anyone saw us," Leon chuckled and smiled as he could already see their reaction.
Ari's face heated. Someone probably did see them. She faced palmed, thinking of how stupid she could be. She hated herself for it. She sighed and walked in to the bathroom and changed. As she was about to put in her contact, she looked at it, noticing a rip. She couldn't wear her contacts. She sighed and grabbed her big glasses and put them on. She walked out to get breakfast.
Leon chuckled at her response, maybe she was a bit more embarrassed than he was over someone seeing them. He began preparing some breakfast, Cajun Shrimp and rice as he put it on the table to see Ari return with her glasses on. "What happened to your contacts?" Leon asked as he began eating, he was quite hungry since they skipped out on dinner yesterday.
"T-they ripped." Ari said quietly. This sucked! Now everyone really was going to think she was a freak. She sighed and started eating, going as slow as possible. She wanted to stay home, but she had to finish her song.
"I can buy some new for you if you want. I'm going to work today, so I got time to go and buy some for you on my way home," Leon said and smiled to her. "Don't worry about your eye, you can call in sick if you don't want to. Work on your song," Leon said and smiled to her, finishing his breakfast and walked into the bathroom to get dressed properly and fix himself for school.
Ari smiled at him. "It's fine. You don't have to go out of your way. I'm fine." Ari said. She picked up her bag. "If they have a problem with it, then they'll deal with it themselves." She said as she slipped on her shoes.

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