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Stuck togeather

Ari had nothing to do all day, since they were supposed to be working on there songs. So she happily walked up to the roof of the school and sat down, the wind blowing her short hair around. She smiled and pulled out her guitar. She started playing the song she had written because she liked the tune.
Leon finished the drawing and used his cellphone to take a picture of it, and sent it to Ari immediately and wrote. "Guess who's on my mind?" He smiled as he continued to draw more drawings, this time he went onto the real assignment, but he somehow ended up drawing Ari in this one too.
Ari smiled as she got a text message from Leon. She looked at the text and giggled a bit before responding. "How funny. Your on my mind two."
Leon peeked at his cellphone as the teacher was giving a lecture of colors and shading, as he saw the text from Ari and smiled with a small blush on his face. A few of the girls in his class giggled of his shyness, as Matthew only teased him, but he ignored them all as he smiled. "Are you off to work today?" He asked, as he began planning something secretly in his head.
Ari looked down and smiled. "Yeah. I work on Tuesdays aswell." she responded.
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"Okay, have fun on work today! About when are you home?" He asked as he quickly hid his cellphone pretending to listen to the teacher's lecture, but was secretly looking at his cellphone.
Ari responded with "Sometime around 6 ish." She put her phone next to her to try not to interrupt his class.
Leon did a small fist pump of happiness to hear she would be home pretty early, he had some time to prepare! Oh, but he couldn't let her know that. Otherwise it wouldn't be a surprise. "Then have a good day at work!" He sent her back before he put his cellphone away, from this point on paying attention in class while secretly looking over at what Matthew had noted down to make sure he hadn't missed anything important.
Ari looked at the text before going back to her singing. She smiled, her golden eye looking out over the school grounds.
The school day ended and Leon made a dash for it to the nearest flower shop he knew, before he walked into the grocery store buying some ingredients he needed, and in the end had to buy some candles at the closest store and one other store. Before he rushed back home, and began preparing the Rice Pilaf, rice and vegetables prepared together. He quickly changed into his somewhat formal clothing, fixed his hair, as he continued to prepare for Ari when she came home.
Ari walked back to the apartment, her paycheck in hand. She opened the door to see Leon in nice clothes. She smiled at him. "Wow." was all she could say. She loved it.
"Welcome home," Leon said with a smile as he finished lighting the candles that stood on the table, it was the only light source in the room after all. He walked over to Ari, gently taking off her coat before leading her over to the table. Pulling the chair out for her, and gently pushing it back under the table for her to sit down. The food was already placed on the table, so he smiled to Ari. "I- It's our first weekend together, so I figured we could make it memorable," he said and smiled, one hand in his pocket.
Ari smiled. "Looks good." She said, looking at the food. She looked at what he was wearing and felt a bit under dressed, but she hardly though he would care.
Leon smiled as he was happy she liked it, even though it was put together a bit too quickly for his own preference. Maybe being an artist made it so everything had to be planned? He shook the thought away as he wanted to focus on them, and hopefully go on top of the roof one more time. He waited until they had both finished their meal and walked over to Ari, as he pulled out her chair. "Want to go on the roof?" He asked her with a smile.
Ari smiled and took his hand. "I would love too." She said, walking towards the window. She threw open the pain and stood on the windowsill for a moment before leaping onto the branch in front of her. She steadied herself before reaching up and grabbing the branch above her. She started hauling herself upwards and onto the roof.
Leon hauled himself onto the roof, making sure whatever was in his pocket stayed in his pocket the entire time, as they made their way up there. He brought a blanket too, just in case they would fall asleep on the roof for a second time, something he did not mind. Leon took a deep breath, the stars were already beginning to slightly spread on the sky, as the sun was slowly, but surely disappearing. "I love being up here, it feels so great," Leon said with a smile, as he gazed upon the stars.
Ari smiled and looked up. 'Yeah. It's like watching ever lasting fireworks." She said. She lied down on the roof tiles, her gaze falling on the stars above. She looked at Leon. His face was growing darker in the shadow of the night. She smiled at him, making room for him next to her. He seemed to like watching the stars as much as she did.
"Hey, can you sit up for just a few seconds?" Leon asked her, looking down on her face which was soon to be covered by the darkness of the night. He checked his pocket again, it was still there, thank God that he hadn't lost it that would have been terrible. He took a deep breath, smiled even as he tried to calm his nerves and not show Ari how nervous he truly was.
"Ok." Ari said, as she sat up. She faced him, her eye seeming to glow in the little light left of the day. She smiled at him, her face bright and happy.
"Okay and then..." Leon said as he stepped carefully behind her, opening the box in his pocket. Gently he took out a golden necklace, with two stones in it. One golden and another dark pink. He smiled as he locked the necklace, looking at her face. "It suits you perfectly, something to match your beauty," Leon said and kissed Ari gently on her lips, smiling. "I just wanted to make it official," He whispered to her, laying back down on his back beside Ari.
Ari smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. 'Thank you. For everything." She whispered in his ear. She pulled away from his ear and kissed him on the lips, not letting go until she was out of breath.
Leon was taken a bit off guard by Ari's sudden kissed, but enjoyed it nonetheless as he wrapped his arms around Ari too. Holding her tightly as he was happy she liked it, and not to mention that he got to make it official like this. He was planning on giving it to her tomorrow, but it was better to do it today, since he simply couldn't wait to announce that Ari was his love.
When Ari let go, she was breathing hard. She smiled and rested on his shoulder, her face a smile. She wrapped her arms around his neck, eternally happy that he was hear. She couldn't help but think that it was inevitable. They were living together, so they would have lots of thing they would have to do together.
Leon found himself out of breath too, looking over at Ari as she was smiling and rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm glad you liked it," Leon muttered in between his breaths, smiling to her and held her closely in his arms. It was great, just laying like this with the stars on the sky as their witnesses.
Ari nodded, still out of breath. She didn't know how people did that a lot. She smiled, her breaths moving her hair out of the way every time she exhaled.

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