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Stuck togeather

Leon felt Ari's snuggle and smiled as he snuggled her back, kissing her nose before he closed his eyes. "Good night Ari. I love you," He said as he was ready to go to sleep, his eyes were tired and his mind even more tired. Sleep was the only thing he wanted right now, that and for Ari to stay by his side forever of course.
Leon woke up the next morning, it was actually far later than morning, but it seemed as they had both slept in. "Ari, wake up. We're late," Leon said as he was still half awake himself, gently nudging Ari to wake up as he looked at his clock. It was past noon, they were far more than just 'late'.
Ari opened her eyes with a start. She rushed to the edge of the roof and started climbing down the tree. On her way down, she scraped her arm on a branch. A small pool of red liquid formed on her arm, dripping down to her fingertips. She cursed and climbed down faster, jumping in the window. She tried to cover the spot, which proved useless as there was a red line down her arm.
"Oi! Ari!" Leon jumped after her, as he saw the red liquid trailing down his arm. "Two seconds okay?" He asked as he quickly ran into the bathroom and began drying away the blood before he applied a band aid. "Be careful okay?" Leon asked her, completely calm compared to Ari as being late was nothing new for him. This was what his art projects did to him after all.
Ari nodded and headed to her room. She changed quickly and walked out. "Skipping breakfast." She said, seeing as lunch was in 20 minutes. She picked up her lunch and ran out the door.
Leon smiled as she was clearly very stressed out as he rushed to his own room to change and ran out. He had forgotten everything at school as he was too busy apologizing to Ari that he forgot to bring his stuff. Once they reached the end of the staircase Leon grabbed Ari's hand, running towards school. "It's just like our first day! We had to run then too!" Leon laughed as he remembered it, running and holding Ari's hand.
Once they stood outside the gate Leon gave Ari a quick kiss, before running off to his class. Matthew was already standing there outside the classroom as he grabbed Leon's shoulders. "You said no?!" He shouted as Leon brushed his hands off. "I'm late Matthew. We can talk about this after class?" Leon said as he walked into the classroom without another word.
Ari ran to her class, running in and apologizing deeply for being late. The queen glared at her the entire way to her seat.
Leon apologized to the teacher for being late as she didn't comment on it, he quickly sat down at his desk. The atmosphere was a bit more tense than usual, but nothing Leon couldn't handle. He had been through worse after all...
After they broke for lunch, Ari slammed her head on the desk. "I thought I would be fried." She mumbled.

"No, but your highness might." Sakura said, getting up. "She has been staring two holes in the back of your head all class." She said. "Plus, your boyfriend made a big deal yesterday, everyone was watching." She said.

With that Ari lifted her head."What?!" She half yelled.
"Hey Leon..." Matthew began ss lunch was upon them. "I know... I said no to Lyla and that was dumb and so on and so on... I just want you to know I love Ari more than anything in the world, so I do not care if it was Lyla," Leon said as he crossed his arms determined. "I just wanted to say you're a good man. Turning down Lyla when you love someone else. There are few who could," Matthew said much to Leon's surprise as he sat down to eat with Leon.
"... AND THE WHOLE SCHOOL JUST HAPPENED TO BE THERE? BITCH!" Ari screamed. Saying she was angry, was putting it lightly at this point. She was fuming. She seethed and sat down at her lunch table, glaring at her bento.

"Hey, at the least he stood up for you. She called you trash man. She stooped that low." Sakura said, looking at her.
"But... you did kind of announce it to the entire school... like the Headmaster heard you shouting," Matthew informed him, making Leon blush. He was a bit caught up in the moment and usually he wouldn't have shouted in the first place, but he got mad once she spoke badly of Ari and it was as if a switch turned itself on. He couldn't stop. "However, know that Lyla is a spoiled brat to the core. She never gives up on something she wants," Matthew warned Leon. "I figured as much from yesterday..." Leon answered and sighed. "That and your fan club may have expanded... shouting you love someone in front of everyone made a lot of girls think of you a bit differently. Like brave, handsome and cute differently," Leon put his head on the table. This school year just turned into a real cat fight...
"... And now he has a fanclub? HOW DID ONE INCIDEDNT REMAKE THE ENTIRE SOCILA COLLUM OF THE SCHOOL!?" Ari asked out loud.
"Why me? There must be better people than me out there..." Leon sighed as he hit his head in the desk. "Well... you've announced that you're not single so that's a good thing right?" Matthew asked him, trying to give him hope. "No. That doesn't help at all... what if yesterday's incident repeats itself because someone likes me despite me already having a girlfriend. There is no guarantees that it won't happen again.

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