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Stuck togeather

"Great then!" Leon said happily as he walked out towards the door and smiled to Ari. "Don't worry, everything is going to be just fine. Now that they'll know the truth is easier for them to understand your choice too. Don't forget what I said about the bird, they learn to fly by their parents, but the bird is the only one choosing which direction to fly," Leon said with a smile.
Leon chuckled and poked Ari's nose back, smiling a bit. "I learned them from my mother, I think it's a good one," Leon answered her as he held out his hand for her to hold, and began walking towards the school building. He was a bit excited to meet her parents for the first time, but a bit anxious of how their first meeting were going to be like.
Ari grasped his hand, squeezing it for good luck. She stayed like this until they had to separate. She kissed him and waved before going off to class.
Leon smiled as they walked hand in hand all the way to school, praying that she would be okay. Until they separated with a kiss and his head went straight on into the drawings, and other projects they had to do. It was getting more and more busy as they were beginning to study more complex types of art and art styles, some of them was even 'useless' or 'impossible' in Leon's eyes, but he somehow managed to pull through with some help.
Ari walked off to her song class. It was particularly easy for her, considering that she was the best in her class. The diva was glaring at her the entire way to class. She just smiled and continued.
"Hey, Leon! Have you heard?" Matthew came running up to Leon as he sat right next to him, waiting for the teacher to enter the classroom, as class was a bit late today. "Heard what?" Leon asked, completely uninterested as he was struggling with an art project his teacher had forced upon him. "Lyla, our school's 'Queen' has apparently taken an interest in you... Do you know how hard that is?" Matthew asked him, as Leon didn't even properly listen to what he was saying. "Sure, sounds good," Leon muttered as he continued on his work, much to Matthew's dismay. "Don't go off thinking your better than the rest of us, these are only rumors after all!" Matthew said as he banged his hands in the desk, immediately getting Leon's attention as he continued rambling on about the rumors.
Ari walked into class. Everyone was mumbling to each other quietly. "Hey, have you hear the queen likes Leon!" "No way! How did he do it?" "I have no idea!" "He is totally interested in her." They said, talking between themselves. She looked around and sat down. They were going off to practice there favorite song so she decided to sit outside by a tree. Then she saw Lyla walk by, with Leon, and sit under the tree next to hers. (Sorry if this is un fair but I have a great idea and I think you will know what it is, I hope)
(It's okay, we need to spice up the plot a little. I like it. I'll let you chose Lyla's actions as this is your devious plan, I still like it :P )

"Thanks for helping me Lyla," Leon thanked with a smile as Lyla had offered to help him carrying several boxes of paint towards the art classroom, he really appreciated the extra help as it was great after all. Leon said as they were taking a small break outside under a tree, to block the heating summer sun. It was closer to autumn now, but it was still somewhat hot in the air.
Lyla giggled. "It was no problem. I would do anything for a talented boy like you." She said, leaning closer. "And of course a talented boy needs a talented girl." She cooed, her voice dripping with flirtatious words. She inched so close there faces were almost touching. "Like me." She whispered before kissing him and pulling him close so he couldn't escape.


Ari looked around the tree just in time to see Leon and Lyla lock lips in a passionate embrace. Ari looked at them, tears forming in her eyes. She stood up and ran towards the entrance. She ran all the way home and ran inside, locking the door. She walked to her room and locked herself inside, sitting down on the bed and crying her eyes out.
Leon smiled to her as her words were clearly motivated by something he did not fully understand, until Lyla's lips locked themselves with his, pulling him closer and closer to her. He tried to gently push her away, but couldn't as she was far stronger than she looked, and he didn't want to be too rude either. Once their lips parted he slipped in. "I- I can't do this!" He said to her, trying to not be too rude, as he had been taught to treat girls with respect, but it was hard right now as this situation was clearly awkward for him.
Lyla got close again. "Why not? You were clearly hanging out with that trash because she was cleaning your house or something. All I know is that a girl like her belongs with her own kind, the losers. You belong with the perfect people, like me." She said, a smirk on her face. "Don't be shy." She said, trailing a finger up his chest and undoing one of the buttons of his shirt.
"W- Wait L- Lyla!" Leon said as he took her hands away from his shirt, looking at her flustering as he stood up, looking down at her. "A- Ari is not a loser! Ari is the person that is most precious to me, and I can't do this with you. Because I love her!" Leon shouted out, not thinking about the school standing around listening as he was clearly embarrassed after he realized this. "N- Now. If yo- you'll excuse me... I- I need to talk to Ari," Leon said as he attempted to leave.
Lyla huffed and crossed her arms. "Fine then, I won't hesitate to tarnish your reputation. Say goodbye to all your friends, because they are never coming back to you." She sneered, glaring at him. "Consider your rank as trash. Your side with her, you become one of her. Say goodbye to royalty, your highness." She sneered before stomping away.
"I would even exchange my ability to draw just to stay by Ari's side!" Leon shouted after her before he rushed off, looking for Ari everywhere before he ran back home. He found the door locked and became a bit worried, as he unlocked it and looked around. There was no sign of Ari anywhere... She was here... right?

"Ari?! Ari?!" Leon shouted as he tried her door, it was locked. She had to be in there, he needed to clear the misunderstanding. He needed to clear it right now. "Ari! I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry you had to see that. I didn't mean to... She suddenly kissed me and then-" Leon stopped, this sounded incredibly dumb. He leaned against the door, collecting his thoughts as he took a deep breath in. "Ari, Lyla kissed me. And I did nothing to stop it, I did afterward, but that was too late. I'm sorry Ari, I am so sorry," Leon said to her, on the verge of tears at the thought of what might happen.
Ari heard Leon's words from outside the door. She lifted her head, her eyes full of rage and tears. "How can I ever trust you again!" She screamed though her sobs.
"You have no reason to trust me! It happened so suddenly! I- It... I'm sorry Ari. I honestly couldn't do anything... I turned her down! She's not going to bother us anymore!" Leon shouted back to her, feeling incredibly hopeless and useless. No, a disappointment. Just like his father had told him, he truly was a disappointment. "Please Ari, I never planned for this to happen. I'm not telling you to trust me or forgive me, but know that it wasn't intentional. I never meant to kiss her!" Leon added quickly, feeling more and more frustrated by the second.
Ari walked over and flung open the door. She needed to see his face. She couldn't tell if he was lying to her face though a door. She looked at him rage in her eyes.
Leon fell backwards as he was leaning on the door to see Ari's raging face, he wanted to embrace her, to kiss her, but he couldn't do it. He couldn't even hold his hands out for a hug. He was frozen in place, not by her gaze, but by the guilt that filled conscious. "Ari, please. I never meant to do it. I didn't even know that was her intentions!" Leon added, as he took a deep breath, but still held his hands still, not wanting to touch the clearly enraged Ari.
Ari looked at him. Her eyes were overflowing, the tears dripping down her face(Trying so hard not to cry right now). "I trusted you!" She screamed. She felt violated, angry, and most of all, betrayed. She continued crying, glaring at him.
"I know you did!" Leon added, as he stood up and looked at Ari, straight into her eyes. "I trust you too! I trust you with everything I have! If I could trade my ability to draw, trade my hands, to take back what happened. I would! But I can't! Ari, I didn't do this on purpose. I never meant to kiss her! The girl I love is you Ari! You are my everything! Not her!" Leon shouted back at her, frustrated as he understood her frustration, her anger, and was almost hoping she would hit him or something, hit him really hard for his own stupidity.
Ari glared at him. She wanted to hit him, but her heart was melting bit by bit. She kept crying her eyes out, squatting down on the floor.
Leon squatted down with her, looking at her crying face. He reached out his hand, but stopped midway. Before he gently put his hand on her head, patting her hair only. "You are my everything Ari. If I lose you... then I lose myself. Please, believe me. I would never in my life do something to hurt you, never. Not even once, I would die before that would happen. Ari, I love you," Leon said to her, watching Ari cry was like taking a knife to his chest, and being stabbed multiple times. It was worse than his father's abuse when he was younger, and he never thought he would experience something worse than that.
Air leaned forward into him. She started sobbing, crying into his chest. She felt sad, but more angry at Lyla than anything. She gripped his shirt as she kept crying.
"I'm sorry Ari. I hurt you, and I won't ask for your forgiveness, but believe me when I say that it was never intentional. You've made my life so unreal, that I am more happy than I deserve to be. It's as if I was granted a gift from the gods, and I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you," Leon said to her, gently petting her head as she was crying into his chest, the sensation of her warm teardrops that fell onto his shirt hurt, they were knives. He was the reason behind these tears, and the last thing on earth he wished to do was to hurt Ari. His precious Ari, But he did, and he didn't even know if he could forgive himself, but even more... could Ari forgive him? "I love you Ari. No matter what happens next. Don't you ever forget that, I will love you even after death," Leon whispered to her ear, as he kept petting her head calmly.

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