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Stuck togeather

Leon smiled as her kiss hit the nape of his neck, chuckling a bit as this was all a bit silly after all. He hadn't cried over his father, not even once before now. It was as if all the feelings towards his father was rushing out of him, only because Ari was there, because he could trust her. He didn't have to smile to be strong, he could just cry and be himself like he should be doing. "I would," He answered her and closed his eyes, he was tired. All the part times jobs were tiring him, maybe he was biting over more he could chew, at the very least it was soon over... he was so close to the operation, and then everything would be just fine.
Ari smiled and looked at him. "Just keep being strong." She said. She smiled and relaxed in his arms.
Leon sat up, clearing his throat and smiled to her. A little bit embarrassed that he had actually cried... not to mention in front of Ari. She didn't see his face, but it was still in front of her. He stood up and smiled as he reached out his hand to Ari, as it was a bit late. "You ready to go to bed?" Leon asked, and smiled to her, feeling in a far better mood already. He just needed some of the positive energy from Ari, that was the only thing he needed.
"I need some rest too. We got yet another school day tomorrow," Leon said and walked to his bedroom, changing into his pajamas, a singlet and his light blue boxers, as he laid down in the bed and smiled to Ari. They were sleeping together, and his mind could go off on more pleasant things. He still had to sort out how to do the student parent meeting, but that could wait. He just wanted to focus on Ari right now.
"What a day huh?" Leon said and this time, he was the one to wrap his arms around the quiet Ari, chuckling as he used her as a teddy bear. "This time... you're my teddy bear~" He said teasingly, glad he could held her like this as he closed his eyes. His body was completely exhausted as he fell asleep quickly, his arms wrapped around Ari and his breath brushing against her neck.
The sound of Ari's alarm clock woke him up once again, looking at Ari as they were holding each other. He chuckled, not too loud so he wouldn't wake her up, as he barely reached the alarm clock to turn it off. He leaned in towards Ari's face and kissed her lips gently, smiling to her. "Good morning," Leon whispered to her, smiling as her sleeping face was extremely cute, and extremely close to his own.
Ari woke up to a warm sensation on her lips. She had barely enough time to kiss him back before he pulled away. "Good morning." She said, looking at him.
"You ready for yet another day?" He asked as he stretched his arms, sitting up in the bed. They had plenty of time, and today he had to remember to buy some rice, they were running empty. "Oh, how did it go yesterday? I heard from someone in your class that you were suppose to perform your songs," Leon added, a bit curious as he didn't know what genre of song Ari had chosen, as she never told him.
"What kind of genre was your song anyway? We made the melody together, but I could never figure out what kind of genre it was..." Leon asked her curiously. It was too bad he hadn't heard it, but he probably would eventually, if they recorded it. Hopefully they did, Leon really liked Ari's singing voice.
"That's not an answer," Leon said and ruffled through her hair with his hand, chuckling as she had already somewhat a bed hair, and now it looked like a porcupine. The worst part was maybe how adorable she still looked, she would be the most adorable porcupine he had ever seen.
Ari frowned and puffed her cheeks. She attempted to smooth her hair to no avail. She reached her hands up and ruffled his hair.
Leon laughed as they were acting like children, his hair was now looking just like a porcupine as well. They looked ridiculous as he could already imagine how dumb he must look. "Okay. okay. Don't mess with the hair," He said as he poked Ari's cheek teasingly, smiling to her. "I wouldn't tease you so much if your face wasn't this cute when you puff your cheeks up," he said as he stood up and walked into his room to change into his school uniform again.
Ari flushed and went to change. After she was changed she walked out to greet him. "Oh yeah, my parents are coming for the conference." She said. It processed though her brain that they would talk about her songs and she froze.
"That sound- Wait... Tomorrow?!" Leon panicked, he hadn't even thought about that! It slipped his mind. "What are they like? Do they like anything in particular? Any food they are allergic against? Maybe I should buy them something before they come, no... that's trying too hard... maybe I should put on my suit... no... that's too formal... maybe just the shirt and the trousers..." Leon muttered to himself, panicking out loud. He needed to make a good impression, and this was deadly important to him, just because they were Ari's parents. He noticed that she froze and walked over to her. "Oh yeah... your parents didn't know that you studied music..." Leon said, out of his panic world for a few seconds.
Ari started shaking. 'What am I supposed to do? Of course there going to talk about my music! How could I be so stupid." She whined. She looked at him. "And no need to panic, they like anything." She said.
Leon took her in his arms, and gently held her close to him, as he tried to calm her down. "You can only do one thing right now Ari, you need to tell them the truth. They will find out sooner or later, there's no way we can fake a conference like that," Leon said to her, it was the cold truth, but it couldn't be avoided. She had no choice, unless she managed to keep the topic of the entire conference far away from music.
"You're welcome, if everything goes bad. Let me talk to your parents. You should be allowed to do what you want the most, and if that's music then they should just accept that," Leon said and wrapped his arm around her body, it seemed as they switched positions from yesterday. He smiled, they were always there for each other. Hopefully Ari's parents would take it well, if not. Then he might just have to do the worst first impression ever, or... almost worse as maybe Ari's and Leon's was one of the worst.
"You sure you're going to be fine?" Leon asked her, as he followed after her holding her hand in his, a little bit worried if Ari was going to be fine. If her parents didn't know and didn't approve, what would their thoughts be when they found out? He shook out the thought, he couldn't think of that now, he had to have positive thoughts, that they were going to be fine with it. Hopefully...

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