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Stuck togeather

(Had to stock up on soda! Luckily I love close by)

Leon smiled and looked over at Ari, he could already imagine the two of them being married, and now they were moving on to furnish their home, together. It was nice to spend time like this with Ari, especially since they were going to live there together for a good while. At least until their education was finished, and hopefully longer.
Leon looked at the furniture store and walked in. It seemed as it was quite busy there at the moment, and it was quite organized. This town had surprisingly a lot of different stores and places, it was nice to see that. They walked over to the bedroom part of the store and began looking at the different double beds, as he thought a little bit about their size and such. "How big do you think it should, or can be? We need it to fit in the room after all," Leon asked Ari, as he looked at a couple of beds which seemed a bit too large for Ari's room.
"Hmm, King size might be a bit to big to fit in there, but queen size would work." Ari said. She looked around and found one bed. "How bout this one." She said, pointing in front of her.

"That looks good! I think we'll fit just fine in that one!" Leon said with a smile on his face, as he looked at the price. It was a reasonable price as well, how fortunate for them both. "Excuse me? We would love to buy this one," Leon said and pointed over to the bed as the man gladly let them buy it, and then they were on their way home, to put up their new double bed, as they could finally sleep together, and what they should do with their other beds, well... maybe they could sell it for a good price?
When the got home she sighed. "Alright, this is going to be work." She said, looking at the unassembled bed.
"Hey, cheer up! We're doing it together at the very least," Leon said and kissed her cheek, but he wasn't exactly looking forward to putting the bed together either. There were so many boxes, and even worse was all the different manuals for all of the different boxes, he looked a bit around the apartment and found a small box with basic tools in one of the cupboards, luckily that was there at the very least.
Ari went to the box marked one. She opened it up and found half of the base. She opened two and found the other half. "Well, I guess we start here." She said.
(Should we time skip?)

"Looks like it, it isn't exactly how I imagined to spend my day with you, but hey. We're together," Leon said and smiled, placing his hand over Ari's before giving her a gentle kiss. He wasn't about to get too carried away, but he had to think positive as he was never really happy about physical or hard work.
Ari smiled. "Then let's get to work!"


(Several hours later)

Ari flopped down on the new bed. "Done." She mumbled.
Leon flopped down on the bed next to Ari, smiling as he turned to face Ari and smiled to her. He was a bit tired, and it had taken a long time to finally get it over with, but they managed to put it together, with some struggle along the way. "We did it!" He exclaimed laughing a little bit, he honestly thought they would have to call someone who knew a bit more about this than they did, but it worked. That was all he had to say about the matter, because anything was possible with Ari by his side.
"I did too, as long as you're with me I feel as I can do anything... Even though it took more energy than I thought," Leon said and chuckled, looking at Ari' she was a bit tired too, but Leon was clearly more out of shape than Ari was. Maybe he should start working out? He hadn't done that in at least three years now, his drawings took up too much of his time after all.
Leon laughed at her gesture, as he joined her hand up in the air. Feeling as if they were superheroes together. "Well, it's going to be great to sleep here tonight," Leon said with a smile as he was a bit sad that school started again tomorrow, yet another week they had to pull through with boring school stuff. "Oh, Ari... Can I ask you something... it's a bit personal so don't feel pressured to answer," Leon asked her, as he was curious about something, but he should not push her to tell the truth either.
"The other day when I heard you singing, why did you cry over it? I mean, I've heard about stage fright and such, but I don't think you would go to music classes if you had stage fright, I've heard you need to audition for that," Leon asked her. He was very curious over it, and he thought that if something bothered her, then he wanted to be there for her, help her. He couldn't stop himself for wishing to know what was wrong.
"My parent's aren't supposed to know I'm in music. They like coming for visits and I was worried you would tell them, so I decided to hide from you." Ari said, looking downwards.
"Oh I see. So they don't know about you studying music then? I won't tell them before you do," Leon said with a smile as he leaned on his arm and pulled out his pinky. "That's a pinky promise," He said childishly as he smiled to her. It seemed as he wasn't the only one with secrets, that was good to know, but... If her parents were coming to visit... oh no! How should he meet them? Should I be a bit formal, or maybe a bit casual? Hard working? Tidy? No, no. Don't think about that now, focus on the matter at hand! Leon thought to himself, shaking his head a bit.
Ari smiled and linked her pinky. "Pinky promise. Now I am going to change." She said, grabbing her pajamas and walking to the bathroom.
Leon smiled, but changed it to a frown when she disappeared into the bathroom as he walked back to his room. Ari told me her problem without any problems at all... I don't get why I am hesitating so much... maybe because I'm scared she'll leave me? No, maybe I'm scared that she'll pity me for it? Or maybe I'm scared that if she gets involved... the next time my father decides to go crazy... I'm not the one to get injured? If that happened to Ari... I don't know what I would do... I'll tell her another time, I think... Leon thought to himself as he changed into his own pajamas, and walked back into Ari's room and laid down in the bed, it was soft and comfortable, it was great! They did a really good job!
Ari walked out in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. She turned off the light and crawled into bed next to him. "Night." She mumbled.
Leon smiled and kissed her forehead as he closed looked up at the roof. One day I'll tell you, I just need to know my father can't hurt any of us first... Leon thought as he closed his eyes, facing Ari as he could feel her breath on his face, blushing as it was hard to fall asleep with her so close to him. However, he did eventually fall asleep, right beside Ari.
Ari fell asleep right away, her breathing in line with his.


Apparently sometime in the night she had wrapped herself around Leon's arm. When she woke up to her alarm she flushed, her body unable to move.
Leon let out a small groan as the sound of Ari's alarm pounded his sleepy head, no wonder she always woke up in time, the sound was obnoxious. He was about to reach out and turn it off, when he found out his arm couldn't move as he found Ari wrapped around it. He chuckled as he saw her flustered face and let out a laugh. "Good morning to you too," He said in between his laughs, trying his best not to laugh to loud, but he found it extremely funny too.

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