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Stuck togeather

Ari's face turned the color of her hair and she let go. "S-sorry." She said, standing up. She grabbed her uniform and walked to the bathroom. She walked inside and shut the door, sliding down the back of it. She breathed a sigh of relief before changing and going out to make breakfast.
"Honestly... so cute..." Leon muttered to himself as he walked into his own room, stretching his body first as he changed into his school uniform. The cuts had mostly healed themselves by now, and the bandage around his head wasn't needed anymore. It felt great to see that most of the cuts were already gone. He sighed, as his thoughts wandered back to his parents, maybe he should visit his father after work today? The tie was as badly tied as it was the other day as Leon exited his room, watching Ari making breakfast. "You slept well I suppose?" Leon said and chuckled, his arm was a bit stiff, but it was definitely worth it.
Ari flushed. "Yeah. What about you?" She asked. She fiddled with her necklace as she waited, her face still red.
"My arm is a little bit stiff, but otherwise I slept just fine," Leon teased as he knew he was definitely pushing a couple of buttons, but he had to tease her a little bit too. He saw her fiddle with the necklace he had given her and secretly smiled, it was great that she was wearing it all the time. Even though he never thought she would, but... it was sort of him "marking" her as his. Was that maybe too much of how the animals in the wild did it, but... it suited her.
"I know, I know," Leon said and chuckled at her reaction, it was far cuter than what he had thought. He walked over to the kitchen and began heating up some rice for the two of them, as they had school today. "It was cute though, the someone who wrapped herself around my arm," Leon teased her a bit more, as she was cute when she puffed her cheeks too.
"Here you go," Leon said and handed her a bowl of nearly cooked rice and some friend vegetables on top, school wasn't starting in a while so they had some time to just enjoy their breakfast for once. Leon's hair was already fixed, as he had short hair so he didn't need to fix it everyday. "Oh, I am off to work today. So I'll be home a bit late," Leon said to Ari as he finished his bowl of rice.
"I will," Leon said with a smile, he didn't want to be too late either. The more time they got together, the better. However he needed to work, he was suppose to get his paychecks today too. He was so close to his mother's operation, maybe he could even introduce her to Ari! She needed something positive after being in a coma for the last three years. "Well then, off to school we go," Leon said and opened the door for Ari, looking forward to after work to spend more time with Ari.
Ari smiled and grabbed his hand and walked with him. She had gotten used to him being there, and she loved it. She smiled and continued walking.
"Oh, we were running low on rice actually... I suppose I'll go buy some on my way home... I think we got enough for a couple of more meals. We have eaten a lot of rice lately after all," Leon said with a smile as his fingers intertwined with Ari's fingers. He smiled as he loved holding her small hand warm hand, it was great showing off their relationship like this. It was better than great, but words weren't enough to describe it.
Ari smiled and swung there hands. People were staring at them as they walked, but she hardly noticed. She was to busy being in her own little bubble. When they reached school she kissed his cheek and waved before going to class.
"Have a nice day!" Leon said as Ari kissed his cheek, and he walked off to class. His teacher had called him to his office as they were supposed to have a student, parent meeting, but Leon had already told her that his parents couldn't come. "You know Leon, it is important that your parents can come to these meetings, they are about your future. You are one of the most talented in my class, and I would love to show that off in our galleries, but without your parents acceptance, we can't do that," his teacher told him as he nodded, he felt bad for not telling him the truth, but it was easier to lie, so he did. "I'm sorry, I'll try to get them to come next Monday?" He asked as his teacher sighed, but smiled. "Last chance Leon, otherwise I'll come to them," his teacher said as Leon nodded and sighed, what to do now?
Ari walked to class. She preformed her song for her class, which of course loved it. She sighed as she listened to the diva's unoriginal song and nearly barfed because the lyrics were awful. At lunch she got a text from her mom that said they would be coming on Wednesday. She sighed and walked back to class.
Leon continued the day with the meeting in his head all day, what was he going to do? His parents couldn't make it to the meeting next Monday, and it would be worse if his teacher had to meet them! His father was currently in prison, from assaulting him earlier, and his mother in a coma. If the teacher knew, he might get transferred to another family, and he didn't want that. It meant he had to leave Ari, and that was not happening. Not in a million years.

School ended and Leon went straight to work, warehouse, flower shop, store and last the restaurant. The paychecks he had gotten had already been transferred to his account, where he stored up the money for his mother's operation. He was close, one more paycheck... and he had all the money he needed. Leon walked to the police station, against his will and was allowed to meet his father. He was sober, but he was still crazy. "Hey. dad-" "Don't call me that! Your a disappointment! Your mother is in the hospital... suffering and you're studying?! You piece of-" The policemen cut of their conversation, and had to drag his father away. If it hadn't been for the glass, he would have been attacked a second time. He sighed, as he walked back home, his heart a bit more heavy than it used to be.
Ari waited for him at home. She waited for a while, she didn't care how long. When he got home, she was awake on the couch. "Hey." She said, getting up to kiss his cheek.
"Hey," Leon answered trying to fake a smile at her, but his thoughts were a bit off right now. Seeing his father act like that when he was sober, and then hearing that his choice was wrong. It made him feel a bit useless, a bit sad in fact. "I forgot to buy rice, but we got enough for a couple of meal. I'll buy it tomorrow," Leon said and smiled, returning her kiss on the cheek.
"I went to visit my father on my way home. Let us just say he wasn't as pleased to see me as I thought he would be," Leon said with a sigh, as it was true. He went to visit his father, and it's not like his father liked him in the first place. He was crazy, it happened after his mother fell into a coma, but he was getting close, and then his father would hopefully return to normal too, like a normal family. "It's fine really, I just thought he would be a little bit more happy to see me," Leon said and smiled, he wasn't there to worry Ari after all, and especially not to talk about his problems. He sat down on the couch, turning on the television, patting next to him indicating that Ari should sit down as he smiled again, but he was still thinking of his parents. He wanted to forget it, and Ari was the only way he knew how to forget it, if only for a few seconds.
Ari sat next to him. She sighed and flopped on his shoulder. "I'm sorry." She said, stroking his arm.
"It's okay. My father isn't so happy about me studying. He wants me to find a real job, so I am really disappointing him by being here in general. So don't worry about meeting him, he barely wants to see me anymore," Leon said, but still smiled as he grabbed Ari into a tight hug, almost crying as his father's word echoed inside his head. "You're a disappointment!" "You're studying while your mother is suffering in the hospital!" It pained him to hear it, and it pained him even more as he was slowly believing it was true. "Sorry... could I... stay like this for a small while?" Leon asked her, not wishing to move at all.
Ari was a bit surprised by the hug, but eventually snaked her arms around him and pulled him tighter to her. She rested on him, rubbing his back. "It's ok.. You don't have to hold it in." She said, soothingly.
Leon chuckled, as it was as if he was a small child being held by his mother, comforted as he was crying. A small warm drop left his eye, dripping onto Ari's shoulder as he realized that he cared more than he thought for his father. "I'm sorry.. I don't mean to worry you..." He whispered, his voice shaking a bit as he smiled. "I'm glad I have you Ari, I don't think I would have managed this without you," he said to her as he held her close.
Ari smiled. "Your welcome. Besides, you would have done the same for me." She said. The warm tear slid onto her shoulder and evaporated. She felt she could trust him and that he could trust her. She squeezed him and held him as close as possible. She could feel his breath on her shoulder and she smiled, kissing the nape of his neck.

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