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Stuck togeather

Leon smiled, it seemed as it was her time to come with an incredible cheesy, but cute line. He locked the door after them as they began walking down towards the school. Ari seemed fine, and she was strong. And she was telling the truth, if they were together they could do anything, he was convinced of it. "Well then, what are we waiting for?" He asked her, with a smile as they headed towards the school building.

Once they arrived Leon kissed her on the lips, with a smile as he waved to her before he headed to his class. Still a bit concerned for Ari's parents, but hoped that she was going to be fine. He would support her all the way through, with or without her parents approval.
Ari smiled and walked to class. As she got to class, the diva pushed her out into the hall. "I have no idea what you are doing trash, but stay away from Leon, he is mine." She threatened. Ari simply took her hand off her collar and looked her strait in the eye. "Come tell me that when he lives with you." She threatened as she walked into class.
Leon sat outside as he was drawing the outdoor area of the school, there were a couple of trees and nice scenery scattered around, but he honestly preferred drawing out of the top of his head, instead of drawing after something like he was doing now. The only positive thing was that he could see Ari's classroom from where he sat, and he couldn't help himself from smiling at the thought of Ari being close by. I honestly shouldn't think of her right now... I need to concentrate on this drawing... Leon thought as he noticed that there was a girl sitting in his drawing, with short hair and a necklace around her neck. He sighed, Ari even managed to get into his drawings now. She was his world after all, she simply had to be involved in everything.
Ari was in class, listening to the people preform there songs. She sighed and looked at the door, wishing she could see him. Out of the small window she spotted a little patch of bond hair. She smiled and turned back to the front, trying to concentrate.
Leon looked over his shoulder, spotting Ari's red hair and smiled, a little blush crossed his face as he got a new page. With large letters he wrote: "I LOVE YOU" on the paper and held it up towards Ari's classroom window, no one could see it was him, but Ari would know. Plus, he had felt the need to tell her.
School was over and Leon waited for Ari by the school's gate, as he was going to buy some more rice and hopefully some flowers or something for her parents. Or was he still overreacting? No, it was Ari's parents, it was important to make a good first impression. Maybe he should work on how to tie a tie properly... He was still not done with his scenery drawing, but he had taken a picture of it so he could finish it back home. Homework... it had been a while since he had gotten homework.
"Did you see my little surprise?" Leon asked her a bit teasingly, as he hoped she didn't get to embarrassed by his actions. It had to be done, she was on his mind and the only way to focus was to tell her that he loved her. He smiled as he gently intertwined his fingers with hers, walking towards the nearest grocery store as they needed to restock on rice.
"I was working on my assignment, I couldn't get you out of my head, so I got you out by telling you how much I love you," Leon said with a smile on his face as he grabbed three bags of rice in the cart, and grabbed a couple of other stuff like vegetables as they had fried a lot of those, and some more olive oil, they needed that for sure. "Hope it wasn't too embarrassing," Leon said as it probably was a bit embarrassing for Ari, as she was the only one who knew who it was meant for.
"No, not at all. But half the girls thought it was for them and you sent them on a wild goose chase." Ari said, laughing.
"I did huh? Thank God I don't know most of the girls in your class. Must be sad to know it wasn't for them huh?" He said as he paid for the food and carried the bags as they were on their way back home. "Hey, what does your parents like to eat? I can at the very least make them dinner if they are going to visit," Leon asked with a smile thinking of what to say to her parents when he met them.
Ari looked down. "I doubt that they will even want to see me after figuring out I am in music. It wouldn't surprise me if they made me move back home." She said.
"Move back-" Leon grabbed Ari's shoulders and looked her in the eyes, he was dead serious right now. "There isn't the slightest chance, not even one percent chance that I'll let them take you away from me. Your parents or not, they are not taking you away from me, not even for one second," Leon stated as he smiled to her, no one would keep them apart. No one.
"Good. I might even kidnap you if it comes to that," Leon joked as they walked back home, it was great being home after all. They had so many good memories there. Leon sat down at the table where they usually ate as he pulled out his drawing equipment to continue on his drawing, hopefully finishing it by tomorrow, since the deadline was tomorrow. "I swear... drawing scenery is the worst..." Leon sighed as he began drawing every small detail into the drawing he was already half finished, but for an artist that could mean anything from two minutes to three hours.
Ari laughed. '"Have fun then." She said, looking at him. She looked at her watch and face palmed. 'I got work in 20." She muttered, running back out the door.

(Sorry if my posts are short, trying to manage 5 things at once.)
"Have fun at work," Leon said to her as she disappeared out the door and he was completely gone in his drawing, as he had to finish this, but also make some dinner. It become lonely without Ari there, and after an hour he had finished. There was nothing, except his stomach, that was there to distract him right now, but he wouldn't have minded a little distraction. He began frying some rice and some shrimps, as he hummed the song Ari and Leon had composed together, smiling at the memory.

(It's fine. I can work with it. I'm not going to force you to write a lot after all ^^)
Ari came home, paycheck in hand. "whew, hard work but worth the pay." She said, placing it on the counter.
"Welcome home," Leon said as he had just finished the meal as the table was set for them both. He smiled to her as it seemed as he was a bit tired, maybe they shouldn't stay up too late. Plus, her parents were coming tomorrow. "When are your parents coming tomorrow?" Leon asked her, as he grabbed his chopsticks and began eating, he was quite hungry after all.
"I see... I'll be waiting for you then. I'm sure the meeting will be fine," Leon said as he smiled trying to think positive and smiled at her. Her parents couldn't be that bad could they? They did bring Ari to this world, and made her into who she is, and they had done a pretty good job.

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