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Stuck togeather

Ari gladly accepted the place. She looked at him as she ate. She was a hundred percent sure that anything he wore would look good on him. She blushed at her thoughts and focused on her food. She had never felt this way about someone and it brought a pleasant warm feeling to her chest that wouldn't leave her.
Leon finished his bowl and began cleaning it. He checked that his wallet was with him and smiled to Ari as he opened the door for her. "After you M'Lady," he said with a smile as he bowed and held the door opened like a real gentleman would, but he laughed a bit too. He thought it was a bit silly, but Ari truly was his princess so acting like this wasn't strange to him at all.
Ari blushed and walked out the door. 'Thank you, kind gentleman." She said, laughing. He looked adorable like that, being a gentleman. She looked at him and kissed his cheek. "A reward for the man so kind to serve me." She said, placing a hand over her mouth as she stifled her laugh.
Leon looked up at her a bit shocked by the sudden kiss, but it quickly changed to a smile as he locked the door after them, and walked with Ari down yhe stairs and into the streets. The streets were a bit busy, but Leon grabbed Ari's hand to not lose her and to just show off their relationship as he began walking towards the arcade.
Ari happily accepted his hand and walked next to him. She had that warm feeling return in her chest and she walked next to him. She still had the necklace and wore it proudly on her neck. She smiled and walked close to him until they reached the arcade. 'Were here." She said, standing outside the building with the neon sign.
"Do you have change on you?" Leon asked as he rummaged through his wallet, he had a decent amount of change, but they would probably need more. There was a small machine close by which could change paper monet into change, so it was fine either way. "You chose what we play first, ladies first after all," he said and smiled as they entered the arcade.
Ari looked in the small purse se brought and pulled out a small pile of quarters. "Got some right here." She said, holding up the quarters.
"Great! We're all ready to go then!" Leon said as they entered the arcade. It was quite large and of course mainly filled with boys already captured by the screens. Leon looked around on the different machines and smiled as he looked to Ari. "Ladies first, you chose what we play first," he said, again showing off his gentleman side.
Ari smiled and looked around. She spotted a motor cycle game over in the corner. She dragged him over to the game.
He laughed as she dragged him over, he would never have guessed that this would be her first pick. He placed in his quarter and smiled as it seemed as the game begun, he had never tried a motorcycle game before. It was going to be interesting to say the least.

(Should we time skip a bit or...? I can't see comments, logged on my phone :P )
(On their way home, one surprise that cannot be skipped!)

"I can't believe you beat me in almost all of the games we played.... man you are really good!" Leon said with a smile as they were walking home, the stars were already tinkling as he still held Ari's hand. "Hey. Would you mind if you closed your eyes for.... let's say... five minutes?" Leon asked Ari with a smile on his face. The streets were almost empty as it was getting a bit late
"Of course you can trust me!" Leon said trying not to laugh, checking that her eyes were closed as he grabbed both of her hands carefully leading her through the streets making sure she didn't bump into anyone or anything, as he walked in front of her.

It took a small while, but he eventually stopped and walked to the side. "Open your eyes," he said as a large amusement park was to their disposal. The film class had gotten it set up along with his class, so he was allowed to use it, and it was all for free. The one thing that stood out among the rest was a large Ferris Wheel in the middle, beautiful decorated with lights.
Ari opened her eyes and gasped. "Wow. Where is this?" She asked, wondering if there was a reason this was here.
"It's actually only a few blocks away from school. We got to set it up with film class. It was supposed to be taken down yesterday, but I convinced them to wait until Monday. Everything is safe and tested. I figured since we both loved stars, why not get a bit closer?" He asked pointing to the Ferris Wheel and offered her his hand. "May I have the honor?" He asked bowing to her politely smiling to her.
Ari giggled. "You may." She said as she put her hand in his. She smiled and let him lead her to the Ferris Wheel.
Leon lead her over to the Ferris Wheel and let out a small chuckle, as he opened the door for her. He pushed the remote control and the Ferris Wheel began to move, the roof slowly opened up so they were under the open sky, smiling as he wrapped his arm around Ari. It felt great, to have their first date be like this, it was absolutely perfect.
Ari wrapped her arms around him, staring at the sky. "This is officially the best first date ever." She said, snuggling into him. "And my first." She said, giggling a bit. She felt all fuzzy. "You know you didn't have to go to all this trouble just for me." She said.
"I did it because I wanted too, not because I had to. Plus, I had to make this date at least as half amazing as you are," Leon said to her as he smiled to hear she enjoyed herself, he was afraid that he overdid it. But it needed to at least be somewhat amazing like Ari was. "Plus. I'll do anything for you, you just name what," Leon added as the Ferris Wheel stopped on top, letting them enjoy their view a bit longer.
Ari looked at him. "Watching the stars is enough for me. " She said, looking at him. She smiled, her heart fluttering at the sight. 'But this was really, really sweet." She said, kissing his cheek. "Thank you." She said.
Leon blushed as Ari kissed his cheek, looking up at the stars. They were so bright ans he honestly felt closer to them in the Ferris Wheel, not a whole lot closer, but a little bit closer. He smiled, his heart racing in his chest seconds away from jumping out in happiness. "I just wanted to show you how much I love you, even though I'm not even close," Leob said and kissed Ari's cheek back.
Ari smiled, her cheeks warm. She decided to step it up a notch and she kissed him on the lips. A warm feeling exploded in her chest, her heart racing underneath her skin. She smiled and continued kissing him, enjoying the moment.
Leon was looking away before Ari made her way up to his lips. He was caught off guard and looked at her closed eyes, as he smiled inside and closed his eyes. He received her kisses and returned some as he was so happy he could be together with Ari like this, to think his first date would be this successful was a giant surprise, but an incredible good surprise.
Ari smiled as she pulled away. She rested her forehead on his, giggling at the touch. She sighed, happy. Her heart was still racing and the warm feeling showed no sign of fading in her chest. She relaxed, happy to be there.

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