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Stuck togeather

"No, I want to. I can buy them for you, just tell me the strength and I'll buy them for you. Consider it a way to pay back for all the groceriers you had to buy when we first arrived," Leon said as he slipped into his shoes, trying to tie his tie, but it was far more difficult than it looked. There was a reason why he wanted to be an artist, he would rarely ever wear ties ever again.
Ari laughed. She took off his tie and tied it on to his neck. "There." She said. She smiled at him and opened the door. She walked out and down the stairs. This time she waited for him at the bottom, probably having left him speechless. She smiled and rocked on her heels, hoping to have him speechless.
Leon looked a bit embarrassed away as Ari laughed at him, he wasn't used to wearing ties it wasn't his fault he didn't know how to tie it properly. She helped him tying it, and it left him a bit speechless... and embarrassed. He cleared his throat, grabbing his bag and began walking down the stairs and saw Ari there waiting for him. He blushed, not entire sure what to say before he barely muttered. "Thank you..." and looked shyly down to the ground before he began walking.
Ari smiled. "Your welcome." She said, walking next to him. She looked at her watch. "Were going to be late!" She yelled. She grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the school. The barely made it in time, but it helped that everyone moved out of her way. She panted as she ran into class, the diva looked at her with disgust. "Ewww, look! Trash has two colors of eyes!" She screamed. Her friends said "Ewww." But the rest just looked. "Cool." Someone muttered.
Leon was surprised that Ari suddenly grabbed his hand, but even more surprised when she began dragging him towards school. Perhaps they should start waking up earlier, or just be quicker in the morning. He ran after her, realizing they were late. "Better than looking at your ugly face..." Leon told off to the diva's comment before he smiled to Ari and ran off towards his own class, hoping Ari wouldn't get too many negative reactions due to her eye color.
Ari took a deep breath and walked to her seat. She sighed and looked at the teacher. When she let the students go, they all came over and said her eye was cool or amazing. She smiled and thanked the people before walking to the recording booth to finish her song. She walked in to see the booth empty except for the recorder. She smiled at him and walked inside and began recording.
Leon was in his classroom as his teacher announced that they were going to have a parent student meeting in a couple of times. He had no clue how the get past that one, and what was he suppose to say? He picked the note as he was given, and was confused and a bit frustrated. The rest of the day he was suppose to use on drawing, and that was no problem. The only thing in his mind was Ari, so the drawing ended up being two people on the roof, looking at the stars holding hands. The persons were only two dark shadows, but it could clearly be seen that they held hands. He smiled, he was so happy. This was one of his most happy moments, and he had to draw it after all.
Ari sang out her finished song before recording the guitar and the piano separate. She smiled as the guy gave her the thumbs up. She smiled and walked out of the booth. She shook the guys hand and took her CD. She gave it to the teacher, even though she had 3 more days before it was due. She smiled and picked up her bag as the bell rang.
Leon sent Ari a text message to remind her he was working today, so she didn't have to wait for him. The bell rang and he was still confused on what to do about the whole student Parent meeting. It was meant to talk about potential stuff and then publishing artwork they had done, and for that parent's acceptance had to be given. What waa he going to do? He sighed as he began walking towards his first job for the day, as he had gotten so many.
Ari walked home alone, swinging her arms as she walked. She was happy that people didn't hate her as much as they did at her old school. She smiled and opened the door to her apartment, shutting the door behind her. She took off her stupid uniform and sat her butt on the couch, her hair all messy and her comfortable clothes on.
The same routine was over, warehouse, flower delivery, department store and now his late shift in the restaurant was over. He had to work a bit over time due to him having to clean up after an angry customer, those who didn't get when to leave. He sighed, as he quickly made his way over to the hospital, visiting his mother.

"Hey. Do you remember Ari? The girl I told you about, the one who I didn't really like in the beginning. I mean... we had the worst first impressions ever. Anyway... We're a couple now, or at least I think so. I really like her, I've thought about her the entire day... I even ended up messing up a portrait because she was in my head," He laughed, holding his mother's lifeless hand in his, sighing. "There's this student parent meeting... Mom... what should I do about that?" He asked, not expecting an answer as he left the room, leaving freshly bought flowers on the night stand.
Ari was still on the couch, a bag of chips sitting inside her folded legs when Leon got home. "Welcome back." She said, not removing her eyes from the TV. She was in the middle of a funny part in her show and she wanted to continue watching. "There's food in the fridge." She said, pointing a finger at the fridge without taking her eyes off the screen.
"Should you really be up? It's... It's almost two in the morning..." Leon said as he took out bowl of food from the fridge and began heating it up in the microwave. He looked over to where Ari was seemingly stuck, as he took his heated up dinner and sat next to her. He began eating, looking at the same TV show she was watching.
'It's what?!" Ari asked, looking at the clock. "Shit..." She muttered. "I didn't notice. Hope I won't oversleep." She said. She leaned on him, her head growing heavy. "I'll go to sleep once it's finished." She said, still looking at the TV.
He chuckled as he finished his bowl, placing it on the table and grabbed the blanket Ari had used on him the other day. He wrapped it around the both of them, as Leon placed his arm around Ari. "You better, I'll go to sleep now though..." Leon said quickly followed by a yawn as he tried to hold his eyes open, but he was too tired to even try.
Ari smiled and turned off the TV. She kissed his nose and settled into the crook of his neck. She sighed and fell asleep, completely safe and sound.


Ari woke up to her stupid alarm from the other room. She sighed and carefully moved the blankets off her and walked into her room and shut off the black box. She put on her uniform and her glasses, brushing her hair. She walked out to the kitchen and started making fried rice with tiny shrimps.
Leon woke up to the smell of food, it smelled really good. He opened his eyes to find Ari missing, and looked behind him, seeing her preparing their breakfast. "Good morning," Leon said with a yawn, as he began folding the blanket neatly together. He walked into the bathroom, fixing his hair and washing his face with some cold water. "Did you sleep well?" Leon asked, as he began finding some plates and glasses to place on the table.
Ari nodded, focused on the food. "Yeah. I woke up about ten minutes ago." she said, pulling the rice off the pan. She sighed and put the rice on the table. She grabbed her plate and chopsticks and started eating. "So, tomorrows Saturday." She said in between bites.
"Oh yeah it is! Want to do something together, a movie or dinner or something?" Leon asked as he began eating the deliciously fried rice with his chopsticks, smiling at Ari. Wait... was he just asking her out on a date?! "On- Only if you have the time!" He quickly added, realizing he could have thought at least six better ways to ask a girl out on a date, as he gave himself a mental face palm.
Ari smiled and laughed when he corrected himself. "A movie sounds fun." She said. She finished her bowl and put in the sink before grabbing her guitar and putting on her shoes. She looked at him. "You comin?" She asked, opening the door.
"I'm comin'!" Leon said as he grabbed his shoulder bag, threw it over his shoulder and walked out the door smiling to Ari. "What movie do you want to see?" He asked, smiling at her thinking of how he needed to prepare a bit for the date, maybe buy some flowers, or perhaps he could get her a gift? Or.... Wait... Am I really stressing this much over the date? I shouldn't... should I? No, it's important for it to be great! Perfect even! Everything needs to be in order! But... I shouldn't think this hard over it... should I? Leon debated in his head, not entirely sure what to do as his cheeks lit up thinking of how much he was thinking about the date.
Ari looked at him as they walked out the door. She smiled when she saw his cheeks grow red. She poked his cheek. "You look like a tomato." She said smiling. She then kissed his cheek. "I like it." she said, continuing to walk.
"I- I'm not a tomato..." Leon said shyly, as he realized he was fretting about this date like how a girl normally would. It wasn't a bad thing he wanted to be prepared, but he was definitely giving it far too much thought. Leon stood a bit still after Ari kissed him on his cheek, holding his cheek before he smiled and caught up with her, returning her kiss and smiled happily.
Ari smiled and walked down the street. Halfway to school she reached for his hand and intertwined her fingers with his. She kept his hand there the entire way to school. When she reached school she let go and waved to him, heading off to her music class.
Leon smiled as he felt her fingers intertwine themselves with his, as he smiled and held her hand firmly in his. They were halfway to school, and they held hands all the way over to school. He returned Ari's wave before he went to his own class. Leon had drawing classes today instead of paint, and the first thing that came in mind was to draw a portrait of Ari, so he did with a large smile on his face.

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