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Stuck togeather

"Night," Leon said with a smile, she was definitely still worried about him, but this was maybe one of the best incidents where he ran into his father. He had been banned from the hospital, and was currently living in a home for alcoholics, as Leon's mother was the one who submitted him to the house. His father had no way of stealing money from Leon any longer, but his mother used most of their money to get him into this academy, leaving little for the operation. Now she had lost conscious and had been like that for the last three months. He sighed, and got undressed carefully as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"Two cuts on the cheeks, one over the nose. It looks as if I was in a serious fight. The small hole in the back of my head makes it looked as if it was something crazy," Leon muttered to himself, sighing as he remembered to set his alarm clock, better not be late two days in a row. "Well! Nothing to do now, I'll just head off to bed," Leon said as he put on his pajamas and looked over at his desk, the drawing was still neatly placed there. He smiled as he walked over to it, coloring one of the eyes in a golden color, just like Ari's, and smiled. "Now it's finished," he muttered, yawning as he headed off to bed.
Ari woke up a few minutes before her alarm. She stretched and got up. She trudged to the bathroom, her feet sliding across the smooth and cold surface. She placed in her contacts, one of them covering her golden eye. She then walked out and started scooping up rice from a couple nights ago. She heated it up and put milk and sugar on it. She set down her bowl and went over to Leon's door and knocked lightly. "Leon, time to get up." She said. It was Tuesday, meaning once she left school she had to go strait to work.
Leok woke up to Ari's knock and smiled as his alarm clock quickly followed up after her knock. He let out a yawn and stood up, dressing properly today, as he walked out. A few of the band aids had been bled through during the night, but it was nothing too serious. His bed was at the very least blood free. He opened his door, and smiled to Ari. "Good morning," Leon said to her with a smile, as he woke up in time today. "You made breakfast today too? I'll make dinner then," Leon said as he prepared himself some rice as well.
"Good, because I have work after school." Ari said. She walked to her room and grabbed her guitar case, bringing it out. She placed it next to her seat and sat down. She took her chopsticks and shoveled the rice in her mouth, swallowing before picking up her case. "I can wait, but if I wait much longer we will end up late." She said.
Leon quickly finished his breakfast and changed some of the band aids that had blood on it, and joined Ari in only a couple of minutes ready to take a bit more time than yesterday. "I'm ready," Leon said with a smile as he saw Ari holding her guitar case. Maybe she wasn't as shy as he had thought, but it was a good thing she was a less scared of showing him it now. "You studying music then?" Leon asked on their way, making sure he brought his new painting equipment with him this time.
"Yeah. The guitar thing was mostly why I didn't tell you I was majoring in singing." Ari said. She sighed and started walking down the steps of their apartment. She turned the corner and walked out of the building and out on the street. She started walking towards school, Leon undoubtedly behind her.
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"I see... It's nothing to be scared for though. I think you're great at playing the guitar, and singing. Plus, it seems as you enjoy it so there can't be anything wrong with it can it?" Leon asked with a naive smile as he was still thinking she must have more confident in herself, trying to cheer her on. The school wasn't too far away, but he enjoyed their walk. They were getting to know each other better, and that was a good thing. They were going to live together for the rest of the year after all.
"Well, from the paint, it looks like your majoring in art." Ari said. She clutched her guitar close to her body. She thought everyone would hate or make fun of her, but he proved her wrong. It also looked like she had gathered her first, and only for the moment, fan. She smiled at him, and let her guitar swing back to its original position.
"Well I'm not really as good with paint as I am with pencils, but I do love it so I got to practice. I'm thinking of painting a lot to get better at it," Leon said as they had arrived to the school building. "Well, I'll see you whenever you get home! I'll have some rice in the fridge for you to quickly heat up, so don't worry about it!" Leon said and waved to Ari before he made his way to his classroom, ready for his first class and happy that it seemed yesterday had taken a turn for the better today.
Ari walked to her first class, opening the door. She walked in and took her seat, not very particular about where she sat. She soon regretted where she sat as a girl with blond hair and fancy clothes came up to me and said, "Eww, look. There is a dunce in my seat." She said. Ari glared at her and said, "Eww, look. There's a prick in the classroom." Which effectively shut her up. She stalked away glaring at me as I smiled in triumph.
Leon's first class was painting, excited as they were suppose to paint each other. Getting to know each other and all that fun stuff. He met a guy, Matthew, who was his partner and they became really good friends. They had a lot in common, despite them both loving art, as they discussed art together, their meanings and a few opinions on each others drawings. It was great that his first classmate, that he met, was this kind and friendly. It made going to his classes a lot easier from now on.
Ari presented her song. The entire class, well besides the snooty girl, Lyla as Ari heard, loved it. She ended up singing another song, which did not please the diva. She stormed to the front of the class, claiming her voice was the best. She tried to sing, which ended with most of us with our fingers in our ears. I had meet a new friend, Sakura, who seemed to have the same schedule as me. We ended up staying together for the rest of the day.
Leon finsihed the last of his classes as he headed home. It was weird to be there first, but he had not forgotten that Ari was going to work today, maybe he could visit his mother today too, but only after homework. He began putting out the painting equipment and looked out the window, searching for inspiration as they were to paint a painting about the sky, there was so many things he could paint about the sky, but most had already been done.

Then he suddenly remembered something, something that inspired him truly a lot as he began mixing the colors together, and carefully let his brush meet the canvas, as the imagine burned inside his head, smiling as he was hoping the result looked as closely to as the picture he had in his head.
Ari was busy running around the café, a serving platter in her hands. "Welcome home master." She greeted the customer as she showed him to his table. When she was finished she clocked out, and grabbed her stuff. She walked out her bag in hand. When she reached home, she opened the door with her key and said. "I'm home!"

(Leaving for camp, be back in 6 hours)
Leon had made himself some food as Ari was gone, and put a bowl of rice in the fridge along with a note on the kitchen counter, telling her it was for her. Meanwhile he used all his time with his canvas, and once it was done it stood in the middle of the living room as the paint was to dry. Leon himself had fallen asleep on the chair by the table, his face planted on the table as he was sleeping soundly.

The painting was of a girl sitting with a guitar singing towards the sunset, with a view over an empty street and house roofs. The sky was setting in a golden color, as the girl's face was covered by her hair, but a small golden glimmer was seen in between the hair, but it was hard to see what it was suppose to be.
Ari quietly shut the door. She placed her coat by her shoes and walked to the counter where there was a note saying there was a bowl of rice for her in the fridge. She smiled and opened the fridge, taking out the bowl of rice and placing it in the microwave. While it was heating, she grabbed a blanket and tossed it over him before grabbing the heated rice and eating a quick dinner before finishing her homework and going to bed.
Leon woke up early, for once as he found himself sleeping at the table. He let out a yawn smiling a bit, as he noticed the blanket around him. "It seems as Ari came safely home," he muttered as he folded the blanket and placed it on the couch.

There was still time before the alarm would sound so Leon thought he could make breakfast for once. He quickly made ChaChan (Fried rice with vegetables and asian sausage) as he placed it on the table for the two of them to eat.
Ari woke up to her stupid alarm. She slammed her fist on the stupid box and groaned as she stood up. "Why so early...." She muttered, trudging to the bathroom. She put in her contacts and brushed her hair before opening the door. Immediately, a wall of good smells hit her. "Smells good." She said, sitting down.
"I was up early today, so I figured I could make breakfast for once," Leon said with a smile as he began eating, clearly enjoying the food as well. It had been a while since he had eaten ChaChan and he had missed the taste of it too. "How was your class?"Leon asked as they finally had better time to talk to each other.
"Ok I guess." Ari said. She shoved more rice in her face. She had some good parts and some bad, but mostly good. She smiled. "This is good." She mumbled between bites. She loved rice, but rice with more stuff is better rice. She quickly finished off her bowl and washed it. She whipped her hands and looked at the clock. "We should go." She said.
Leon finished cleaning up after himself too as he had already fixed his hair. "I'm ready," he said as he grabbed the canvas of his painting that he painted yesterday. "Oh, thanks by the way," Leon said and showed her the picture he had painted. "Your singing gave me inspiration to do my assessment. It really helped!"he thanked her before he began walking out, as most of the bandages were no longer needed, since the cuts were healing up nicely and had been stitched up by the nurse at the hospital.
"Your welcome." Ari said. She smiled at him, having already seen the picture. She smiled and continued walking down the path. She had a small blush gracing her face as she walked. She wished she didn't have to conceal her eye because it was fun to see peoples reactions. But she wanted to be accepted more than be a freak.
(Fun fact, I got two colored eyes and yes. People do stare at you as if you were a freak :P )

Leon looked at Ari's slightly red face and placed his hand carefully on her forehead and did the same with his own forehead. "Do you have a fever? Your face is a little bit red," Leon commented as he watched her, hoping she wasn't sick or something.
"Fine." Ari said. She stepped away a bit, edging away from him. She was already embarrassed, she didn't need this to top it off. She clutched he case closer to her body, in hopes to make her seem more normal.

(Ha Ha! Trying to find someone to rp with you is fun!)
Leon let her step away as her face was still generally red, but if she said she was fine, who was he to question it? The streets were unusual busy as Leon carefully avoided smacking people with his canvas. On their way to school Leon suddenly remembered something and pulled out his cell phone. "Hey can I get your cellphone number?" Leon asked boldly as he realized how cheesy that sounded and continued. "T- To know when you're c- coming b- back late o- or if something came up!" Leon added to it, looking a bit embarrassed away from Ari.

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