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Stuck togeather

"Yeah, I was hungry." Ari said. She had already packed her stuff and was ready to go. "Come on, let's go!" She shouted, running out the door.
"A- Ari wait!" Leon shouted after her and quickly stuffed his bag with everything he needed and cleaned most of the pencil drawings off his face and ran after Ari. He locked the door behind him with his key, and then made a run after Ari with his breakfast in his mouth. "I can't believe it! I was so caught up with the drawing that I forgot to sleep! I must be one of the biggest idiots on Earth! I got to worked up into my inspiration... thinking of that... Ari does sound a lot like the girl singing... I should look into it later today..." Leon thought as he chased after Ari, barely not falling down the stairs.
Ari raced to school. She had sheet music in her bag. The music was hand written, as it was her summer homework. There challenge was to create a catchy tune, but she had turned hers into a song. She had brought her ukulele in her bag to. She went dashing off, leaving Leon in the dust. She wasn't about to be late for the first day of school.
Leon saw no sign of Ari as he reached the street, but could not care less as he ran all the way over to school without slowing down, not even once. He was exhausted and could not see Ari anywhere, but at the very least he made it. Only barely as it seemed the entrance ceremony had already begun. But no one noticed him except a few people in the back, as he pretended like nothing happened and tried to catch his breath back.
When the seramony finished, she walked over to Leon. She walked up to him and smacked his head. "You were late." She said. She scowled at him before turning. 'Looks like we have the rest of the day." She said.
Leon saw Ari and smiled as she approached him quickly. "Good mor-" he was interrupted by Ari's sudden smack as she scowled him all ready. Maybe he was too quick to think a roommate was only a great thing to have. "I was drawing a picture all night! I got an inspiration! I forgot to set my alarm clock!" Leon said a bit annoyed at her unnecessary smack, rubbing the back of his head. "T- thanks for waking me up though..." he muttered and looked away from Ari. "Oh. I got work today so I won't be back until very late. Go ahead and eat without me," Leon said, as he remembered and wanted to change the subject.
Ari looked at him. "Ok." She said, inwardly doing a happy dance. She loved being alone, it meant she could sing all she wanted and not have to be outside the house. She loved being able to do whatever out of the eyes of other people. She smiled. "I assume your going home first but if not, see you later!" She said, walking off towards home.
Leon waved her goodbye as he was actually going to stock up on some painting equipment.

He walked around town and found a hobby store after a long time. Quickly he found the painting equipment he was looking for and was on his way home. He wasn't too familiar with the town, and he had plenty of time before his shift so he decided to get ti know the town a bit more, before he headed home.
Ari had ran home and was currently sitting on the couch, her guitar in hand. Suspecting he had gone off to work, Ari was singing happily inside there small apartment. She was wailing those high noted, having fun while jamming out by herself. She giggled and continued rocking out, shaking her head like the guitarist do in those heavy metal concerts.
Leon came to his apartment as he had an hour to get changed and then go off to work. It was still early, but as he approached the door he could hear Ari's guitar rocking out and her voice. Without a doubt it had to be Ari. He entered the room quietly, as he walked behind the happy Ari placing his newly bought painting equipment on the table. "So it was you!" Leon exclaimed as he now had confirmed it was Ari on the roof yesterday.
Ari stopped, jumping at the sound of a voice behind her. She turned to see her happy roommate behind her. Her glare turned deadly as she stared at him. She was about to wring his neck, but instead walked into her room and shut the door. "I'm screwed." She said, sliding down the back of the door. She whined in misery, placing her head in her hands.
"A-Ari?!" Leon said surprised as he stood outside her door, not about to barge in after all. He gently knocked on the door as he barely could make out sobbing noises from the other side. "Ari what's wrong? Your voice is amazing and so is your guitar skills. T- there's nothing to cry about," Leon said completely taken off guard by Ari's sudden sadness. Why was she sad? Maybe she was very shy, or had stage fright. This was not going great at all...
"But...." Ari said. She thought about her parents and how she had openly lied about why she came here. If they saw here, they would take her back and tell her to be an accountant or a doctor or a lawyer. She sniffed, her face still tinted pink. She folded her arms and placed them atop her knees, resting her head on her arms.
Leon leaned against the door, hearing her move a bit around and barely hearing her words. He sighed and continued to talk. He had time, and he couldn't leave a girl crying alone in her room, for the rest of the day. "Ari I don't know the reason for your tears, but I'll tell you something my mom told me. It usually cheered me up when I thought I was bad or scared of what people thought about my drawings. She said that the parents of a small bird feed it, watch it grow up and eventually learn how to fly. They push and judge and yell at them for not doing it right or not making it, but one day the bird will fly. However, the parents does not chose which direction the bird flies off to, they can try, but only the bird decides where it'll go next," Leon told her, smiling at the memory of his mother telling him the same story. It was about doing what you wanted, despite everyone else's opinion, and be proud of where that led you to. Good or bad.
Ari stopped crying. She dried her eyes and walked to the bathroom. She grabbed her contacts and pulled them out, revealing her golden eye. She placed her glasses on and walked to the door. She took a deep breath, opening the door. She smiled at him. "Thanks." She said quietly. She had never taken off her contacts in front of other people before.
Leon was still sitting on the floor as Ari came out smiling and clearly in a better mood. It was good to know his mother's story helped someone elsd than just him. Leon looked at her golden eye, but did not stare honestly he thought it was quite beautiful, but did not comment in it. Unsure of what to tell her if he tried. "I'm off to work now, will you be okay by yourself?" Leon asked as he stood up and looked into her eyes, a bit worried still, but relieved she was nor crying at least.
"Yeah. You saw me earlier. I should be fine." Ari said. She smiled at him and picked up her guitar. "Thanks again." She said before going over to the TV and turning it on. She relaxed on the couch before saying. "Goodbye!" As he left. Once he left she smiled to herself. "Interesting." She said, her cheeks a bit pink.
Leon quickly changed clothes as he fixed his hair before leaving Ari alone in the house. She was at least not crying, and that was a good thing. He ran off, full speed ahead as he began working in the warehouse to organize boxes as he had been told. Next he went to a flower shop to deliver flowers, and then part time in a nearby grocerie store, until it ended with a late shift in a restaurant.

Leon was exhausted, it was far too many jobs for one person. However he had to work hard, for his mother's sake. He made his way to the hospital, and visited his clearly sick mother and entered the room. She was still connected to many weird machines and her eyes were still closed. He grabbed her hand, it was lifeless, but told her about his day. About Ari. She needed an operation, but they could not afford due to his father's drinking problem. He was saving money, taking on so many part time jobs and studying to earn more money.

He sighed as he finished his story. His mother had not said a word, but it still sounded like he had a conversation with a person.
Ari had spent her day singing and dancing in the empty house. She had finished the day off with some crime shows. She smiled at the TV, glad her parent's hadn't known she came for music. She had told them she came for math. Eventually one day they would find out, but at that point it woul be to late to change it.
On his way out Leon met his father, or was rather tackled by him to the ground. He was drunk, and mad. He always was. Leon's head hit the pavement hard and his father attacked him with a broken bottle. Luckily for him so came a couple of nurses down to help him, and stopped his father before anything worse than three cuts on Leon's happened.

The nurses gently wrapped his head and placed band aids on the cuts, as they were deep and had to be stitched up first.

His father had gotten away, but at least he lost the bottle he attacked with. Leon smiled to the nurses and thanked them for their help before he headed back home. It was late, hopefully Ari was asleep so she would not worry, as it was about to pass midnight.
Ari was asleep on the couch. She immediately woke up when the door opened. "Hey welcome......" She stopped in her tracks as she saw the bandages. She got up and off the couch. "What happened?" She asked, looking at his bandages. "Are you ok?" She asked. She was concerned that he had broken something.
"I'm fine," Leon said and smiled to Ari surprised she was still up. He rubbed the back of his head a bit awkwardly as he was not sure what to tell her, but one thing was for sure. It would not be the truth. "Shouldn't you be asleep? It's past midnight," Leon said hoping to change the subject as he took off his jacket.
"I fell asleep watching movies." Ari said. She looked at him. "Your trying to avoid something. And don't try and convince me otherwise, I am a master at lying an detecting lies." Ari said. She looked at him, purpose in her voice. She still had her glasses on, meaning her eye that usually scared everyone was out in full view. 
Ari looked at him. "I fell asleep watching movies." She said. She glared at him. "Your hiding something. And don't try to convince me otherwise because I am a master at lying and detecting lies." She said. She still had her glasses on so that meant that her golden eye that usually scared everyone was out in full view.
Leon looked down, there was no more time to make up a fake story. "I met this crazy robber... he attacked me on my way back home. He was completely drunk and didn't know what to do. A couple of people helped me out and to the hospital. Where I got patched up," Leon said. It wasn't a complete lie, his father had turned inti a crazy robber, he just simply skipped on the details of the story. He didn't want to worry Ari, even less have her pity him.
Ari raised and eyebrow at him. "Your telling half the truth. I 'll take it for now." She said. She looked at him. "You should get to bed early this time then." She said. "Night." She mumbled as she walked towards her room. She shut the door quietly as she sighed. She changed into her pajamas and flopped on her bed, falling asleep pretty quickly.

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