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Stuck togeather

Leon followed Ari until he found some groceries, fruit, snacks and other things they might need. Even though he was more of a tea person he got some coffee in case Ari wanted it. "Hey. Do you know how to cook? If not then I can do it. I cooked a lot at home," Leon said with a smile as he saw a good looking strawberry cake and put it in the basket. He had a sweet tooth after all.
"I can sort of cook." Ari said. She grabbed a giant bag of Hi-chews and several containers of pock, some Doritos and 7up. She also bought some fruit and vegetables, just so her mother wouldn't complain. "I think that's it." She said, looking at her basket. Her mom had already sent her with food money out of worry she was going to pig out for the entire year.
"Then we can take turns on cooking meals. I have a couple of days were I work part time nearby though, I hope it's okay that I return back a bit late at times," Leon explained to her as he put in a couple bag of chips. It seemed as their teamwork was going to be just fine. That was goos to know. "Are you excited for tomorrow? I've heard the school is one of the best we have," Leon asked as he tried his best to have a conversation with Ari.
"Yeah. I mean they have one of the best teaching programs around." Ari said. She checked out, paying with the food card her mom gave her. She gave the light bags to him and picked out the heavy ones. She began walking back to the house. She would have maid café work on Tuesdays and Thursdays, making them have equal nights out.
"I know! I was really surprised when they accepted my application. I honestly didn't think I would make it in," Leon said relieved as he grabbed the bags. They returned to their home in no time, as Leon began placing the stuff in cupboards and the fridge. "How much do I owe you for the food?" He asked as he took out his wallet ready to pay his half for the food.
"You don't need to pay. My mom gave me money for food. She though that I was going to pig out all year so she gave me a card." Ari said. She finished unpacking the groceries and sighed. "Now that that's done, who wants to cook tonight?" She offered. She really wanted to go play guitar, but if she had to cook that would seriously not help.
"I can do it," Leon suggested as he took out an apron and placed it over his clothes, and then began washing his hands. "What would you like for dinner?" He asked her, as he was prettt much good with anything at all. There were few things he hadn't cooked after all.
"Katsu." Ari said immediately. That was her favorite meal, chicken, breaded and fried with a special sauce on top. And to top it off, a big bowl of rice. She smiled at the thought of rice. She waved at him and headed for her room. 'Now then, I will just be in my room." She lied, shutting the door. She bolted to her closet, dragging her guitar out from under the extra boxes. She pried open the window and jumped out onto a nearby tree. She climbed up to the top of the tree and put her guitar on her lap. She started playing in the sunset as she sat in the tree.
Leon began working on the Katsu as he saw Ari was on her way to her bedroom, he understood smiled to her as she disappeared into her room. Probably preparing for tomorrow, I would have done the same, but I guess I'll just work on that later today. Leon thought to himself as he began making the Katsu. It was no problem for Leon as he had done this several times before, but his own clumsiness got the best of him, and his finger was slightly cut. He did not bother to find a band aid, and simply put some paper around his finger, to not let blood drip onto the food.

Leon prepared the table for the two of them, and as he finished he smiled proudly of his work. It seemed as his experience as a waiter came to good use, at the very least at this moment. He walked over to Ari's room as soon as he finished, gently knocking on her door. "Ari, dinner's ready," He said before he walked back to the table, waiting patiently for Ari, as he was not about to force her to eat if she was too busy.
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Ari heard the knock on her door. She quickly scrambled down the tree and hopped into her window. She shut the window quietly as she placed her guitar back in it's hiding place. She opened the door and walked to the table. "Looks good." She said. She picked up a pair of chopsticks and started eating. It was pretty good, but she was to busy eating to say anything.
Leon smiled to her compliment slightly blushing as he hadn't made food for a girl in ages. Especially not eating with one. "T- Thanks," Leon said as he smiled and ate his food in peace. It seemed as none of them wanted to talk during the dinner as enjoying the food was more important.

Once dinner was finished, Leon began cleaning the table and washing the dishes. It was a normal habit of his, and frankly it gave him some peace to be able to do housework in his own room, even if he shared it. He hummed a song happily to himself as the water and soap stung a bit, the cut in his finger had stopped bleeding, but the soap stung quite a bit. "I am so clumsy..." Leon thought to himself, still smiling even if he flinched a bit once the soap hurt too much.
Ari saw him flinch and walked over to him. "You ok?" She asked. She spotted his finger and grabbed his hand. "Seriously...." She muttered, staring at his finger. She sighed and walked to the cupboard, grabbing the first aid kit. She pulled out the bandages and the Neosporin. She uncapped the small tube and applied some to his finger. "Be more careful next time." She said as she applied the bandage.
"I'm fi-" he stopped as Ari grabbed his hand and began cleaning it as well as applying bandages. It seemed as his clumsiness was discovered. It wasn't as if he was trying to hide it or anything like that, but it did not hurt as much, until the soap touched it. "S- Sorry!" He apologized his face was completely red as Ari was gently bandaging his finger. "I can do it myself you know..." Leon mustered, feeling his heart skip a small beat as he looked down at Ari treating him.
"Well I'm almost done so there's no point now." Ari said. She finished sticking the Band-Aid on his finger, throwing the wrapper away. She packed up the rest of the stuff and put it in its box. She closed the cupboard and returned to her room. She fished out her guitar and climbed back out the window. She sat on the roof, singing again, passing the time until the stars came out.
"Thank you,"Leon muttered before Ari disappeared once again to her bedroom. Leon only sighed as he walked to his own room, feeling a bit frustrated that Ari had to help him patch up his own finger with such a small cut. He shock the thought out of his head opening his window. A sweet guitar melody entered the room, but he could not see its source. The melody was very beautiful and gave him some peace. Originally so was he going to prepare for tomorrow, but instead he pulled out his violin and played along to the mysterious melody from outside.
Ari heard the melody from inside and kept on playing. He probably thought that the noise was from one of the neighboring houses. He would never guess that it came from a place so close, let alone the roof above him. She started singing along to the song she was playing, the instruments soothing her mood into a calm manner. Even the transitions to the high notes were smooth and melodic.
Leon noticed the singing that came along the unknown melody he was playing. It was quite beautiful in fact. He closed his eyes as the text and the melody created a beautiful picture in his mind. Inspiration flew into him, colors began to become clear. It was days and moments like these that made him happy that he was an artist. Almost like a reflex Leon began humming to the melody, completely captivated in it.
Ari kept singing, her heart flowing with the song. When she finished, she set down her guitar. She might have set it down a bit hard, making a thunking sound on the roof. She winced, hoping he hadn't heard that. She sat there, her breathing a bit heavy and trying not to move. If she moved to much, he would surely hear her.
Leon realized the song was over, but the picture in his head was still clear in front of him. He stopped playing his violin and walked towards the window, peeking his head out and shouted. "You got a beautiful singing voice and great at playing guitar! Please play with me another time too!" Leon's shouting blocked the sound that came from the roof, as he walked back inside. Quickly he found his pencil and a pile of blank papers and began drawing the picture that was imprinted in his mind.
"Sure!" Ari shouted. She quickly covered her mouth as she realized he could have recognized her voice. She quickly scuttled off the roof and began to climb down the tree as fast as she could. She swung into her bedroom and placed her guitar in the closet. She flopped on her bed, breathing a sigh in anticipation.
Leon was overly happy as the voice replied, but it seemed a bit familiar... he simply could not shake that thought off. He closed his window as he realized the stars were already out, but he could not stop now! His inspiration was there! He picked up his pencil once again and began drawing carefully and detailed, crumbling up several sheets of paper and started over again until he eventually fell asleep on his desk, but he managed to finish the drawing first, as the sun was rising behind him. Only a couple of hours until his first day at school.
Ari had gone to sleep early. She woke up with her alarm, yawning as she shuffled underneath her covers. She got up and blinked before smacking the little box that was making the annoying beeping sound. She tugged the covers off her comfortable body as she plunged her feet to the cold wood floor. She got up and dressed in her uniform before going out to make breakfast.
Leon shifted his position a litlle in his sleep. He had gotten very little sleep as he was drawing most of the night and had completely forgot to set his akarn clock. Therefore he continued sleeping soundly, a little cold from only sleeping in his clothes the entire night.
After she made breakfast, she knocked on Leon's door. "Leon! Get up or you'll be late!" She yelled.
"Late?!" Leon shouted as his eyes opened wide and he looked at the clock on his wall. It was true! He would late if he didn't wake up soon! He quickly threw on his school uniform making the tie look like a complete mess, and opened the door with some pencil markings on his face, along with his hair being very messy. He let out a yawn as he was extremely happy that Ari woke him up, having a roommate was great! Despite his roommate being a girl. "You already made breakfast?" Leon asked as he sat down by the table to eat.

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