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Fandom Steven Universe RP

Tourmaline finally emerged from her gem after two years of reforming. Not really sure what to do, since it obviously had been awhile since the crash, but decides to look for the remains of the ship, perhaps the other gems survived. After about a mile of walking she stumbles upon what appear to be a gem by a bush with a weapon, however they weren't part of her crew. "Who are you and who are you hiding in that bush?" She asks in a serious tone, standing over the gem.
"That version??" Jett turned back smiling. "So...you have two sides? A good one and a bad one huh?" Jett could feel someone was near by a bush. She lifted her hand still looking at Howl and shot a purple orb at the bush to trap whatever was there.
MagicalFlower said:
"That version??" Jett turned back smiling. "So...you have two sides? A good one and a bad one huh?" Jett could feel someone was near by a bush. She lifted her hand still looking at Howl and shot a purple orb at the bush to trap whatever was there.
"yeah..." he laughed embarrassed "Born with it..... My mom was a homeworld.." he said rubbing his head. "Ii sort of have her temper......"
Jett chuckled a bit. "Well I guess that's sort of nice. I mean in a way your mom's always with you then right?"
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Topaz didn't want to wrap her head around any of these. All these new faces seemed to bombard her. She went back to sit on the rock she was hiding behind before. Well if anything its best not to get involved.
She sensed yet another gem, they were hiding by a rock. Her gem on her stomach glowed through her dress as she approached the rock so that she could get a better look at the other gem. "Is this who your hiding?" She yelled at the gem that she was standing over a few moments ago, hoping that it was another surviver of the crash.

@PixieDani @katseye
Topaz let out a tiny laugh and shook her head "Excuse me but you must be mistaken nobody is hiding me".

@Sailor Adams
PixieDani said:
Topaz let out a tiny laugh and shook her head "Excuse me but you must be mistaken nobody is hiding me".
@Sailor Adams
"Oh..." She said, disapointed. "Why are you on earth then?" Tourmaline asked, fearing that she may be stranded here.
"He's....well interesting. Probably a lot of fun to pick on him and make him even more mad. But the Good Howl is nice. It feels a lot more comforting to know I can stay in one piece." Jett smiled.
Topaz looked at the girl "I sorta...fell to Earth when I was with Blue Diamond....that was over a thousand years ago have been here ever since.."
PixieDani said:
Topaz looked at the girl "I sorta...fell to Earth when I was with Blue Diamond....that was over a thousand years ago have been here ever since.."
Tourmaline instinctively bowed down her head after hearing the word diamond. When the gem said that they had been stuck here for over a millinum, there was no way off this planet, she was hopeless. "I assume your affiliated with Blue Diamond then."
Sid was napping "5....minutes....5....frigging minutes that's all I want, I mean jess Christ! !I can't even nap!!! Without something happening!!" He summoned his gauntlets.
"Okay then. Bye I guess??" Jett turned around and looked at Sid shaking her head sighing. "Hey gauntlets boy! Ever heard of a bed or a quiet place to sleep?" She rolled her eyes. "Well the show was fun while it lasted." Jett then started to walk away.
He stroked his steel breast plate, shooting up into the sky then metering back towards the one who called him gauntlet boy. The impact dug under the ground, creating a few small explosions.
"Oh crap he ain't that dumb." Jett eyes widened and she quickly made a shield to cover her. The explosions caused her to fall back and land her face into the ground. She got back up and spit out some of the dirt. Getting up she wobbled a bit when walking. "Calm down dude!!! I was just saying if you were tired go sleep somewhere that's quiet. Sheesh!!" Jett brushed some of the dirt off her. "Two words for you. Anger Management."

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