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Fandom Steven Universe RP

Echo fell out of the tree, landing on her back. She sat up and rubbed her head.

"I-i'm sorry. I-i didn't tell you my real name. My real name is E-echo. I just wasn't sure if you where nice and there are people who would harm someone like me if I told them my name and-and the streets of city's are really hard to live on and I never say my real name and---" She rambled on and on.
"Hey, it's ok. You had every reason to be afraid of me." She says comfortingly to echo. "Sid, the other gems gone now. He went to the moon or some where like that." She informed him
"I don't know, he mentioned something about working for white diamond so that's a bad sign." She sighed. "But I won't let anyone hurt you or this planet." She said kindly smiling again. "I don't think gems on homeworld like this planet and the people or te people on it." She told her wondering why herself about why they didn't like it.
(I am SOOOOO SORRY GUYS!! :S ) Jett continued walking and heard a battle going on. Quickly she ran towards it seeing what went on. She climbed up a tree and sat on the branch watching the show. "Well well well....if I'd known there would be a movie I would've brought popcorn." She laughed to herself. After that dude left she thought a bit more. "Interesting powers they all have....especially that one." Jett thought to herself and then looked up at the sky. "I wonder....if he'd miss some of his powers if it were taken." Jett smiled. She stayed quiet and continued to watch them all.
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Echo glanced around, sensing another presence.

"U-um, Moonstone? Someone is hiding near us. I'm not sure where, but they are near."
MagicalFlower said:
(I am SOOOOO SORRY GUYS!! :S ) Jett continued walking and heard a battle going on. Quickly she ran towards it seeing what went on. She climbed up a tree and sat on the branch watching the show. "Well well well....if I'd known there would be a movie I would've brought popcorn." She laughed to herself. After that dude left she thought a bit more. "Interesting powers they all have....especially that one." Jett thought to herself and then looked up at the sky. "I wonder....if he'd miss some of his powers if it were taken." Jett smiled. She stayed quiet and continued to watch them all.
Howl Crashed just a few feet away from Jett. He sat up laughing and rubbing his head. "Good one Howl..." he said to himself as he stretched. he didnt seem to notice Jett
Virtra could hear fighting in the distance as she was in the forest.She teleported and looked at all the comotion going on,but stayed in the air because she thought it would be dangerous.As she watched another person joined and he crashed into the ground stretching as if it was nothing.This was no ordinary fight.
Howl instantly had his Axe out. It was as tall as him and the blades were large. "Now.... who wants to play...." he said as his body grew rock armor. "Cause whoever does is going to have a bad time..."
Jett shrieked "Hey!!! Watch it!!" Jett growled. "w...woah." Jett lost her balance on the branch and fell. "Ow. Dang it!"
Echo covered in the bush, certainly not wishing to 'play'. This creature seemed very dangerous. Charmspeak may work on others, but Echo was far too scared to do anything with that. Instead she tossed another sword which simply fell on the ground a few feet away from the bush.
Virtra heard the word play.This must be a play ground.A fun place to have fun.That word instantly made her go crazy.Virtra flew straight into this stranger who said play and tackled him,"Play",Virtra said as she was tackling the guy rolling around as they were on the ground,"Play!Play"
Howl lifted the girl up as he stood. "Not what I meant...." he said as he put her on the ground. He picked his weapon up. "I am going to give someone a bad time alright...." he said as he started walking towards the bushe
Catseye wandered aimlessly, not necessarily lost since she had no destination set for herself. She paused in her tracks, getting a new feeling that other gems were nearby. Rebels? Scouts from Homeworld? Catseye had no idea what to think. She approached the group slowly, readying her weapon if this was a hostile encounter. She walked from behind the bush, spotting some hiding behind it and another gem approaching it. Catseye stood her ground, still walking straight toward them.
Jett turned and quickly went over to Howl.. "Woah woah ..I'm sorry but I don't think we've been formally introduced. My card.." Jett took out the mans wallet she stole and gave some random credit card to Howl. "Anyway you can call me Jinx...and if you have a brain you can probably guess why I'm called that. Sooo if anyone's going to give a person a bad time its me. Learn your place sweetheart." Jett smiled and patted Howl's head.
Howl released the rocks and his weapon dissapeared. He looked straight into her eyes. "Well Jinx.... you are messing with a Howlite here....." he said a bit angrily. "Don't mess with me and I won't mess with you..."
Topaz had seamlessly just been standing back as everything unfolded before her. She felt overwhelmed by all the new presences besides her, behind her, and generally around her. She kept her smile though and slowly started to walk away before anyone could notice. Somehow things were getting a little to violent.
"Oh I wouldn't dream of it!! I'm not here to cause anything. I just wanted to talk to you. Ya know hangout a bit. There's no need to be blowing steam. I mean you like to cause trouble, I like to cause trouble. See we could be best friends!! You just need to back up and be a little less er... trouble making. That's all." Jett said wrapping her arm around his head and giving him a noogie. "As much as I would love to stay and chat, you seem to be ..er looking a bit red so I'm going to go." Jett started to walk away. "Oh one more thing." she turned around. "You actually look a little nice when your angry but you really should cool off." Jett smirked a bit and then turned back around walking away.
Howl calmed down. he laughed "Jeez..... I can be outa whack some times..." he said with a smile "hey... Jinx... just beware that version of me... he can be a bit of a jerk" he said as he turned back around
Catseye paused, standing behind the bush and looking at those hiding behind it. She didn't say anything, just looking directly at them, her weapon still summoned.

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