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Fandom Steven Universe RP

Topaz took a step back and laughed nervously "I'm sorry its been awhile since I'v had contact with another Gem" she looked to the male gem "A failed experiment HomeWorld would of never given up on this if it was really important...." she began to think "I remember Blue Diamond mentioning something about over taking the earth but...is this what she had meant."
Exactly....so here's what I think...a pink haired lady and three rebellious gems turned against the capital and now protect this world, he'll hah there's probably some kid with a star on his shirt for all we know" he was silent before bursting out laughing "whew! That's rich...nah it was probably not habitable for the homeworlders"
"Very descriptive imagination you have there,I haven't introduced myself I'm Topaz its nice to meet you umm" she looked at the two in front of her.
Interesting onyx mused to her self as she watched the other gems from her hiding spot. Maybe she had finally found the purpose white diamond had sent her here. A male gem and a fallen topaz well well well she just might have to make her self known sonnet then she thought.
He pointed to himself "names obsidian but call me sid..." he then heard birds leave a tree "Alright you! Come out before I knock your block off!!" He yelled at a random tree, sid. ..wasnt a bright one.
"I'm moonstone, but you guys can call me blue, because I am blue." Moonstone said stating the obvious as she pointed to her skin.
Topaz watched the birds take off and smiled "Those are what Earthlings call "birds" magnificent isn't it...to have wings like that and to fly like that...I can only barley lift myself off the ground" Topaz also was not the sharpest crayon in the box. She looked at Sid and looked around "Do you believe someone else is here with us".
Onyx was surprised very few gems where able to sense her and even fewer still where able to pinpoint her location. Alright she said appearing in front of the gathered group of gems
Sid turned to onyx "not now! I'm busy finding out who's behind this tree!!! Reveal yourself or die!!!" His chest suddenly had a steel breastplate and he had two obsidian gauntlets on. "Last...chance"
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"See! I told you sid there was someone here!" Blue said remembering their search for the hidden stranger. She wandered over to where sid was telling someone to come out curious to see who it was.
Jett snuck up behind a man and kicked him in the back and quickly stole his wallet. She then raced back into the forest. She climbed a tree and rested on a branch looking through the wallet. "Hmm ......ooh la la credit cards. Looks like I'm going shopping. What else do we have here?" Jett wondered looking through the wallet more. "50 dollars huh. Looks like I'm going shopping and going out to eat." she said smiling. She then put the wallet in her pocket and slid down the tree. "Who needs a pathetic, boring job when you can just take money?" Jett laughed to herself. She then walked out of the forest heading for town.
"What are you're reasons." Moonstone says interested as she tugged her arm annoyingly. "You can tell us, we wouldn't hurt you." She says. "Well maybe he would but us two wouldn't." She pointed to topaz.
Just then sid felt an acorn hit hid head "okay manure muncher....now. I'M. PEEVED! !!!!" His fists stroked his chest plate once, punching the tree creating a grenade sized explosion.
"That was something the people on this planet call an acorn stupid." Blue said to sid who

Caused the explosion. "It's not a threat, it's just a tree nut."
Topaz nodded and laughed softly behind her hand "Sid why don't you chill out we found who was hiding no need to destroy the place."
Grk...whatever...I'm going for a walk and I'll knock down as many trees as I want" he stomped off, before punching another tree out of anger.
"Hey, watch out Sid. You never know if another acorn could hit you." She giggled watching him punch the trees angrily. She turned to topaz. "what's homeworld like? Is it pretty? Is it better than earth?" She bombarded her with questions.
Topaz smiled at moonstone and reminisced about her days before "HomeWorld was beautiful I don't know about now thought I haven't been there in thousands of years but in my time up there it was simply gorgeous....much different than Earth."
"Earths all I've ever known, some gem taught me everything about it when they found me at the kindergarden you know. But then some gems from homeworld found her and she left telling me to run. Her name was rose quartz, I think... I'm not sure." She said sadly but then smiled blinking away her tears. "Homeworld sounds fascinating. I wish I could go there one day." She wished while scratching her neck.
Jett continued walking until she heard a loud noise."What the-" Jett turned around seeing an explosion. "Hmm interesting....I wonder what could've caused that." Jett smirked walking back into the forest following the direction to where she heard the explosion.

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