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Fandom Steven Universe RP

Moonstone heard a twig crack nearby. "Guys someone else is here!" She shouted while running in the direction. She ran straight into the stranger. "Umm sorry." She said embarrassed
Echo had been wandering the streets for a while without rest. Her sword had fended off the worst monsters, but they always came back. She finally wandered towards where she heard noise, pulling her shirt to cover her gem, she peeked out at the strange creatures. They resembled humans, but Echo still didn't know what they where! They all seemed to have, it couldn't be, gems? "How in Hades?" Echo muttered.
Moonstone turned to where another stranger stood. She waved politely before walking over to her. "Hi my names moonstone, are you a gem? you seem different..." She's wondered looking at The girls blue hands strangely.

@Echo Dreamsong
Echo bit back a sharp reply, hiding her hands.

"Not exactly. My name is-" She cut herself off, not willing to give her name to a stranger, no matter how friendly. "It's, uh, Malary?"
"Hi, malary." She said to the young girl, "you don't have to call me moonstone by the way, just call me blue." She told her smiling. "Do you want to meet the others?" She asked her waiting for a reply.
A sonic Boom rattled the earth, as a thin humanoid floats down delicately. "Hmm...this....isn't home world 23.7.....everything's organic" it pressed the side of its face, and scanned "animal...organic....plant...organic....even the inhabitants are organic" it soon floated up, it's dagger like feet floated, and points forming into an acute angle and flies off to a local city.

Meanwhile sid was walking "oh don't worry we won't hurt you, well maybe he will" he mocked before yelling "RAAAGHH!! Stupid clods..."
"Hey Sid, calm down you're gonna cause some bad damage to the forest." Moonstone yelled at him angrily before going over to him to try calm him down.
Sid stopped after hearing something in the distance "shh. .." he listened carefully it sound like a levitating car "the...heck??"

Above the alien zoomed over the carnage "finally something to report on this dull rock" it zoomed down landing near the broken tree. "Hmm..but more organic life..."
Moonstone stared up at levitating gem with curiousity. Before hiding behind a tree. This gem seemed dangerous and she wasn't going to take any chances. She brought her little scythes out and got ready for an attack or movement, anything would've scared her at that point.
The mysterious gem looked at a plant "hmm..." it touched his face again to scan the plant, finding out its weakness. "Hmm..seems yellow diamond's monitoring if this planet had failed....hopefully there's a communicator to white diamind"

Sid gasped:"w-white diamond"
"White diamond?" Moonstone wondered as the thought of a superior gem crossed her mind. She had heard so much about the diamonds but had never seen one before. She tried to get sids attention by waving over to him and whispering his name continuously.
Sid was too Terrified, this guy knew white diamond, said to be the highest of the four diamonds. He stepped on a twig.

It's head slowly turned his pupil did the rest of the motion. "An inorganic lifeform. .." he stopped attempting to contact white diamond, he then scanned obsidian.
Moonstone watched as the mysterious gem floated near her and scanned Sid who stared back at it terrified. Moonstone didn't know what to do so she did the first and the most stupidest idea that came into her head first. She threw a rock at the floating gem and watched as it hit his arm.
As it was about to finish it felt a hard object hit it, turning to view it saw....another moonstone. "So.....where family huh

...cut from the same piece...cept....I was kept where my stone was...."
Moonstone stared up at him confused. "if we were from the same stone, why wasn't I taken to homeworld like everyone else?" She asked as she stared at the other moonstone who said they were family even though she wouldn't say he was family no matter what.
It smiled "we can't he separated no more then 1 galaxy apart...hence why you where not allowed to leave this....ahem" it insisted quotation marks "new world..."
She still looked confused, "why are you here? What does, white diamond, want?" She asked with her weapons in her hands as if she was ready to attack. "Why did she send you here?" Moonstone questioned.
The red eye failed......the cluster. ...is slow.....yellow diamond is bored, I am here to annihilate this planet...to atoms. .. " it spoke coldly, though smiling it had no emotion.

Sid clenched his fists ready to attack but was terrified ".....t-this planet....I. ..is for ...everyone"
"Why do you want to destroy the planet? It's beautiful, it's Eco system works great. So why destroy it?" Moonstone asked as tears brimmed her eyes as she loved this planet. The animals, humans and its food. It was all beautiful.
It opens arms "CAUSE IT'S USELESS!!! Animals...humans, plants even the very planet will die...I'm just making sure it no longer suffers...dearest sister " it points ons hand as it morphed into a cannon. "Corse you and the others can be safe....give up and you can come home with me"
"Why on earth should I go home with you. Homeworld doesn't sound to pleasant if everyone in it's like you. If the diamonds are worse if rather have my Gem shattered." She shouted while taking her weapons out again and ready to attack him. "I'll never let you take the one thing I love away from me!" She shouted climbing up a tree and jumping on him.
It sighed "shame" it fired a ball of concentrated energy. Thinking it had her, it flew off to find the kindergarten.

Sid jumped in the way, using breastplate to deflect the attack but grunts "grk...." poofs into his obsidian gem to recover.
"Sid!" She shouted falling to the ground to retrieve his gem. She clutched it to her chest crying thinking that it was her fault the other moonstone had shot him with the cannon. She ran in the direction the other moonstone had flew with anger and sadness as she thought Sid shouldn't have done that for her He was stronger than blue.
Sid's gem glowed, then flashed as if to speak in morse it spoke 'don't go....regroup with the others, tell them what's happening'
"But he could be going to hurt people!" She said panicking until realising he was right. She headed back to where the others where.


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