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Futuristic Splicers - I Am Legion - OOC Thread

Hey Purr Purr I don't want to advance the scene until you have had a chance to post in your meeting with the Chief. I'm sure that Chaska has something to add.
Yeah. Real life has gotten in the way; I will post when able. Thank you for your patience with me.
I plan on having a short time jump of a couple of weeks to give everyone time to get the upgrades do their armor done and get your training with the Chief started. After that we’ll start your next mission.

You guys can post as you wish as to your interactions as we end the scene and I post a training montage of your sessions with Chief Rybeck.

Purr Purr Eonivar Eonivar Psychie Psychie
If you wish to have a Sidekick Rifle, they receive all the physical structured upgrades that their corresponding Host Armor receive (e.g. Acid Blood, Increased M.D.C., Horned Defense, Regeneration, etc.), but they are limited with their senses as they are only equipped with a Bio-Comm, Advanced Eyes and Antennae (all other types of Sensors must be purchased and added to the Side Kick). For armors and War Mounts that have Stealth field abilities; once the Side Kick disengages from the Armor/War Mount, it is no longer hidden by the Stealth Field nor can it receive this Bio-Enhancement. Side Kick Rifles can only be upgraded with Omni, Mega and Super upgrades. You get a pool of 50 Bio-E to add enhanced senses or other upgrades.
I absolutely wish to have a Sidekick Rifle. I'll let you know what upgrades I'll add to it.
I'm going to go with the Super Light Cell Cluster one. I just need to figure out what upgrades to buy still.
Same here for a Sidekick Rifle. Then I will read up again about what all they can do. Great idea, Psychie!
For my Sidekick's upgrade, I'm considering either Radar or the Mega Upgrade. Radar would give it one extra attack action per melee, but the Mega Upgrade would double the dice damage done in a single hit. Decisions, decisions.
You just need to balance the effects of either the extra action or the extra damage. Which balances out best for you?
Hey gang! I have a question for you all. I found in one of the issues of the Rifter that I have a bio-upgrade that lets the player develop psychic abilities with a small pool of ISP to power them. It would be a point expenditure to gain the ability to use the psi powers, and more bio-e to buy additional powers, with different costs for Physical, Sensitive, Healing, and Super Psionics out of the Rifts Ultimate Edition book. Unlike other bio-e expenditures, this is done to the character and not your Host Armor, so you could make use of your psy powers out of your suit.

I do not want to introduce this game-changing option without EVERYONE'S ok. Remember, while this would be a rare power, if you can get it, so can others that might not be as nice as you. Obviously, the robot enemies would not be able to get them, but your House Artemis does have human enemies.

Purr Purr Eonivar Eonivar Psychie Psychie
Sherwood Sherwood I have to confess, my knee-jerk reaction to this is a 'no'. I am thinking that this might cause problems down the road, and unless someone has a strong argument to allow them, my vote is leaning towards not including them. I can be persuaded otherwise, but I for one will not be taking part of this option.
Hey gang! I have a question for you all. I found in one of the issues of the Rifter that I have a bio-upgrade that lets the player develop psychic abilities with a small pool of ISP to power them
I have mixed feelings about it. I like the "natural" abilities similar to psionics in some ways that the host armors and bio-tech provides...I think psionics would be taking away from that concept here.

From a character standpoint, Roughnecks get crap points for bio upgrades. Jin does not get enough bio upgrade points to do much of anything anyway, so even if such a thing were available they would not be taking it.
Ok. Thanks for your rapid responses. I will not include this option in this game, then.
Of course. I want to make sure that everyone is good with something before I pull in optional rules from an issue of the Rifter.
Hey Purr Purr I wanted to make sure you had a chance to post before I continue on with the IC thread. You ready to move forward?
No. Like I said in Psychie's game, my head's messed up. I'm not... "computing" things unless they're easy. Move forward if you feel the desire to write. I'll post when my head's back.
No. Like I said in Psychie's game, my head's messed up. I'm not... "computing" things unless they're easy. Move forward if you feel the desire to write. I'll post when my head's back.
Just making sure. If you need anything, let us know. I'll post in a bit.
Sorry for delays. It looks like my headaches were just a precursor of me getting sick. I'm coming back from it slowly but surely.

Hope you're all having a good day!

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