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Futuristic Splicers - I Am Legion - OOC Thread

Chaska's perception is a little different than the average Splicer's. Does Chaska see a better spot for Saint Karen to take cover/defensible position?
Not really. The best cover for her at the moment is Axel, as he seems set to be a human shield as she kneels down to keep as low of a profile as possible.
Not really. The best cover for her at the moment is Axel, as he seems set to be a human shield as she kneels down to keep as low of a profile as possible.
Can Axel use the limited cover with Saint Karen behind him? If it negates even one hit, that's better than zero (especially if that hit turns out to be a Critical Strike).
Can Axel use the limited cover with Saint Karen behind him? If it negates even one hit, that's better than zero (especially if that hit turns out to be a Critical Strike).
He's already trying to do so, but if the hostile force is really after the Saint, she is going to be the last thing that they try to shoot at/attack.
He's already trying to do so, but if the hostile force is really after the Saint, she is going to be the last thing that they try to shoot at/attack.
O.K.. So Axel is already taking cover behind what little cover there is. Gotcha!

The tunnel is 40 feet in diameter (40 feet from wall to wall). From the rear area the Gorehounds are coming in, does the tunnel become more narrow that Chaska can see? How about the front where Toni's preparing?

And lastly (unless there's a follow-up question which I bet there will be from me), how high is the tunnel?
O.K.. So Axel is already taking cover behind what little cover there is. Gotcha!

The tunnel is 40 feet in diameter (40 feet from wall to wall). From the rear area the Gorehounds are coming in, does the tunnel become more narrow that Chaska can see? How about the front where Toni's preparing?

And lastly (unless there's a follow-up question which I bet there will be from me), how high is the tunnel?
The tunnel does not narrow down at all, and the top of the tunnel is about thirty-five feet up, with dirt and debris filling the bottom five feet of the round tunnel.
The tunnel does not narrow down at all, and the top of the tunnel is about thirty-five feet up, with dirt and debris filling the bottom five feet of the round tunnel.
Ah! There's the follow-up. What is the shape of the tunnel, please? Is it straight or does it snake?
A shout from the dark answers Toni, saying, "We want the Saint! Give her to us and you can walk away. Otherwise, we attack. The choice is yours."

Toni doesn’t spare a glance over her shoulder to see the fire. If there was anything for her to worry about, the team would tell her. Instead, she focuses on her front and says, “That’s not going to happen, Scooter.” She then targets the one to her left and fires a dual burst at him with her Casting Launchers

25 to hit, doing 90 MDC
Color me confused. I'm all in favor of dropping virtual jerks in a sci-fi game but... at what point did Sherwood say that Toni had a target? I see only a "shout from the dark." Sherwood didn't ask for Initiative rolls either nor is either side surprised.

So... what's going on in this? Sherwood Sherwood
Color me confused. I'm all in favor of dropping virtual jerks in a sci-fi game but... at what point did Sherwood say that Toni had a target? I see only a "shout from the dark." Sherwood didn't ask for Initiative rolls either nor is either side surprised.

So... what's going on in this? Sherwood Sherwood
Toni does have Echo Location with a range of 1,000 feet, and the two targets are only 500 feet out in a tunnel that is straight for miles. She can perceive them just fine.
Toni does have Echo Location with a range of 1,000 feet, and the two targets are only 500 feet out in a tunnel that is straight for miles. She can perceive them just fine.
Sherwood Sherwood Well, hey! You nearly always ask for an initiative roll first, but if you're saying we can just open up and start shooting, then Chaska's opening fire! Glad I asked!

I take it the flames have the area hotter than 75° , so the WyldKat provides it's thermosynthetic bonuses to Chaska?

If so, he is +13 to Strike doing 2D8x10+20 M.D. if he hits. He is blasting the nearest enemy Gorehound. Small post incoming. =)
Sherwood Sherwood If the Wyldkat is now above 75°, her thermosynthetic nature allows a bonus. If so, Chaska's total modifier is +9.
Sherwood Sherwood
It pulls itself free, losing one of its actions in the process, and continues its charge forward and it will be in melee range on its next attack.
Sherwood Sherwood Re: Stick-Um Chemical Sprayer, I was using Option #4 (covering an area). Are you not using that option? He doesn't look slowed by 40% by what you wrote? Was I not specific enough (I don't mind fixing my goofs)?
I thought all it did was to burn up an action pulling through it. Let me look again, but if it does slow down, I'll edit my IC post. If it is slowed, it won't be able to attack in melee until its next attack.
I thought all it did was to burn up an action pulling through it. Let me look again, but if it does slow down, I'll edit my IC post. If it is slowed, it won't be able to attack in melee until its next attack.
Page 100, Core. It needs a certain Splicer Strength not to need two Actions to get out.
Its this one, correct?

4) The concentrated stream or gob of Stick-urn can be used to
slow down invaders by covering an area of the floor with it or
shooting at their feet (- 1 to strike). Requires a SplicerlRobotic
P.S. of 24 or greater to pull free, but uses up two melee actions/
attacks to do so, plus as long as the foot has Stick-urn on it,
each new step will stick the foot to the floor, impairing movement
with each step. A strong robot (P.S. 32 or greater) or fast
moving vehicle can keep going and only lose one melee attack,
but sees its speed reduced by 40% for 1 D6+ 1 melee rounds before
the Stick-urn loses its adhesive quality (covered in dirt and
grime negating the glue). Note: Under normal conditions,
Stick-urn stays tacky for 1 D4+4 hours unless it gets covered in
dirt, sand, or similar material, or is washed away by gasoline,
turpentine or similar solvent.
Its this one, correct?

4) The concentrated stream or gob of Stick-urn can be used to
slow down invaders by covering an area of the floor with it or
shooting at their feet (- 1 to strike). Requires a SplicerlRobotic
P.S. of 24 or greater to pull free, but uses up two melee actions/
attacks to do so, plus as long as the foot has Stick-urn on it,
each new step will stick the foot to the floor, impairing movement
with each step. A strong robot (P.S. 32 or greater) or fast
moving vehicle can keep going and only lose one melee attack,
but sees its speed reduced by 40% for 1 D6+ 1 melee rounds before
the Stick-urn loses its adhesive quality (covered in dirt and
grime negating the glue). Note: Under normal conditions,
Stick-urn stays tacky for 1 D4+4 hours unless it gets covered in
dirt, sand, or similar material, or is washed away by gasoline,
turpentine or similar solvent.
That's the one! Now, if that's what you were going by, you're the GM. I just want to point out that was the option I should have mentioned here in O.O.C. and what I had in mind when Chaska set his trap up.
I thought you were laying down the goo on the near side of the fire to stick up the hounds as they charge through. Did you want a different option? Or did I misunderstand?

If it is this, that Hound is strong enough to pull out of the goo, but it did use an extra action in the process and it will be slowed down some and not able to attack you yet.
I misread the text; it uses up two actions to pull out, not just one. So the Hound is now up to action #3, not just #2.
I thought you were laying down the goo on the near side of the fire to stick up the hounds as they charge through. Did you want a different option? Or did I misunderstand?
The dogs charge through, not over, Mega-damage fire?

The idea I had was Chaska had created a fire large enough that the hounds could not see over it, forcing them to jump over the flame (or hey! Charge through and take damage if that's what they're inclined to do - that's far from wise, but hey, bad Packmaster or something).

I misread the text; it uses up two actions to pull out, not just one. So the Hound is now up to action #3, not just #2.
Just one of the Hounds have acted so far, and yes, it charged through the flames. It is not a mere Gorehound but is instead an upgraded version of the mutt called a Mauler. Hard to control even by a Packmaster, and very aggressive.

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