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Fantasy Silva (always open)

@SleepyBuddha The King nodded at the Djinn, saying, "May whatever good that's left in the world protect you." Cassius held the lamp close to his heart and waved farewell to Dentalion.

The candles sputtered and the portals to the outside faded as the genie took his leave.

"HAHAHAHA!" The thing laughed, his friend tied up with vines. One through his stomach as he bled out. "DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU DID? THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" It shouted at him. 
"No... No! It's not my fault! It can't be! I-I didn't do it!" He stuttered, he was horrified. 
"It wasn't me!" He shouted one last time, waking up, covered in sweat. 
"I... I didn't do it..." He muttered one last time in his tree hollow. Getting out of bed he extended a grape vine and willed it to grow. Plucking a few off of the vine he began to eat, coffee beans and grapes with some apples. As well as juice he created with a mixture. 

He felt it stirring within him. That thing that haunts his dreams. He could feel it laughing, hear it laughing. He shivered, this was going to be an unstable day he thought. Moving to the kingdom he found it was night. Not only that there appeared to be demons. Quickly he ran, but one of them saw quickly following. The thing began squirming its way up. He could feel it as he was cornered by the demon. But not for much longer. A vine shot through its stomach. Then the neck and arms, Oliver fell to his knees in a giggling mess, 'It' had come. And it wasn't here to be help. 
Dantalion bowed one more time before disappearing through a portal in the floor. Thanks to the kings directive the Djinn could now act. It seemed like the advisor was keeping Silith at bay for the moment to Dantalion prioritized cleansing the capital of its demons. Dantalion appeared outside the capital and looked over the almost shellfish landscape the capital was in. As he looked it over he noticed a demon had parked itself outside the royal physician's home. " The king would want to make sure that she was safe first." Dantalion reasoned before flying over there at a good spread. When Dantalion did get there he noticed some meat had been presented puts death the door. Knowing the physician it was a trap meant to subdue the beast. Floating over the demon Dantalion drew a a circle under the four armed monstrosity which opened a portal underneath it. 

@Daniel reaving @Yonsisac
"I don't give a fuck what you are. You are still mortal none the less." She said smiling as the swords appeared then blocked her blow and started to attack. Swiftly she moved blocking and dodging each slash and attack the swords gave off as big blood red sparks shot from her sword. She couldn't care less about how he had these weapons, in the end he would die and even if she lost this war he would eventually be in deaths hands. "You are a foolish man." She said as she moved quickly whipping over one slash and ducking under the other now behind the swords she struck at him again with a series of massive jabs and slashes of her spear at inhuman speed all the while being calm as can be. She had to admit he was advanced in his art, but she had fought better before and they fell to there knees under her so she knew eventually he would to. It might not be this battle but by the end he would be crushed under her foot

@Destructus Kloud



the beast had been peacefully eating till he heard the whistling and smelt the meat. Turning it's head quickly to see the slab of meat the beast slowly got up crawling over to it on all six as it sniffed curiously before it got to the meat and the door. The beast was massive as it stood there looking at the meat curiously. It was about 9feet tall and was clearly able to destroy many things by how strong it seemed. But right now it was... calm, and curious as it slowly picked up the slab of meat with one hand looking at the door slightly before eating the meat in one massive bite not even chewing it. But sadly the calmness was quickly ended by another as the beast felt its feet start to sink making the rage return to its eyes as it roared up at the being and ripped the door from the girls house off and launched it at him as it jumped from the portal. Arching back its head pointed up it opened its mouth and let out a massive blood curdling roar which was soon replied to by others, then before the floating man new it there were three more of the beasts but only with two arms and smaller than the first all in the air nearly upon him. There massive claws out to rip the man down as they closed in knowing there little surprise attack would at least wound the man a little bit as the big Goliath roared more before it noticed the girl in the house 


Dantalion was more focused on the physician than he was himself so when the smaller demons the Djinn from behind he was caught off guard. The demons scratched and clawed and Dantalion scrapping their claws on his armor for the most part though they slashed up his throat fiercely. If he were human it would have been a mortal wound, it still would be if he wasn't careful. Dantalion struggled for a moment trying to activate his magic. His third eye looked around for a point. Finding an empty space across from the demons Dantalion turned to smoke and slipped from the demons' grasps. Once he was solid again Dantalion looked at the smaller demons with his third eye, plotting the locations of multiple portals at once. Though the demons probably didn't know it they had stumbled upon the Djinn's weakness. If his third eye couldn't see then he couldn't use his portals. 

It was at this point that Dantalion allowed himself to express his anger at those smaller demons by using his portals to cut them into small pieces, literally severing space with his portals. Dantalion then took the chopped up lesser demons into one large portal. The pieces of the demons would float In nothingness until Dantalion opened another portal. This one a few feet away from the more powerful demon.  Dantalion's throat still not healed completely he stayed silent as he watched for more attacks from behind.

@Daniel reaving ( not sure if it was open to go ahead and kill the lesser demon beasts. Please let me know of its an issue.)
Dennis sighed in exasperation. This demon woman refused to take a hint. He would have to show her, "Whoever said that I was mortal?" The spear jabbed into his body several times, punching large holes in it. And yet Dennis still remained, hovering before her as calm as ever, not even reacting to the damage he was sustaining, "I am a Void Elf. My kind don't usually live past a century for the fear of others that we will grow too powerful with age. So then what would happen if a Void Elf were to gain immortality?" The spear wounds in his chest began to close as the damage he had taken was removed slowly, almost as if time was being reversed in slow motion. He pointed his sword at Silith, "Your beloved Death rejects me. Let us fight for its favour." He thrust his Flesh Render forward as the two golden swords came stabbing at her from behind. 

@Daniel reaving
Oliver pranced around, skipping as he killed any demon that came at him. He was a giggling mess, 'It' had taken him over and he had no control. He watched as he- no 'It' killed demons of all shapes and sizes. Suddenly it heard something behind him. Turning around he and it saw a little girl, no more than 7. She had been following him the whole time, why he didn't know but that would explain the noises. Instantly Oliver fought to regain control, It would definitely kill the girl with no hesitations. It wouldn't be easy to take over, the thing was already summoning vines. But he could tell that its power was sinking as he rose. Suddenly he had resumed control. The thing at the bottom. He shot the vines at a demon on a roof, moving to the little girl, "Who're you?" She responded with, "I-I'm Anna, d-do you know where my mommy is?" He didn't know where her Mother was, but chances are she wasn't near here. "Where do you an' yer mum live?" He asked. "Umm down there!" She pointed to where he had been going, a demon infested street. "Alrigh' then. 'Old on." He picked her up and put her on his back, piggy-back style. He began to charge the street, vines shooting through as many demons as he saw while the girl watched, looking for her home. 
Silith smiled. "That's only temporary rejection." She said to him with a smirk as the two white blades just stopped in mid air seemingly having been framed by something while silith tried to block the other attack but barely missed it letting the blade skim across her side as she spun around thrusting her spear at his head which was followed by a massive punch of the spear got deflected that would send him flying if it hit

@Destructus Kloud

@SolistheSun Cass, deciding that it was hopeless to run, stood defiantly.

"I'm going to rescue the sorceress," he said, "And this time, I'm sure she's real. Dantalion showed her to me, even."

He tried to stare down Rizal, but ended up giving himself vertigo. He stepped back from the ledge, just to be safe. 

"A future king needs to keep the common folk safe." Cass vaunted himself like a peacock, which looked ridiculous given his clothes' current state of disarray. 

Rizal was unimpressed.

"What? You don't believe I can do it? You think I'm a coward, is that it? Would a coward do this?" said Cass, taking a running leap off the balcony. He landed right on top of Rizal.


[SIZE= 14px] Rizal Flemming [/SIZE]

In hindsight, she should've realized that the Prince would've wanted to prove himself a man and've done something ridiculous. If  Rizal was a different person, she might've appreciated the position more, or even welcomed it. However, she was not like that, nor did she have desire to be so. And so, despite her thoughts erupting into anger hisses, she merely holds the position a second, allowing him a chance to remove himself. Thus an awkward pause was established. The Prince was laying atop her, almost straddled, with his hands on either side of her head, just faintly brushing her antlers. His torso was pressed against hers, and his legs..... Yeah....


Rizal shoves him over and rises to her knees, picking traces of hay and straw out of her wan hair. After removing the offending materials she looks over at Cass. It seemed she had absorbed his impact more than she warranted, so he was merely scuffed up a tad more; he was lucky he hand't rammed his palms through one of her sharp antler tines. God knows she'd gore many a man in her hunts as a child. Though she justified that the pact only required her to keep him alive. It wasn't specified in what state of physical level he was to remain. 

"If you like me so much Prince, go find some other woman. I'm sure there's plenty in similar appearance," Rilaz huffs as she stands, and then bends over and hauls him to his feet. The flaunting royal had dirtied his garments and hers. She'd make sure her tunic was well scrubbed by the maids. Didn't need dirt infecting any wounds while she was fixing them up. The maids would probably burn his, no since in wearing a garment more than once. Wasn't 'fashionable.' 

After puffing her cheeks in mild annoyance, she releases it through her teeth and tries to calm her wildly beating heart. He had been to close. If she hadn't shoved him off there was a good chance she might've done something she'd regret. The demonic energies were truly effecting her resolve. But she'd manage. She'd done so for a century. Trying to change the subject of her thoughts, she glances him over - eyes his map - and pops a question, " What is the sorceress you're rambling about? And why are you searching for her now? In the middle of the night. "

While the battle between Good and Silith raged above, time seemed to be at a standstill for the royal family. King Cassius sat at the rude wooden table as condensation dripped from the ceiling into a bucket in the corner. Gil had not stirred from his cell, despite its being unlocked.

The silence was oppressive, to say the least.



Cass scrambled to his feet, ready to shake off the awkward landing like a dog shakes off fleas. Rizal was soooo not his type. Yet, being to close to her, face to face on the floor, she was almost attractive. What am I thinking, thought Cass, Rizal? Eeeew. He'd rather do it with a leper, he decided. 

"What is the sorceress you're rambling about? And why are you searching for her now, in the middle of the night?" Rizal asked.

Cass, too, was glad of the change in subject. "Gilly told me about her. He said she was beautiful and that she thought he was annoying. She sounds...perfect." Cass left out the part about wanting to learn sorcery. Or that if she refused to teach him, he would frame her for a crime against Krorial. It was better that Rizal thought this some shallow schoolboy fascination, or a plot of petty revenge.

"I figured, if she can make it so a little troll like Gil has to tell the truth, maybe she can shut him up, too."

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Upon clearing many demons she jumped up and down on his back, yelling, "There! There! There!" She pointed to the palace which Oliver knew she didn't live there. But since she said she was he went along with it, "You're a princess?! Oh, how could I not see!?" He stumbled on his words, acting foolish and surprised. The girl giggled and smiled at him. Well, hey, might as well make her happy. He started toward the palace, trying to think of many excuses as to why he is there. He kept walking there, sure there would be no demons at this point. Especially with the King's guard. 
As vala placed the chunk of meat in front of the door and began to whistle as she stared through the small door mail slot. Her eyes stared as the big Creature actually seem to get her attention! was working! as he slowly began to get closer Vala would bite her bottom lip holding the smile as such big hostile creature was so easily baited and was pretty funny if you think about it, how people fight and die when you can just make a trail of meat and get them to follow it...well of course...not all demons and monsters are like animals or such. Most are smart and self thinking to the point of speaking...or they are humans like vampires and well i bet she was the only one who finds such thing "funny". But as she kneel in front of the door staring at it but sadly... a heroine appeared to slay the filthy beast attacking her home! She went lower even more, laying her chin on the floor to see upwards from the small hole only to see the librarian!..um...what was his name again? Dantali? Dantalion? OH YEA DANTALION! now she remembers..dam she better return that "Healing tomb" book before she gets in trouble...ENOUGH OF BOOKS!

"Nononono!...what is he doing! UGH! i had this-...well no i dint have it i would have gotten killed!" Standing up immediately she would look through the window beside the door now being visible to those outside as she watch the great librarian fend off the demons! using his magical teleportation...thing...she never understood his abilities.

"Be careful! There claws are-..Ouch! I bet he is ok!" seeing him still stand and soon tear apart those demons to bits she felt bad both for him...and the little guys i mean come on! Those small guys would only have a few years of age! Vala shook her head as she should stop feeling sympathy for the monsters and let them die! with a deep breath she would need to help out or else he could be in grave danger! Grabbing her blade she went up to the door but to her shock...seems the Goliath open it for her. Hearing the loud creeks and soon seeing her door be rip and thrown at Dantalion by the Goliath as she just stood there staring up at the monster..only to see his gaze land on her "Shit!!" she drop her sword she would sprint inside the house and did her best to run towards the record keep room and try to close the door! maybe that would buy her time for Dantalion to kill it...or would it? "Help! oh god what did i get myself in to!"Goliath's where pure muscle and mass! but she was human and meant she was following her instincts to flee for safety! for so long this is her fifth time she feels fear towards thees beast..


@Daniel reaving
The two golden and white swords seemed to stop before striking, almost framed by something as they ceased their attack. Dennis' sword managed to scrape her side, the wound seeping slightly with blood, but Silith's attack did not stop. Instead, she kept going, thrust her spear at him again, this time at his head. Thankfully, the sword had more versatility than the spear when it came to manoeuvring it, allowing him to bring it up to block the thrust, sending the tip gliding past his face, a few hairs having been slashed off. What caught Dennis slightly off-guard was the follow up attack that connected with his arms as he brought them up to block again. The force and speed of the blow sent him flying backwards so that he actually landed on the black dome he had created. Dusting himself off after having landed on his feet, Dennis pointed his Flesh Render at Silith, "You are skilled and powerful, demon. Truly, this is a battle that history will remember. But an immortal Void Elf has never been defeated in history and there will be no first time so long as I draw breath." The golden swords disappeared and re-materialised by Dennis' side, "Come. Withstand this counter-offensive!" He kicked off of the barrier with great speed, of course magically enhanced to aid his mobility, and went for a straight horizontal slash across her midsection. The blades of Marceus and Darvil were supposedly meant to autonomously attack those of evil or demonic origins, such as beings like Silith, of their own regard. Some said that the weapons were guided by the angels themselves. They both seemed to reanimate, moving with Dennis so that one slashed diagonally at the demon from the right whilst the other swooped down low over the Void Elf's head to bring a crashing blow onto Silith vertically. It was a three-pronged attack all executed simultaneously, meaning it would be very difficult to dodge or block. Of course, Dennis didn't particularly take damage from normal attacks, so maiming him before he could attack wouldn't help either. No, it would only be if the demoness could destroy his book or kill the King would Dennis cease to be immortal.

@Daniel reaving (I'm not entirely sure what this framing thing is that's stopped my attacks, could you clarify please? Just so I understand.)

the Goliath screeched as it slammed into the door frame easily ripping it it to shredds as it entered the house while

other smaller beasts started attacking the man jumping at him from every direction like a swarm of bees, there movements random and no tactic to there jumps besides kill. While the goliath tore through the house after the girl it followed her to the room she went in and easily busted the wall down crouching heavily as it stood feet from the girl growling deeply. The beast nearly filled the hole room which wasn't good for her because that meant the beasts massive jaws were mere inches from her but for some reason it didn't attack her yet which it probably should have done. But it didn't, it just stared into her eyes with its as it slowly brought one of its arms forward gently grabbing the girl around the waist and lifted her up as it started its way back out of the house while handing her off to its back arms while its main ones helped him crawl through the now destroyed house.

(your fine @SleepyBuddha they were meant to die and distract him XD)

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(sorry about that I should have explained it more. So I meant to say frozen, forgive me. But I was thinking of it as a form of barrier like yours around the city but just meant to stop the blades that took her concentration that allowed her to be attacked. If it seems to OP I can change it, I'm sorry.)

"then I guess you will be the first." She said back as she waited for an attack. When it came she was ready but not ready enough as she managed to avoid the two swords but she had to block his which barely worked and injuring her a little and leaving a mark on her cheek as she growled then suddenly looked back towards the horizon then smirked. "I guess our fun will be over soon hope to see you again." She said with a mischievous smirk as she quickly moved grabbing him by his collar and pulling him into her suddenly locking her lips with his secretly placing a small tracking spell that wouldn't be noticed in him so she would know were he is before she quickly pulled away with an evil grin and snapped her fingers as most demons in the city soon just started to melt into the ground in black sludge while the ones outside retreated. "Let's consider this a pause in our glorious battle ok." She said with a smirk

(gotta keep it classy you know XD)

@Destructus Kloud
(Lol, no worries. I'm perfectly fine with it. This is a battle between very two op beings so op stuff is allowed. From what I can tell, you, the Genie and I are the strongest beings currently in the kingdom, so when we next fight, feel free to do so as one of the strongest people currently fighting. I plan to do some really awesome shizzle with Dennis that may be considered op, idk, so dont hold back on me! :D )

Dennis' eyebrows raised in surprise as the demon's lips embraced his for about as long s was necessary for the tracker to take hold, although probably longer, not that he was aware of that. As they parted, a hand rose to his lips faintly as Dennis stared numbly back at Silith, "Y-Yes. Indeed." He coughed awkwardly, whether from the tracker or just him being him, Dennis wouldn't know. Still, the rays of the sun cresting the horizon served to distract him as they shined across his face and the rest of the castle. He glanced down to see the demons that had been putting the castle in siege retreat away from the dawn. The Void Elf then looked back to demoness, "Until we may fight again, Silith." The two golden swords disappeared in a flurry of white crystal energy that soon dispersed into nothing. Dennis inclined his head, "Thank you Marceus, Darvil. May your will serve to fight a holy battle another day." The swords only targeted demons, but Dennis had yet to see them target any other type of enemy, ones that were not overly evil or of monstrous nature and origin. It seemed they would not attack the innocent or good creatures of the world. It did make Dennis wonder why the swords didn't simply attack him due to his race, but he hadn't questioned it much. The Flesh Render remained in his hands however. Dennis was an honourable fighter, yes, but he was not an overly proud or impulsive one either. Should he dispel the sword, or it was destroyed, then the wounds Silith had sustained would heal. Whilst he still had the sword equipped, she would have to suffer them until she disarmed or bested him. It was the tactic of a war of attrition, meaning his enemy would be disadvantaged in their next battle. Dennis liked to use it against other immortals as it was often the only thing that could overcome their invincible bodies, much like his own. It was one of the only weapons he had that could keep Dantalion in check should he ever decide to betray the kingdom, not that Dennis distrusted him in the slightest. Indeed, he would trust him with the king as much as himself. But he preferred to have contingency plans for all cases of emergency, and the genie was very capable of destroying this entire land with one of his wishes. That kind of immeasurable power made Dennis both nervous and glad that he was on the king's side. Bringing his attention back to the matter at hand, Dennis returned his gaze to Silith, ensuring her decisions weren't a ploy to stab him in the back whilst unaware.

(My, my, that was unexpected!  xD  I wouldn't say Dennis is vulnerable to such tactics ((given his sexuality)) but I would say he is none too experience in that area.  :P  Touche.)

@Daniel reaving @SleepyBuddha(I mentioned you a bunch for some reason, so I thought I'd tag you so you could read it. :P )

[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 0)]Morris[/COLOR]

It wasn't long after Morris had finished recovering from his transformation that he burst out of his home to start slinking around the back of houses. Walking on all fours, he began his search for stragglers. Hopefully for him there would be a drunk near the pub, as there are usually men who collapsed on their way back to their homes, an easy meal for him. Only problem with snacking on the drunks was that Morris himself would get drunk from the excess alcohol in their bodies. His night always ended behind the pub, where he would simply look like another man who luckily survived the night.

On his little route around the city his invisible eyes spotted a home with its lights on. The windows weren't barricaded and the door looked easy to smash through. However Morris wasn't the type to rush into homes and cause a ruckus, he was more the kind to scare his victims out of their skin before being eaten. As quietly as he could, Morris broke open a glass window with his bone-white antlers and clambered into the house. However the moment he stepped into the house he was ambushed, a man wielding an axe had popped out to fight him. 

Morris' reactions were quick, quick enough to dodge the swing and lunge at the legs of the man. His teeth made contact with the flesh and began to tear at him, causing the grown man to cry out in pain. It was a quick fight, but it made a lot of noise from the man struggling against Morris. Perhaps somebody heard from the outside?
As the first rays of sun peeked over the horizon, Krorial sighed with relief. It was becoming increasingly harder for the people to stay awake during the day, but this was not for boredom. In fact, daylight was a precious thing. Cassius was nothing if not thankful that the night was over. 

"We are safe, for now," he announced to the group.
While the smaller demons jumped trying to attack Dantalion the Djinn simply made gestures at the tiny demons and the space they inhabited was rended by the Djinn's cosmic power leaving several diced up demons and quite the bloody mess. Dantalion could see the larger goliath walking off with his physician friend. The goliath's behavior was quite strange, and as the first light of a new dawn rose Dantalion figured he would allow the goliath to continue with what it was doing, under Dantalion's supervision of course. Floating a little behind the demon Dantalion watched it closely for any signs of aggression. With the encroaching Sun it was no doubt that it would seek shelter.

Snapping his fingers  Dantalion opened a portal to Dennis. No bigger than a hand mirror. This type of portal was meant solely for communication." With the coming of the sun the demons will scatter. Dennis, release the barrier so that the enemy can flee. If they are caged in during the day it will only bring more chaos. I have an interesting case I will be monitoring."

@Destructus Kloud @Daniel reaving
Dennis glanced at the mirror and nodded to the Djinn, "As you wish." The black barrier began to dissipate, peeling and flaking away in patches until it was no more and the natural sunlight touched the castle once more. Although most of the demons inside the barrier had turned to nothing, a few survivors scuttled away, back to the southern forest from whence they came. Dennis then replied to Dantalion, closing his Arcreation Book, "The threat has been dealt with - for now. I fear that Silith demoness may attempt again at staking her claim of the kingdom. I shall inform the King." With one last glance at Slilith and a mutter of, "Damn that succubus woman..." Dennis disappeared in a puff of smoke, to soon return to his King's side, bloodied sword still in hand, "The enemy retreats temporarily, my king. I suspect another attack come nightfall, possibly accompanying a larger force as well." Dennis informed Cassius and those that were around him, "We have taken heavy casualties in the southern garrison as well as a few civilians from the residential area there. I believe a few demons had managed to get in due to my error." Dennis scowled at himself and hung his head down slightly in shame as he said this, but continued on nonetheless, "To conclude, we have driven off the enemy forces with heavy casualties to the south, but with minor structural damage. It is highly likely a second attack will follow this, stronger than the last, by nightfall again." The Void Elf took a deep breath and composed himself from his fast-talking update, "Your orders, my liege?"

@SleepyBuddha @Daniel reaving @Bethari
@Destructus Kloud King Cassius examined the void elf. He looked worse for wear, but whole. He handed him a handkerchief, saying, "What do you suggest we do? And kindly mind your sword; this may be the dungeon, but we would like to keep it as clean as possible, should someone have the misfortune of being trapped down here." He winked at Gilgondorin, who was still in his cell, sulking.
Still using the small portal Dantalion began communicating with the king, " Master, I recommend I withdrawal from the capital immediately. I can transport the people to a more defensible fortress within the mountains. Doing it this way would circumvent the need of using a wish." Dantalion said as he continued to watch the Goliath closely. Once the Djinn was done watching he would gather up the physician and return to his king. Dantalion agreed with Dennis' analysis of the situation. Silith would be back with a much larger army than before and it would only be a matter of time before the city would be overwhelmed. Even with the sorcerer and himself as the vanguard. 

@Bethari @Destructus Kloud @Daniel reaving

@FireMaiden (well the city was sieged by a demon army all castle servants were evacuated to the castle dungeons where it was safe while Dantalion and Dennis fought the demons. The army has retreated with the daylight and everyone is beginning to regroup.)

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