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Fantasy Silva (always open)

"How about you deal with him, I go see if there's people and get them out?" Ash said, not really wanting to kick himself for now while he could still fix what had happened, and with that, walked into the house and straight through the fire what seemed to be spreading. The strange thing, however, was that he wasn't effected by walking through it at all and the flames seemed to gravitate towards him as he walked through it. there was a way around the fire, it was in the middle of the room, but he didn't want to waste time. He went up the steps 3 at a time, in close pursuit of the skeletal figure, but by no means faster than him. He hoped they would not reach the family before he reached the top if the stairs. "Hey you demon monster bugger get back here! I'm not done with you!"

@Cheryl @Destructus Kloud
Dantalion muttered to himself, " This is not good..." He found evidence of a dimensional transfer from the spot but he was too weak to force the gate open. With a sigh Dantalion reported, " Master I have some bad news. Vala has been kidnapped by a demon. There is evidence of dimensional travel at the point I lost track of here." Dantalion continued deeper into the forest, floating above the treeline. He would find his master's heir before returning from such a failure. 

Dantalion followed the last location he had pinged the magical signature of the heir. @Bethari  

As Dantalion traveled to the Prince he noticed another magical presence within the forest. A unicorn... such beings were all but endangered at this point. He would love to have one as a pet before they were wiped out.

"Ah Silith is a honor to meet you...literally..." she said with a smile as Vala heard her name...she is gonna be honest this was like a dream for her. Being in a place full of demonic entities and with there leader just being lead down a dark Forrest as they talk...not many people do that these days. As they walk soon heard the demones mention how she had not to worry about it seeing if she wanted her dead the Goliath would have had a snack...hmmm so this was planed out? this night there mission was to kidnap her? wow...this might sound wrong but...she is glad she got kidnapped. Vala felt a little uncomfortable at the glance Silith gave....wow! how intimidating! such creature of higher authority can inflict such fear with just a glance! that is not going to the books...just a personal experience yo remember

"Was very confused once i saw it just...picking me up gently, kinda expected it to eat me but glad for the clarification miss!" she said as Vala has a endless amount of questions to ask! but lets start with simple ones as they walk to...wherever they are going.

"I know this is expected like...you said all of you know me...But where are we exactly? Is this some sort different dimension? or we are just in a safe-zone for all demons from interactions of humans in the world?.....Um...If i cant know the question i understand actually...I-I am just thoughtful is all" she said in a respectful manner and well...carefully...as she was messing with a demon and asking questions like this might get her killed! but she just wanted to know! but of course if she could not know the question...Vala will of course not try to make Silith spit the answer out..very bad idea.

@Daniel reaving
"Yeah. The Goliath really wanted to eat you though but he was under orders." She said softly as she lead her through the forest. Thinking about her question she gave a slightly puzzled look. She had never really thought about it till now. "Well I guess you can call it an alternate dimension. A safe haven from the mortals." She said to her as she walked with her. "This place was created by our leader to shield us from the tread hour our light of day." She explained to her



Looking back to face the novice pyromancer, Morris gently set down the corpse by the landing and quietly laughed to himself. A voice somehow being produced from his body, Morris hoarsely said "What is it human? Don't you have better things to do than to help these poor bastards?" . His teeth clacked together as he spoke, himself standing up on two longs legs. The wendigo almost reached the ceiling once he was fully upright, a stench of rotting flesh coming out of his mouth and coming off of his body. The small family that were once peacefully sleeping had woken up, a baby wailing as she was disturbed from her deep sleep. They were all cowering in the bedroom, listening to the conversation and fearing for their lives. Morris couldn't see them at the moment, but he knew that once he was finished with the mage he would have all of the time in the night to watch them.

Except the wendigo had forgotten the Void Elf was still nearby. Floating up to the window of the bedroom, Dennis stepped inside. His flowing robes and obviously recognised face as the Royal Adviser did much to calm the family as he stood between them and the monster. Dennis glanced behind himself at them with a grim nod, "My condolences." He looked at the mother, "Your husband has perished whilst defending his family." He then looked back to the monster in the other room through the doorway, leading the the stairs. The Void Elf waved his free hand and a dark barrier seemed to form around the walls, ceiling and floor of the room that the pyromancer and the wendigo now faced off in, "It is better to minimise the damage. Deal with this monster whilst I prevent it's escape." He told the fire-caster as his barrier finished forming, the translucent black hue it gave off looking akin to tinted glass, and even more so to the giant barrier he had cast over the castle not so long ago. He was sure it would be able to contain whatever the pyromancer and the wendigo would throw at it, not that he was trying to ensnare the pyromancer. He hesitated momentarily as he got a better look of the monster as it turned to the family. It looked familiar. Perhaps it's looks were remniscient of someone who worked at the castle?

@Cheryl @Taykillz
Well, he can fly. and, you know, block the way out... Ash's plan had already gone south, but then again how are you supposed to guess an elf can just... fly in a window and do what he did? The situation he was in was already pretty bad. Big, scary, undead looking monster on top of the stairs, weak, flimsy unarmed human at the bottom. He had to think of a few possibilities before coming up with an idea, his powers weren't exactly the best in closed spaces. Summoning as much power as he could, a rune, rather than appearing once he traced it, formed on its own.


He would put both hands together and shoot fire at the rune, and, as it passes through, it becomes a solid pillar, beam maybe, of burning hot plasma. As one of his stronger spells, however, it took a lot out of him just to summon it, let alone keep it up. And it's summoned from demonic energies, too. not the most friendly source compared to the normal arcane source that most spell casters summon power from. He was already finding it pretty hard to see the wendigo spirit in the room, as it  was basically pitch black, but they probably would not have the same difficulties, his flame shaped scars and, you know, the fire emitted having a clear, reddish- orange color to them. Dosen't take a genius to figure out where he is, really. He just hoped his aim was true, it's not like he can run away, after all...

@Destructus Kloud @Cheryl


Camellia and the fairies held their breath as the beast would not leave. They didn't move at all. Then, the creature started to sniff one of the houses a fairy lived in. The animal was not buying their hiding, but that didn't stop them from staying hidden in their huts. The monster, still sniffing, now neighed which sent a shiver through Camellia. Just when she thought they were over with, a bright light flashed through the village and into the beast's eyes. The blinding light sent him running away, while the fairies let out a sigh of relief. 

Camellia and the other fairies hesitantly stepped out of their huts to regroup in the middle of the village. Once everyone was safely out of their homes and in the village's center, they looked around to see if any damage was done. This was probably the closest the fairies have ever been with encountering one of the terrifying creatures of the night. Though everyone was here, a few houses were ruined after the animal stepped on it while it ran away from the light. All of the fairies quickly went to work fixing the homes, silently thanking whatever caused that light that saved them.


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(sorry for the long delay! but tomorrow there is nothing in my path so i will replie all day!)

Vala was feeling lucky the fact this demon was the one who order the giant beast not to eat her...if she was eaten she would have never seen this place! Vala saw her puzzled look and tilted her head wondering only to hear her replied....Haaa so this was a different dimension! interesting and by leader she means Mortis...maybe but for now she will keep it in mind "Incredible! a place JUST for all demons and monsters to escape the light-...Hmmm wait now i say light-" she soon stop as she was gonna ask a different question! with a sight and scratching the back of her neck as she followed would ask "I am aware of the questions i am asking....May i ask permission to ask more? I mean....if it takes for me to keep it only to myself i would not tell the others," she ask as she wanted to know so much more! yet its best she tries NOT to ruin the trust she has ESPECIALLY being here and Vala would keep it away from the others if it was necessary...as a researcher she would do anything for such delicate and important information! its her pride after all! pluses this might be the ONLY chance she will get to be here...better make the most out of it...

As she followed she would reach down and take a small single grass from the soil and looked at it...hmmm dint seem different...well she could not see it well from the gloomy place this was. Leaving it go she would continue to follow staying a LITTLE closer than usual but leaving space of course....she knew this demon had command over the others but what if one was hungry? what if one just sprung up at her and tried to kill her...she was not scared...but careful as this place had no humans, speaking of that....was she the first human to set foot in this dark plain?

@Daniel reaving

the demon house layed there now behind the tree as the sun rose whimpering its breath heavy as it didn't move from its spot. Holes in it's skin sizzling from the light and smoking as it laid there it's head on the ground as it kept whimpering softly 




silith smirked at the girls words nodding. "Yes you may ask away and we know you will keep your mouth shut. Or you will die." She said as she walked with her through the woods some smaller demons starting to follow them. More bird like and squirrel like. Suddenly though a screeching was heard as a demon landed on the girls right shoulder screeching loudly


the demon was about the size of a capuchin monkey so it wasn't like it was a Goliath slamming into her shoulders but silith new the demon would startle her so she spoke quickly. "Don't worry it's just curious. No demon will hurt you here unless I tell them to." She said as the demon looked to her screeching softly as it closely inspected her face

Back at the Castle, King Cassius had issued an order for every man, woman, and child to be within castle walls before nightfall. Heralds were sent out to the city to inform the people of Kroria of the news; the King had an important announcement to make and it was your civil duty to attend.

The time drew near for Cassius to give his speech. The King peeked behind the curtain at the gathering crowd below, letting out a shaky breath. Though he tried not to show it, public speaking had always made him nervous. He looked to Eloise for reassurance, which she returned with an encouraging nod.

As the sun began to sink below the horizon, Cassius appeared at the balcony like Helen of Troy. With him were the Royal family, minus one, Prince Cass. He waved to the people and put on the bravest face he could muster. The trumpets sounded, and the King began his speech.

"People of Kroria, lend me your ears.

On the wings of loss and despair We bring

Hope and the chance to live peaceably,

Away from darkness, monsters, and Evil.

"You shall stay in the mountains o'er Silva

Dale, where demons dare not tread nor Evil

Abide, for you shall be under Our protection

And Dantalion's, who serves Us.

"We do not take this decision lightly."

@animegirl20 @SleepyBuddha @FireMaiden @2PM @Destructus Kloud
Thalia held a strong face, looking at the people of her kingdom. And it only broke when her father said they would be staying in the mountains. She looked over at him for a brief second, quickly studying him, before turning her head back. On the outside, she looked calm and orderly, but on the inside, she was nervous, worried, and a bit scared for their people. The mountains, though safe from demons, was harsh and dangerous in their own right. She desperately hoped he was doing the right thing.



When Morris saw the void elf his heartbeat quickened, he couldn't let the guardian of the royal family find out that one of their cooks was a wendigo. He could be thrown in prison for murder or worse, he needed to escape with his meal. Growling under his breath, he snatched up the dead man and was about to escape through the window when dark walls enclosed around him and the pyromancer. The wendigo attempted to break the magic walls but when his bone antlers made contact with them a searing sensation ran through his body, making him screech and back up.

Turning back to face the pyromancer, Morris set the corpse down once more and flared his rotten claws. Not waiting to see what he would do, Morris lunged at him. He noticed his mistake as a orange rune glowed in the darkness, a crackling flame appearing in the pyromancer's hands. He stopped his attack and leapt to the side, almost escaping the fire pillar. Almost. One of his feet was caught in the blast, setting it alight. Roaring, Morris took his burning foot and made an attempt to put it out, feeling the light and fire burning him alive.

@Destructus Kloud @Taykillz


Willow made the decision to come out from the side of the path and follow behind them. The people didn't have the sense of evil magic around them, and they were talking about somebody being kidnapped by a demon. He knew he could help them, it was his duty to protect people from the monsters of the night. The monochrome unicorn could speak in their language mainly because he could use his own magic to translate his horse sounds into actual words.

Dennis' eyes raised in surprise as the pillar of fire loomed over towards the wendigo. He had been assisting the rest of the family's escape as they exited through the window and down some shadow steps to the street below. As the last escaped the pillar smashed into his shield, breaking a hole in it and tunelling through the walls and out into the street. It had happened to just start raining lightly a few minutes ago as the sun's rays shined across the misty air, creating rainbows an refraction's of light in places. The pillar was therefore dampened slightly by this. The hole was clearly big enough for the wendigo to escape and Dennis knew he wouldn't be able to patch the barrier up in time before it left, even with the injured foot it had. He sharply looked at the pyromancer, "Quick, stop it from escaping!" The hole in the barrier and wall was to the left of Dennis and in the other room, through the doorway, meaning he would have to drop the barrier to get to the hole, which would be counterproductive. Not being able to access the hole itself to attack the monster as it exited the house or able to patch up the hole, it would be up to the fire mage to deal with the beast yet again as the Void Elf tried to assist him.

@Taykillz @Cheryl
As Dantalion tracked Prince Cassius he noticed the unicorn coming closer. There was also the issue of the Sun setting. He needed to get the Prince back to the capital before the darkness hit. Prioritizing his Master over his own curiosity Dantalion teleported beside Prince Cassius, " Prince take my hand. Your father is worried sick. " 

Dantalion purposefully left his portal open. Knowing that unicorns were incredibly intelligent Dantalion hoped that the unicorn would get curious enough to walk through.
Ash was already pretty worn out by now, physically and mentally. Of course, he overdone it with the beam, it had made a hole in the wall, and he couldn't keep it up to stop the wendigo from escaping, either. As he dropped the magic he thought through his arsenal, wondering if there was anything he could use. Fireball? No chance. Flamethrower? Nah, end up burning the building down, and would probably encourage escape. He had nothing what was really usable inside what wouldn't burn the building down or even the whole city. There was that, but it would probably be a bad idea, but then again... it's the only way.


With the last rune and last of the power he could really muster, a third one would appear, and, outside of the hole on the streets, a small wall of fire would raise and crackle, not as powerful as the last spell, this one was basically a rectangle of really high fire. And then he realized, with all of the energy he's using, he probably couldn't muster any more without seriously harming himself. and he had trapped himself with the angry-looking wendigo. great. He resorted to gettong on the opposite side of the room that the wendigo was on, hopefully the elf guy could muster something before it realized.

@Destructus Kloud @Cheryl
Vala would narrow her eyes slightly as she would say " I think i know that better than anybody..." she said as she would cross her hands and smile, believe me after all she has seen of course she would die if she spits a word but now...being able to ask away any question her heart desires with the only limitation of not telling anybody was impressive gift! and losing it would be a terrible curse!...and with her life...As with a happy look soon she would hear a loud screech and echoed through the area. She got startled by the sound but more so at the "bird" like demon that landed on her shoulder! Vala was about to panic but soon heard Sil say it was just inspecting her...well they might have never seen a human so would be predictable "Hoooo! i never seen this one before!" she said in a exited tone as she let the bird to inspect her face as she gave a soft giggle "Well now it is a cutie!" she said as seeing they would not hurt her.....she would reach up to it and very gently pass the tip of her fingers on its head, It was rough to the touch as her fingers glide its spikes."What is it called?" she asked as she as well inspected it back....two curious beings....wondering about each other...D'awww!

As she was busy with the smaller demon she would now be free to ask questions as she followed and would ask the first "well i want to start with the simple things actually....Dose this place have a name? if so, may i know?" she asked as she followed Sil down the Forrest...well this was a rather long walk....but dint matter! she could walk miles just along her thirst for her mind where fed!

(ok so i did say i was gonna stay all day, sorry i swear wont happen again(Only on none-weekends do to studies) days don't go well)

@Daniel reaving
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(Day is getting close, get prepared x)

The air felt cold and hurt her lungs even was she was inside the safety of her cabin. The fire was still going strong, but it didn't seem like it was enough to heat up the room, even less her uncomfortable bed. She closed her eyes for a second, and wished for morning. Luna's entire body was tense and she found it impossible to relax as every cracking from the fire made her flinch. She was prepared for an attack, and she had been prepared for a long time. Her cabin was near the forest, and it made it hard for her to rest peacefully at night. 

Rosemary put up her hood and with stern steps she walked towards the forest, not the sanest of choices as she wasn't very well liked by some of the vampires in different packs, but she couldn't help herself to ignore that. She was hungry, and the humans were in their bed. It would easy to lure a child out from their home, but despite her hunger she understood that it was wrong, it was a mere child. Rosemary clutched her teeth and walked faster, Silva was close.

"Soon." she thought and ran as fast as she could towards the forest, demanding some kind of food and quickly. 

(sorry for short, just wanted to update and put things together, it will be longer next time)
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Silith looked back chuckling a little as she saw the demon stare at the girl before it reached out with its front hands gently grabbing her cheeks and moving her head around before it screeched a little and quickly climbed onto her head and sat down on it. "He likes you" silith told her as they got to a clearing of black flowers in the night sky of the dimension. "Well the demons just call it haven, so I guess that's it's name." She said to her as she looked around. "Mortis should be here by now." She mumbled as she looked around some more. "Baby?!" She called out figuring he would answer her when she called 



(figured I'd tag you mantab because silith is trying to talk to mortis)
(Excuse any dumbassery I may have committed in the post. My posts normally suck major booty but do so even more when written from my phone. K thx)

Ika walked leisurely through the darkened forest, rustling in the trees and bushes followed her as various deformities trailed her, out of sight. 
She looked towards the city with her empty gaze and sighed. Through the eyes of a few guised thralls she had managed to sneak past the castle walls before their closure, she watched the scene. All of them hidden, hooded, scarved or otherwise hiding their physical peculiarities that were a hallmark of a young bodysnatcher. The pretender thralls stalked the crowds scoping the young, the old and the infirm for infection. 
She'd been hard at work consuming everything from weary travelers making their way to Kroria to herds, packs and flocks of animals in an attempt to spread the reach of her surveillance further out. She'd clocked demonic activity further in the forest but was unconcerned with it at the moment, she didnt have the mass to take on that concentration just yet. Currently, she was simply enjoying the twilight before she began the hunt for more creatures of the night to lay claim to their powers. She sang and pranced on the path toward the edge of town, the song and dance both belonging to a young migrant girl she'd assimilated earlier that day, one who's body and soul ran fused to her father's bloody corpse in the woods surrounding Ika. All the while, her small legion had already began to fan out from her temporary hearth to position themselves such to ambush those who hunted humans under the cloak of night. She enjoyed the addition of the memories more so than just the attributes or mass of the creatures she consumed. It was like a neverending movie some scenes terribly boring, some action packed, some heart wrenching some filled with bliss, but all offering some sort of insight. Insight into the ins and outs of the pathetic ordeal that is living and dying. 
Her recollection of stolen thoughts was pushed to the background as she noticed a cabin not far from where she now stood, stoically. 
There was a presence inside. She sent her 3 of her 6 trailing beasts off to hunt ahead of her while she sated her curiosity. 
With an imitation of a smile she catapulted towards the cabin with thw speed and veracity of a freight train, her movements strange and animalistic, before coming to a dead stop at the door. Complete silence fell as she pressed herself up against it and probed the atmosphere for information on what lays beyond it. 
"Human...", she hissed to herself in delight.
She had little use for her in terms of consumption, yet still she craved contact if for nothing else than to simply bring unrest. The realm and it's inhabitants were all still relatively new to her and so she pounced upon any opportunity for a good time she came across. 
She could only really tell that she was female, fairly young and mildly distressed. She sensed another, a remnance of someone now gone. This absentee was not human...
"Vampire..", she commented, uninterested. They were so easy to catch all she ever had to do was tempt them. A pitiful excuse for a virus. 

Ika lifted a single, already clenched fist and knocked against the door. 

(@mantab and anyone else up for interaction with Ika or Ika-x.)

@Obsidian (cuz u fam)
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Luxor gazed at the window as he tapped his pen against the desk. He sighed , turning his attention back to the papers that were splayed across the wooden table. " It seems like Jim does know how to spell " he mummbled. Luxor shook his head and decided to grade the paper back at home. For now , he deserves a piece of cake. The angel smiled and started place the papers into a folder then into a bag.

Luxor walked down the hallways of  the school, nodding as various of students greeted him. "Well, isn't it the great Aurum Luxor ..or should I call you Aurea?" a feminine voice came from behind him.

Luxor cursed and turned around. "What do you need Julia?" he groaned.  The pink haired girl smiled and skipped over to the taller man. " I just wanted to see ya. I'm also the soon to be added character to the story " she replied. Luxor furrowed his eyebrows. Julia always spoke about some nonsense. He shook his head and looked down at the pinkette. " Look Julia...I know you came here to bother me , but I need some alone time. That means you can't come to my house and eat up all the food. Now, I bid my farewell" he said and quickly turned around. "Awww....hehe...it's not like I ever listen to him anyways "Julia chuckled. 

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