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Fantasy Silva (always open)

Dennis accepted the handkerchief gratefully and began dabbing at the blood-stained holes in his robes, "Dantalion's suggestion is definitely appealing. I would concur with a slight alteration. We evacuate all the civilians but keep a standing army here to fend off the demons. The castle and its walls are very defensible, especially given that the enemy are only attacking from one direction. I would suggest that Dantalion and some commanding lieutenants see to the escape of the kingdom's residents whilst the north garrison forms up with the south and whatever mercenaries we can muster to aid us in the battle. Of course I will be there to battle Silith again should she decide to lead the fight again." Once he had finished with the handkerchief, he placed it on a nearby torch windowsill as he continued, "If the demons are not defeated here, they will ransack the kingdom for its stores, buildings and armouries, not to mention the royal treasury. I believe our defensive fortress in the mountains was designed for the temporary storage of many people or the indefinite defence of a small army. We would not sustain our people there whilst we rebuilt here in the kingdom." Dennis finished, still in thought over his adaptation of the Djinn's plan. His book had returned to his side and the bloody sword was still in his hand, for he refused to release it and concede the damage he had dealt to Silith. He glanced back up to the King, "Is that acceptable?"

@Bethari @SleepyBuddha
(( I was hoping you'd wipe the sword off, but okay xD  @Destructus Kloud ))

Cassius weighed his options. Moving the people would mean saving lives; the choice was a no-brainer. But then there was the matter of his errant son. Prince Cass was somewhere in the forests of Silva, lost, lonely, cold, and hungry. An evacuation most certainly mean leaving him behind. The King did not want to entertain the idea of his heir being torn apart by demons, but it was a possibility, nonetheless. Maybe they should stay put until Cass is safe at home? But what about his people? Didn't they have sons and daughters worth protecting? Another night here meant more innocent lives lost. What good was a king if he didn't do everything in his power to keep his subjects safe?

The decision weighed heavily on the King. "If that is what is best for our people, we will do it," he agreed.
One of the most prominent abilities of the original 72 Djinn was the abilities to read the minds of other races. This enabled the Djinn to, among other things, discern the desires of their combatants and use them against their enemies. Once the original 72 were captured the mind reading ability was relegated to reading the master's mind and trying to screw with them in the very limited capacity. Though in the case of Dantalion's newest master Dantalion didn't mind helping the king. "Master, I shall look for your heir immediately. Please don't allow it to bother you further." With that the Djinn stopped following the Goliath and sent out a pulse of energy that would bounce off of living creatures, giving Dantalion the location, magical power, and physical characteristics.

@Bethari @SolistheSun @Destructus Kloud @Daniel reaving

(Ps: pleas tell me if i miss anything!)

Vala ran as fast as she could through the house only hearing loud tumbles,cracks and booms as this beats was chasing her! well she never thought being food but was kinda expected she would die by some monster any time soon. As she reach the room and look behind she saw the destruction left behind by him. Soon her glance would change at the sight of the Goliath blocking the way out and filling the room like a brick wall. Her hands would would raise up as if trying to coward away, the smell of ash and blood attacked her nostrils as she was scared but...even at the sight of his massive jaw...he dint attack?. she open one eye and look and wonder how she was not dead yet? was he getting the spices? salts? it was very confusing. "Um...Y-...You are...n- WO!" Feeling the massive hand wrap around her waits and raise her was of alarm but he was careful....what the hell...like LITERALLY what are you doing? her mind was shooting ideas of what was happening but none would fit this situation! no monster has done this and was like finding a fish swimming in air! was so mysterious " I-....I don't know if i should b-be scared or impressed the fact im alive for m-more than 30 seconds" She said looking up at the beast as it began to walk out of the house.

As the beats got outside the hole on the wall she saw the Librarian still fighting the smaller demons. but as she saw him shredding demons apart she would think she might be some sacrifice material! a offering! or maybe some kind of snack for the road before dawn? she dose not know, her records and research never saw this. "Lo- Look i assure you i am n-not the best sacrifice material! believe me! i m-mean i am just a physician! i m-mean i am enjoying this seeing how this is SOMETHING i never s-seen before but st-still i don't get kidnapped by demons so often-" she said pausing under her breath and being slightly jittery. I mean yea this was VERY impressive but dreadful at the same time! her hands would pound on the beast's arm as if trying to make it let her go...when that wont happen...what the hell is going on? all she could do is sit there..well hang there wondering what will happen...she just hope if she is gonna be food the Vanguard would save her.

@SleepyBuddha @Daniel reaving
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While running towards the place he heard them. The giant footsteps and the talking, immediately he hid behind a wall, looking through an alleyway at the two. A giant demon and a girl who was being kidnapped. Where he was was unknown to him. He had gotten lost somewhere along the many turns of fighting demons. "Stay 'ere will yeh?" He put down the little girl. Instinctively he put her in the poorly made woven basket. It was big enough to support her and hopefully no one would look in it. Hopefully no demon would at least.. He took a deep breath before shouting at the Goliath, "Over 'ere yeh big thin' tha' shoul' go back tuh 'ell! Yer Wife's been sleepin' wi' other demons!" He shouted. Obviously he had nothing to come up with, he wasn't witty with insults. Either way he had hoped to catch the Goliath's attention. For if he came his way there was two hundred vines waiting for their target. He was tired all ready and after this attack he was done for the day. This attack was his biggest yet. 

@Yonsisac @Daniel reaving
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the beast handelded her gently as it moved soon putting her to its chest instead and holding Her there tight with it's second pair of arms as it jumped onto a building climbing up it completely ignoring the man that used a completely idiotic insult at it as it moved for the walls of the city. Sadly for the man though he had attracted a

different demon.


suddenly the man was rammed into by another demon it screeching loudly as it tumbled with him while the Goliath quickly made its way to the walls and

over them with the girl in its grasp



Silith smiled at the guys last words to her making her seductively blow him a kiss before she just disappeared from where she had been without a trace. It had been like the attack never happened except for the mutalated bodies of soilders and people unlucky enough to be out that late that now flooded the streets.

@Destructus Kloud
Vala soon was even more alarmed...yep she was gonna be a demon offering...that is for sure...gonna be place on a table and maybe be stabbed or something, well at least that is a much quicker way to go than being eaten no? She heard how some one was trying to get its attention but she could not see because of the beast itself. "W-wait wait! NO! Dammit! what do you want from me?? where are you taking me??" she ask as she began to struggle but soon instead of being grasp she was hold by its chest. Her eyes widen as of why this thing is not being aggressive? you know holding her by the leg and swinging her like a rag-doll, what happen to all that. "Ok mister! this might be something i would be writing about right now but the fact you are taking me out of the safety of the wall is not cool! what are you gonna do? drop me in a pit of demons or something? Look just saying! i am not a good snack...i don't eat much meat ether...I got no-to little fat so i am not good for there diet!" She ramble on and on saying shameless words as she soon just sigh and narrow her eyes and would just give up...i mean...she knows what is gonna happen unless this guy just wants her as some kind of trophy? soon a spark light up in her head! 

Was she being taken away because of all the knowlage she has of the dark monsters and such might make them lose? would make sens why they would instead of killing her would take her away like this!...maybe not she docent know she was just shooting ideas out "You know...you are lucky i am not like other people, the fact i am not that scared of you and i am just not even trying...i mean i am not like others who have fancy powers and could just POOF away and plus i don't even know what you want with me...but oh well" she said only to exhale and wonder...the librarian should know where the Goliath would run off to...i mean he has those...wizard knowlage...power things...so if she dies or some how is alive she can be found dead or alive. Plus maybe this monster was not going to kill her after all. But maybe soon she will find out whats up. "Ya know...i am just gonna go with this. Everyone loves a bad idea when it works right?" Vala said as she sigh..but she was still scared a little but if she lives,there is A LOT to inform and write about.

@Daniel reaving @SleepyBuddha

(well seems we have different time zones...expect slight delays on me sowy)
Oliver was rammed by the other demon, quickly using 50 of the vines to strike it in the chest and head. He growled, not getting the demon he wanted. But if the vines didn't kill it then he would need to lure it away from the child in the basket. He couldn't risk putting her life at stake. 

the demon growled as it hacked all the vines away before they could put damage on it. The beast growled menacingly as it stopped on the ground right next to the basket the child was in making the basket nearly tip over as it stared down its prey

As the magical pulse stretched deep within the forest Dantalion had found plenty of things to worry about near the kingdom. It would seem a magical entity had broken into a house and was locked in combat with what seemed to be a magic wielding human. A different type of demon was attacking the man who tried to interfere with the Goliath; which reinforced the thought that Dantalion shouldn't intervene with the beast just yet. However there were a few interesting things hiding in the forest as well. Several lycanthropes, a few unicorns and the one he was searching for: the Prince. Still using the small portal Dantalion began trailing the Goliath again, the safety of the royal physicians was paramount and it happened to be in the direction the Prince was. " Master I have located your heir. It seems that Vala has also been captured by a Goliath. However. It's behavior is strange.... I will bring both back to the castle soon. There are also still a few skirmishes with demons and monsters nearby that should be addressed. Dennis should be able to lead the subjugation of the remnants." Dantalion said almost dismissively. He got this way when something took his interest. It was one of the Djinn's flaws. Once something new or interesting took his attention he just had to figure out why is was before anything else.

@Destructus Kloud @Bethari @Cheryl @Daniel reaving @Slothtastic @Yonsisac @anyone else I forgot.

as the Goliath now raced threw the forest its nose easily picking up the scent of his pursuer but he knew he wouldn't be followed for long as he lifted a boulder while running jumping and launching the rock at him as it landed and continued running into the trees before suddenly he and the girl just disappeared without a trace and without a sign of were they went or anyway of finding them.

when the beast reappered in its safety with the girl it seemed to be night once more. They were in a dark forest unknown to anyone. The beast growled softly as it started calmly walking through the dark forest as more demons started to come out of the woods 


Dealing with the boulder was as simply as opening a portal in front of him. The boulder would land in the middle of the Atlantic ocean with no issue. However the problem was when Dantalion realized he had lost his target. " Now how did it do that...." The Djinn wondered as he landed in the last spot he saw the demon. Looking around the area Dantalion couldn't find a single trace of a trail. " Was this some sort of magic? Did he teleport to a different location?" Dantalion wondered as he began searching for traces of a dimensional leap. This was getting more interesting by the minute. It had been hundreds of years since someone managed to escape him.

@Daniel reaving
@SleepyBuddha A flicker of hope crossed the King's face. "Bring him here safe," said the King, "and I will be eternally grateful." He turned to the remaining servants. 

"Come on," he said, "We've got a kingdom to take care of!"



Voices tumbled down the stone corridor as Gilgondorin lay on a straw mat on the floor. Distant laughter followed and the elf drew his knees to his chest, bracing himself against temporary happiness. The love of his life lay next to him, silent and broken beyond repair. Her hair was ripped from her golden bow, her body crushed, and her neck snapped.

"Darlene," he sobbed, clutching her waist, "You were best violin I ever had."
Vala dint pay much attention but till she saw the wall be cross her eyes grew wide. Oh no seems she was out of the safety of the walls! Trees blurring by as the wind mess her hair and only meant the Goliath was running. "Oh- HEY! can we like stay in the walls? I mean i really don't want to leave my home behind!..well WAS my home..." She said with a frown as the fact this beast destroyed her home! well dint matter she was gonna surely die anyway...at least her books where intact and some one could follow up on her work. Suddenly she felt such a weight and pressure at the beast jump high and did a short twirl to face the librarian. She manage to see him for the short time and her face was both a mix of worry and confusion of what was happening only to feel the weight as he fell back on the ground and began to run. But that was nothing compared to what was gonna happen next.

As the beats ran with her in its arms suddenly would feel as if she have blacken out. all dark for a moment and the only thing she could hear was her own breath. short,silent,weak and then POOF! She felt her breath come back as she gasp for air and only to witness...wait...where the hell where they? her head turn left and right looking around the place. It was a desolated Forrest, dark as if night has just began, the smell of soft ash and the feeling of being watch crawl her back. Oddly this place surely dint feel like the Forrest near the walls...she could not explain it. Her eyes would catch the glow of red dots behind the tree-line as she heard soft foot steps of multiple creatures running "W-wait where the hell are we??? Is this some kind of hostage situation?! because i am gonna tell you i am not worth a lot...i am just a crazy woman who loves monsters is all!" she said as Vala saw small creatures crawling over the tree's and on the ground as if they where following them growing interest in what was going on but she was just making wild guesses... Right in front of them a small creature gallop on all four, it was humanoid in appearance and posses no eyes but looked like its skin has harden with ash and hang like harden old flesh and look like bones, its teeth black as coal as it laughed like a hyena only to soon vanish behind the tree line again. "th- that was a dam scavenger! I never see those only when they are picking up corpses and draging them away! wait wait wait! H-hold on sorry i say it again but where are we?? is this some kind of demon home? why am i even asking you??? " she said as she grew even more confused and all she could do was let questions fly and wonder what will happen next...is she food? sacrifice? a hostage?

(hope that is ok....)

@Daniel reaving
"No!" He yelled, using the remaining 150 vines to hit him, hopefully. At the bottom of him the voice started, "Let me out... maybe I can strike a deal with you, hmm?" It laughed. "I will protect the girl if you let me out, I promise." It offered "If I do you have to help all that you can." Oliver answered it. 
"Yes yes it is." A soft female voice came as the goliath entered a clearly in which a woman stood there gently petting a massive beast.


silith looked over from the beast as she gently ran a hand along its massive horn while the Goliath gently set the girl on the ground. "So may I know a name?" She asked the girl as the Goliath backed away bowing down to silith as she approached 

Vala wonders where soon answered as soon she heard a voice, really out of place one actually in this place. Her head turn only to see what seem a demoness and from her looks and the fact she was near such beast but the greatest hint was when she was finally let go by the massive Goliath as it bowed and backed off...so this was a home for demons and presume this demon...was there leader...or in her words, a matriarch...a female leader, the head of all. Vala was wide eyed at the sight of this demon both imagination of her power and the fact she was the one in command here. Vala heard her ask for a name and would gulp only to respond "i..i am Valkara Solutov Miss...Its both a honor and a fright to be seeing such demon as you in front of me....mostly a Honor...Harbinger" she said with a short smile as all her research has actually lead to her knowing such tales of this demon and well..knows one of her titles but nothing more,she would sigh and ask "Um...I am sorry to ask but...what you want from me? this was a unexpected invitation...Even still" She soon stop as Vala would look around and as well at the massive beast right next to Silith and would continue "...This is such a incredible reunion of so many demons..." she said with a nod as come on...she has been researching demons,monsters and anything that comes at night for so long and SEEING such a display was like the best dream for her family! A researcher in the "Best" place on earth! well...for her it was...

@Daniel reaving
Dennis nodded the to the genie as he left and then the king, before disappearing in his own puff of smoke. There were indeed quite a few monsters still running about. The first he would try to deal with would be the wild wendigo that had been reported to have attacked a killed a civilian in his home. Dennis arrived at the scene to see the being still inside, along with some kind of flame caster firing inside the house. Rushing over to the man, Dennis quickly pulled his arm down, "There could still be civilians alive inside, are you crazy?" And with that, he opened the door, Flesh Render still in hand, and went inside to confront the beast.

@Cheryl (I can't remember who the other person was to tag them, but its the fire wielder person that showed up. Also, I hope I haven't missed anything, this is as far as I'd caught up with others.)

silith smiled as she looked the girl over listening to her words. "Because my child. He know what you do. We know you study us. Know our weaknesses, know our strengths." She said as she walked around her gently sliding a lock of the girls hair into her hand and letting it slowly fall out as she walked around her. "We know so much about you." She said softly to her as she continued to inspect her with a sinister and seductive look. "But do not worry my poor girl. No harm will come to you." She aid as she geastured for her to follow

Vala tilted her head slightly hearing her being called a child...well compared to this demon yes she would be like a child as she must be VERY old! but what caught her attention was the fact that they know her work...all she has been doing and such they all knew? how? well its hard to question a being with such powers and mysterious ways. She was about to ask how but was stop as she got close and felt her hands slide across one of her locks...this was disturbing..."Oh really?....um dint expect all of you to know me...but um i wont question you" she said turning her head to look what was she up to...well seems she is NOT gonna die after all. Hearing the demoness say she was not gonna be hurt was a such a calm sentence coming from a demon...well she should be worried but meh she is not like other people. "well i am glad actually...though i was gonna be demon snack or a sacrifice hehe..." she said kinda Nervous only to see the Silith gesture to follow.

With a gulp she would have her hands behind her back and begin to follow as she looked around enjoying the view...this was a one in a life time chance to better enjoy it before its gone. As she pass beside the big creature she was about to reach to touch it but maybe its not a good idea...well for now...right now its best she just listen and not try anything stupid before she regrets it. After enjoying the place for a little she would gulp and ask "Um...so what is your name? I mean...i heard about you but never knew your name" she said as she followed calmly as she tilted her head.

@Daniel reaving
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[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 0)]Morris[/COLOR]

The fight had been swift, the man was obviously not trained to fight off monsters such as himself. The wendigo dealt the killing blow with three of his jagged claws slicing open the throat of the man, making the death for the man rather painful. Standing over the fresh corpse, Morris was about to begin his meal when the fireball came. The sudden sense of heating approaching him from behind was a dead giveaway that somebody was trying to use fire magic on him. Snatching his meal with his two lanky arms, Morris leapt to the other side of the room. 

He looked to the side to see who it was, and wasn't surprised to find a pyromancer standing at the doorway. However he was surprised to find a void master of all amazing integrity and stuff of some kind holding him off, making Morris wonder whether there were more people in the house. Chuckling, making a sound that sounded like a saw cutting through wood, Morris believed that there were more people up the stairs to hunt down. The fireball had entirely missed him and had landed on the wooden floor, starting a fire that would soon spread around the house. The wendigo then began his ascent towards where there were probably the man's wife and children.

@Destructus Kloud @Taykillz
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The devil horse trotted away, seemingly not interested in the fairy village once he showed up. Looking back at the village, he made sure that there were no other demons that could be endangering the village and made his way off once more. He felt proud of himself as he walked away back into the dark forest to look for more lurking beasts. However he didn't encounter a lot of monsters, and the most threatening one was the fiery horse back at the village. His ears soon picked up some sounds of humans walking through the forest. Curious, Willow trotted closer to where the sounds were coming from and found them, staying back in the shrubbery to avoid being seen. He kept the light on the end of his horn on though, as he wouldn't be able to see without it otherwise.

Silith laughed softly at her words. "Not many do." She said as she lead her through the forest. She found her curiousity amusing as she walked. "My name is silith." She said to her softy before chuckling. "No need to worry about that. If I wanted you dead the Goliath would have eaten you back at your house." She said softly as she glanced back to her


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