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Fantasy Silva (always open)

 Rizal Flemming 

"What are you doing, twit?" Rizal sighs, rubbing her temple," Stop cowering like a beat dog and grow a spine for God's sake. And get down from the lofts before you break your neck. That's the last thing I need to deal with."

     Blasted kid. Rizal had watched him from a distance all his life and knew his antics well. More often than not, he wanted to go seek an adventure for something that had nothing more than rumors in it. So, she had instructed some of the maids when he was younger, to plant things for him to find in his adventures. Then when he found the item marked on the crumpled paper map he had, he smiled and laughed with such vigor he'd fall over still clutching his prize.

      Except now he was an adult. And he was the heir to the crown. Not only did he need to set an example for his siblings, he also needed to grow a pair. Of testicles. Cause he must've not had any at birth, hence the fact he was such a shame (even though she was present at the proceeding and knew he was indeed: intact). But still, he was alive, so he wasn't a total poltroon without some self preservation abilities. Either that, he had the devil's own luck. Either or, something was there for him. Including her.

Rizal tries to give him an assuring smile, but she was still worried. He was never the best with heights. 

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It's not always that Ash would bump into someone so... spontaneous? But he knew the type, it was always better to talk to them than ignore them. And company wasn't the worst thing out there. However he was quite surprised to have someone waltz over directly to him, and he was almost tempted to have some fire on standby just incase they decided to do anything sketchy, though he decided against it. "How'd you guess that?" he asked jokingly, the hint of a smirk crossing his face. "They call me Ash, I only got here around mid day, nice to meet you too." He glanced through a window, looking out to the night sky. As red as blood, the moon hung suspended in the sky. Ever since the monsters had begun appearing, the moon, rather than taking on a normal, white, colour, shone red. He returned his attention  to the conversation. "It's a shame that there's so much fucked up stuff out there, seems like it would be a nice night to have a walk..." And of course, it then began to rain. Even though his voice was calm, he seemed paranoid, occasionally taking glances around the room and out windows. It was obvious he was on edge, though his attempts at hiding it all didn't really work that well, that is to say they didn't work at all.

Riley smiled happily at his joking statement. "Lucky I guess?"  She chuckled out contently with a shrug of her shoulders before leaning forward a bit on the counter, keeping her gaze focused on the man, who she now knows as 'Ash', 'Thats an interesting name...' Her thoughts wandered for a moment, before focusing back to him.

As the conversation went on, her smile faded a bit and she let out a small sigh. "Yeah... Your right, it is a shame... I-im not sure what were going to do at this point, its kind of scary you know? It feels like every night there's a worse threat..." She mumbled out softly. After a moment though she drew in a deep inhale and smiled a bit. "But... I guess everything is great during the day-time... I just wish there was some way for everyone to be safe." She explains her thoughts as she looked up to the ceiling and adjusted a bit of her hair away from her face. 

"Hey... Why did you come here?" She ended up asking curiously with a small tilt of her head. 

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"Reasoning suggests a big city is a safer place to rest than in the wilderness, but I'm also looking for some closure about..." Ash would pause for a second, realising he was talking to a complete stranger. "...Something I've been chasing for a good while now" He would finish, shrugging. However, the flame shaped scars what reached his elbow made themselves apparent when they glowed, ever so slightly, during the gap in his sentence. He didn't pay it much mind, or even notice it, though. "What about you? you seem knowledgeable enough to know when someone is out of place, what are you doing here?" He would ask in return, forcing a smile as he did. The slight glow of his scars had already faded by the time he begun speaking again, and he seemed to want to change the subject, the false smile giving away his discomfort.

The girl blinked. "Something you've been chasing?... What is it? Im sure i can help!-" She begins to offer as she turned a little in her chair to face the man, though paused as she examined his expression, and listened as he attempted to change the subject. The blacksmith hesitated before smiling a bit and sighing quietly as she slowly turned back towards the counter, resting her elbow on the counter and leaning her head into her palm. 

"Well, ive just been here for... well- forever, My father left to some other kingdom... But i decided to stay, after all- every kingdom needs at least one blacksmith right?" She exclaimed with her usual cheeky smile, her eyes bright as she examined the stranger, the way she was talking to him, it was as if she had known him for years- she was so confident and casual, she genuinely seemed interest in him, and seemed to want to help.

She fell quiet for a moment in contemplation before she slowly asked. "Are you... looking for a person? If you dont mind me asking?" 
(( @mantab There's an ancient super-powerful demon attacking the kingdom. It's nighttime. The king and many of his subjects are waiting it out in the castle dungeon. One of the princes decided to go on an adventure right before all the danger started.))



@SolistheSun Cass, deciding that it was hopeless to run, stood defiantly.

"I'm going to rescue the sorceress," he said, "And this time, I'm sure she's real. Dantalion showed her to me, even."

He tried to stare down Rizal, but ended up giving himself vertigo. He stepped back from the ledge, just to be safe. 

"A future king needs to keep the common folk safe." Cass vaunted himself like a peacock, which looked ridiculous given his clothes' current state of disarray. 

Rizal was unimpressed.

"What? You don't believe I can do it? You think I'm a coward, is that it? Would a coward do this?" said Cass, taking a running leap off the balcony. He landed right on top of Rizal.



King Cassius heard the dungeon door creak open. 

"Eloise?" he said, staring up at his wife. The Queen glided down the steps, princesses in tow. 

"I think we have found one of our errant sons," he said, gesturing towards a cell in the rear.

((To be continued when I get the second prince's character sheet up.))

@2PM @FireMaiden @animegirl20 @Rhaine etc.



Courtney began to eat not really paying attention to what was going on. But when she heard her sister whisper the question to her, she stopped eating looked down at her pocket to see it moving around as well and before she could speak the mouse stuck it's head out from her pocket. She looked at her sister and gave her guilty grin "I couldn't help it he looked hungry. Plus he's really cute see?" She held the mouse in her hand showing it to her sister but made sure no one else saw. She then smiled proudly. "Also I saved it from one our cats." The moment she heard her mother speak she quickly put the mouse back in her pocket and started talking really fast. "Um nothing nothing at all!" When her father spoke everyone began to move she soon found herself next to her personal maid Clara heading down to the dungeons.

(ok so I got a little confused with the posts so I hope I answered everyone.)

@Rhaine[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@FireMaiden[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] @Bethari @2PM [/COLOR]
The pit in Luna's stomach only seemed to grow, it was not her place to follow the royal family nor could she go to her own cabin. Gently sneaking towards the window, she peaked out from it. It all seemed calm, or relatively. As calm as it could be at night.

Swallowing, and with shaking legs, she continued forwards. As she walked she made a quiet prayer to whoever may be listening, a prayer for protection against the demons waiting to harm her or god forbid, her sister.

Taking the first staircase down she went towards the main gate and left. Luna knew she was taking a stupid risk, it was almost suicidal; but nor could she stay in the castle. If she stayed it would indicate that the royal family still was there, and even if she stayed and they were found she could not help them the slightest. Her heart was beating fast in her chest, and she held her breath most of the time as she walked towards her home. Her palms began to ache from digging her fingernails into them, but at the moment she did not care about that. She had larger issues to focus on and could not spend time worrying about minor things.

As Luna continued, she had no idea what was worse; it being silent or hearing screaming or god forbid - seeing someone. The only thing she could hear was her own breath and the sound of her footsteps, and in a sense of way she was grateful. If she actually heard something she would not be very sure if she could go on, she was almost positive that she would be paralyzed by fear if she heard someone. She had been on edge today, and this did not help the matter as she didn't know if she would survive sunrise. Luna was still a bit away from her home, and it was not a fact that comforted her the slightest. 

Gasping and trembling, she tried to think of something that would make her forget about the darkness, even for a second. She tried to think about the stars and the man in the moon, even about animals and her sister, but nothing could make the darkness disappear from her mind, and that scared her. That this could cause so much terror. 
As Dantalion searched through his collection he grimaced. He had found some information that didn't bode well for the kingdom. Turning to smoke once more the Djinn exited his lamp and reformed in the kneeling position beside the King, " Master I have found new information though it isn't very good. Silith is a general in Death's army and answers directly to him. " Dantalion explained leaving out the part about Silith wishing to marry death as it wasn't relevant. " If she is here then it is at Death's behest. I also have a plan of action. At your order I can use my magic to move your capital to a more defensive location. This would also serve to cut off Silith from her demon army, but be warned master, using this much power would require using one of your three wishes of me.

@Bethari @mantab @animegirl20 @anyone else in the room.
Thalia chuckled,  "Don't worry, I won't tell," She said. And when Courtney got up, so did she. She may hate the dungeon, and the smell, and why they had kt, but she wasn't gonna let her little sister go down there alone. Even if everyone else was going. "Does your little friend have a name?" Thalia asked about the mouse.

"No, no. I'm not looking for anybody, just, you know..." He would reply back, almost immediately "You don't need to worry about it" He would add after a short pause, it seems he is very uncomfortable about the subject. "so... uh... it's a big city here, how is it normally like here?" He would ask, giving a small smile. He was genuinely interested in this subject, of course, but still didn't like how they were prying and prying. But then again, it couldn't be helped with these kind of people. He would take a waterskin out and have a sip of a strong- smelling drink, though not a smell of alcohol, before putting it back. "And how's the blacksmith life, if you don't mind me asking?" He would add afterwards, leaning back in his seat a little more than he already was.

(OOC; where is everyone and what happened? Quite a bit happened while i was asleep lol )

(OOC: To answer your question,

Ash  and my character Riley are inside a bar/inn for safety, and having a nice conversation,

I believe the prince was found by the physician, The other royal people are still in the dungeon for safety,Also, your character isaac is having an encounter with my character.

Kara - The Demon of Deception

"Aah~ It's about time..." A smooth voice whispered out softly within the depths of the shadowed forest. The forest was always so filled with life during the day when the sun illuminated the sky and land- allowing rays of sunshine to peer through the tree tops and warm up the ground. However, the night was a different story as darkness clouded throughout the dense trees which loomed tall and terrifyingly within the dark, a moon providing a dull, solemn light to permit the creatures of the forest to have at least some visibility.

The voice seemed to weave through the trees, a sense of calmness and also amusement, enjoyment flickering within the tone like a small, beating fire.

Within the coldness of the forest she appeared, Kara. She appeared in a cloud of black, which quickly dissipated into the air upon her arrival, with a content sigh, she stretched out her limbs, and swiftly pushed her long, sleek black hair away from her face, her red eyes glowing eerily within the dark. Once she was finished with her stretch, which showed her relaxed, and calmer attitude at the moment, she allowed her gaze to flicker around her surroundings- she found that she always appeared in a different area, but it was always somewhere within these thick bundle of trees. The girl narrowed her eyes a bit as she watched countless other demons appear before her, and rush towards the kingdom with screeches of rage and blood-lust. 

A small look of disapproval crossed her features, a bit of a frown tugging at her lips, 'I wonder what their motive is? Heh...- no... They probably dont have one.' She thought to herself slowly before she slowly walked forward with calm, slow footsteps echoing throughout the trees. It was not long before the rush of demons appearing ceased, and the forest fell into near silence besides a few demons that decided to linger within the trees.

She contemplated on where to go- perhaps she should visit the kingdom again, find some unlucky soul to mess around with and watch, she strikes that idea with a bit of annoyance, she would hardly have the chance with all of the other demons on the loose. The girl clicked her tongue lightly, she was growing quite annoyed by the pointless recklessness of every other monster. Eventually though, she came to a slow stop, and a bit of a smirk pressed to her lips. 'There we go...' She chuckled quietly as she took noticed to an elf not too far off,right up against a tree-cabin with another person, assumable another one of his kind. Her thoughts wandered for a moment to the architecture of the cabin, it was interesting... She found many things of this world interesting, thus why she took much joy and amusement in observing the people of this realm. 

In a blink of an eye, the demon was gone, only to reappear high within the branches of a tree just a small distance away from the boy, the shadows concealed her- well, all but her eyes, gleaming luminously within the trees as she leaned back against the trunk comfortably. She heard a few words that the person spoke, and couldnt help but reply.

'I'd have to say you are wrong... Close... But wrong...- It isn't that they could kill someone... They will kill someone.' A voice would resonate within Isaac's and the person beside him's ears, a very simple, auditory hallucination that she inflicted upon them, it would sound as if the smooth, calm yet amused voice was coming from directly behind them... but obviously, nothing would be there. 

Kara awaited for the reaction, and prepared herself for further tricks to play upon these two people as she watched with amusement, holding back a small snicker.



Dennis shook his head in disdain, "Boy? Oh yes, I suppose I do appear that way." He muttered to himself idly. He was not one to take insults however, and he showed this by his lack of giving even the tiniest bit of ground, both physically and verbally, "I seem to remember a Silith. Indeed, she was known as a vile woman of the Darkworld that supposedly had a complex for death itself. I didn't realise you wanted to die that much." Dennis would have smirked at his pun were this not a more serious situation and he was less of a serious person, but alas neither were true. He rose so that he hovered at the same level as Silith, holding his book in his hand, "I would say that your arrogance would be the end of you, but that wouldn't be quite correct. I am going to be the end of you. You say I cannot stop death? I already do, but let us see how true that is."

His book began to glow as a dark red power started to swirl around it like a magical vortex of dark practices. Then pages then flicked open and immediately stopped on a specific page, which Dennis began to read without actually looking at the pages, "The dark night and the dusk of morn, the tempest of blackness, I summon thee to protect me from the horrors of the day. Serve as my shield, my barrier, my protector. Ward off the evils which quest to do me harm. I summon the Corthean Barrier, the great defender of Corth!" His free hand shot up as the dark energies were sucked into the book and then shot in the palm of his hand. A moment later it spread out in several black lines arcing downwards and after reaching a certain point, began to coat an invisible dome like one had thrown paint over it. Soon the castle and it's walls were safely behind Dennis' barrier, which also happened to be one of his strongest widespread ones, added to the fact he had his best warlocks from the Mage Guild boosting the shield for added protection. It should withstand a good few blows from Silith before it started to crack. A black sword that glowed blood red appeared in the hand he raised as Dennis muttered another incantation, "I summon the Flesh Render of the Devourer." He pointed the large sword at the woman, "You will not be able to best me in battle so long as I serve this kingdom, demon. You may leave or die here and be reunited with the death you love so much." The monsters below that formed Silith's army would not be able to break the barrier whatsoever, but Dennis was certain that a good amount had still managed to make inside when the barrier fell upon them as it went over the walls, meaning the garrison would still be fighting them within the castle. Silith could probably break the barrier given enough time, but Dennis was hardly going to sit there and wait for her to do so. He wondered if Silith knew of the sword he held now. It was the legendary Flesh Render from a once powerful being in the Darkworld, the place most demons came from, named the Devourer. He ate people during the night and it was rumoured that his magnificent sword dealt wounds that could never heal so long as the sword remained. It was useful for fights where there was stalemate between your opponent and yourself, meaning whittling them down was the only option. Dennis somehow thought that this would be one of those fights. He readied himself for an attack, book still in hand and swirling with dark power, red-glowing black Flesh Render in his other hand, still pointed at Silith. Dennis would protect this kingdom, or suffer to break his contract as punishment.

@Daniel reaving (@basically most people who look outside of the  castle, or specifically to the south of it. Also those in the castle should beware the random monsters running about now.)

silith smiled at the shield he made gently twirling around. "Oh my child if only you were smarter" she said with a chuckle as the demons inside the dome went on terrorizing the place and dealing with the human army as silith stood off with the being. "You have lost your way boy. You do not deserve to wield that weapon of evil." She growled at seeing it. It enraged her to see such a pitiful being wielding such a historic sword. "I can not wait to rip that sword from your cold dead hands then guy your soul in hell." She growled as she launched at him with unimaginable speed her spear poised to strike as she thusted for his chest

@Destructus Kloud


a beast bigger than the others stormed through the city

IMG_0518.JPGwith a small pack of the demon dogs. They all stayed silent as they moved through the city letting others fight the humans. Picking up a strange scent the beast growled as it moved off its trail to a house gently sniffing at the door wondering what was in there

((Sorry about the long gap between posts.))

The King ran to the end of the dungeon. His adopted son sat in the very last cell.

"Gil?" he asked, incredulously, "How in Krorial did you get locked in there?"

"Cass," responded everyone in the room. Gil nodded in confirmation. Gil's eyes were red and puffy. He looked away from his father. @2PM

@SleepyBuddha @Destructus Kloud King Cassius watched the force field swallow the castle in the djinn's magic portal. As much as he hated putting his family at risk, he was loathe to use any of the genie's wishes. It wasn't that he didn't trust Dantalion - he trusted him with his life, no, more than his life. He trusted him with his children. Powerful magic often had powerful consequences. Besides, what if he needed the other wishes in the future? What would he do if he ran out of wishes? Then he'd be without a genie!
Val sat calmly on her seat as she wrote the letter for the king as she sometimes would shift her sight towards the window that had steel bars to protect her from any intruders, some would say she is evil for saying she enjoyed the sight of the monsters in the city but she dose not! of course its terrible how the kill the innocent and devour the living but THEY in general where interesting! not what they do...but still let people think what they want..Soon she was done and would place it inside a small envelope, grabbing  a red candle she would let the wax fall on it only to soon grab a wax stamp ready to seal it but soon she stop as she heard scraping and sniffing on her door, with a sight her hand would press the stamp on the wax leaving a "XII" Symbol on it meaning this was her letter. "Done!...now what in the name of my father is on the door..." walking towards the window of the room she would look outside and pull the curtain open and look left only seeing a hulking beast of a demon. "Holy books....that is a Demon Goliath!!...have not seen one in such a long time!- Oh hold on...ok better focus and on get killed here" she said quickly pulling the curtain's closed and turning off the candle in the room leaving the whole place pitch black as she left the letter on the table beside it. she would quickly walk towards her record room and close the door behind her and sigh "Oh man...there is a Goliath on my door...this is so fascinating!" Running towards the desk in the room she would grab her long sword and would sigh only to grab the second tomb of the demons and a quill with ink.

She open the door and went back to the living room as she would lean the blade on the couch near the window, Opening the book and holding the quill in her hand she would take a peek from the closed window and observe the giant creature "Ya know what they say...Nothing ventured, Nothing gained" mentioning to herself as she would turn on a small candle instead of the large red one she had earlier and began to write how the creature looked and what behavior it had. Most people would cower away and hide but she HAD to record this! They don't come often and its best to enjoy the time she had before it went off!.....sadly dint seem like it wanted to leave...but she was ready!...kinda

@Daniel reaving
The beast gently kept sniffing at the door wanting to know what was inside. Eventually it got frustrated and took a step back pulling its two right arms back as it pulled its fingers in to a fist but just before it could break the door a civilian from near by ran up lodging a dagger into the beasts shoulder and making it roar in pain as it turned around and immediately attacked him grabbing the man and slamming him against the wall of the house it had been inspecting before it grabbed each limb and ripped the man apart soon calming down once more as the beast walked over to the opposite wall and sat down starting to eat the limbs of the man sill not knowing if was being watched


[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 0)]Morris[/COLOR]

As the night progressed the twinges in Morris' body became more frequent and severe. It was clear that the bulky man was in pain as he constantly twitched and was bent over in pain whilst hobbling back to his home. He had to get back to his home before his form changed, it was too likely that somebody would see him. Althogh Morris had grown used to the small stabs of pain at first he hadn't been able to stop the spirit from taking over him completely at night. If anyone had tried to communicate with him he would've simply shrugged them off and carried on rushing back to his home.

Morris had only just locked the door behind him when he let the wendigo inside take over, contorting his body. His arms and legs grew long and spindly, flailing about as the spirit forced control over Morris' body. Soon his ribs began to show and the flesh around his face melted away into nothingness as his skull was replaced with one similar to that of a deer. During the painful transformation the few chairs and cutlery inside of his home fell over and made a loud ruckus, probably making people near the home curious on what was happening inside.

(I lied about making a post for Morris soon, unless you count a post under 24 hours quick :P )
Dennis shrugged, "You could say that. I am a long way from home." Sillith then moved with inhuman speed, launching herself at him with her spear thrust straight at his chest. But Dennis' mouth seemed to move just as fast as he rapidly spoke an incantation faster than any normal being should be able to actually talk, "I-call-upon-the-holy-diviner-blades-of-Marceus-and-Darvil-serve-me-in-battle-O-godly-martyrs-to-vanquish-the-evil-before-me!" Two blades that glowed with a holy light materialised before Dennis and crossed in front of him, blocking the spear strike upwards seemingly of their own violation. Dennis shook his head disapprovingly, "Then it is fortunate that these hands are undying. Tell me, Silith. Do you know what species I am?" His pointed ears and obvious elven looks were probably the largest indicator of his race, although his ears weren't really that prominent, usually being hidden behind his hair. Still, he wasn't often mistaken for a dark elf, which really wasn't a bad assumption given that he also seemed to hold a dark power about him. He was an elf though, but not quite a dark one. Dennis waved his hand holding the sword and the two divine blades began to dance in an intricate display of hack, slashing and stabbing at Silith with fancy sword work despite the surprising power behind each strike. They were the blades belonging to the two fallen angels that had fought a holy battle against the Devourer in order to dispel him from the land. In the end they had been successful, but at the cost of both their lives. However, the real question was how Dennis had come into possession of all these relics of power, something which he seldom explained.

@Daniel reaving
Dantalion got up from his kneeling position and put his hands behind his back. He knew that using the wish of a Djinn, especially one as powerful as him, wasn't a matter to be taken lightly. Though if he wavered for too long his capital would be ravaged and his people slaughtered. " Master, shall I go assist Dennis in his effort to subjugate Silith, or would you rather I removed the demons that managed to get inside the capital?" Dantalion waved his hand and more portals opened showing the fight between Silith and Dennis while other portals showed the various demons running around the capital killing the ill prepared guards. Being bound as he was Dantalion was unable to act autonomously so he needed a decision from the king. Dantalion took his lamp and offered it to the king, " Worry not for the safety of your family master. Simply touch the seal on my lamp and I will appear beside you." The Djinn assured his king.


(His seal)
"No, no. I'm not looking for anybody, just, you know..." He would reply back, almost immediately "You don't need to worry about it" He would add after a short pause, it seems he is very uncomfortable about the subject. "so... uh... it's a big city here, how is it normally like here?" He would ask, giving a small smile. He was genuinely interested in this subject, of course, but still didn't like how they were prying and prying. But then again, it couldn't be helped with these kind of people. He would take a waterskin out and have a sip of a strong- smelling drink, though not a smell of alcohol, before putting it back. "And how's the blacksmith life, if you don't mind me asking?" He would add afterwards, leaning back in his seat a little more than he already was.


Riley listened to him, and despite her curiosity, she decided to allow the conversation to slide elsewhere, as she did not want to force him into saying anything, or make him any more uncomfortable than he already clearly is. 

The girls eyes seemed to brighten just a bit as he asked about the city, a smile pressed to her lips as she leaned back and off of her hand. "Great, This city... it really is an amazing place, its usually full of life and-the king is very nice and caring, the whole city is usually really welcoming and warm. The only thing that could make this city better would be if, well... It remained like that through the nights as well." 

She explained with a gentle smile as she watched him, before looking to the bartender and ordering a drink, she was young, and the bartender gave her a slightly disapproving look, as if he was asking 'Are you sure?', But after a moment, he gave it to her anyways, just as almost all of the drinks sold here, it had alcohol, but a very low amount. 

"Life as a blacksmith? Ah well...- Pretty good i think, I mean, I have no reference point since I havent ever not been one, but its pretty great. You get to know almost everyone, especially the royal guards! Theyre all pretty nice... Its nice to think that your helping out also. I make a lot of things, even the tools that the local doctors use! Its nice."

 She exclaims enthusiastically, she seemed to always be smiling, happy about nearly everything.

"I enjoy every moment of blacksmithing, the sound of the air pump, the sizzling of water, sight of red metal... the sound of coal tumbling into the fire... The smell of iron, ah~! It just all gives me shiverss" She chuckled out as she puts her hands onto her cheeks for a moment, smiling giddily, more than passionate with what she does. 

Vala wrote what she saw but her attention shifted to yells coming not far. she open the curtain completely and would see a man in a tunic charge towards the massive beast and stab it with a dagger. She gasp at the sight at the brave yet careless soul that has come out this night to bring the fight to them. She saw the Goliath pick the man up and..."Oh-...Oh f-..Ok i dint need to see that" She would cover her mouth and look away and would swallow and sigh "I thought i would be use to it by now seeing mangled corpses...but never thought i would see it right in front of me" she said only to look back and see the massive creature eating the dead man slowly. she closed her eyes and would take a deep breath "Feel bad for him...shit" closing the book she would have seen...enough...she soon would stand up but forgetting the blade on the couch only to cut her left leg with the blade, it was not deep but surely a wound "UGH! dam thing!" Being clumsy she fell on her face to the ground and would groan as she would stand up and would sigh "Great..need to patch that up, now i have a wound and a giant dam demon on my wall!-...anyway that is dam lucky of me one being so close...yet bad.." She stood up and would look down at her bleeding leg..well was not bad but still hurt ya know?. Placing her hand on the would it began to give out a green glow as she slowly began to heal it and soon it was gone only leaving a scar and dried blood behind "There...now i am sorry little demon but you got to leave" she said to herself softly as she would grab the plated blade and would walk up her front door but instead of opening it she would...um

A chunk of fresh meat would slide out of the door's mail sloth and fall on the ground...seems Vala was trying to get its attention but how was THAT gonna kick the beast out? well don't question her...she has a plan that MIGHT work and if not would get her killed but docent mean she wont fight back! Vala being the clumsy she is began to whistle...like if she was calling a dog...did she place meat outside her door and began to whistle, calling the demon like a dog? was she crazy? well everyone would say yes but for her...this was a sane plan.. "Come on...grab the meat..."

@Daniel reaving
"Yeah, as much as I know about smithing, it seems like-" Ash would stop mid sentence as he glanced out of the door. The inn was at a T junction, so there is a road directly forward out of it. What he saw, however, frightened him greatly. A large, obviously demonic in nature, firm was sat one side of the street, feasting on the remains of what had previously been a human. As he watched, a piece of meat would fall to the ground on the other side of the street, slipped through a mail slot in a door. Ash went visibly pale at this sight, and wasn't that far from being sick. He would quickly gesture to the barkeep to look out, of what he had the same reaction. The atmosphere of the room went from quiet to deathly silent as most candles we're snuffed out. "Is that normal?" he would ask the person he had previously been having a conversation with, pointing out the window. The flame shaped scars running up both his arms begun to glow as if there was a light being shone from under them, made more apparent by the sudden drop of light level in the room. It was safe to say everybody in the room was terrified.


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