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Fantasy Silva (always open)


As night fell upon them a strange chill fell across the entire forest. Careful not to disturb any woodland creatures that had already ran away to hide in their homes, Willow made his way back to his own residence as well. He used a tad bit of light from his horn to guide the way (I'm assuming unicorns can use magic) as with the shade of the trees contributing to the darkness it was almost impossible to see through the night clearly. Right now he was trying to find any stragglers be they human or creature, Willow wouldn't leave them up against the evil creatures of the night alone.

He wondered what sort of vile beings he would see today. Perhaps another werewolf? A demon perhaps? Sounds echoed throughout the forest as the black and white unicorn walked through the forest. Twigs snapped under his heavy hooves, making his presence known to anybody nearby. Willow wasn't particularly afraid of any evil creatures that might cross his path, he has his duty to make sure that the residents of Silva are to be as safe as possible at night. And so the unicorn made his way down a dirt path, a shining white light on the tip of his horn leading the way.



As soon as the last herb was placed on the royal family's evening meal, Morris began to prepare the dough which would be used for the king's breakfast early tomorrow morning. He knew the night had come when a slight twinge in his stomach told him that the spirit was coming. Sighing through his nose, Morris carried on with his task at hand. He was used to the pulls from the wendigo spirit, he has had it haunt him for over ten years now. Now he merely saw the wendigo spirit as a nuisance rather than a curse as he hasn't seem to be discovered yet. Besides, he rather enjoyed not having to scrape by with the bare minimum. He didn't really had to waste his money on food because of the spirit practically feeding him.

After Morris had finished kneading the dough he set it aside and put away his apron, eyeing the lamb on the platter. He donned a more suitable outfit for giving the meal to the king and royal family and hastily rubbed his dusty hands on a wet cloth. Morris made his way over to the dining room where he helped prepare the table and set the meal. After setting the last fork he had finished his work for the day. The twinges inside of him were becoming stronger, forcing Morris to leave without saying goodbye. Of course, it wasn't that he really said goodbye to anyone anyways.

(Morris sorta set the table, don't know if that's what the cooks do or the maids do but oh well.)
Rizal Flemming 

[SIZE= 12px]It seemed she was needed, or at least been noticed by the king. She stepped forward obligingly and took stand beside the advisor in all in ornate grab, slightly self conscious of her own for a brief moment before deciding that they looked quite restricting, and more than likely, heavy. Rizal, like most, did not know much about the advisor, save for the fact he had existed for much longer than herself. It was odd, that two nearly immortal beings had found themselves in such places of status. Though it was probably coincidental. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]The king on the other hand, was a well respected individual. However, Rizal did catch him at this instance, giving her an indecisive look. Maybe it was the antlers. Most people were wary of that 'magic touch' she had openly displayed due to her Wendigo curse. It's not that she hadn't tried to have them, she tried. Just, try puling out your toenails with a pair of tweezers. It was annoying; it stung; it didn't matter in the long run as it'd heal over a manner of minutes and look normal again. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Then he approached. Another human. Or so he had led everyone to believe. Rizal watched him attentively as he prepared the table and scurried away. Another Wendigo in her territory. 'Morris.' Normally, she'd have him discovered. And then he'd be strung up, become a convicted criminal, and then he'd join in her collection of experiments. As Rizal had amazing longevity, she wondered if that could be passed to other man-peoples without... cannibalism or a Wendigo being birthed. So far the search had been fruitless, but the imagination was a powerful things. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]As soon as the man continued to the kitchen she returned her attention to King Cassius and his Advisor. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]( [/SIZE]@Cheryl[SIZE= 12px] - I hope that's alright. I figured it'd make since if she recognized another Wendigo's presence ;w;) [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]@Bethari @Destructus Kloud[/SIZE]

Prince Cassius

Cass saddled his horse and jumped on its back. It was late afternoon and the castle gates wouldn't remain open for long. His tattletale of a younger brother was locked safely away in the dungeon where, in all likelihood, he wouldn't be found for a couple of days. Cass unfurled a map leading to a tiny cottage a league outside of the city. For the final time, he ran through a mental checklist. Provisions enough to last several days? Check. Tent? Check. Money in a secure location? Check, hidden in his boot. Change of clothes suitable for someone of low rank? Check. Compass? Check. Dagger? A stiletto made of the finest steel, in fact. So, check.

Everything being in order, Cass spurred his horse into action.


King Cassius

@SolistheSun King Cassius did not notice that Rizal had horns. He could be oblivious like that. He awaited his advisor's report on Mortis.




In the cold, first winter night was the village of Welly. Small, secluded but near enough to the capital to keep its existence. Most of the people here were woodcutters and their families.


In the middle of this quaint village laid the Inn of 'To the Belly of Welly' and next to it 'The Dwarven Meat'.


While the village was now silent, with only a faint glow to be seen inside the buildings, the noises, while small and easy to miss were there.


One coming from the squeaking of a chair on unclean wooden floor, while the fat dwarf Heikel Jr. was pushing with his feet against the counter, smoking a pipe with Smokeleaf.


While the lamp he had laying on the counter was faintly glowing, as told, he could still see out of a crack from the left board he had put and nailed against his store window. It wasn't good for the looks and to take it away every morning was exhausting but it was there for obvious reason and would stay there.


He grumbled to himself as he thought about the possibility of visiting the inn and take a mug but he didn't like to leave his store behind these days.


He huffed and spat out into the silence of his room, "Ah am gettin' fuckin' senile. . ."


He looked through the crack through his board and fixated on the faint light of the indiscernible castle in the horizon, that seemed so alone in the falling snow, the picture only being disturbed by passing shadows of his imagination as he thought and a faint noise from afar, maybe an animal.


He took his butcher hatchet next to him to cut a piece away from the Salami he had made himself for the night and put it in his mouth joyfully. Even simple food is good food, he thought to himself as he laid the hatchet back onto the counter.


He leaned his head back, in the idea that nothing will happen tonight hopefully.



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In the forests near the kingdom the trees started to blacken and die as a massive ball of red and black energy grew from the ground before it exploded destroying all around it and leaving in its place a girl that radiated an ancient and evil aura. A smile on her face as she slowly stood up her red sword in one hand and her spear in the other. "It's good to be back." She said softly as she looked around smiling more as she took a deep breath in. "I'm ready to end this world for you my love." She said to no one as she looked around before she bent down then looked up and pushed up launching off the ground and into the air towards the kingdom an aura of darkness and death following her as she prepared to make it truly known about this new war that was coming
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Dantalion sighed as he laid within his lamp awaiting to be summoned. By the positions of the stars within his lamp Dantalion knew it was night time so the royal family would be busy as usual. The Djinn wondered if he should regroup with the rest of the family or wait within his lamp to be retrieved. While he was welcome within the palace as a teacher being a nonhuman makes the people uneasy. Even though if they understood anything about how contracts work they would know that Dantalion can't do anything to harm the king or his family. Doing so would result in his own demise. After much thought Dantalion decided to appear before the king and as his he could help.

Turning into smoke the Djinn exited his prison and manifested inside the room where the royal family kept him. Since Dantalion's home was the lamp the room he was kept in was pretty bare bones. Though there were plenty of books on multiple subjects such as history, magical theory, political structures, etc. So while the night dragged on as Dantalion knew it would the Djinn could pass the time by reading the very same textbooks he planned to issue to his student.
Inclining his head, the adviser continued, "Our recon mages in the eastern forests have detected large readings of dark energies gathering in the area. They believe it has connections to the aforementioned individual. Already they have observed several dark creatures materialising into the land and they estimate that it will not be long before a demonic portal is opened to spew forth more of these evil beings. The sealing magic has apparently weakened with nightfall, my liege." He replied, completing the full report that his scouts had given him. It wasn't much to go on however, not really any mention of numbers or specific species or creatures or even an exact time when the main event would happen, but it was better than nothing. It was not moments later that the telepathic connection between Dennis and his scouts was re-established. The panicked voice of one of the scouts was clear in his mind, "My lord, there has been sightings of a supposedly extremely powerful demon flying towards the castle as we speak. Estimated time of arrival is about an hour." Dennis shook his head. 'About an hour?' He would have to discipline his men to train more rigorously. There should be no 'about' about it, it was either an hour or something more precise than that. They had tracking magic and knowledge of physics for god's sake! Still, that was not the issue right now. Relaying the information he had just learnt, the adviser awaited for an order from the king in response to these events.



Courtney was sitting in the corner of her sister's room doing something. She had her back turned so no one could actually see what she was up to. She heard her sister about coming up for dinner. Courtney said ok and continued doing whatever she was up to. Now your probably wondering exactly what she was doing. Well she happen to come across a white mouse that she has now taking liken to. She was sitting over in the corner feeding it cheese. Suddenly the next voice she heard made her jump slightly. The maid Clara asked if she needed anything before dinner. She turned her head to look at her. "What? Oh! uh." She quickly picked up the mouse and stood up with her hands behind her back. "Um nope not thing! She said cheerfully. Probably a little to cheerfully though with her that was pretty much normal. She gave her grin that said she was probably up to something then walked backwards to the door and quickly headed out. Once she was close to the dinning room she sighed with relief. "Alright little guy I'm late enough as it is so I'm going to have to keep you with me. She put the little mouse in her pocket that had the cheese and then walked into the room. "I'm here!" She the quickly covered her mouth when she realized how loud she was. She quickly sat down in her spot next to her sister and smiled slightly. 

@Rhaine[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@2PM[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@animegirl20[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@FireMaiden[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@Destructus Kloud
At this point, Cassius was of two minds. The first was terrified of the news of an ancient demon heading right towards the castle, and fearful for his absent sons. The second was glad to see little Pauletta. She was definitely up to something, but there were more important matters to attend to at the present. @animegirl20

"What do you suggest we do?" he asked the advisor as servants set roast lamb and vegetable stew on the table. @Destructus Kloud


Tia looked out through the window. creatures were coming out now and part of her had the desire to get out with them. Her demon side would sometimes try to force it's self out. She stared out as the sun slowly started to disappear then she suddenly heard from someone behind her saying to her up and close the curtains. Snapping out of it she did. "I hate this....." She sighed and then but on a determined face. "There is no way I'm letting that side take over. Hearing her name being called she quickly headed to the dinning room to put the food on the table. I wonder where the the rest of the family is. She thought to herself as realized some of them had not made it to dinner yet. She then shrugged and headed to the kitchen to see if anyone needed help. 
Thalia smiled at Courtney,  "Hey sis, nice of you to join us." The young woman brushed some of her hair out of her face, "Why is your pocket moving?" She asked quitely, with a small chuckle.

Ash shivered as he felt a familiar feeling, one he had reckoned with before. Dark, Satanic power. He hadn't felt this since his close scrape with a lesser demon, who apparently had been sent to take his soul by force. Knowing there was a demon, even if they we're not nearby, filled his heart with dread. He could tell this one was no lesser demon, that was for sure. Whatever price was on his life, he hoped it wasn't great enough to warrant any more manhunts against him. Though, making a deal with a contract devil and not losing your soul for what you got was near enough unheard of. Then again, you don't usually get people who bargain their soul over a game of chess. Either way, it was bad news for him, and he knew that. He considered going to his room in the inn and attempting to border himself up like everyone else in the town had, but wooden shutters couldn't even withstand that much, didn't stop them last time, either. By now he had unconsciously summoned fire to his hands, small flames licking out of the cracks of his closed fist. Once he noticed, though, he forced himself to calm down and dismissed the fire for now, going back to staring into empty space, though he was definitely more alert. After all, the price on his head couldn't be too large...



Camellia laughed along with some of the fairies in her village. They were currently causing mischief towards a traveler like they do for most of them. The poor thing had no idea where those ear-splitting group of laughs were coming from. Just a little outside their village, the group of fairies would regularly join and cause problems for people who weren't children. The fairies had showed enormous interest in causing distress for people. Beautiful and mysterious, yet playful and annoying were the fairies who lived in the forest. As the fairies continued to tease the man by dropping fruits from a nearby tree onto him, they stopped once they realized the sun was setting,


They all retreated back to their village and away from the traveler. from fear of the night. The night used to be the most mischievous time for all of the fairies. But recently, it's become a symbol of fear for the poor fairies. The huge evil entities that haunted the forest at night haunted the fairies' dreams to be out at night. As obnoxious as they are, the fairies do show terror because of these terrifying creatures. You would think no one would want business with the harmless group of creatures, but you'd be sadly mistaken.
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[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Just as the scout had sent the report he was killed viciously. "Your walls can not keep me." She said as she rocketed towards the kingdom every scout that saw her being killed just after seeing her. As her speed picked up quickly closing the distance to the castle [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]while at the gates the area around the main gates started to darken as groans and growls echoed from the darkness as what looks like red eyes started to pop up in the darkness. The guards at the gate shaking in fear as a red eyes appeared in the shadows before suddenly a horde of beasts [/COLOR]


[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]launched from it at the gates making the men scream as they were ripped to shreds by the beasts while any guards near them on the walls were hit off by winged beasts. It was a clear attack but no one would know yet because all the guards that were able to know were dead before they truly knew what happened. [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]---------------------------[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]as the fairies retreated the beasts of the night soon came were they played. Luckily for them it wasn't a vicious one. It was a bourse of the night[/COLOR]


a pitch black bourse with glowing red marking and black smoke for a Maine and tail. The hourse neihed softly as it neared the fairy town with curiosity

Dennis responded immediately without hesitation, "Your options are as follows, my liege: Send the Royal Vanguard, your loyal specially picked personal guards, as you know, to intervene with this approaching demon. Or gather the warlocks upon the castles walls to cast defensive magic and fend off this would-be attacker. Or allow me to personally see to the destruction of the demon. However, there are drawbacks with these plans. The Royal Vanguard may be ambushed and killed should this be a trap to divert your forces in the stead of a greater attack. The Warlocks are very adept at their magic, but it will most likely only serve to drive off the monstrous creature, meaning it may depart elsewhere in the kingdom to wreck havoc. Of course I would kill the demon and return alive without doubt, but it means you shall be without my updates or advice should other events arrive." Dennis was obviously referring to his own immortality in this last point, rather than a show of arrogance, which he did not possess within himself. He waved his hands a shadowy orb appeared before him, easily visible before the king and this evening around him. In the black orb, a woman dressed in red was seen flying at high speed toward the castle whilst holding some kind of spear. Dennis frowned, this had not been quite what he was expecting, "Personally, my king, I would recommend you the final option. Although I may not be able to be at your side, I can establish a telepathic connection with you for the time I am away, if that pleases you." He bowed his head again, finished with his full assessment of the matter at hand. 

@Bethari @everyone in the throne room
Just as the scout had sent the report he was killed viciously. "Your walls can not keep me." She said as she rocketed towards the kingdom every scout that saw her being killed just after seeing her. As her speed picked up quickly closing the distance to the castle while at the gates the area around the main gates started to darken as groans and growls echoed from the darkness as what looks like red eyes started to pop up in the darkness. The guards at the gate shaking in fear as a red eyes appeared in the shadows before suddenly a horde of beasts

View attachment 200658

launched from it at the gates making the men scream as they were ripped to shreds by the beasts while any guards near them on the walls were hit off by winged beasts. It was a clear attack but no one would know yet because all the guards that were able to know were dead before they truly knew what happened. 


as the fairies retreated the beasts of the night soon came were they played. Luckily for them it wasn't a vicious one. It was a bourse of the night

View attachment 200671

a pitch black bourse with glowing red marking and black smoke for a Maine and tail. The hourse neihed softly as it neared the fairy town with curiosity


(OOC: Jesus fucking Christ, from 0 to 100. are you trying to push the horror deep into our throat? do you like fucking deepthroating? Jesus)

[COLOR= rgb(105, 105, 105)]Willow[/COLOR]

A cold wind blew through his mane. This was usual at night, but somehow this breeze felt... forced. Forced as in someone had used their magic to either create the wind or did something with their magic that made the wind. It had a sense of taint that repulsed Willow, making him want to turn the other way. However he carried on forwards to investigate the source of the strange wind, dimming his light as to try to not alert whatever did it. The silence was practically suffocating him with only the occasional faint howl of a wolf to break it. Or perhaps it was a werewolf, Willow couldn't tell as he was too far away.

As he continued forwards Willow spotted a small motion in the dark and glowing red markings showing where the creature was. Slowing his pace, Willow crept closer to find that it was a bourse (:P) approaching one of the many fairy villages in Silva. He quickly ran ahead of the bourse and stood in its path towards the fairy village, the bright light on his horn glowing more intensely

@Daniel reaving @NJN25.(Gotta love them bourses)

(Will make a post for Morris in a bit)

(Wtf is 'swoshed' supposed to mean? :P  I think you should lighten up a bit. It's all fun stuff. I don't even mind that my highly trained magical assassin scouts were killed. :D )

(its not about that. i dont mind if you want to have fun. but that is just not scary. it is no shocker what you wrote. it just came out of nowhere and ruined the mood of the current calmness that could have been ripped apart in a more subtle way that could have fit in with everything like a good puzzle. that? that was being lazy. dont try to act calm and laid-back alright? the roleplay should be in the roleplay.)
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(Well actually I'm fairly entitled to act all calm and laid back given that I wasn't actually the one who wrote all that stuff your complaining about. I'm the one who set it all up. I'm just having a peaceful chat with the king about tactics right now. 1 - nil to me. :P )
(Also that font you used before is aids to my eyes. Stop.)
@Destructus Kloud The King nodded in agreement with the third option.

"As for everyone else," he said, "Come with me to the dungeons. Tia, @animegirl20 Clara, @Rhaine grab some extra torches." Saying this, he swiped the candelabra from the table and started deeper into the castle. He took the route that passed by Dantalion's @SleepyBuddha quarters. A djinn could be of use now, it would seem. 

Cassius rapped on the genie's door. 
The adviser nodded, "As you wish, my liege." He said before a shroud of black and purple smoke came forth, obscuring the young-looking man. Moments later he could be seen by the remaining guards floating high above the gates to meet the Also levitating demon that appeared to be attacking the castle walls. Already the few guards that were usually posted on south wall were dead or fighting on the ground below after having been knocked off, but the rest of the garrison soon began to file out from the nearby barracks, taking up spears to fend off the flying creatures, along with a vast amount of bow and arrows. It appeared they didn't really have much magical affinity. Dennis faced off against the spear woman who appeared to be leading the army of monsters, the two separated by nothing but the wall below them. Dennis called out to the woman loudly, "You are assaulting the indomitable castle of the Great King Cassius IV. Leave this land or face me as your opponent." His challenge was respectful enough considering he was speaking to a demon. This was because his family had once been apart of the whole 'demon society' and Dennis held some sympathy for their kind. But that did not mean he would waver when commanded by his king to execute this aggressor, "I am The Rainmaker, Grand Royal Adviser and Master of the Intelligence and Special Operations Guild. Prepare for battle if you dare." His spell book began to glow bright red as he removed it from its bindings and flicked forward a few pages. He had already messaged the warlocks to be on standby and for the Royal Vanguard to guard to entrance to the throne room in case the royal family's secret passage is discovered somehow. There would be no measure to obscure to take when it came to the Royal family's safety. Dennis made sure of that. 

@Daniel reaving @throne room people  

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