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Fantasy Silva (always open)

Dantalion could sense the growing amount of creatures within the forest and wondered what the king planned to do.  The Djinn got his answer when her heard the knocking at his door. Dantalion closed his book  and knelt down, bowing to his master before he even entered, " Please enter my master. How may I be of assistance?" The Djinn could sense the demonic energies gathering within the capital. Things must be quite desperate to approach Dantalion. Well he was quite knowledgeable about the multiple demon races that live within the world.





Eloise entered the dining room the guards bowed noticing her presence, Eloise bobbed her head acknowledging their presences. Walking over to her seat across the kings own seat sitting down she lifted the napkin off the beautifully crafted table, she began unfolding it and placing it on her lap. 

Turning to her eldest daughter Eloise smiled, " Thalia . . . how are your classes, my dear? " Thalia was a strong willed girl, Eloise knew that her daughter was no princess,  prancing around, fighting were only a few of the things Thalia enjoyed she wasn't afraid to do many things. Eloise although believed her daughter tries her best to please her parents. Averting her eyes to her youngest, Courtney. Eloise could hear small squeaking noises but choose to ignore it. 

" Courtney, what have you been up to? " Courtney was like a bright sun, she would attend her classes yet she tended to be very carefree and at times like this Eloise worried for her youngest the most, a vulnerable kind child.

(( Sorry for posting late I had a project to finish and send in @Bethari@FireMaiden@animegirl20))
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In response to the young princess, Clara bowed her head.  "Very good, my lady."  As the princess cheerfully left the room, Claramond checked the locks on all the windows just to be safe.  She then followed the girl, closing the door to the chambers behind her.  She trailed after Princess Courtney, giving her space.  Clara didn't walk, but flitted down the halls on her way to the dining hall.  Upon entering, Clara was as quiet as a mouse, keeping her eyes to the floor in a respectful manner.  She took her place to the side by the wall, still until she received instruction.  She was mainly an attendant of Princess Courtney, though she served the royal family in general.  

She listened intently to every word that was spoken, though she didn't show it.  Her wings lay slack against her back, her eyes still downcast, hands clasped behind her back.  As the King stood, addressing her directly by name, she gave a curtsey.  "Yes, your majesty."  Her quick reply was almost unnoticeable.  She sprang into action quickly, moving from her place at the wall.  She set out to retrieve torches to aid the King and his close associates.  She followed the group deeper into the castle by Tia's side, ready to be of any assistance.  After a moment of walking she began to lift off the ground, moving more adeptly this way.  Though she was flying, she was still the shortest among them.  Her arms full of extra torches, she passed a couple out as it grew darker.  The voice that responded to the knock on the door made her still, her feet reaching the floor as her wings lay at her back.

@Bethari @Destructus Kloud @animegirl20 @SleepyBuddha
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"My classes are fine, Mother, just like always," Thalia replied with a small, forced smile. "Our brothers haven't returned yet," she informed, "But Father has a few guards out looking for them." Thalia hadn't been paying attention to what her father had people doing, but she never really did anyway, especially over dinner. "How was your day Mother? Courtney? Everything well?"

@2PM @animegirl20

Cass had barely made it to the edge of town when the skies became all grimdark and red.

"Shit," he said, "There's no way I'll be able to pitch a tent while it's evil-ing out here." His steed, a blue roan, was, surprisingly, unspooked, but his horse's calm would inevitably run out unless he found shelter.

Against the ever-darkening horizon, Cass could just make out a reddish wooden structure. 

"Come on," he said to the horse as he raced toward the barn. The wind picked up and lightning flashed overhead. 


Just behind him a tree burst into flames. 

"Almost there," he muttered. The barn doors were almost within reach...


The next thing Cass knew, he was laying in a pile of hay. 

"Stupid horse," he remarked, crawling inside the barn. He shut the doors against the storm and looked about him. Someone had been kind enough to leave an oil lamp burning. Normally, a prince such as Cass would lament having to sleep among animals, but for the time being, he was thankful to be alive. 



The King said to the djinn, "Walk with me." He motioned for him to join the growing train of people. 

"Now tell me," he said, turning a corner, "What, precisely, are we dealing with?"
Dantalion rose and followed behind the king, " As you wish my master." Dantalion snapped his fingers and several portals opened up showing the demon and her forces. " The demon leading the charge is an ancient being known as Silith.  I've read many myths about her, but I never encountered her in my time on earth. " The portals trailed in front of the king to give him a visual of the forces at Silith's command.

Cassius stared at the portals in wonderment. He had never seen such frightening creatures, especially none as frightening as Silith. However, he had to keep moving the group towards safety.

The King rounded another corner. This far into the keep, torches had to be lit day and night. It was only to get darker.

At the end of the corridor stood a heavy wooden door with three heavy iron locks. The King reached into his doublet and pulled out a keyring. He unlocked each of them with a different key and pushed the door aside. After the last person had filed in, he locked each lock behind him. The walls were blackened with soot, and a faint odor of sickness and urine emanated from within.

@SleepyBuddha "Is there anything else you can tell me about this demon?" he asked Dantalion.
Rizal Flemming 

         After hearing the report, in all its fullness, she felt her peach fuzz raise. More specifically tugged with static electricity that wanted to send her out there into the path of destruction. But self-restraint was a nice virtue to have, so she remained vigilantly by the king's side. Out of the corner or her eye, she watched through the mystic portals that the demon-kin had summoned and couldn't help but have an all too human pang of pity. The poor guys on the front line resembled mince meat. And she'd know, as she'd rendered quite a few in the same fashion. 

       Instead of following the King's conga line, she stopped and the flow of flesh moved on past, paying her no heed. Self preservation had always ruled over this people, no matter the age or era. Bound by a pact made with the king's great great grandfather kept her from being locked away from the danger. She had sworn to keep the royal line safe when applicable. This of course, had to fall under one of those situations. With a hiss under her breath, she turns and shucks her frock off into an old forgotten broom closet, still dressed in her trousers and tunic underneath. Then, she made her way to the wall. Cause some asshole of a prince was too big of a pompous idiot to not stray directly into trouble. 

         Since the guard and troops were focused on the main gate, Rizal resorted to less glamorous means of escape. The sewers. The grates were easy to find and lead directly outside the gates if one knew where to look. After escaping a smelly  fate of the city sewers, Rizal was free. It had been years since Rizal had been given the chance to flee and given to her animalistic ways. But the pact... Blood-magic made her bound irremovable. 

        Rizal's body morphed upward. Her long willowy limbs became a shifty inky darkness and her face morphed into that of a blazing white skull. Spikes erupted from her back and a sinewy tail sprouted forth from her backside, acting like a living whip. The towering fifteen feet beast resembled nothing like the human standing there mere moments ago, save a set of elegant antlers sprouting from the bear-like skull that controlled this monster. Perhaps not as young as she used to be, the Wendigo's sniffer snuffer worked just fine now that she was the one in control. Now to find a succulent prince and return him to his nest. But first.... 

Rizal let out a beastly roar, announcing that yes, this was her territory. Then she tore forward through the undergrowth. The prince was fond of this area. Hopefully it wouldn't take to long to find him. Or she just might nom his head. Crown and all. 

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Friendly or vicious, the fairies hid away in the huts of their village. The huts were small, but cozy in size for the tiny fairies. They were used to having to conceal themselves away from the frightening creatures that were produced by the night. Camellia had gone over the rules with the other fairies countless times. The rules kept them safe from any creatures that would come to the village. Though the fairies were not fans of boring, dull rules, they made an exception for these rules. Without them, it would be chaos of the fairies flying around frantically and unsafely.


Not a breath was breathed as the spine-chilling horse neared the village. The eerie quietness emitted from the horse was scary enough, but the way it looked was worse. Its fearsome broad features, sleek markings on it, the smoke coming from its mane and tail, and the way it slowly came closer and closer to the fairies' homes did not help. They've had a number of creatures come dangerously close to the fairies, but their hiding had kept them away. However, Camellia wasn't so sure the horse would buy it. She kept quiet and hoped for the best.

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Eloise frowned, lifting her gaze once again to Thalia, " Thalia please be honest lying won't get you anywhere in life. Once you tell one lie you will be forced to tell another and it will be an endless cycle of lies. " Eloise turned to one of the maids and motioned towards her cup, the maid had got the idea and poured Eloise a cup of water, " Thank you, dear." the maid returned to her post with a bob of her head. lifting the glass in her right hand she spoke once again this time her eyes did not meet Thalia, " These lessons are for your own good Thalia, you know that right? " the instructors had informed the queen that Thalia wasn't showing up for most of the sessions. She didn't see the reason why she would though the instructors are all very unique and are the best in the country. Thalia mentioned her brother's whereabouts are unknown, Eloise placed the cup on the table looking at Thalia in worry, " Are they alright? Why would they do such a thing at times like this when the dea-" Eloise stopped herself from saying anything not wanting to include her daughter's or even inform them of the death, worrying them would only cause more trouble. 

Sighing Eloise spoke with a soft voice, " Where is your father? "

(( @FireMaiden@animegirl20))

Cass looked about him for a reasonably comfortable spot to rest. Most of the lower part of the barn was occupied by cows, so Cass decided to try the loft. Clasping the lantern in one hand and using the other to steady himself, he climbed the ladder leading upwards. He settled on a nest of hay and extinguished the lantern.

Do all peasants sleep this way, he wondered, staring at the rafters. In the distance he could hear a terrible roar. Once again, Cass was very afraid. 


(( @2PM, the king has gone to the dungeon. I thought everyone else, including the queen, came with him? ))
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"But mother dearest, I have nothing to lie about," Thalia replied, sipping on a golden liquid. "Of course I do. When you marry me off, I'll have to know how to care for a kingdom. But as of now  we are reviewing things I learned by heart." Thalia paused, and sighed. "Our brothers aren't dead for what is know, but I have no idea where they would be. As for father, he went to the dungeon, I think he expected us to follow, but I'm not going  down there while wearing white." 

@2PM @animegirl20
Dantalion thought for a moment looking at the images of Silith and her massive armies, " Unfortunately there are not many surviving texts that describe Silith or her motives. I will have to go through my collection to see if I can find a reason behind her motives. As for her abilities I only know that she leads lesser demons. It would be reasonable to assume she has affinity with flame and darkness. " The Djinn explained as he began mentally going through his collection of ancient texts.





Eloise nodded in understanding, " Well then I participate your honesty. " Eloise smiled hearing her daughter's answer, Eloise lifted the napkin of her lap and wiped her mouth placing  the napkin on the table she got up elegantly glided to her daughter's chair folding her arms, " Since when have you cared about any of your gowns? " Smirking Eloise extended her hand in front of her daughter, " Come on let's go see what mischief your father has created. " Looking at her youngest she motioned for her to join them. 

(( @Bethari@FireMaiden@animegirl20))
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King Cassius nodded his thanks at the genie, then turned wearily to the rest of the group.

"I know that these accommodations are not of the quality we are used to," began Cassius, "But in light of the situation at hand, we will have to make do." Cassius motioned to a rough table where prison guards typically sat and set down his candelabra. There were more than enough stools for everyone.

"Father? Is that you?" asked a voice. Cassius would recognize that cracked voice anywhere.
Kara - The Demon of Deception

"Aah~ It's about time..." A smooth voice whispered out softly within the depths of the shadowed forest. The forest was always so filled with life during the day when the sun illuminated the sky and land- allowing rays of sunshine to peer through the tree tops and warm up the ground. However, the night was a different story as darkness clouded throughout the dense trees which loomed tall and terrifyingly within the dark, a moon providing a dull, solemn light to permit the creatures of the forest to have at least some visibility.

The voice seemed to weave through the trees, a sense of calmness and also amusement, enjoyment flickering within the tone like a small, beating fire.

Within the coldness of the forest she appeared, Kara. She appeared in a cloud of black, which quickly dissipated into the air upon her arrival, with a content sigh, she stretched out her limbs, and swiftly pushed her long, sleek black hair away from her face, her red eyes glowing eerily within the dark. Once she was finished with her stretch, which showed her relaxed, and calmer attitude at the moment, she allowed her gaze to flicker around her surroundings- she found that she always appeared in a different area, but it was always somewhere within these thick bundle of trees. The girl narrowed her eyes a bit as she watched countless other demons appear before her, and rush towards the kingdom with screeches of rage and blood-lust. 

A small look of disapproval crossed her features, a bit of a frown tugging at her lips, 'I wonder what their motive is? Heh...- no... They probably dont have one.' She thought to herself slowly before she slowly walked forward with calm, slow footsteps echoing throughout the trees. It was not long before the rush of demons appearing ceased, and the forest fell into near silence besides a few demons that decided to linger within the trees.

She contemplated on where to go- perhaps she should visit the kingdom again, find some unlucky soul to mess around with and watch, she strikes that idea with a bit of annoyance, she would hardly have the chance with all of the other demons on the loose. The girl clicked her tongue lightly, she was growing quite annoyed by the pointless recklessness of every other monster. Eventually though, she came to a slow stop, and a bit of a smirk pressed to her lips. 'There we go...She chuckled quietly as she took noticed to an elf not too far off,right up against a tree-cabin with another person, assumable another one of his kind. Her thoughts wandered for a moment to the architecture of the cabin, it was interesting... She found many things of this world interesting, thus why she took much joy and amusement in observing the people of this realm. 

In a blink of an eye, the demon was gone, only to reappear high within the branches of a tree just a small distance away from the boy, the shadows concealed her- well, all but her eyes, gleaming luminously within the trees as she leaned back against the trunk comfortably. She heard a few words that the person spoke, and couldnt help but reply.

'I'd have to say you are wrong... Close... But wrong...- It isn't that they could kill someone... They will kill someone.' A voice would resonate within Isaac's and the person beside him's ears, a very simple, auditory hallucination that she inflicted upon them, it would sound as if the smooth, calm yet amused voice was coming from directly behind them... but obviously, nothing would be there. 

Kara awaited for the reaction, and prepared herself for further tricks to play upon these two people as she watched with amusement, holding back a small snicker.


Riley Lanister - The Blacksmith

As much as Riley would love to, she couldn't keep her shop open during the dark hours- Not only would it not make sense, as there would definitely be no customers, she was simply too afraid and paranoid to remain in that dark building without another soul around her. The 16 year old slowly creaked open the door of her shop open, poking her head out and gingerly looking around while biting the bottom of her lip, checking the area. The street looked empty- that was good, she didn't have to get far... She was just going to make it to the inn. 

'I should've left earlier...' She thought to herself slowly, hesitating before she slowly stepped outside, every step careful and precise as she turned around and locked the door. After taking another look around she quickly hurried on down the street- she started with a brisk walk, but ended up sprinting down to her location as her heart beat within her chest. It was dark, and cold 'I hate the dark', the sky felt like it was clouded over with shadows, the presence of evil sent a shiver down her spine. She continued to hurry away, until finally, with possibly pure luck, she made it to the inn. The door swung open as she stumbled inside, her breathes coming out a little heavy as she hurriedly shut the door behind her. 

She panted a bit as she adjusted her clothing, pulling up the straps of her overalls, and making sure her goggles remained atop her head. With a small cough she chuckled out.

"Heh, sorry for the entrance!" She apologizes for her loud entry as she confidently made her way inside, looking around at the interior of the bar, there weren't too many people here, but still, more than she had expected. 

She knew the majority of the people here, and the majority of them knew her- she was loud and always running around, how could someone not know her in this section of the kingdom? She walked up to the counter, and took a seat, sighing gently as she leaned upon the counter, until her gaze caught the sight of an unfamiliar man. She paused as her interest was peaked, she quickly noticed his slightly odd attire, and concluded he must not be from around here. Without much hesitation or thought, she slid out of her seat, and walked over, seating herself right beside him as a bright smile crossed her face. "Hey. Your not from around here are you? Its nice to meet you, im Riley."  She immediately introduced herself quite eccentrically. She seemed a little too happy for someone living in a village corrupted by demons at night, perhaps she was just trying to block that out. 

With a cocked eyebrow, Thalia first finished her wine, before standing. "I don't care about the gown, more, I'm not fond of the dungeon. It smells horrid," She shuttered. Thalia wiped her lip with the back of her hand, dark red lipstick smearing on her pale skin. She shrugged, and dropped her hand which rested on the white satin. "Come on Courtney, let's go rescue dad."

@animegirl20 @2PM
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[SIZE= 14px]Rizal Flemming [/SIZE]

They ran through the briers and they ran through the brambles
       And they ran through the bushes where a marsh hare couldn't go
             They ran so fast that the hounds couldn't catch 'em

                   On down to the valley slope of the blessedly low

     The old folk song pounded steadily within Rizal's mind as she scoured the ground for the prince's trail. She was currently on it after his dastardly horse had backtracked; it gave her a headache for a hot moment and she had though about leaving the sod out here to rot. Or rather to burn, if there was any indication or hint from the brazed and smoldering surroundings. It was rather dismal now, if it weren't for the distant sounds of screams and falling trees.

       Though, it seemed luck was on her side this night. Before her stood a charred and singed, but surprisingly unscathed, farmstead. And like the odd scent he emitted, the prince's boot prints and his turncoat horse's hoof prints were present. Basking for a moment in her victory, Rizal stands up to her full height and stretches out her muscles before stepping forward and knocking at the door, even if it did sound a tad beastly- or more specifically - a crazed beast trying to get in. Her body grows small and the cloak of inky blackness that cloaked her lifted from her into smoky wisps and dissipated. 

After hearing nothing, a pale woman clad in commoner's garments nudges open the barn door, her blue eyes peering into the dimly lit accommodations. 

"My Prince, are you in here?" she calls softly, knowing damn well the kid was in here. 

Danger surged the land as the darkness engulfed the heavens and as such the creatures where free once again to roam the land to feed or to "Enjoy" the time they had slaying the innocent and killing the brave. But there was one who dint fear the monsters of the night but rather wished she could be around those magnificent creatures to research there power and why people fear them so much and are filled with sorrow at the sight of those they kill. Val was behind the walls of the great city, she stood on the balcony of her home as she stared off in the distance hearing the roars and shrikes of pain,anger and rage of all the beast. "Wow! That was surely a werewolf! wait wait...that..hmm now that one i don't know but did sound like some demon, oh well! i am writing this!" Her voiced echoed nearby as immediately garbing the quill dipped in ink would write down this new "Voice" of what seem a demon specie of some sort she has yet to discover. After all she has record's of a few demons such as : Demon Matriarch, Demon Anarchist and others. Closing the book a sigh would escape her mouth only to walk back inside her home and close the door to her balcony behind her "A other night of bird watching- um monster watching hehe!".

Walking down a small hall she would push open a door revealing her "Record room" where she keeps all her discoveries and information archived. It was not big, only of like 3 shelves full of books each with different tittles such as: Werewolf Tomb V.1,V.2 and so on but the second shelf was only half full as there was still more creatures to see and the third shelve was completely empty. With the book she has just written on would be place beside a set of 3 red books on the second shelve as there name was "Demon tomb" from V.1 to 3 but the third one was incomplete. "There! Just need to fill a few 50 more pages and i am done! but i will need to start on goblins soon still need to fill there Tomb...UGH! ok ok ok...maybe i can contact the king at day light and ask a nice way if they could get me a goblin that is not decapitated or burnt to death...need one alive, I mean for the sake of research he cant say no!" she spoke loudly in a exited tone as she would quickly run towards the living room and grab a small wrap of paper as a note for the king once the monsters where gone as it was for her request. Her hand swiftly wrote on the paper but sadly she heard a loud groan on the south and would frown and say "Can you keep it down ye dam monsters! i am trying to write here!- wait why am i even asking....they are feral.." shrugging she continue writing as beside her on the small chair was a long sword as she was ready for any "unwanted" visits.

(sowy for being late!!)
Silith smiled as she got there to see her pretty pets already killing. But the smile faded as a being of magical power appeared before her "challenging" her to a duel. "You think you can stop me?? You are nothing but a bug." She said as she pointed her spear at her. "I am silith, protector and assasin of the dark one, lover of death, the blood bringer of ancient times. And you cannot stop what is to come. You cannot stop death." She said with a wicked witch like laugh as the beasts persisted with there attack on the gates. The assault was wicked, like a pack of wolves ripping apart an elk, except these were humans being ripped apart by demons. "You cannot stop this. You can only delay it for so long boy." She said with a growl as she stared down her adversary. "Join us and witness the dawn of a new age, an age where you do not serve the glutiany of man, an age were you are not a servant bound to the greed of man!" She called out to him.

@Destructus Kloud


as the bourse approached it slowly bent its head down not being fooled by the wellness of there hiding. Slowly and calmly it gently sniffed at one of the houses curiously wanting to see what was in there. The gourde nehed calmly trying to call them out before it was interupted by a blinding flash of light making the bourse wail in pain as it stomped around crushing a couple of the fairy houses before quickly retreating

behind a tree in the darkness as it breathed shakily clearly startled by the light


Dantalion bowed, " If you require anything further please call for me. I shall be searching through my collection for anything of use." The Djinn then turned to smoke and went inside of his lamp which clattered to the floor. 

The inside of Dantalion's lamp consists of multiple layers Dantalion has crafted over the many thousands of years he had been trapped within it. It was within the deepest layer of Dantalion's lamp that the Djinn of knowledge hordes thousands of texts from many different era.  Dantalion began shifting through his books multiple books floated around the Djinn as his third eye quickly read through the books. 

Cass bolted upright in his makeshift bed. The beastly sounds from before had returned, and, whatever it was, was right outside the door. Cass peered over the edge of the loft at the pale peasant woman. His worst fears had been confirmed: it was the family physician, Rizal. Truly, this was a fate worse than death.

Cass retreated back into the shadows, but he knew it was hopeless. Rizal was not one to be messed with. 

So this is what I get for wanting some adventure, he thought, clutching as his map, Now I'll never know if the sorceress exists. 
(don't lmao me, mouthbreather. i hate that shit. 'ooohhh, beasts ripping people apart' or 'the scouts died as i swoshed through' . thats not scary. that is near-retardation.)

(Hey I was rushing leave me alone. Plus your point on how I could have made it suddle was true but that's not what I was going for. I was fully aiming to abdruptltly end the calmness. That's what evil does, fuck with every bodies day XD)
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Eloise looked towards the guards and then to Thalia, "It does smell bad doesn't it ?" Eloise took Thalia's right palm in her hand, " Your brother might be in there . . . it's him you're rescuing. " letting go of Thalia's palm she turned to leave, " I'll leave before you girls. " the guards opened the dining rooms doors and Eloise rushed through them, the doors shut behind her. Rushing towards the dungeon Eloise lifted her gown as to not fall, the dungeon doors burst open going it took a few corridors to get to the king, " Cassius ! " Eloise's voice boomed she was more worried about her sons more than her voice being over the edge. Eloise had to push her way through a couple of guards, " Cassius where are my sons . . . Where's Cass?"


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